Chapter 69

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"Aye why'd you drag me back" Chris exclaimed "I was finally getting somewhere with that"

"You really weren't" I chuckled "you gotta stay focused on the game ahead"

"Says the one smooching Nadia on the sideline. Yeah I peep the shits" Chris said laughing

"Shut up," I said getting the slightest bit embarrassed

"Aye y'all ready to eat today?" Tev said walking up to us with a grin on his face

"You already know what's up" I laughed dapping him up "Imma need to you handle that defense today, don't want them scoring at all. I mean that"

"You bet, I'm tryna lay bodies out," he said clapping his hands "oh and Chris I hope you don't get butterfingers today" he joked

Chris had dropped a couple passes at practice earlier this week, he had since fixed the issue, but everyone has been clowning him ever since.

"You think you hilarious right?" Chris said

"I'm funny as shit" Tevin mocked back

"Man whatever. Ain't no butter fingers today, believe that" he said seriously

"Good cause I need them hands today," I said before walking away to continue to warm up.

It was time to turn on Game Mode.

"When I told you to win, I don't think you were gonna do them like that" I said excitedly.

Hunter balled out today, it was a dominate game on both defense and offense. They didn't let the Eagles score once, and when they did have a chance, they missed the open field goal.

"You know I had to do it to 'em and show out for your birthday" he said shrugging sheepishly with a grin as we walked side by side.

Celine and Mom had gone the back the apartment, Hunter insisted I stayed because he wanted me to tour the stadium. I think that was just an excuse to get me alone though knowing him. The dinner was at seven thirty anyway, so I didn't mind having some alone time with him.

We were currently walking across the field. There were still staff and other employees lingering around the sidelines so we weren't completely alone.

"Hunter this field freakin' is huge. I can't imagine playing on it" I said in awe "what's the farthest you've thrown?"

I was extremely curious, I knew Hunter had amazing arm strengthโ€”it was one of the reasons he was drafted so high.

"Well I'd say about seventy yards or so" he said non-chalantly

"Oh really? I'm tryna see that" I said walking over to the staff with a smirk on my face

"Nadia really? I'm my arm is already sore" he whined

"One more throw isn't going to kill you" I laughed before turning to face one of the staff members that was handling the footballs.

"Can I borrow one really quick?" I asked

"Just bring it back" he said tossing the football towards me

"Thanks" I said giving him a curt nod before walking back over to where Hunter was standing shaking his head.

"If Imma throw this I'm going to need a receiver, so you go long" he said after I handed him the ball

"No way, just throw it" I said shaking my head

"How 'bout I throw it to the thirty-yard line instead?" he suggested were currently standing in the middle of the field, so thirty yards didn't look like much. It was an easier throw and it meant we didn't have to back up to the other side of the field.

"Fine" I said smirking as I lined up across from him

"Alright" He said smiling

"Don't throw too hard or too fast Hunter" I warned

"Of course, Baby. I got you" He said chuckling "you ready though?"

"Hell yeah, I 'bout to get thrown a ball by thee Hunter Reece. I'm ecstatic!" I said sarcastically

"You're so annoying" he laughed "Imma give you a 'down, set, hut' then you run, turn and the ball should be coming to you for the catch," he said demonstrating each move

"Okay seems easy enough" I said after watching him closely

"Alright, you ready now?" He asked walking down back to his original spot. I nodded in response

"I see a little confidence in that expression" Hunter teased

"Just throw me the ball, Reece" I teased back

"Okay then" he said smirking "down, set, hut" he said causing me to spring into motion running the route he showed.

I ran as fast as I could in the heeled boots I had on, which was a bit of a challenge.

Right as I turned to catch the ball, it hit me right in the face causing me to lose balance and fall.

Well shit.

"Shit, Nadia," he said covering his mouth in shockโ€”he was seemingly frozen in his spot

"I'm good" I said standing up slowly "I guess football is only good for watching" I said rubbing my head

"Baby, I'm so sorry" Hunter said running up to me pulling me to his chest before pulling back to examine my face

"I thought you said you weren't gonna throw it hard" I winced

"That was me not throwing it hard" he chuckled "you okay though?"

"I'll be fine" I nodded even though I still felt a slight pain

"This is super insensitive, but that shit was low key funny as hell" he said trying to hold in his laugh

"You're such a asshole" I said causing me to laugh

"You were just so confident and then boom" he said full on laughing

"Wow, Hunter you just gon' laugh at me? On my birthday, too?" I asked playfully

"You right, you right. I'm sorry" he said leaning down kissing my lips tenderly "it was my fault, I threw it too fast"

"I forgive you" I said leaning my forehead against his.

"I got something for you" he said grinning

"Again? You already got me a damn car" I said incredulously

"Yeah, but this one is more...personal" he said before going down on one knee

"Hunter shut up, stop it" I said shaking my head

"I know what you're thinking, but this-" he said opening the ring box "is a promise ring"

I covered my mouth with my hands in shock at how beautiful it was.

It was a heart-shaped diamond, with a gold band encased with smaller diamonds. Shit looked like an engagement ring, and I already knew it was expensive as hell.

"Hunter it's-"

"Don't say anything, I have a speech prepared" he said taking in a deep breath before he continued

"Nadia Audrey Washington, I promise to one day replace this ring for a real one that's for starters" he said causing me smile widely before allowing him to continue on.

"I want you to wear this ring as a symbol of our commitment to this relationship and our future. Nadia, you are my best friend, my lover, my heart, my whole world, my babygirl, my sunshine, my chocolate drop, and may I go on?" He asks grinning causing me to laugh lightly and nodded as he took my left hand.

I could already feel my eyes starting to glisten with tears.

"This promise ring expresses our love for the whole world to see. You came to me at a time I least expected you to and I thank God for that. I promise to be loyal and faithful and to always show you the utmost respect. I promise to always-"

I was going through so much emotion at this moment that I couldn't even let him finish before I bent down capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.

I took my time caressing and warming his lips with mine.

Pulling away, I looked at him in his eyes and smiled "you gonna put the ring on my finger or what?"

"Oh uh yeah", he said frazzled before grabbing my hand once again and sliding it on my ring finger "I didn't even get to finish my speech" he pouted

"Save it for later", I said biting my lip as I examined the ring on my finger. It was so beautifulโ€”it almost glistened as the light reflected it.

"You like it? It was between this one and another one?" He asked nervously

"No, I love it", I said standing up and helping Hunter to his feet.

"Good", He said kissing my forehead

"I love you", I said looking deep into his eyes to emphasize to him that I meant it

"I love you, more", he said pecking my lips

"This has to be my favorite gift from you thus far" I said leaning into him as I continued to admire the ring

"It looks beautiful on your finger" he said with a smile

"Okay well let's hurry and finish the tour, I wanna see the rest of the stadium" I said excitedly

"Okay let's go" he chuckled "Just a heads up, I still have one more gift to give you"

"Hunter really? You've done enough. You're seriously making me feel bad for only giving you sex for your birthday" I whined

"Hey! That was a great gift, I'd take that any day. You giving me your body and soul for my birthday is the best gift I can ask for on my special day" he said raising my hand to his mouth and placing a delicate kiss on it causing my face to heat up "and can you blame me for spoiling you? You never want me to get you anything, your birthday is the perfect excuse to spoil you"

"You are unreal"

After the tour, I drove Hunter home as he had a driver drop him off to the stadium and then I drove myself back to the apartment.

"How was the tour?" My mother asked

"It was great, it was nice seeing everything and all the behind the scenes action up close and personal" I nodded

"What is that on your finger?!" Celine pointed out as she entered the room

Thanks, Celine

"Why is it on your left ring finger?! Don't tell me he proposed?! Oh my God!" Celine said frantically

"Wait let me see?" My mother said grabbing my finger and bringing it towards her face "is this what I think it is Nadia?"

"No Mom, that is a promise ring. Hunter gave it to me while we were walking on the field" I said smiling

"Lemme see," Celine said grabbing my hand forcefully for my mom's grasp. Okay, Ouch.

"It is gorgeous Nadia," my mother said with a small smile playing on her face

"For real, where can I find me a Hunter? This is so freaking pretty" Celine said further viewing my ring

Snatching my hand back, I said with a smirk on my face, "My baby is one of a kind, sorry"

"Opp, well excuse me," Celine said laughing

"I think we should start getting dressed, I know how long you girls take to get ready. I don't wanna be late" my mother butted in

That was one thing about my Mom, she loved being early to events and suchโ€”she completely despised tardiness.

"Alright, Mom," I said hopping down from the kitchen bar stool

We were all seated in the restaurant talking and having an amazing time.

We had just arrived at this classy restaurant Hunter booked for us contemplating our orders.

"Any embarrassing stories about Nadia when she was a kid Mrs. Washington?" Hunter asked smugly causing me to squeeze his leg from under the table

He was totally trying to get back at me and even the playing field after all the embarrassing stories his mom told me.

"Oh Nadia, was the sweetest little girl. A story doesn't really come to mind right at this moment" my mother responded

"Ha!" I said in Hunter's face

"Nadia that was so aggressive," Celine said laughing

"I don't care he totally deserves it," I said laughing

"You know now that I think about it-" my mother started to say with a mischievous glint in her eyes

"Mom it's my birthday" I warned playfully even though I was dead serious

"No, no continue Mrs. Washington. I want to hear this" Hunter said while staring at me with smugness

"Hunter you're barking up the wrong tree," Celine said laughing as she went to sip her wine only for a serious expression to cross her face

"Celine?" I asked confused at how abruptly she stopped laughing

Even my mom seemed to quiet down as she stared behind me causing me to turn around and see my father.

"Happy Birthday Nadia," He said. Remorse painted all over his face.

A/N: Whew ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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Chapter not edited. Grammatical errors

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