Chapter 2 || Unprepared For Headquarters

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I'm again, one of the first to arrive, as usual. The only other people that are there are A-Capella, Wheels, Wildcard, and Guppy. Slo-mo's always last... cuz... you know... he's slow.

"Sup, Wildcard?" I greeted him.

"Sup? Why didn't you answer my thoughts this morning?" he replied.

"I was busy... thinking about other things."

"Like what to wear this morning," he scoffed.

"Excuse me." I flipped my hair playfully and turned to Guppy.

"Sup, Gup?" I gave her a big hug while waving to Wheels and A Capella. I tried opening the metal door, but for some reason, it was... locked.

"All Junior Heroics to Miss Granada's office right now, please," Miss Granada's voice rang out.

"Oh... okay."

We all came into Miss Granada's office.

"You wanted us?" I said as we entered.

"Oh... yes, dears. Uh, I have... news."

"What kind of news?"

"It's regarding school and learning."

"Okay. Don't tell me it's because Slo-mo's not passing his speed quizzes," I sighed.

"No, nothing to do with that. You kids are absolutely fine. You're not in trouble."

"Then... what's the problem?" Wildcard asked.

"Let's wait until everyone's here, okay, Wildcard?"

"Okay," Wildcard shrugged.

Once everyone was here... and Blinding Fast pushed Slo-mo into the room, Miss Granada began to speak.

"So... how many of you have been to a normal school?"

I raised my hand. Of course, I was the only one.

"Oh. Yes, only Missy has. Have you ever considered going to a regular school?" Miss Granada awkwardly continued.

"No..." they all chorused.

"Well... you're going to a regular school now."

"WHAT?!" we all exclaimed.

"That's crazy!" Wheels exclaimed.

"Kids like us don't fit in with the normal kids!" Rewind exclaimed.

"We'll be too odd!" Facemaker added in.

"No offense to Missy or anything," Wildcard added, glancing at me.

"I'm not offended at all. I'm cool with having no powers. I can still fight." I punched the chair next to me.

"Anyways... You're all ordered to go there."


"Well... there's a new... invading troop of enemies. And they're after the Junior Heroics. Because the second generation is--"

"--always better than the rest, we get it," Wildcard said impatiently.

Calm down, dude. I spoke to him through the chip.


"Just calm down," I said out loud.

"We need to keep you guys safe. The last place they'll look is a normal kid's school. So we need to send you there. Until then, you'll all be moved to a separate house, where you'll be living with no one but yourselves."

"But we're 14, ma'am," I interrupted, "We're not legal to be alone."

"For the sake of the Heroics, we can bend that law," Miss Granada smiled, "But now, we need to send you guys off to that school."

"But they don't start for another two weeks," I said, "What do we do?"

"You'll be moving into the new house, getting book supplies ready, and preparing yourselves for regular school. Don't blow up the place."

"What school are we going to?"

"Silver Crest," Miss Granada answered.

"Okay..." I nodded.

Miss Granada pulled me aside, staring deep into my eyes.

"I'm really counting on you, Missy. You know the most about these schools and I want you to make sure everyone stays in line there as well. Can you do that for me?"

"No problem. You have my word."

"Good. Thank you, Missy."

I walked back to them and Miss Granada motioned for us to step out of the room. Wildcard started talking to me again.

This threat must be big. They've never made us go to a normal school before. I stared into his deep dark eyes as he said it.

Why are they after the JUNIOR heroics? I mean... It's not like we're weak or anything, but at the moment we're not as valuable as the real heroics, I replied.

No idea, but Facemaker's gonna win a LOT of bets this year.

Yep. And he better split that money or I'm gonna kill him.

You won't. You're too nice to do that.

Very true.

"I wonder what this new house is gonna look like," Guppy said out loud, "But it better have a pool."

"Yes, Guppy. A pool for Miss Guppy."

"Ya!" she threw both her fists in the air.

As we walked up to the house, I sighed in relief. It wasn't one of those crazy huge mansions, and it wasn't one of those itty bitty apartments, either. It was a regular-sized house. Five bedrooms, five bathrooms, a pool, a kitchen, a living room, a laundry room, a garage, and a study room. Just a regular house. And we needed to figure out room sharing.

"Okay," I said, typing in the passcode into the lock.

Miss Granada had always insisted that there was no actual key for the door, instead, a combination of numbers that was very unlikely to guess. Of course, Wheels has it recorded in his wheelchair panel.

"We need to sort out room sharing." I opened the door and everyone flooded in. "Miss Granada has all the furniture coming soon, so we kinda need to do it now."

"Just pick names out of a hat." Fast Forward shrugged.

"Just don't make the boys and girls in the same one. I'm not gonna see them shirtless when coming out of the bathrooms." A Capella gagged.

"Alright, alright, alright, two per room," I chuckled and pulled out names.

"Guppy... and Fast Forward."

Fast Forward walked over, picked up Guppy, and began to ruffle her hair.

"Wildcard... and Noodles. Aw, man! You've got the trouble squad!" I whined playfully.

If Wheels hadn't been Wildcard's best friend, Wildcard would be in all sorts of trouble now.

"A Capella... and me!" I smiled at my bestie.

"Rewind... and Facemaker."

Facemaker fist pumped Rewind. And I'm guessing Fast Forward sped up time because it was over in less than half a second.

"Slo-mo... and Wheels! Everyone happy?"

"Yep!" they all chorused back.

"Then I have a lucky hand," I joked.

A knocking on the door began, so I looked through the peephole.


"It's the furniture!" I called to them, "Help me!"

I opened the door and the workers flooded in. Boy... the furniture covered the whole living room!

"Let's get unpacking..." I said, rolling my eyes.

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