#19 : Your Safety

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The moon hung high in the ink-black sky, casting an eerie glow on the palace grounds. Xiao Wei and Sang Guo moved silently through the shadows, their steps soft as whispers. Their destination was the chamber of the Zhang siblings, the final pieces in their intricate plan.

Xiao Wei held a thin, poisoned blade, gleaming dimly in the moonlight. Her heart raced, but her determination remained unwavering. Beside her, Sang Guo exuded an air of seductive confidence, her charm a weapon just as deadly as the blade in Xiao Wei's hand.

They reached the door of the Zhang siblings' chamber, its ornate design contrasting with the sinister intentions that lay behind it. With practised precision, they picked the lock, slipping inside.

The siblings lay in slumber, blissfully unaware of the impending doom. Xiao Wei moved towards Zhang Sue Ling, while Sang Guo approached Zhang Xiao Ling. They exchanged a silent, knowing look before moving in for the kill.

In unison, they struck, their poisoned blades swiftly ending the lives of the Zhang siblings. A gasp and a shudder, and then it was over. The moon bore witness to the heinous act, casting a chilling light on their deeds.

With the siblings now lifeless, Xiao Wei and Sang Guo retreated from the chamber, their mission accomplished. They moved like ghosts through the silent palace, leaving no trace of their presence.

As dawn's first light began to break, they disappeared into the shadows, escaping the palace grounds undetected.

As Xiao Wei gracefully excused herself from Sang Guo's presence, she made her way towards the rooms of the other grooms who were staying at the Zhang estate. Her heart pounded with determination; she knew that she had a task to complete, and she was not going to let anything get in her way.

Meanwhile, back in Xiao Wei's room, Sang Guo grew increasingly worried as she realised that Xiao Wei was nowhere to be found. She quickly scanned the area, searching for any sign of her missing friend, but there was no trace. Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching, and before she could react, Xing Chen burst into the room.

"Where is Xiao Wei?" he asked urgently, his voice tinged with concern.

"Your Majesty?" A soft, delicate voice spoke up from behind Sang Guo. She turns around to see Xiao Wei standing there, her hand in hand. Sang Guo's jaw drops, and her eyebrows frown harshly. She could not believe where Xiao Wei popped up from. Xiao Wei makes her way past Sang Guo, standing in front of Xing Chen.

Xiao Wei, knowing that suspicion might soon fall on her and Sang Guo, had already devised a cunning plan to divert attention away from themselves. She knew she needed to solve the case convincingly to protect her own identity and mission.

She entered the chamber of Xing Chen with a look of concern, her eyes wide with faux innocence. "Your Majesty, I just learned of this dreadful tragedy," she said, feigning shock.

Xing Chen looked at her with a heavy heart. "It's a nightmare," he whispered.

Xiao Wei put on a determined expression. "Your Majesty, I want to get to the bottom of this and bring the culprits to justice."

Xing Chen nodded, his gratitude for her unwavering loyalty evident in his eyes. "Please, do whatever it takes to solve this mystery."

With Xing Chen's blessing, Xiao Wei began her investigation. She searched for clues, both real and planted, that would suggest the involvement of a rival dynasty. Her expertise in swordsmanship, martial arts, and strategy came to the fore as she weaved an intricate web of deception.

Soon, she unveiled the so-called evidence that pointed towards a rival kingdom, skillfully drawing attention away from herself and Sang Guo. Her cunning plot seemed to work, and suspicion turned towards the rival dynasty.

Days passed since the tragic event, and the atmosphere in the palace was heavy with tension. Xiao Wei was determined to uncover the truth behind the murder of the Zheng siblings, and she spent every waking moment investigating, interviewing, and analysing every piece of evidence she could find.

Finally, after much diligence, she pieced together a theory that pointed to a surprising culprit: Minister Jiang, a high-ranking official in the palace. Xiao Wei's heart raced as she approached Xing Chen, eager to share her discovery with the emperor.

She stood before him, her voice steady and resolute. "Your Majesty, I believe I have discovered the identity of the person responsible for the brutal murder of the Zheng siblings." Xing Chen's gaze met hers, and he gestured for her to proceed.

"It appears to be none other than Minister Jiang," Xiao Wei declared, her words dripping with conviction. Xing Chen's brow furrowed in surprise, and he leaned forward, his interest piqued.

"Minister Jiang?" He repeated it, his voice tinged with disbelief. Xiao Wei nodded firmly, her eyes never leaving the emperor's. "Yes, Your Majesty. The evidence points to him quite clearly."

She reached into her sleeve and produced a small, gleaming object. "This dagger was found in Minister Jiang's quarters, and upon closer inspection, it was covered in blood. Furthermore, the fingerprints on the weapon match the same unique oil used to burn the Zheng siblings' bodies."

Xing Chen's expression darkened as he considered the implications. Minister Jiang had always been a trusted advisor, but now it seemed that he had been harbouring a sinister secret. The emperor's mind raced with questions and doubts, but he knew that he had to take action.

Xing Chen tells Hong Xue to continue with the further steps that had to be taken with Minister Jiang. Xiao Wei once again had to cunningly get away with murder. However, she did not know that the crimes had Xing Chen more concerned about her safety than the nation's.

Finally gaining the courage to speak his thoughts, Xing Chen remarked, "Xiao Wei, these days, murders in Yue City have increased a lot. I am worried about your well-being." He paused. "I think it's best if we take extra precautions and perhaps involve the authorities to ensure your safety," Xing Chen suggested, his concern evident in his voice. Xiao Wei looked at him, surprised by his genuine worry for her. She realised that she had underestimated the depth of his feelings and resolved to prioritise her own safety as well.

"It's fine; my security is less important than your safety, Your Majesty." She appealed.

Xing Chen shook his head, his expression firm. "No, Xiao Wei. Your safety is just as important to me. We are in this together, and I will not let anything happen to you. We will find a way to protect both of us."

Xiao Wei looked at him with worry; he was clearly unaware of what was coming for him and his dynasty. 

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