10: Sleepover? How About No

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Emery's view

About two and a half weeks have passed since Gracen found out about my accident. The thing I admired about her was that she didn't pressure me to tell her more about it. She made sure to remind me that she was there for me all the time which was reassuring for once. Believe me, I want nothing more but to open up to her but I don't know how to. I've never had to tell someone the whole story or how I feel because the only ones who mattered went through it day by day with me. Plus, I wasn't one to express my emotions, ever since my dad left I stopped trying. I wanted to be strong, not weak like everyone thought I was, especially him.

The day was going by relatively good. Today was Thursday which meant just a few more classes and tomorrow and I'd get a little break. Lunch came and as I was enjoying my delicious food, Clare called for everyone's attention at the table. Well actually just Gracen and my attention.

"So, I'm planning a sleep over for the three of us tomorrow. You guys can come over later tomorrow and stay until Sunday since my parents will be on vacation. What do u guys say?" she said.

"Yeah that sounds awesome!!!" Stated Gracen at the same time I said "a sleepover? What! How about nah uh," I replied.

"Aww come on, Emery, Please!!!!" They both said in unison.

"Ugh, okay fine," I gave in. I couldn't say no to my best friend and the beautiful, Gracen.


Gracen's view

It was finally Friday and I couldn't wait for the sleepover. I already packed up some stuff, so I was just waiting until 5 pm to go pick up Emery then go to Clare's. Apparently, Emery hates driving, probably because of her accident, but I didn't want to force her to tell me.

When it finally reached five, I went to go pick up Emery and while on the way to Clare's house we sung some songs out loud. She's definitely more comfortable with me a little more.

We park in Clare's driveway and she comes outside to greet us. Clare squeals and runs to give both of us a hug. When we get inside we agree to order pizza and have a horror movie marathon. I like horror movies, but I know I'm going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. Oh well, at least I have an excuse for sitting so close next to Emery. I made sure to sit on her right side to not make her uncomfortable.

I yelped when Freddy Kruger jumped out of nowhere. Give me a break, I've never seen a nightmare on Elm Street. So, I got a little scared and kind of burrowed my way into Emery's side. She laughs and gives me an adorable smile and goes back to watching the movie. Three movies later we decided to stop. Then Clare decides to play Truth or Dare, yay, I love the game so much. I glanced at Emery and she looks like she just saw a ghost, it's going to be fun messing with both of them.

"Since you picked dare, Emery, you have to eat a spoonful of mustard," says Clare. I give her a high five, since Emery hates mustard so much.

"I really hate you guys," Emery responds and puts the spoonful of mustard in her mouth. Her face was priceless, and she almost throws up.

We keep on doing hilarious dares on one another, so I decided to switch it up and go with truth. Worst mistake ever.

"So Gracen. Is there anyone you have a crush on or are thinking of going out with," asked Clare mischievously?

Of course, there is, but I'm not going to hint at anything. So, I say someone caught my eye and I don't know if I'd do anything about it. Well it's kind of the truth.

"Ohhhhh, is it Kai?!? I've noticed him looking at you lately. Oh my God you and Emery can do a double date since Kai and Zander are friends. It would be so cute," she yelled.

Yeah, I'd be great minus Kai and Zander. Seriously, I'm not into guys at all, I'm totally into girl especially the one next to me. I looked over at Emery and saw her shocked and scared expression towards Clare and I guess Clare finally noticed it too because she said,

"Okay okay. I was just kidding guys," Clare laughs.

After that we decided to stop playing because it was getting late. It was already 3 am and we were all tired since we woke up early for school today. We got changed into our pajamas and got ready for bed. I noticed Emery had on a long-sleeved shirt and pajama pants on, she looked cute, but I wondered how she could wear all that since it's hot. I decided to let it go, but it was still in the back of my mind.

"Since you guys are my guest, you two get the bed and I'll sleep on the couch," said Clare.

"Umm no Clare, no worries, I'll get the couch. It's your bed, you sleep in it," blurted out Emery.

I was a little disappointed to hear here say that. Does she not want to sleep in the same bed?

"No dude. You need a comfy place to sleep, I don't want your shoulder to get cramped up okay. So, it's settled," Clare says as she pushes Emery and I to the bed.

"Goodnight guys!!," yelled Clare.

Emery gives me a timid look and finally gets in the bed with me after I pat the spot beside me. You could immediately hear Clare snoring after a few minutes.

"She's a fast and deep sleeper. Be prepared to hear snoring the rest of the night," teases Emery as she closes her eyes.

I laugh and can't help but blush at how cute she looks. Thank goodness for the lights being off. She was face up and I was on my side turned to her and I couldn't help but think how amazing this girl is.

"Are you going to say something or just stare at me? I can feel you staring," Emery laughs nervously.

I about died of embarrassment and tried to just laugh it off before saying,

"Good night Emery,"

"Good night Gracen," she replies sweetly in a whisper. I love whenever she says my name. It just sounds so sweet and sincere when she says it. I slowly fall asleep with her on my mind.

Later through the night, I slowly wake up to Emery's restless movements. She's tossing and turning for a while before sitting up and walking out of the room. I check the time, 5 a.m., and follow her out. She's sitting at the counter on a stool.

"Hey Em, you okay there?"

"Yeah. I just can't sleep," she replied in a husky, sleepy voice making me shiver. I could tell she was very tired.

I walk over and sat next to her. She seems deep in thought so I just let her be and sit there next to her. She keeps turning to me and it seems like she is going to say something, but then she turns back the other way. This continues for a few minutes, until she finally says,

"I have trouble sleeping. Most of the times I have really bad nightmares or I can't stop thinking. It's the second right now. It's one of the things I hate about ADHD......... there's just so much going on in my head now and it prevents me from getting any sleep." She explained.

I wasn't sure what to say. But I had a feeling there wasn't anything to say. I just made sure to reassure her so I grabbed her hand and held it. It must be so hard for her. I don't know what it's like with ADHD, but it breaks my heart to see her struggle so much with it after she explains more about it and how it affects her.

I guess the most beautiful thing about Emery is how she's not perfect, yet she continues to be this sweet and inspiring person. No matter what happened in her past or what is happening now, I want to be here with her. Whether it be a friend or something more later. She's a strong person, unlike anyone I've ever met. She teaches me so much whether she knows it or not.

Around 6 am we go back to bed. I can tell Emery's still a little restless so I decide to snuggle a little closer to her and touch her arm a little so that she knows she's not alone at all. We both finally drift off to sleep soon after.

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