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so these next few chapters are basically the explanation of  y/n's backstory so... yeah idk how long it'll be :D and yeah it'll be in first person

It was an early saturday morning and I had woken up to the house being a little too quiet.

y/n: mommy? daddy?

I had opened the door to my parents' bedroom and they weren't there. I checked the bathroom, the living room — no sight of them. I started to get worried so I decided I was going to use the house phone to call them. I opened the doors to the kitchen and there they were, standing behind a cake with tiny party hats on

mom & dad: surprisee shawtyyy!

I hit my dougie and-

(k i needa stop💀)

mom & dad: happy birthday!!

a huge smile grew across my face as I ran to hug them.

y/n: I thought you guys left or something!
dad: come on, blow out your candles!

I turned around to face the cake and I was about to blow them out

mom: oh wait! family picture!

my dad set up the camera and we all got around the cake

dad: say cheese!
everyone: cheese!

the flash went off and we had a perfect new little family photo.

mom: alright! make a wish and blow them out, sweety

I smiled and closed my eyes 'I wish me, mommy, and daddy can be happy forever and ever!' I said in my head. now, a typical 4 year old would probably ask for a new toy, a pony or whatever. not me, I just wanted to be with my parents forever.. I blew my four tiny candles out and they clapped for me

dad: alright let's cut this bad boy, i've been waiting since yesterday!

he got a knife and cut straight threw the cake, gave me the first piece, my mom the second and finally one for him. he gave us glasses of milk and we ate the cake together.

mom: oh! I forgot to go get the ice cream!
y/n: cake AND ice cream for breakfast!? holy smokes!

my mom and dad chuckled

dad: i'll go down to the market
mom: no no it's okay, i'm the one who forgot it. i'll be quick
dad: looks like it's you and me kiddo, make sure to make room in your belly for the ice cream
y/n: but the cake ish sho gooj

I said with my mouth full of cake

dad: don't eat too quick, you'll choke. here drink some milk

my mom smiled and left to go get me my favorite ice cream. we finished our slices and we went to go sit down on the couch to watch some tv. I always had the tendency to go behind the couch and run around so i did that, but I tripped on a box

dad: oo- are you okay kiddo? what happened?
y/n: i'm okay, I just tripped

my dad chuckled

dad: took you long enough to find your present
y/n: ooo! can I open it!
dad: nope, till mom gets home alright?
y/n: okay!

you sat down next to your dad to watch some show he had put on the tv waiting for your mom. an hour passed by and she hadn't come back yet

dad: your mom sure is taking her time isn't she
y/n: maybe there was a long line, every time I go with her theres a long line to pay
dad: yeah you're probably right

another hour went by, no sign of her. my dad was starting to worry, he didn't want to show it but I saw right through it. he pulled his phone out and called her but it sent him straight to voicemail. he gave it another 30 minutes before going out to find her

dad: alright kiddo uh... you're staying with aunt may till I get back, okay?

my dad was 23 and aunt may was about 7 years old at the time, big age gap between my dad and her, I guess my grandparents contemplated on having another baby after my dad
y/n: is mommy okay?
dad: ...I.. don't know.. but i'll find her and bring her back so we can open your present together alright?
y/n: alright..
aunt may: come on y/n, you can show me the dolls you wanted to show me last time!
y/n: oh yeah! come on!

I ran to my room

dad: I owe you one
aunt may: you can buy me some chocolate as payment!

my dad chuckled

dad: yeah alright
y/n: may!
aunt may: i'll be there in a second!
dad: alright i'll be back

he put on his coat as it was snowing that afternoon and aunt may came into my room. we played for a while with the toys I had in my room, aunt may and I had always had a close bond since our age difference wasn't that big. it started to get late and my dad wasn't back yet

y/n: let's go on a mission!
aunt may: sure! where to! our secret layer? the lab-
y/n: no I mean like actually! let's go look for my parents! we can be detectives and where glasses, all that jazz!
aunt may: oh... I don't think that's a good idea..it's cold you might get sick, plus it's dark and you've heard about the bad people that are in the streets right now
y/n: come on! we'll be okay!
aunt may: I-I don't know y/n.. my brother will get mad if he catches us..
y/n: even if he does you know he can't stay mad for too long, the longest he'll go is probably a few hours and then he'll forget about it

she chuckled

aunt may: I guess you're right.. alright let's do it!
y/n: operation find the guardians!

you got into a ninja position

(hence the chapter with bakugo and her sneaking out to get ice cream)

you guys put your coats on, gloves and scarfs and out the door you guys went.

aunt may: where did your mom go again?
y/n: oh she said she was going to the market
aunt may: let's walk there first then and if she isn't there we can look throughout the city

you nodded your head and began to walk in the direction of the market. it started getting a little windy and it started snowing again

aunt may: looks like there's a storm coming, we better hurry

you guys started running to the market and then saw a man yelling at a pole

y/n: what's wrong with him?
aunt may: some junky, probably on drugs or something.. let's go the other way

there was a short cut threw an ally that led behind the market where we were heading. we never went through there because it was always dark and sketchy but we had no other choice in this situation.

y/n: it's really dark- ouch!

i tripped on something and fell on the snow

aunt may: y-y/n? are you okay??
y/n: yeah..
aunt may: ugh I can't see a thing! hold on

she pulled out a flashlight and shined it on me, then shined it on the thing I had tripped on. her eyes widened and she gasped, stepped back falling to the ground. I couldn't get a glimpse of what it was, she got up shaking and grabbed my hand to get me away, her knees were weak and she fell to the ground hugging me and covering my eyes

y/n: what are you doing?!
aunt may: d-dont look y/n!
y/n: why not?! stop being weird let me go!
aunt may: n-no y/n please-

i got out of her grip and looked over at what was my mother. laid flat down on the ground with blood all over her, the blood seeping into the stained snow around her. her lifeless body, cold and blue. her eyes rolled back with the bags in her hand. my heart sunk, and I felt as if time had stopped. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to react. i kneeled down and touched her cold face with tears running down mine. the police arrived after being called on the junky that was across the street and they noticed the light from the flash light.

officer: hello? who's there?
aunt may: please help! I-it's my sister in law!

the officer ran over and saw us, he called for backup and soon enough almost the whole neighborhood was there. they called my dad and when he got there he ran towards us and hugged us while crying. the day of her funeral came and there I was, a four year old attending her mother's funeral. the todorokis came to the wake as his father and my mother were close friends. a few other close friends and family came to the house and were comforting my father and I. as well as comforting eachother. I was sitting by myself in my room looking at the photo we had taken on my birthday. i curled up in a ball on the ground and silently cried, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see todoroki.

todoroki: i-im sorry for your loss..

he said, ever since softly. I wiped my tears away and quickly forced a smile

y/n: o-oh! todoroki you scared me haha

he stared at me and then sat down next to me looking at the photo

todoroki: your mom was really nice
y/n: yeah.. she was

my mouth quivered trying to keep a smile on my face, he looked over at me and hesitantly patted my head

todoroki: you know, it's okay to cry. i think crying is just a way to cleanse the heart..

I sat there shocked, as it was the first time he had actually engaged into the conversation and even head patted me. I looked him in the eyes and for a second, I didn't feel alone. I let my guard down and let the tears fall, I hugged him and he didn't really know what to do at first but then eventually he hugged me back and told me it was going to be okay.
a few days went by where my dad wouldn't speak to anyone, not even me. he wouldn't get out of bed and if he did it was only to sit alone in the kitchen or the living room to drink till he passed out. he was very irritable after her death but he never put his hands on me, nor raised his voice. then again I kept my distance as it was my way of grieving, he started to forget to feed me, and overall just didn't do his job as a parent. my grandparents called social services and and I ended up staying with them.

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