Chapter 13

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The exams are today and all of the teachers are gone, because each teacher needs to challenge two students, you went with your dad to see the class and wish them one final good luck, you where next to him and notice that his scarf had a bump in it "Hey dad why is there a huge bump in your scarf" all of a sudden Nezu pops out

"Hey [y/n]! You ready for the test" Nezu said

"Wait what test?"

"In a couple of weeks I still need to schedule it but remember to study"

"Oh, are you gonna stay like that until the class comes"

"Yup" he went back inside, and you see the class coming, Denki noticed the bump and questioned it

"Why is there a-"

"Hello!!" Denki was interrupted when Nezu popped out and scared him

"Honey the exams are starting so go to the general studies class and wait for me there" your dad said, you gave him a thumbs up, and gave out encouraging stickers to the class then went to the general studies class, there's a new teacher, he's way nicer than the other one, thank the lord for that, you brought Noodles with you so you wouldn't be lonely, and because Shinsou fell in love with him

"Hi Shinsou look I brought Noodles with us" Noodles jumped out of your hands and went onto Shinsou's lap "I think he likes you more" you pouted

"Are you jealous" he said

"What no, I have Leo even though he can be a big baby I still love him" he chuckled

"Hey [y/n] I never asked but what's your quirk, you said you preferred my quirk but what's so bad that you want mine" you kinda shrunk from that question, you promised yourself one night you'll never use those two quirk again after hurting so many people

"I can only t-tell you one quirk, I-it's a healing quirk called Angel touch, I can heal any wound or bring people back to life" he looks really interested in your quirk

"What about the other two, you don't have to show me it's okay, I just wanna know" you where kinda nervous to tell him but decided you can trust him

"The other one is Disintegration, I can disintegrate anything even people it turns them into dust, and the other one is is called Death glare, if I look at a person or anything it will crumple and explode, that's how I killed a Nomu at the U.S.J, it wasn't pretty" his eyes widen

"That's...... I don't know but you should only use your quirk in times in need" you shook your head 'no'

"I'll never use those two quirks ever again, not after what I've done, it's hard for me, I just can't" tears pricked your eyes

"Wah!? I'm sorry! I-I guess people don't understand your situation" he picked you up and placed you on his lap, you sniffled against his chest and he hugged you until you felt better "You okay?" you nodded, you felt a tug on your hair, you look to see Noodles pulling and tugging on your hair

"Hey stoooop, your such a baby" Noodles nibbled in your fingers "I think he's hungry"

"Lunch won't be until another hour" Shinsou's said

"I think my dad has some cat food I'll be back" you hopped of his lap and headed outside towards where your dad is, you walk into the waiting room "Dad... Dad" you whispered yelled

"What are you doing here, I thought I told you to wait at the general studies class"

"Noodles is hungry did you pack his food"

"Yeah it's in my bag, but it's in the classroom, I can trust you to go there without getting into any trouble"

"Trust me, I haven't gotten in trouble over 24 hours plus I'm a little angel so don't worry about it" he rolled his eyes and you left to the classroom "Now where is it.... where is- there it is!" you looked inside and there is a couple of cans of cat food you grabbed it and started walking towards the general studies class but then you stopped 'what about the other kittens and cats that don't have food' you went back to the class and grabbed a couple of more cat food then went  straight outside and out of the gates of the school looking for cats, you went in a ally way searching around when you came upon legs, now because of your height and being only five years old you look up to see a guy with black spiky hair and purple stitches with a black cloak

"Now what's a little girl like you alone in a ally way" he asked

"I'm looking for cats to feed, look" you show him the cat food you have "soooo what's your name I'm [y/n]"

"Dabi, if you want to look for cats your gonna have to try a little harder, they can be shy"

"Well here can you help me?" you handed him the cat food and he took it, he opened it up and set it down on the floor

"You have to wait for the cat to come to you" he knelt down next to you and you guys waited, you heard a noise coming from the trash cans then a cat came down sniffing the food, she ate a little before three kittens came out eating it, you opened the other can and gave it to the mom cat, she gladly ate it, and Dabi was petting it, purring against his hand

"I think she likes you" you said

"Nah cats just like to be petted" you went up to one of the kittens and noticed that one of them had a really messed up leg, it didn't look good not at all

"Hey Dabi this kittens leg is broken" he stopped petting the cat and came towards you and the kittens

"Oh geez your right, well we can't leave this kitten like this, I'll take care of it you can go back to your parents there probably worried about you" he picked up the kitten, an right when your about to leave you had just one question

"Hey Dabi, what are you gonna name it?" he looked at the cat for a good minute before answering

"Hope, cause I believe she has hope that she will feel better in no time"

"Hope, I like that name, well bye Dabi I hope we will see each other again, no pun intended!" you ran back to the gates and opened it with your card that Nezu gave you, you went towards the general studies class and went inside where Shinsou was waiting

"What took you so long" he asked

"Sorry I was having a hard time finding the food, but I got it" you had one left, Shinsou open the can and started to feed Noodles, you hear the door open and your dads head popped in

"[y/n] we finished you can come back now" he said

"Oh well you want to babysit Noodles and Leo when we are gone" you asked Shinsou

"I'm okay with that as long as your dad agrees" Shinsou looked at your dad for his answer

"It's fine I need someone to watch over them while where gone" you swear you saw a little sparkle in Shinsou's eyes "I'll drop of the stuff when we leave" your dad added, you left Noodles with Shinsou and left with your dad "[y/n] can your healing quirk give energy, not heal them completely but just heal them to where they feel better" your dad asked

"Yeah my quirk can do that I just don't have to put much effort into it"

"Okay good can you heal All Might he's not feeling good after the exams, he over did it, he's in the teachers lounge" you nod your head and walk towards the lounge, you open the door and see All Might is his normal form laying down on the couch with a cold rag on his head

"Hey Uncle Might, you don't look good" he peeks out of the rag and puts it back on leaving a sigh

"No I don't feel good I can hardly teach class without letting out steam"

"I can help with that" he looks at you with a questionable expression "Let me explain, my quirk Angel touch can heal people and leave no wounds or it can bring people back to life, but in your situation you don't want me to heal that scar all the way where you go to your hero form permanently, I can heal you but not all the way, here" you put your hands on his arm and your eyes and palms started to glow, after about a minute you removed your hand "How do you feel"

"I feel


GREAT!!!!" he went into his hero form and lifted you to the ground and into his shoulder "[y/n] your quirk is absolutely wonderful, you can help me a lot and I'll appreciated if you can heal me if I need it"

"Of course I'll heal you, it looked like you really needed it"

"I feel like I can fight for days without needing to stop for a break!" he hugged you and you couldn't breath

"U-uncle Miight...... I-I can't b-breath"

"Oh sorry" he placed you down and you gasped for air

"It's okay, hey Uncle Might wanna play a game?"

"Play a game?"

"Yeah, class won't be over for a while so wanna kill some time"

"Sure what kind of game do you have in mind" you pulled out a tiny box from under the couch


~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"HAHA I WIN!!!" you yelled doing a little victory dance

"What, how, when, a five year old beat me"

"That was the longest and most intense game of uno I played in a looong time" you said while jumping into the couch

"Honestly I thought I was gonna win"

"Then I hit you with my last plus two!" you laughed "Okay well I'm going back to the class, wait how did everyone do on the exams"

"I'm not sure I didn't get the results back from the exams, Nezu has it though"

"He probably won't tell me, bye" you left and went back to the class, they where already packing up to leave "The day went by fast" you said "Ooohhh you guys don't look good" you notice they have scars and bruises "What was the exam, a fight to the death!?"

"It sure felt like it" Denki said

"Who did you fight?" you asked

"Nezu, honestly he looks harmless but Jesus he can be a killing machine" he shuddered

"Here let me heal you guys" you went up to everyone and healed them one by one

"Muuuuch better, you took away the ache on my back" Jiro said, she stretched out her back and then the bell rang and it was time to leave for home

"[y/n] when we get home start packing cause we will leave soon for the field trip" your dad said as you guys went inside the car, as soon as you got home you went straight to your room and started to pack, you where excited about the field trip with the class and couldn't wait

"Hey dad can we go for a walk"


"Because it's relaxing and the sun is setting and the breeze is nice, its perfect for a walk" he looks outside and he thinks about it

"Sure put your shoes back on" you put them back on and you guys went outside "huh looks like your right, it's nice"

"Told you, look!" you pointed at a cute little flower shop "cool they have [f/f] (favorite flower)"

"You like those flowers" you nodded your head

"I know where there are fields of them" you eyes glowed up

"Really!?" he nodded his head "well what are we waiting for, let's go!" the both of you walked back home and got in a car "is the car ride gonna be far"

"Its little far but it's worth it" you guys drove for an hour until you finally made it, you guys pulled up and got out of the car, your dad picked you up "I want you to close your eyes okay, I'll tell you when to open them" you did as you where told, he walked for a little bit, before placing you down "okay now" the view was too beautiful and breathtaking, there where all sorts of flowers scattered everywhere and acres of them too

"Dad how did you find this place"

"When I was little I used to live around this place, I'll always go here if feel stress or need me time"

"Hey dad have you ever made a flower crown" he shook his head 'no' "here I'll teach you" you guys made your way down to where the flowers where, and you started making one

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"And that's how it's done" you finished yours and looked over to you dads "oh that's actually good!"

"I tried" he made his out of  [f/f]

"That's okay take mine" you put yours on his head "look now your beautiful" he chuckled then put his on your head, after some time the sun started to set

"Come on its time to go home"

"Awww can we come back"

"Yeah we'll come back"


"I promise"

I put the flower crown down with the rest of the flowers that the class and pro heroes gave "I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise"

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