CH 4: The Desire To Know

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N: As Ultraman Tiga walks across the desert and towards one of the hanger bays in the plantation. He stops for a moment and gently grabs Zero Two off his shoulder and holds her within his palm before starting to walk again.

Zero Two: What's up?

Ultraman Tiga: I want to ask you something.

Zero Two: Then ask.

N: For a moment there was a brief silence as Tiga continued forward while Zero Two stared at him with her turquoise eyes which were patiently waiting for a response.

Ultraman Tiga: This "Darling" of yours do you think he's the one?

Zero Two: Not sure.

N: She said quickly and bluntly without taking time to think about the question which left Tiga with an uneasy feeling.

Ultraman Tiga: So why be with him?

Zero Two: I can't say... It's just something that attracts me to him.

Ultraman Tiga: Strange.

Zero Two: Why are you talking about this anyways, it's not like you to meddle in my desires.

Ultraman Tiga: Just curious.

Zero Two: Do you not like him?

Ultraman Tiga: No, it's just that I get the feeling that sooner or later he's going to...

Zero Two: Die.

N: She said in a slightly cold tone with a faint red glow in her eyes that made Tiga pause for a moment before chuckling.

Ultraman Tiga: I guess you never change.

Zero Two: Shut up, you know you love me.

Ultraman Tiga: *Sigh* I guess.

N: With that being laid to rest he walked into the hanger and placed Zero Two gently on the ground before transforms himself back into a human-size. Although he retained his Ultra features and as he said his brief goodbyes to Zero Two he left to a nearby elevator. As he waited the door opened to both Nana and Hachi staring at him clearly noticing his otherworldly appearance but he used to unwavering eyes on him and stepped in the elevator. As a few seconds passed by he found himself looking at the golden emptiness of  city 13

Nana: May I ask a question?

N: Tiga just continues to look out the window of the elevator with the signature stoic face all Ultras carry. He noticed the emotionless golden city before him lacking any sorts of life to him it just an empty mass. Even as a child he never liked the idea of serving the adults who only cared about their eternal sleep living out imaginary lives in the VR system indifferent to the parasites who lost their lives protecting their slumber. Tiga always carried this hatred with him which is why even many years later he refused to acknowledge the adults no matter the accolades or achievements he earned due to his service to them he always saw them as mere ignorant souls who's own immortally corrupted them into nothing more than puppets to APE's own interests. All these thoughts made Tiga boil with said hatred making him clench his fist but before he could do anything he was stopped by Nana's voice

Nana: Code 003 can ask you a question?

Tiga: And what is that question?

N: He said in a calm voice which was forced to make appear as his rage was gone.

Nana: What exactly are you?

N: Tiga pulls his glowing eyes from the city and redirects them towards Nana.

Tiga: It's classified. Although as you can clearly tell I'm not exactly fully human.

Hachi: Can explain further if you may.

Tiga: Very well but I'll only talk about what's been permitted.

Hachi: That's agreeable.

Tiga: When I was born I was raised for at least two years by APE caretakers. They knew of my "gift" but at the time the didn't know how to react because the discovery came only a day before the first Klaxosaur attack hit Sydney Australia.

Nana: Wait wouldn't that make you severely older than what you appear as now?

Hachi: She isn't wrong after all that attack accrued in the year 2037 and we're currently in the year 2131.

Nana: Which would make you 110 years old but how is that possible?

Tiga: Well maybe if you two didn't interrupt me I'll tell you.

N: The two then quickly silenced themselves and Tiga chuckled as he leaned his back on the window.

Tiga: After the attack APE switch priorities from the study of my gift to the eventual development of the Plantation defense system. So I was placed in a cryogenic chamber that halted my aging process and after many years Dr.Franxx along with Papa woke me from my long slumber. From their own, I was introduced to Zero Two by the Doctor much to APE's dismay and somewhere down the line I tapped into my latent abilities and became what you saw hours ago.

Hachi: Is your power alien in nature?

Nana: It has to be. Abilities like yours don't occur in humans so it must mean that your-

N: Then a loud DING! Was heard as the elevator door opened and Tiga made his way out the door quietly laughing. As Hachi and Nana look at Tiga exit he looks back once more at the two of them.

Tiga: Little questions like that can land you in big trouble you two. So don't worry about my origins or where my powers come from just worry about this plantation.

N: With that, he presses a button on the panel beside him and the doors slowly closed shut and Tiga walks away. After a small amount of traveling, he made it to Dr. Franxx's office. As he entered he saw the doctor looking at a big screen monitor showing footage of parasites housed in Mistilteinn. Tiga then walked up beside the doctor and crossed his arms while looking at the monitor.

Tiga: Spying on the Parasites doctor?

Dr.Franxx: It's for study.

Tiga: I'm sure it is.

Dr.Franxx: Why have you come here Tiga, I'm sure bullying an old man such as myself isn't your primary interest.

N: Tiga scoffed at the doctor's remark and transformed back into his human form which revealed his more human face which had a slightly angered and annoyed set.

Tiga: I've come to ask for more information about the boy named Hiro.

Dr.Franxx: Why's that?

Tiga: This "Special Specimen" interests me.

Dr.Franxx: I'm afraid I can give you anything.

Tiga: What?

N: He said slightly raising his voice clearly a little upset at the doctor.

Dr.Franxx: Frankly there's not that much available all we know is that he was gifted like you. Although he doesn't possess an amazing ability like you he has an extremely high aptitude for piloting a Franxx.

Tiga: I'm having a hard time believing that after all, recent reports on him recorded numerous failed attempts in the simulators. Also adding that disastrous display of a mock battle just confirms that his aptitude has severely diminished.

Dr.Franxx: What about Strelizia? Have you seen his numbers they matched Zero Two's hand in hand which means his aptitude is still there just lying dormant? You even said it yourself he's the only one capable of piloting with her.

Tiga: Tsk!

Dr.Franxx: If you want to know more about him go speak with him after all he's also seeking to know more about you. Perhaps a chat could prove useful to you since your wanting to know more about him.

Tiga: I don't like to associate with parasites.

Dr.Franxx: Nonsense my boy, it's not that don't like to associate with parasites it's rather you never took the initiative to know them in the first place.

Tiga: That's not true!

N: He said angrily as he stepped in front of the doctor's desk cutting his view of the monitor.

Dr.Franxx: You're an Introvert Tiga.

N: This comment angered Tiga even further but before he could utter a word he was interrupted.

Dr.Franxx: Speaking with adults and Zero Two is not the same as parasites, you were taught to obey them so talking to them comes naturally. With Zero Two, you were raised together so you established that sibling bond. Even though you're not shy like a normal introvert you still haven't talked to another person your age.

N: Tiga remained quiet and Dr.Franxx stood up from his chair and walked over to a coat which was hanging by the door. As he fixed it he grabbed his cane and looked at Tiga.

Dr.Franxx: So to fix that problem of yours I advised you speak to the parasites here cause remember your going to lead them in the coming days once we commence the Kissing operation. Also, I'll be heading off so make sure Zero Two doesn't get in any predicaments while I'm going.

Tiga: Where are you going to?

Dr.Franxx: To pick up something.

N: He said as he walked out the door leaving Tiga alone and as he stood there he walked over and sat in the doctor's chair and let out a sigh.

Tiga: Fuck that old man.

N: Tiga then looked at the monitor and as he looks through each camera he noticed that one, which was focused on the outside part of the plantation where the monorail ran showed a training unit running. As his curiosity took over he taps on the desk an orange holographic keyboard popped up and he began to rapidly press on some keys.

Tiga: I wonder who's in there?

N: He kept typing but as he tried to hack in the camera inside he was met with a red display which gave him a warning of hacking into APE property.

Tiga: Shit, they're protective of even their training units but no matter.

N: Tiga then began to type away again and after a few seconds he hacked his way into the unit and the camera displayed Hiro within it. Tiga looked at the feed and smiled.

Tiga: If the doctor wants me to fix my talking problems then so be it.

N: Tiga then git up from his seat and ran out the door meanwhile as Hiro rode the unit he began to have doubts. Even though he was trying his hardest to concentrate on piloting the unit the voices of doubt still seeped in. He could hear the voice Ichigo talking to him.

Ichigo: If everything about the partner killer rumor is true... Hiro, you'll die if you ride with three more times.

N: Hiro knew the risks of riding with her but still he persisted forward letting out a powerful scream his choice was already made up... He will pilot Strelizia with Zero Two. As he continued forward gaining speed all of sudden something appeared right in front of him. A person, Hiro took notice and reached for the emergency shut down switch but the unit's speed was too much and before he could pull it he feared the worse. As he braced himself, the person before him put there hand in front and pressed it up against the unit. Then Hiro could feel the mech slowing down and as he peered out the front window he saw Tiga looking back at him. When they locked eyes the mech finally drew to a halt and as Tiga steps back he smiles.

Tiga: Damn man, I guess your head was in the gutters if you didn't notice me.

N: Tiga said as he trying to regain his breath from the ordeal.

Hiro: But you just appeared right in front of me I couldn't see you in time to stop.

Tiga: Appeared? Jesus, you're really lost in thought then cause I standing in your line of sight for at least 10 minutes.

Hiro: Uhh...

N: Hiro murmured as Tiga walked over to pile of crates to sit down.

Tiga: No biggy, just glad you didn't get hurt that's all or else Zero Two will kick my ass.

Hiro: By the way where is she?

Tiga: She probably exploring but come sit next to me.

N: He said as he pulled a crate next to him and as Hiro walked towards him Tiga swatted the dust away from the crate and Hiro sat down. As Tiga regained his breath and composure through the corner of his eye he could see Hiro sitting awkwardly. His lets were stuck together with his hands on his knees and head facing down. Tiga then turns his head and chuckles to make light of the situation.

Tiga: What's wrong with you? Nervous or something?

N: He said jokingly which made Hiro kind of startled.

Hiro: Yeah.

Tiga: How so?

Hiro: You're intimidating.

Tiga: Really? What makes me intimidating then?

Hiro: I don't know how to say it exactly but you look like you've been through some horrible things. Also, you carry a very threatening and mysterious look on your face which kinda adds more to it.

Tiga: Wow I guess now that you think about the stuff you just mentioned could be correct.

N: Tiga said as he leaned back on the wall behind his crate and as he began to ponder on Hiro's comment there was a dead silence. As seconds pasted Hiro began to get uncomfortable.

Hiro: Uhh... Can I go now...

Tiga: Can I ask you something?

N: Tiga said to Hiro disregarding his comment to leave.

Hiro: Ask me what?

Tiga: Who are you?

Hiro: Well... I'm Code 016-

Tiga: No I don't want your code silly I want to know in your own words who are you and why do you want to pilot?

Hiro: It's hard to say exactly but I've always wanted to strive to become a Franxx pilot, in truth I really just wanted to be useful in a sense so to speak.

Tiga: Useful?

Hiro: Yes, after all, What's a parasite good for if we can't a pilot. You can understand, right?

Tiga: Not really I wasn't exactly raised the same as you guys because you know the whole giant thing.

Hiro: Oh forgot about that.

Tiga: It's fine please continue.

Hiro: Well after my many attempts to pilot with my fellow parasite Naomi I truly felt like I wasn't good for anything. It felt like a fell into a dark pit an inescapable void sucking into an unknown fate. Although...

Tiga: Although what?

Hiro: She pulled me out.

Tiga: You speak of...

Hiro: Zero Two. When she pulled me out of the void and into the light and when I joined her In that Franxx even though it was just for a brief moment the feeling of relief and finally being needed struck me as profoundly beautiful.

Tiga: Touching words if I don't say so myself.

N: Tiga said looking out to the desert before him and as Hiro turns to face him and sees his eyes closed with a satisfied smile rested on his face.

Tiga: You know I came to find more about you, Hiro but even though I couldn't get what I desired. This chat has left me satisfied I guess those words kinda lifted a bit of doubt off my shoulders.

Hiro: Glad to hear I guess.

N: As Tiga pulls back his jacket to reveal his communicater he saw a message coded in blue and his eyes widened. Tiga then let out a sigh and started to mumble under his breath while Hiro looked on in confusion.

Tiga: Another attack already.

Hiro: What was that?

Tiga: Oh nothing. You can go now but before you do can I see your communicater.

Hiro: Sure.

N: The two then stood up and as Hiro takes out his which was an older model compared to Tiga's. Tiga grabs it and holds it near his and begins to type into it after a few minutes he hands it back.

Tiga: Here since I got to know a little bit more about you, you should know a little bit about me in return.

Hiro: Thank you.

N: Hiro then looks at his communicater and saw a profile icon with Tiga's Ultra face on it.

Tiga: Now go, I'm sure your fellow parasites must be worried.

Hiro: Thank you again.

Tiga: No problem.

N: Hiro then left and Tiga was left to his thoughts and as he interlocked his hands behind his head he let out a small chuckle.

Tiga: Introvert my ass.

- End of Chapter -


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