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R e w r i t e

Two Gangs and a Golden Girl has officially been rewritten as Girl in Gold. A lot of people think I mean it got edited, but no. It took me 5 years to improve my writing and a complete rewrite of this story. I have improved it drastically, added new characters, and revamped outdated scenes.

P u b l i s h e d

Girl in Gold is officially published on Amazon and Ingramspark. If you have Kindle Unlimited, it's free on there. If you're interested in getting a copy, the link is in my description. The books ship internationally. 

O p i n i o n s

If anyone has read Girl in Gold, please don't be shy to give me your opinions.

U p d a t e s

As of right now, I am working on rewriting the sequel of this series. Folly me on Instagram (holly.shmit) for any news and updates regarding this.

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