Story Extra - Number Four

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Story Extra Number Four - Girl Time

Note: Y/n has special powers that change her appearance, because yes. I honestly have no idea what was going on in this story extra, but whatevs.

Whatever happens in here, just pretend it's all dandy and fine. Please don't kill me. Also, check out those lovely ladies~ Like, my gosh, God has done such a good job crafting such perfection. 

Story Extra Summary: Girl time with the fam.

Features: Marine Family, AKA: Sakazuki, Borsalino, Kuzan, Smoker, Issho, Garp, Sengoku, and Drake. Oh and as always, you. (And also brief Katakuri and Brulee because I love these two)


As a child, you grew up fast. And by 'grew up fast', it wasn't just about your mentality. It was your body. By the time you were five years old, you were the size of a teenager and spoke in high vocabulary words. Though, the only reason why you were the size of a teenager was because of one of your powers you had recently discovered.

The power to manipulate atoms.

You could speed up your aging process, slow it down, reverse it; in summary, it was just super fucking overpowered. Sometimes your grandparents didn't even know how old you were anymore with how much you were using it.

It was 'for fun', you had said, after scaring them half to death when they saw you as an old person. Thank god you were always able to revert back to a child (it was always a default whenever you grew tired), or else there was going to be some serious complications.

One of them is taking care of an old person with the mentality of a five-year-old, but has the vocabulary of an adult.

Drake, Smoker, Kuzan, and Borsalino may have found it amusing, but Akainu was a whole different story. He did not find it amusing one bit. Especially because you kept running around Marineford looking like a teenager. Now that would have been fine, except you were wearing clothes a few sizes too small for you, and it looked...

Well one could say it looked off. But that instance only happened twice, and you had learned not to do it again. Speaking of Akainu-

Your eyes flickered up at Akainu curiously as he crouched down to your level. There was a softer expression on his face than his usual stoic outlook, but it was a barely noticeable change, especially to a child.

Except this child was in the form of a teenager.

"Saka?" you asked, tilting your head slightly. "What's wrong? Where's Grandpa and Grandad?"

The man let out a sigh, giving you his hand out for you to take. You eyed it a bit before eagerly holding onto it, giggling a bit as you did so. There was a flicker of emotion in his eyes as he watched you tug him along, but it had disappeared as soon as it came. You forgot about your earlier confusion and was just leading him around Marine Ford.

Usually Akainu would be pissy about this, especially when he has work that needs to be done, but not today. Today, he was in charge of babysitting you.

Your hands gripped onto his own slightly as you walked. They were tiny in comparison to his own, so fragile, and he knew he could probably easily crush them with little effort. But he didn't. You were far more useful when you were happy then when you were crying.

At least, that was what he reassured himself with.

Meanwhile, you were currently happy that you had someone to hang out with. Life on Marine Ford wasn't all that exciting, save for a few choice friends you had. There weren't any girls unless you counted Tsuru, but you were thinking of girls more of your own age. Sure, you could always make yourself into an older person (you did that for fun actually), but it gets old eventually.

You believe that there was a girl called Hina, but you haven't really seen her around before.

You wanted to know what it was like having a female friend, but it was kind of difficult given your situation. Well, it didn't really matter much anyways to you. You were content with the friends you already had.

Picking up the pace when you saw the door that led outside, you pulled Akainu along as you ran. Akainu only had to walk a little faster as he had longer legs than you. Pushing the doors open, you laughed, a skip in your walk.

Attempting to turn around, your foot tangled up in your legs, and you yelped, feeling yourself fall. With a sigh, the admiral yanked you by the arm, setting you back upright.

"Fool. Pay attention to what you're doing." You gave him a bright smile, giving him a big hug.

"Thanks Saka!! I love you!" He huffed at your exclamation, wrenching his hand out of your grasp. Your facial expressions didn't change when you saw the irritated and slightly flushed cheeks on Akainu's face as you ran in circles around him, giggling as you did so.

Stupid five-year-old kid who has the appearance of a teenager, making him feel all tingly and warm inside. (Not in the weird way you weirdos) 

It took him a moment to realize that you had stopped running in circles around him. Looking down at the ground, he then saw that you were nowhere to be seen. A small bubble of panic began to develop inside of him, only to be relieved when he saw that you had run over to your two friends.

Smoker and Drake their names were, if he recalled correctly. One was a kid they had picked up from Loguetown and gave them all plenty of attitude, the other was the son of a defected marine. Both he found were quite disgraceful and had nothing similar to you at all.

You were bright and cheerful, powerful and much more talented compared to the two, and yet somehow the three of you managed to click.

"I got a new tea set from Borsalino!" you spoke, eager to tell the two. "Let's have a tea party today!" 

Akainu heard you shout it out loud happily, and he felt himself sigh.

Why were you reminding him of Big Mom and her fucking Tea Parties? He was sure the two of you would get along swell. Actually, he hoped that you wouldn't. That would be bad.

"Sounds good," Smoker said, eyes flickering up at Akainu warily. He never really liked the man, and he couldn't understand why you would. He threw you in the god-forsaken sea for fuck's sake, and you still thought he was cool. You were traumatized for weeks. How could you have forgiven him so easily?

Drake, also having the same discomfort as Smoker, shifted a little closer to you in a protective manner.

"That's nice of Kizaru-san," he said. "You seem to be really happy about it."

"I am!" you declared, fisting your hands together in an excited manner. "It's really pretty! It has flowers on it and a red bird! It's like the one from the story grandpa reads to me every night!"

Ah, right, the book that you were obsessed with that they hadn't bothered to read.

"I washed it so that it's clean when we use it! So let's have a tea party now!" The two of them sweat dropped a bit, seeing that they couldn't exactly deny you the tea party you so desired. For a five year-old (nearing six), you were really independent.

Well, maybe it had something to do with those... weird abilities of yours.

"Sure." At Drake's affirmation, you eagerly turned to stare at Akainu with bright and sparkling eyes. The older man squinted a bit to clearly see your face, but he already knew what you were going to say.

"No." You pouted a bit, clinging to his leg.

"Pwease~?" you drew the word out, giving him the biggest and saddest puppy dog eyes. 

He closed his eyes to prevent him from seeing the face that you were giving him. For a child, you were manipulative and smart as hell.

"Saka-chan~" Sharply breathing in, he had a furious face that made Drake and Smoker think that you were in trouble. That is, only if they hadn't seen this same thing happening over and over and over again, with you always winning in the end.

It seems that even your charms worked on the intimidating man.

"Fine. I'll help you with your stupid tea party."

Rest in case.

"Yay! Outside tea party it is!"

Nobody voted for it, but sure, go ahead.

Smoker and Drake had to run to catch up with you as you ran to the forest near the training area that you had made because you were complaining that there weren't enough trees and life on Marineford. You had taken it upon yourself to make a nice place to relax, letting trees sprout out of the ground, and grass to grow.

When Garp and Sengoku had been notified that a small forest had somehow grown within the base they had immediately known it was you and had panicked. They had scolded you a bit, before sighing that maybe the base was a little bit dull. At least, that's what everyone else had believed.

They only let you keep the small forest because you made them feel guilty about removing it.

Rushing into the forest, the plants immediately sprung up and grew tenfold, wrapping around your limbs and caressing it affectionately. Four leaf clovers popped out of the ground wherever you walked, and you let out a small laugh when one of the trees bent its branches so that it would cover you from the sun.

The sight for Smoker and Drake could only be described as magical. It was something straight out of a fairytale.

"Alright guys!" you shouted with your hands on your hips, and your two friends knew by now that you were talking to the plants. "We're going to have a tea party! Can you help me make a place for my friends and family to sit?"

Eager to help, the trees cleared an area, letting their branches cover the area enough so that it would only let in the necessary sunlight needed to see. Happy with their cooperation, you clapped your hands together, and chairs and a circular table materialized into thin air, settling themselves down in the clearing.

"Smokey! Drakey! Come on!" You waved to the two standing dumbly at the edge of the mini forest, effectively snapping the two out of their stupor.

"She never ceases to amaze," Smoker commented, stepping inside the forest. Drake followed suit, eyes watching the small little balls of lights hovering all around the area. 

He lifted a finger, touching one of them, only to have it bounce off his finger.

"No she does not," Drake agreed. If they didn't know any better, they would have thought they were high. Moving trees, furniture poofing into existence, and balls of lights... things that would have seemed impossible. And yet it was.

"Sit!" you exclaimed, pushing a chair behind Smoker, knocking his legs over so that he would fall in it. Picking the chair up over your head (along with him), you ran over to the table, dropping the chair down.

Normal children should not have the strength of several admirals. Except you were anything but normal.

"Your turn Drakey!" Drake didn't react as you ran up to him with a chair in your hands, only plopping down, letting you do your thing. With a big smile, you lifted the chair up, running to place him down next to Smoker, who had an amused smile on his face.

Satisfied, you turned your attention to the entrance of the 'tree cave'. Cupping your hands together, you placed it around your mouth.

"SAKA!!!! HURRY UP!!" Running out of the cave, a sudden chill came over your two friends. They had a very unsettling feeling.

"I have a bad feeling," Drake spoke.

"Seconded." They watched as you re-entered the tree cave (ima just call it that XD) with a big smile on your face. You ran up to the table, a very giddy expression on your face.

"Okay okay, I got clothes for you!!" You pulled out a few articles of clothing out of thin air, showing them off to their faces. "We gotta dress up for a tea party! I got one too!" The two of them deadpanned as they saw the outfits you got them.

"Make sure to change! It'll be fun!! Saka-chan and Ku-chan and Borsalino-chan and Grandpa and Grandad will be coming too!!" Shoving the clothes in their laps, you stared at them expectantly.

Smoker and Drake exchanged glances, before looking down at the clothes in their laps. Fuck no, they were not going to wear dresses. Not again.

You, sensing their distaste, added, "I'll get you Germa 66 merch."

"I'll do it," Drake instantly said, causing you to grin. Turning to Smoker, you gave him your best puppy dog eyes.

"Come on Smokey!! I'll make it up to you!! We can sleep together and everything again!" A heat exploded on Smoker's cheeks, and he had to look away. God, stop being so embarrassing.

"Fine." You pumped your fist into the air.

"Yes! Tea party!!" You laughed. "Now wear them!" They watched you expectantly as you stood there with a giddy look on your face. You blinked once, before making an "o" face. "Oh, you want me to leave. Oops, I forgot."

About to leave, you furrowed your brows. Wait. Why couldn't you just do it yourself? Turning around, you snapped your fingers, and the dresses immediately replaced their Marine uniforms.

"Ha, I forgot I could do that." Smoker and Drake looked like they wanted to curl up and die. Frilly dresses with corsets, along with hats; it was the Victorian era all over again. Not that they had a Victorian era to begin with.

The most deeming thing was that such strong and promising marines like them was reduced to this. Not to mention that they never had a tea party wearing these dresses with the Admirals.

Oh god, the Admirals. What the hell were they going to say?


"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Akainu practically ran inside the forest cave, a furious expression. In his hands was your beloved (and new) tea set from Kizaru, but...

Smoker and Drake's jaw practically dropped to the ground as they stared the proud admiral in the eyes. Sakazuki froze as he realized that the two were standing before him in frilly dresses. Smoker was in a white frilly gown while Drake was wearing an emerald green one.

But that wasn't the shocking part. Oh no, it was the fact that Akainu himself was wearing a dress, along with a flower attached to his head.

Oh god their eyes. This had to be worse than Impel Down.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Akainu growled.

"Tea party, what else?" Smoker grumbled, plopping his ass back in his chair. You grinned as you saw a few other approaching figures.

"Gramps!! Grandad!! Borsalino-chan! Ku-chan!!" You waved eagerly at the four of them who looked so dead inside as they walked in. Well, three of them were dead, Borsalino was rocking his outfit like a boss (or Queen, I should say).

"Y/n-chwan, you surprised me when this beautiful dress appeared on me," Kizaru spoke, bending down to your shorter height. "Such a smart girl." He ruffled your hair as you giggled.

"YEAH!" you shouted at the top of your lungs.

Chaotic Y/n... Your family sweatdropped.

"Oh yeah, wait wait, one more person!!" you spoke hurriedly, looking out of the forest cave. Spotting Fujitora, you waved to him. "FUJI!!!!!! OVER HERE!!!" The man walked towards you with a gentle smile on his face.

"Haha, Y/n, always so energetic." Fujitora bent down, enveloping you in a warm hug. "It's a shame I can't see the smile on your face. I'm sure it would be so bright. Now, you said something about a tea party earlier?"

"Yep!! Everyone's inside!!" Pushing him in, Akainu stared hard at Fujitora. They all did.

"Why the hell is he not wearing one too?" Akainu grumbled, folding his arms angrily as he sat down in a chair. The others nodded in agreement. This was totally not fair.

"Ladies, you all are beautiful-"

Garp and Sengoku snorted as Akainu threw another fit of rage.

"Please no lava on the floor. You'll burn the forest." Walking up to Akainu, you placed your hand gently on his arm. "And you're very very, handsome, or uh, manly?" It came out as a question.

"Uh..." Waving it off, you smiled. "I just wanna pretend that you're all girls. It'll be fun! Uh, entertaining!"

For someone who was supposed to be five (not that you looked the part), you had a very large vocabulary, that was for sure. They watched as you snapped your fingers, Issho's clothing changing him into a suit. For some reason, you were in a suit as well.

"Why are you wearing a suit?" Drake asked.

"I'm going to be a guy today," you said as if it was the most obvious thing. "You guys are all... uh, men. I wanna see what it's like to be one. I even practiced some lines!" You cleared your throat, furrowing your brows in concentration. With a snap of your fingers, your body changed so that you were a rather attractive male, with a muscular body build.

Garp's jaw dropped to the floor and he grabbed Sengoku's shoulders, shaking him violently back and forth. He looked like he wanted to scream, but no sound ever came out of his mouth.

Walking up to Akainu, you gently took his larger hands within your own, caressing them softly as a smirk graced your lips. Everyone leaned in to get a better view, raising eyebrows at your actions. Fujitora, on the other hand, was merely listening to you.

He had been the one you were practicing on, and snickered slightly, having a feeling of what the outcome of this would be. You were a pretty amusing character, that was for sure.

"For the longest time, I've waited," you spoke in a baritone voice, causing Garp to straight up die. Smoker's mouth fell open in

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