Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One: Zoro Versus Y/n

Gif is irrelevant, but I just thought it was hilarious. 


"Phoenix, hey don't attack me!!" you yelped, running around the lighthouse as he squealed at you angrily. "I'm sorry! I said I was sorry!!" you whined. "Ow! Hey! Oh.. I think I'm bleeding..."

Azar let out a huff, before he was suddenly kicked into the Red Line.

"OI YOU BIRD!" Sanji yelled angrily, waving his chef's knife around wildly. "I don't care if you're Y/n's 'friend', but you can't harm a beautiful goddess just like that!" His hands shook violently in anger. "I'll kill you!!"

"Ah..." You sweatdropped. "Sanji, that isn't necessary... He's just a little unhappy... that's all..."

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET ANY ELEPHANT TUNA!" Sanji shouted, earning an unhappy squawk from the bird. "Oh, that makes you upset huh? Well attacking Y/n-hime makes me upset too!"

Phoenix snarled. Who did Sanji think he was? Denying him food and acting like Mihawk.

Phoenix was a growing child (now). He needed sustenance to live! And here Sanji was, being a little bitch because he attacked you. Well actually, he would be acting like Sanji too if someone did that, but you left him behind! He had a right to be angry.

"Don't give me that look," Sanji growled, pointing the knife in his direction. "I'll skin you alive if you try anything. I'm the chef here, and you aren't getting any food until I say so."

"Mhmm!" Luffy groaned, shoving his face full of the delicious fish that Sanji had won in Loguetown. "Dishishgudd!!" It was like the boy was taunting him, poking fun at Phoenix for his misery.

Maybe he was.

"Ah... Sanji, Phoenix deserves a little bit of food..." You said, taking the bird's side. "I did leave him..." Phoenix gave you a hopeful squawk.

Zoro and Sanji gave you a disappointed look, shaking their heads.

"Let him suffer," they spoke in unison. Blinking, they snapped their heads to the side, staring at each other in surprise. Well at least there were some things they could agree on.

Phoenix's heart crumbled to pieces. Huffing angrily, he flew off into the horizon.

"Now, time for some of that-" Sanji and Zoro froze at the sight of Luffy cramming the last piece of elephant tuna inside of his mouth, "-tuna.."

"Ah!" Luffy sighed in content. "That was good food! I'm done eating, so let's go!"

"YOU ATE THE WHOLE THING!" Zoro and Sanji shouted in unison.

"HE EVEN ATE THE BONES!" Usopp yelled in horror, pointing at the empty plates.

Sanji grabbed Luffy by the neck angrily. "You stupid, stretchy, jerk! I made those for Nami-san and Y/n-hime!! Now what are they going to eat?!"

"I didn't eat the whole thing, see?" Luffy held out a remaining plate of tuna. Sanji's grip on Luffy relaxed as the cigarette fell out of Sanji's mouth.

What? WHAT?!

At this moment, your stomach chose to growl. Luffy's eyes darted up to you immediately, a sly smile on his face.

"Y/n!! Marry me and I'll give you food!" That earned him a very furious hit from not only Sanji, but from Nami as well.

"Don't speak to Y/n that way!" Nami reprimanded. "You don't just ask someone constantly to marry you! That's just ridiculous! And you can't take advantage of the fact that Y/n's hungry and bribe her to be your wife! You aren't even in a relation-..." Nami trailed off. "Wait, are you guys...?"

"Are we what?" you both asked.

"-Yeah you can't ask someone when you're not in a relationship." Luffy turned to you with a confused face.

"Y/n, we're in a relationship, right?"

"Platonically," you said, nodding your head.

Luffy turned his attention back to Nami. "See? I can ask her! We're in a relationship! So you'll marry me right?"

"NO!" Nami and Sanji shouted in unison.

Sanji jabbed an accusatory finger in Luffy's direction. "You're trying to manipulate my goddess! I'm not going to let you marry her!" Luffy suddenly stood up, letting the plate of fish in his hand to fall onto the table with a clatter.

"You can't stop me!" Luffy declared. "I'm marrying her!"

"No." Sanji started. "I won't allow you to marry my goddess! I don't care if you're my captain, I won't let you."

It was silent for a moment with only the waves of the sea crashing against the cliffs. Luffy's eyes bored hard into Sanji as an angry expression began to come across his facial features.

"What?! No you're not!" Luffy's hands stretched towards you, and Sanji, seeing that, kicked him straight in the face. His body flew across the table, rolling into the dirt. Luffy wiped the blood off the corners of his mouth.

"Sanji! You kicked me!" Luffy crashed his head into Sanji's as they glared into each other's eyes. Before Luffy could punch the man back, you hurriedly try to break up the fight.

"Hey-hey let's not fight right?" You pushed your hands against their chests gently, pushing them apart. "I-I'm sure you can make something else, right Sanji? Oh, how about those scones?"

"AHHHH I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU MY GODDESS!!!" Sanji then turned to Luffy with a glare. "This isn't over." And then he walked off back to the Merry to prepare some more food. Crocus let out a sigh, rubbing his eyes. What is wrong with these fools?

Zoro, meanwhile, rolled his eyes, smacking Sanji in the head with his katana's sheath before he could leave. Your jaw dropped. You broke up a fight just to see another one?

"You pervert cook, how many times do I have to say that it's annoying? Calling people 'Goddess' is just creepy." Sanji violently blew air out of his nose.

"Ha? Say that again you mosshead-"

"Oi Y/n?" Luffy asked, causing you to turn your attention from the two who were fighting and rolling on the ground. Luffy held up a Log Pose. "This is one of the thingies you use for sailing the Grand Line, right?"

You slowly nodded your head before raising a brow as Luffy tossed it over the side of the cliff.

"Welp, I guess we won't need this then." He clapped his hands together, dusting the invisible dust off as Nami punched him in the head multiple times. "Ow ow ow! Nami, what was that for?!"

Nami pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You just threw away the only thing we needed to sail the Grand Line!" Luffy gave Nami a look as if to say 'are you stupid'?

"You need a sail to sail the Grand Line," he said as if it were fact.


That was, in fact, very true. Luffy had destroyed the mast, ran up Laboon, and stuck it in the newest wound the whale had, much to everyone else's horror. You, meanwhile, merely cringed at the thought (and sight) of getting impaled. Now you understood why Cracker hated pain. You wouldn't like it if someone impaled you either.

It was a "declaration of war" so that Laboon had something to wait for. Their battle had ended in a draw, so Luffy declared that Laboon would wait until he came back to challenge him once again.

It was stupid. It was a Luffy move. But hey, it worked.

Oh yeah, and he painted his jolly roger on Laboon. 

Truly a work of art. Like a new Leonardo da Vinci. Luffy, a jack of all trades, master of none. Besides eating of course.

Which brings us back to Nami's understandable temper tantrum...

"Usopp's fixing it."

"HOW ARE WE GOING TO NAVIGATE TO THE NEXT ISLAND?!" Crocus was about to suggest that they could have his when Luffy pointed to you.

"Y/n can navigate. You can navigate right?" You flashbacked to meeting Kid and Law, almost drowning, and your brief encounter with the Krieg Pirates before the storm hit.

"Uh..." No and yes. "Kinda? I mean I have a log pose..."

Nami paused, turning to you with wide eyes. "You have a log pose?" she repeated. "You have a log pose?!" Well, it was understandable, you sailed the Grand Line, but it was still rather shocking.

Wait, how do you sail the ocean when you're scared of water?

She was about to ask when you cut her off holding a couple of log poses in your hands you grabbed out of your bag. Her eyes went large at the sight of a solid gold Log pose encrusted with diamonds. Then there was the triple needle log pose with a black leather strap with gold designs on it.

In summary, these log poses looked hella expensive. And fuck, there were five of them.

"So which one do you want?" Your eyes gleamed excitedly as you showed them to her. "Come on, choose one! I'm happy to share with you! And you're our navigator, so it's right that you put it to use."

Crocus stepped forward, plucking the triple needle log pose out of your hands. Inspecting it, he looked back at you with a questioning look.

"Interesting log poses you have here." He waved the one in his hand at you. "You've been to the New World?" Your head looked up, eyes landing on what was in his hands.

"Yep. I travel a lot. It's how I make my connections." He raised an eyebrow at you curiously as Nami inspected the gold log pose. "Oh, I'm the informant and black mail material."

Crocus handed Nami the log pose in his hands, and she eagerly grabbed it.

"Wow..." she spoke. "Why does this one have three?" Her eyes darted to you and Crocus.

"It doesn't navigate Paradise," you answered. "Log poses here won't work in the New World due to the fact that some islands can hide their magnetic fields at random. Each needle records one magnetic field of an island, that way people don't get lost."

You put a finger under your chin as you thought for a moment.

"Though, I mean I guess you could use that one, but I have a feeling you like this one better." You held up the gold log pose, dangling it in front of her face. Nami's hands automatically went to check her pockets, realizing that it wasn't there any more.

Oooo. You can pick pockets too. Nice. You were definitely a keeper.

Grabbing her hand, you gently placed it in her palm, letting her fingers curl around it. You gave her a small smile, releasing her hand to put away the other log poses.

"You can have that one if you like. If you want a different one, just come to me." You paused, quickly turning around to look at Nami. "Oh and, uh... Don't tell Doffy I gave that to you. Oh well, I'm sure he won't mind."

Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you paused when Crocus called out to you. Turning around, you saw the way his eyes narrowed at you.

"What did you mean by 'informant'?"

"I know quite a few people. I'm sure you're familiar with them. Oh, does it fit, Nami?" Nami nodded her head, eyes sparkling at just the fact that she was wearing something so expensive and valuable. And she got it as a gift too!

You're just so nice!! Oh yes, the two of you were going to be besties!

"It does! Thank you so much Y/n! It's so pretty!" She caressed it softly like a baby. "Ahhh... I feel so rich." She paused, noticing Zoro and Sanji who had moved their little fight to the ship.

"HEY!! STOP! YOU'RE RUINING THE SHIP!" she yelled, running to them, leaving you and Crocus alone.

"You're aware of who I am."

You gave him a little smile. "Yep! Whitey talked about Roger a lot, so it was easy recognizing who you were."

Crocus hummed. "Knowing one Yonko definitely makes you an informant," he mused. "Who else do you know?"

"Do you want me to tell you?" you asked with a tilt of your head. "From experience, I realized that I shouldn't be talking about who I know. I almost gave someone a heart attack once. That wasn't really fun."

"I'm sure. I can't do much with the information anyways." You nodded your head in agreement.

"Ah, that's true. Well, there's Whitey and Shanks, oh yeah and Mama. You know- well I guess you don't really know- To To Land has to be one of my favorite places. So many sweets!! Oh yeah, and then there's Wano! Did you know that they have awesome sumo battles?! I don't really like the shogun though... Oh yeah, and then there's Dressrosa! The colosseum there is my favorite and-" you abruptly stopped yourself, advertin your eyes sheepishly.

"Oops, I'm rambling haha..."

"So you know most of the big names." You watched as he pulled out a piece of paper, which you recognized to be a wanted poster, your wanted poster. "L/n D. Y/n," he spoke. "Bounty: 500 million berries. Quite an under estimate of your threat to the government."

You nodded your head, walking over to the edge carefully. Placing a hand on Laboon, you gently patted him, fingers gingerly running over a few of his scars.

"I suppose..." you mumbled. "Well, I think we're going to leave soon. It was really nice to meet you! I'm still really sorry about interrupting your little 'vacation'." You giggled at that. "And thanks, Laboon. You really saved us back there. You're a little hero. Ah, less on the little."

A shout from Merry caught your attention, and you saw your friends arguing with the duo who tried to kill Laboon. Mr. Nine and Ms. Wednesday were their names, if you recall correctly. They seemed to be having a discussion.

Then you realized that you forgot to call someone.

Jumping up, you placed a gentle kiss on Laboon's head before you scrambled to your bag, choosing one of the snails and pulling it out. "Right, I almost forgot."

Placing the snail down on the table, Crocus sat down beside you as you began to input your call.


"Who are you calling?" the old man asked.

"A friend. His name is-"

"Y/n!! I knew you would call me! Haha. You forgot to call me yesterday, so I got a little worried. OH! Your wanted poster came in the mail! I laughed so hard when I saw it! Ooo Doflamingo is going to get it one of these days..."

You laughed at his words, face turning soft at the sound of his voice. It was such a pity however, you thought as you responded to him.

"Sabo! Sorry I forgot to call you! There was a lot of stuff going on yesterday, but guess what? I'm in Paradise now with my captain and the crew. We're going to head to Cactus Island soon."

"You're crew? You mean that brat who constantly asks you to marry him? That one? His wanted poster came in with yours, and I have to say, he looks a bit like an idiot."

It was such a pity that he didn't remember anything.

"Sabo!" you gasped. "That's not very nice."

"Haha.. sorry. I just missed you. Kola's been asking about you. You know how she is, and she likes spending time with you. Those pirates haven't done anything to you, have they?"

You paused, furrowing your brows in confusion.

"Which ones?"

"Those shichibukai. I've only met Hawk-eye that one time when I came over, but I trust him more than Doflamingo. Why you hang around him is a question."

"Because he's nice?" Sabo was about to say something when you cut him off. "Doffy's nice. He's just... What do you call it? A little rough around the edges? You just have to get to know him a little better!"

"I think getting to know him is the same as having a death wish. Look Y/n, I care about you, but he's definitely not someone I'd trust."

You let out a sigh, flopping over the table.

"It's okay, you don't have to trust him."

"Goo- wait, where is this going...? You never agree with me when it comes to talking about your pirate friends.."

"I can trust him for you!" you declared, sitting up straight with a determined look on your face. "Oh, I gotta go. Bye."

"W-Wait wait Y/n-"


Dusting your hands off and shoving the snail back in your bag, you let out a hum, laughing to yourself a bit.

"Well that was an enlightening experience."

"Sabo of the Revolutionary?" You swung the bag over your shoulders.

"Yup. Nice guy. I met him when I accidentally found their base." Crocus made a face, deadpanning at you.

How do you accidentally stumble upon the Revolutionary's base? What the fuck were the odds?

"Y/n~" You jumped when you felt Luffy's arms wrap around you. "Y/n... everyone's being so mean to me... I didn't do anything wrong, did I? Oh yeah, and we're taking those guys with us to Whiskey Peak."

He jammed his finger back at Merry, pointing at Mr. Nine and Ms. Wednesday.

"Okay. Sounds good." You turned around to ruffle his hair. "Hehe, but no, I don't think you did anything wrong. Well, aside from eating all the tuna."

"But I made sure to save you some!" Luffy whined.

"You didn't save it for anybody else. I'm sure they were hungry too." Luffy huffed unhappily, wrapping his arms tighter around you. You felt your stomach drop when you felt Luffy lift you up, placing a hand over your back. "W-Wait!"

You let out a muffled scream as Luffy leaped onto the ship, grinning from ear to ear.

"Shishishishi!! Don't worry Y/n! See? I didn't drop you!" 

He laughed, setting you down with a pat on the back. "You've gotten braver. Before you used to scream and cry all the time like a baby! But now you don't do that any more! You've become stronger!"

His words struck your core and you could feel your eyes watering.

"Hey, are you going to cry again?" he asked, poking your cheek, and you quickly shook your head. He grinned. "Good! Because we can't have you always scared on the ship! Well, I guess I could always protect you, but I don't think you want that, right?"

You shook your head once more.

"No... I don't. I'm just..." Your heart felt so light staring at Luffy. "I'm just happy to be here." He gave you a big innocent grin.

"Me too!! Haha, I bet Ace is so jealous of me." You

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