Y/n: Whatthefuck

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^^thAt shit ain't supposed to say pro hero. My brain fucked up and had a stroke.

After everyone else had gone and presented their names, Aizawa had woken up after. He gave you all lists of agency's willing to accept interns or specifically requested you. You looked down at the paper and scanned down the names.

'Momo's Diverse Hero Agency?' You thought, drumming your fingers against the desk.

"Hey guys, have you decided what pro agency you're going to yet?" Ashido asked. You sighed and leaned back in your chair.

"I'm going to Mt. Lady!" Mineta exclaimed.

"Mineta, you're thinking about something perverted, aren't you?" Tsu asked, walking past him.

"Of course not!"

You looked at the list again. Your eyes landed on Endeavor's Hero Agency.
You scoffed and almost vomited.

'Gross ass bitch.' You were seriously considering Momo's agency.

"Hey, what about you, L/n?" Uraraka called. You looked up at her.

"Oh... well there are a lot of heroes, so I guess it's a hit or miss—"

"—I guess they never miss huh?"
Your eyes connected with Kaminari's.

"... you got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn't kiss ya," you said quietly, slowly standing up from your seat.

"He gon' find another girl and he won't miss ya," he added, repeating your actions.

"He gon' skrrt hit the dab like Whiz Khalifa," you both said at the same time, slowly walking up to each other.

"Marry me."
"Sit on my face."

"Who said what?" Kirishima whispered to Sato who just shrugged. You smiled widely and slung your arm over his neck.

"I see you are also well informed about the world of memes and shitposts," you said. He smirked at you.


"I will suck your dick right now unzip your fly—"

After you put down what agency you wanted to intern at, you left the school on your own. Walking through a busier part of town, you noticed you were the only one walking on the sidewalk. Your brow raised as you looked around.
Everyone was walking opposite of you or in the road. Whenever someone caught your gaze, they'd quickly look away and pick up speed. A mother even shielded her child away from you.
You scowled at them, opting to run back to your apartment.

When you got there, you quickly ran inside and shut the door behind you.

"Author, some crazy shit is happening," you called out. You turned and realized it was oddly quiet. Normally, you'd hear Author's munching of different food. You slowly walked through the apartment.

"Hello~? Author?" You sang out. "Huh... maybe she's on a mission."
You walked into the kitchen to grab some grub. Like literally grub. You eat bugs.

"Hello there, Y/n—"

You whirled around, clutching your chest. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY APARTMENT?"
The woman in front of you smiled endearingly.

"Getting into your apartment was quite easy," she replied, "I just lured Author out with a dog. She's quite easily distracted."
You stared at her apprehensively. Your eyes were suddenly drawn to her chest—

'WAIT STOP Y/N STOP BEING DANGEROUSLY GAY WHAT THE FUCK EYES UP! E Y E S U P!' You quickly averted your gaze, but she knew what you were doing.

"That doesn't answer why you're here."
She smiled, clasping her hands together.

"My name is Psychotica," she introduced, "I'm a friend of Kamiko's... or, was." She sighed dramatically. Your eyes narrowed at the mention of your mother.

"But that's not important." She walked up to you and you backed up into the counter. "You're her daughter, from what I've heard."
She leaned forward, closer to your face. Her eyes went up and down. It seemed as though she was analyzing you. Or checking you out.

"Heh." She smirked. "You'd be quite useful to us." Slowly, she cupped your cheek with her hand, brushing her thumb underneath your eye.

"Virgin lips, virgin eyes, virgin..." She pressed herself against you, stepping her leg in between yours. You were cornered.

'Oh god oh god oh god, what's with everyone and trying to seduce me?!'

She backed up.

"That's for another day." All at once she was gone. She turned around and calmly walked out of your apartment. It took you a moment to gather yourself. Heartbeat was in a frenzy, face flushed with slight embarrassment. You were the virginiest virgin to ever virgin.

"What the fuck—"

"Don't worry, by the way," she called back, "I won't make you kill anyone yet."
Your eyes widened a fraction.

"What—!?" The door slammed shut behind her. You stayed rooted to your spot, minutes after her departure.

'She won't make me kill anyone... yet?' You thought, brows furrowing. Just that thought made anxiety bubble up inside of you.
If you were caught doing any sort of crime befitting the death penalty, chances are you're going to Tartarus. The highest security leveled prison in Japan.

'Wait... I can't—no...'

"Huehuehue~ those officers can suck my ass."
You stiffly looked to the right and saw Author climbing through the kitchen window with a puppy in her arms.

"Author," you called, "What the hell is that?"

"The fuck you think it is? It's a puppy," she hissed back.

"No, that's a cloud of coke."




Author ran to the balcony and jumped from the railing. The dozens of FBI agents followed her without hesitation.

"... what the hap is fuckening...."

About a week after your strange encounter with Author and the woman named 'Psychotica' revealed herself to you—and almost fucked you—you and the rest of 1-A met at the train station.

"You all have your costumes, right?" Aizawa asked from in front of you. Since you enrolled later than the rest, you had to hurry your candy ass up and design a hero costume. So your creative ass went with this:

Simple and fuck, but sophisticated and practical.

"Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public," Aizawa reminded, "Don't drop them or anything."

"Yessir!" Ashido exclaimed, cheering.

"Speak clearly! It's 'yes, sir,' Ashido," Aizawa corrected.

"Ooh, we have a daddy kink over here."
He ignored that.

"Yes sir..." Ashido wilted.


"Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships! Off with you now."

"Yes sir!"

All of you quickly disbanded to go on your respective train. That's when you noticed you and Todoroki were going in the same direction.

'Oh geez, don't make it awkward.'

"Looks like we're goin in the same direction, huh?"

'The fuck did I just say.'




"Where are you going?"

"To my old man's agency," he replied. Your brows shot up.

"Oh, well, uh. Tryna not to judge here, but like... the fuck you doing that for?"

"I cannot forgive him for what he's done, but... it's irrefutable that he's still the No. 2 hero."

"I see." You nodded. "Okay, understandable."

"What about you?" He turned his head.

"Hm? Oh, I'm going to someone named Nori Momo, also known as MoMo, or something like that," you replied.

"What kind of hero is she?"

"I don't really know... never heard of her before this."

"I see," he replied, "Well, good luck."

"Thanks Target Logo, you do good too," you replied, slapping him (not so) gently on his back before hopping onto the train before him and going to the opposite side.
The man who was seated next to you saw you before gathering his computer bag and moving to another seat.
You sat criss cross on the train and ignored anyone else.

'Just bear it, Y/n. It'll all be worth it in the end.'


Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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