Drop Off Lines

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On Monday morning, I walked by Jax's locker with my head held high. It was his first day back from suspension, and I had been ignoring Lucas and Noah for a while.

Needless to say, I was expecting some drama.

"Wassup Flower?" Noah, asked, laying his arm across my shoulders and walking beside me. It was actually quite comfortable...

"Flower?"I repeated, raising a brow. He nodded in reply.

"Jasmine is a flower, so that's my nickname for you now!"

"Wow, you really thought deep into this."  I commented sarcastically.

"Oh yes, it's a long and complicated process involving Google," Noah explained wisely. I cracked a smile.

Jackson might be bipolar and temperamental, and Lucas might be annoyingly polite and annoyingly truthful, but Noah would always make me smile. He's definitely the best of three.

Of course, I couldn't tell him that; his head would swell to the point where he wouldn't be able to walk through the door!

Noah leaned against my neighboring locker, watching as I got my books.

Suddenly, he asked me if I liked pick up lines.

I nodded enthusiastically. "I absolutely love... shooting them down."

His excited smile melted into a frown.

"Well, Captain Killjoy, it is now my mission to come up with a pick up line that will make you smile!" he announced. I groaned and banged my head on my locker repeatedly. He was gonna badger me with that shit all day.

I started walking to the library. I had finally convinced my homeroom teacher to let me go to the library every morning so that I wouldn't have to hide in a closet until he finally decided to come to class.

"Um, where do you think your going Honey?" Noah inquired. Great, another sickly sweet name.

"Honey?"I asked. "What happened to 'Flower'?"

He groaned. "Bees create HONEY from the nectar that is found in FLOWERS. Jeez, get with the program, girl!"

Yes, of course. Because that is so obvious.

He followed me into the library. "Seriously? You couldn't have chosen some place more fun? Like.. a janitors closet?"

I scowled. "Hey, I didn't ask you to come with me. You can go drag some slut into a closet, but I wanna read some books."

I sat down and began to read. He sighed, and slumped in his seat.

I was in the middle of the fourth chapter when he sat up and leaned towards me.

"Did it hurt?" he asked.

I froze. Shit. Did he know? No, he couldn't possibly have see the pain etched on my face the other night, it was way to dar-

"...when you fell from heaven?" he finished. Thank gods, it was only a stupid pick up line.

"No," I replied. "But it sure burned when I crawled out of hell."

Noah stared at me with wide eyes.

"That's some pretty satanic shit."

--------------------This Line is on Fiiiiiiiiire----------------------------

Noah and I walked in to first period, laughing at my awesome drop off line (that's what we had dubbed my anti-pickup lines). Big mistake.

We only had a few seconds till the bell,  so the entire class was already in their seats. And walking into class with one of the most popular guys in school attracts a lot of attention.

Yeah, that's right. It had only been a week, and the Boys were already at the top of the food chain.

I quietly shuffled to my seat, in between Noah and Lucas. Lucas ignored us, but Jax stared at Noah really weirdly.

"Alright class. You will be in groups of four with the people next to you to complete this math worksheet. Get to work," Mr. Brown said.

Well this day is going to make me feel like I was- what did Noah say?-shit that was shitted by shit.

I ignored the three boys as I grabbed the worksheet and started scribbling the answers. I was smart enough to do it by myself, and the Boys knew that, so they just sat there like idiots.

Huh. The Three Idiots. Has a better ring that "the Boys".

I completed the work in a matter of minutes and leaned back in my seat. Noah turned towards me.

"Where have you been all my life?" he asked, in a voice that would have made most girls swoon. To me, he sounded like he had the plague.

"Hiding from you," I replied cleverly. He glared at me.

"Haven't I seen you somewhere before? Maybe... in my dreams?" he tried again.

"I've definitely seen you in my dreams! You were pinned to a target and I was holding a bow and arrow." I grinned. His reactions were quite entertaining. Jackson and Lucas, however, were on a whole new level of crazy. Lucas looked like he had just seen his reflection; his mouth was open in horror, surprise, and confusion. Jackson looked like a cartoon bull with steam coming out of his ears.

Oh my gods. Does he like Noah?! I mean, to everyone else, it seems like Noah is flirting with me. So if Jax is angry, it must be because he's attracted to Noah....

Jealous Jackson was almost as entertaining as Squealing Unicorn Jackson!

"I know how to please a woman," Noah continued suggestively. Lucas gagged.

"Then you must know that leaving me alone would please me!"

"Honey, I can tell that you want me," he stated confidently.

"Oh yes," I swooned. "I definitely want you... to LEAVE."

Gods, I crack myself up.

Jax looks like he's gonna crap himself up.

-----------------------Supersized McShizzle--------------------------------------------

Noah was badgering me in fourth period too.

"Is this seat empty?" he asked, pointing to the desk next to mine.

"Yes,"I replied. "And this one will be too, if you sit down."

He sat down anyway.

*Full House Stephanie Voice* How Rude.

"What's it like being the most beautiful girl in this school?"

"What's it like being the biggest liar in the world?" Boom. Owned him. And kinda roasted myself while I was at it.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together."
"Well thank gods N and O are already together."

"Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?"

"It must have been once. I never make the same mistake twice."

"Your place or mine?"

"Both. You go to yours and I'll go to mine."

------------------Do I smell something burning? Oh yeah... your ego!------------

By the time lunch rolled around, Noah was running out of pickup lines.

"Do you have any raisins? No? Well, how 'bout a date?"

Damn. Cheesy food pick up lines? That's a new low.

"How about some new material? This conversation has already dried up."

Noah was visibly frustrated.

"Can I... help you... lower... your....pants...?" he struggled. Wow. That was rather blunt.

"Sure, right after I lower my standards!" I replied.

We reached the cafeteria doors. He pushed open the door, but I kept walking down the hall. I always ate in the library. I was a little ways away when the Caf. doors opened again.

"Flower, where are you going?" Noah asked, poking his head out.

"Umm, the Library. Like always," I replied in confusion.

Noah shook his head. "Sorry sweetheart, I can't let you do that. You can't sit around by yourself and just eat an apple. Chivalry isn't dead yet!"

When will he ever oblige to my wishes?

"I'm good," I replied cheerfully. Inside, my heart was hammering in my chest. There was no way in hell I would allow him to drag me into the Cafeteria.

He dragged me into the cafeteria.

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