Blackmail is My Favorite Activity

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A big thank you to everyone that suggested chapter names, voted, followed, and added this book to their reading list! It means a lot! Your comments always crack me up, so keep it up!

Okay nobody cares.

As soon as Noah stepped into the cafeteria with me, his hand still clasping mine, all chatter ceased.

He dragged me through the tables, towards the middle of the room.

"Um, Noah, I refuse to sit with Mason and Cassie," I whispered nervously. He was headed towards the Center, where all the Populars sat.

He looked at me and grinned. "Me too. Obviously. None of us want to watch Cassie suck Mason's face off."

I coulda sworn he followed that with a whispered "Jax would much rather punch Mason's face off instead."

I was struck with the realization that sitting next to Noah meant sitting next to Jackson and Lucas.

Noah dragged me to the table that was a few tables away from the Center. Jackson and Lucas were already seated there with their trays. I slowed down.

"I don't think this is a good idea..." I said to Noah. He rolled his eyes.

"Gurl, all of my ideas are good."

We sat down, me next to Noah and Jackson and Lucas on the other side of the circular table. The two looked up at silently freaked out.

I know; my presence is just to overwhelming for mere mortals.

They started making crazy hand signals, waving their arms around and making weird faces.

"Ladies, ladies, one at a time," Noah said. They glared at him and his eyes widened nervously.

"I uh.. need to get my lunch," he said, shooting out of his seat and towards the lunch line.


Ilooked down in my lap, ignoring my Nutella craving stomach and the occasional glances sent my way. The boys were obviously talking about me. It's to bad that not everyone has my ninja talents.

I bit into my apple and looked around. Mason's crew was glaring and sneering at me. Cassie's posse was giggling, too. Their leaders, however, were no where to be found.

Suddenly, Lucas' eyes widened and he stood up.

"Jasmine, watch-" he said frantically, but it was too late. A gallon of water came pouring down on my head.

Well, I mean, I didn't actually measure the water as it dripped down my face but I'm guessing-

I turned around to see Cassie and Mason standing there with evil smiles on their faces.

"Oops," Cassie said, feigning shock and covering her smile with a perfectly manicured hand.

"We didn't see you there," Mason finished, holding an empty jug of water.





My bruises were all on display. Thankfully, the buys were behind me, and Mason's huge frame blocked me from the view of the rest of the student body.

"Like hell you didn't," I growled. "What other reason would you have for holding a gallon of water? To wash out all the crap that spews from your mouth and the shit on your face?"

Mason and Cassie were shocked at the fact that I was standing up to them, so I took that moment to bolt out of the cafeteria. As I left, I could here the shouts of Lucas and Noah, and the smack of fists.

I ran to my locker to get the makeup I kept with me, and dashed to the nearest bathroom.

No way would I let the secret I had kept for so long come out because of a slut like Cassie.

--------------------------Nutella is Bae-----------------------

The next period was the worst time of the day.

Gym class was terrible. I thank the gods every day that neither Cassie nor Mason are in my class. But their cronies are. Zarina and Caleb decided to trip me during the mile run, and I fell on my face, making my nose bleed. So I was sent to the nurse's office while the class chuckled behind me.

Atleast I got out of Gym.

I told the nurse that my nose bled because I tripped (technically true) and got cleaned up. Her office is right next to the principal's, and as I walked past it on the way to my locker, I heard the jackass that is Mr. Wendall yelling at a boy. Specifically: Jackson.


"I should expel you!" he sneered. "You gave our star soccer player a black eye!"

Now, there are some things I should probably explain.

Number 1:

Sports are taken very seriously at my school. Soccer and football are the most important, and all the most popular people are on the team. Cassie is head cheerleader. Most of her groupies are cheerleaders too, although a few are stars of the field hockey team. Mason is our school's star soccer player, and his teammates are all his followers. Noah, Lucas, and Jackson all played on the school football team.

Number 2: He's after me cuz I'm a Schuyler sister That elevates his status...

The teachers at this school are relatively nice. Oblivious of bullying, but nice.

But our principal? Noooo. Mr. Wendall is a cheating scoundrel. He has a wife who's very nice; she visits him at work and makes cookies for the secretaries. She's polite and beautiful, and make hilarious jokes. I've met her many times because sometimes she helps out at the nurse's office.

To avoid Mason, I sometimes hide after school until everyone's gone. And on a few occasions, I've seen Mr. Wendall kissing his side chick, a slutty woman with a face caked in makeup. So naturally, I blackmailed him. Cassie had once gotten me into a little trouble, but as soon as I mentioned his whore, he seemed to decide that I didn't deserve a punishment.

Blackmail is my favorite activity.


I walked into Wendall's office in the middle of his loud lecture.

"What?!"he screamed when the door opened. "Can't you see I'm a little busy he- oh, Jasmine, I didn't see you there." He went from a boisterous tomato to a shy, guilty man.

"Hey Phil," I greeted, leaning on a file cabinet. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Just, punishing this man for fighting in the cafeteria," he chuckled nervously.

I nodded solemnly. "Ah. Well, this man was actually helping me out. See, Mason was being very rude and terrible to me, just like you are to your wif-"

"Okay, no punishment for you now get to your next class," the flustered scoundrel interrupted, his cheeks red with embarrassment.

Jackson followed me out of the room and into the hallway.

"How did you do that?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

I smiled. "A magician never reveals her secrets."

He looked at me weirdly.

"What?" Did I have food on my face? Ewww.

"Nothing. It's just... you hardly ever smile, especially not in school," he explained.

My smile faded.

"Whatever,"I said. "Oh, and just in case you thought otherwise: I only saved you back there because I hate the principal. Not because I'm thankful for what you did and stuff."

He nodded. "Of course."

I headed towards the library instead of the gym. I know, you're thinking "Why are you always going to the library?" Lemme just say, I hate all my classes... so.....

I'm sure you lazy potatoes can relate.

~We are connecting on a spiritual level~

Jackson was still walking at my side. Was he following me?

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" I asked. Regina George the Second over here!

"....I'm going to my next class.."

Que me speed walking out of that awkward situation.

------------------------------Time Lapse Line---------------------------------------------

My gym period had ended, and I had gotten through seventh period without any trouble. But it was eighth period, my final class of the day, that was truly the icing on the crap cake.

I was seated in the back, like always, my homework out for collection and my hands clasped together and resting on my desk, like the perfect angel I am lol no, when Mason and his trusty sidekick Cassie walk in and inform us that they've transferred to this class.


"Why does the world hate me so much? Was my birth really necessary?" I ask, looking up at the ceiling for answers as if a god was going to descend from the heavens with a flock of doves and tell me.

"Double chocolate chip cookies aren't necessary but I wouldn't want to live in a world without them." A cheeky voice comes from my right.

I stay facing forward because based on my calculations and the cliche that is my life, the voice belongs to Noah.

"Shut up Noah."

"I'm not Noah."

I turn to my side and see Lucas. Oh, same thing.

"Sorry," I start sweetly. "You're both idiots, so it's kinda hard to differentiate the two."

Noah- is it Noah? Yeah, it's definitely Noah- comes up to my side. "How the hell did you mix the two of us up? He's white as hell!"

"I'm pretty sure hell isn't white.." Lucas cut in.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't ask for your opinion!"

Goddamn, they are annoying.

"Heyyyyy boys!" Cassie squeaked as she walked up to us. By now, the boys were seated in the chairs next to me.

"Heyyyyy slut!" Noah replied joyfully, while Lucas banged his head repeatedly on the desk.

Haha. Banged. I'm so mature.

"Was her birth really necessary?" Lucas asked, looking down.

"Why are you looking at your crotch?" I asked. He fell out of his chair.

"I was looking at Satan... he's down there..." he said, indicating to the ground to symbolize Hell.

Isn't it ironic that we're on the second floor and the principal's office is directly underneath us?

"Umm, Satan is right in front of us," Noah said, pointing at Cassie, who was tapping her foot impatiently.

She screeched like one of the three Furies in reply.

"Goddammit woman, did you have to do that?!" Mason screamed at his girlfriend from across the room, the dark bruise on his eye gleaming against his paled skin.

Mr. Kramer walked in at that exact moment.

And then he walked out.

He wasn't taking anyone's shit today.

When everyone finally got into their seats and quieted down, he came back.

"Your behavior was unacceptable! After school detention for the entireclass, TODAY!"

And then the riots began.

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