Reasons why I won't visit Japan

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I should start off by saying my brother is not only a military man, but he's your basic hetero "never let them see you cry" cliche of a military man. He's not afraid of anything, well, except for the entire country of japan. This is his story.

My brother joined the marines when he was 18 and was stationed in Japan. He really enjoyed his time there for a while. The girls, specifically. He made friends with some of the japanese guys his age who worked around the base. On nights where him and his soldier friends had the night off, the local japanese guys would show them around, bring them to bars, introduce them to girls, etc. One night, after a little drinking and no luck with girls, the guy invited my brother home to play video games. My brother accepted the invite and they played video games for a few hours. During this time, he tells my brother the main reason he wanted to get home early was because his little sister had been suffering from night terrors, causing her to wake up screaming, crying, and sometimes vomiting. He was worried about her and wanted to be home in case she had an episode.

At this point in the story, I should explain how this guy's house was shaped. The house was built in the shape of a horseshoe, with a garden in the middle. His bedroom was at the very edge of one side of the "U" shape and his sisters all the way at the other end. So they are essentially across the garden from each other. If he looks out of his window, he can see into hers and vice versa.

So anyways, they decide to call it a night, and the japanese guy walks over to the window to look across the garden into his sisters window, to check on her. He lifts the blind and peers out for a fraction of a second before jumping back screaming and looking at my brother like he just saw something horrible. My brother then goes to look and he stops him. He tells him that he saw a dark cloud with red eyes hovering over his sister's sleeping body. My brother, naturally, does not believe him and decides to look for himself. He creeps quietly over to the window and lifts the blind but this time, he finds himself eye to eye with what he describes as a "dark black puff of smoke with a face". My brother and this other guy admit that they got under the guys covers and stayed there until it was light outside, too afraid to lift the blankets and see that the smoky figure had come a little closer, and was in the room with them, just on the other side of the thin sheets.

I don't know what to believe, or if maybe they drank more than what they said they did that night and imagined it all, but I know my brother believes what he saw. He sticks to his story, and when he tells it, he looks like someone who saw something truly sinister.


As I mentioned in the comments in the first post my brother had another experience with a creepy house during his time in Japan. I finally got the email from him to allow me to share this with you guys! Instead of rewording everything he says and giving you a third person perspective (plus I'm lazy) I'm just gonna copy and paste and let you read it:

I'll try to remember the best I can. I guess it all started when my friend Jesse started dating this japanese girl named Chie. We were talking about watching a movie about a haunted house and Chie didn't want to watch it. She said she knew of a real haunted house. She told us about a house on a cliff-side in a "dead forest" -not the suicide forest over there she just meant that all the animals there were dead or something like that I still don't know what she meant- So we basically convince her to take us there. Just me and Jesse at this point. She takes us on a drive that ends in the middle of nowhere next to a trail in the woods. There's a little chain tied to two trees which wasn't doing much to keep people out since it was drooped to about ankle height and we just would need to step over it to enter the trail. Chie told us she was staying the the car and nothing we did could convince her otherwise. So me and Jesse head down the trail and we walk for about 10 minutes till we got to a point in the forest that everything got silent. Its not like anything was loud before, I didn't even notice the noises like sound of crickets, birds, buzzing of insects things like that, until they stopped. The silence just hits you. There are no animals in that part of the woods. Me and Jesse took one look at each other and we both just like read each others minds. We turned around and ran. We ran without stopping the whole way back. I never looked back, and I didn't hear anything but it just felt like something was chasing us. I beat Jesse to the end, and was almost in the car when I turned back when I heard a thump and a yell and I turned and saw Jesse on the ground. The chain rope that was ankle height, had somehow caught him at the stomach. It left a mark and everything. I had helped him up and we got out of there. But fuck that we were getting to the bottom of shit. SO we got four more guys together, brought flashlights and guns and went back. It was scarier in the dark but with the other guys it was safe. We made it all the way to the end of the path this time. We knew we were coming up on something near the water cause we could hear waves crashing against the cliff. Sure enough, when we got to the clearing we were on the edge of a cliff and we were facing a little house that looked like nobody had lived in it for at least 10 years. We went inside, and found that it looked like the family that lived there just disappeared. All of their belongings were tossed everywhere. That could have been from people ransacking the place though, I'm not sure. But it looked like clothes, dishes, furniture was all still there. Just left behind and forgotten. The most alarming thing though, and first thing you noticed was the walls. The fucking walls. Every inch of the walls in every room was covered in ash. Not just like painted in ashes either. It was covered in words written in ash in some weird language. Latin probably. It looked like someone dipped their finger in ash then started at where the wall met the ceiling and just started writing something then when they got to the end of that wall they made a new line right underneath. It continued till the wall met the floor, and they went to the top of the next wall. I can't imagine how much time that took. We took pictures of it and if I can get any from Jesse I'll send them to you. The creepiest thing is that Jesse told me that he asked Chie in private what she had heard about that house and she told him that the legend says a mom who lived there went crazy one day and killed her husband and four children. She turned herself in and said she killed them and burned their bodies, the bodies were never found and the lady spent the rest of her life locked up in some kind of asylum. It makes me wonder though.. about all that ash. How much ash would it take to cover your walls? If you burned 5 bodies would that be enough? I don't know. Crazy shit. Anyways I won't be able to sleep after thinking about it.

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And remember...
Best things happen in the dark...

I will post more stories soon.
Until then stay spooky!

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