CH. 28 Praeludium for you

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Hello dear all :-) After a long break due to my work/study duties, I'm back with our kitty and tiger and as I promised yesterday, here comes the new chapter.

It's a connecting chapter I'd say and it prepares us to the following one, which will be out probably tomorrow or Wednesday; it gives us the chance as well to understand how some characters feel after what happened and how life keeps going on for them. Plus, our cutie is organizing something... I really hope you'll enjoy it, so let me know with your comments, which I LOVE to read!

Thank you very much for all the messages you sent to me and for the comments: it's always wonderful to read them and they make me super happy!!!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to IlanitHarary because I know you were waiting for this and it's a thank you for your comments and messages xox

On the right, a picture of DMITRI that Jasper took while eating ice-cream --> Alexander Ludwig.



I scrolled down the page and found much useful information about what I had in mind to organize for my tiger and my hand quickly wrote everything down on a paper; my dad was fine with my idea, as I of course had to ask permission before even thinking to arrange such thing, but uhm well, mother wasn’t fine at all and she put up a very hard and stressing argument. Oh boy, good thing dad gave me permission and took my side, because otherwise my chances would have been zero; mother got angry with dad and very angry with me saying that I was the cause of this situation and that he never acted in that way in the past. I sighed loudly thinking about that and I could not understand why she behaved in that resentful and cold way instead of being happy we finally were forming a real bond.

Uhm well, I knew she still hated to think of me as gay and actually the word was still sort of banned in our house, seen as a shameful mark for our family, and same applied to Nic and of course he said nothing to her about dating River, while dad knew it.

The whole matter with mother was so ridiculous if you think about it, because Dima was often here with us and he got along with dad very well. And what was so wrong about being gay? Dima was wonderful and so his family. And I must say I never heard my brother so happy as he was now with River. And uhm, really dad and Dima were getting along well, seriously.

Boy, I could not believe it, but the more time they spent together, the more they liked each other. My father liked that spontaneous and straightforward side of my tiger and must confess that thanks to my boyfriend I was discovering new sides of one my parents. Uhm well, probably of both, but mother’s sides were not exactly very nice. She became more and more acid and cold and a couple of times she treated Dima rather rudely and when I went to say something, he simply placed a hand on my shoulder and winked at me, as to say to let it go. He didn’t mind that, sure, but I did mind it and very much, so I talked to her at dinner and oh boy. One of the most silly idea ever, because it drew out an incredible discussion and when Nic heard of it, uhm well, he had a not so sweet phone call with her.  To sum it up, both of us were now confronting and rebelling against her.

Anyway, I discovered that dad loved hockey and last week the three of us, he, Dima and I, watched a game on TV here after dinner and it was funny to see both of them getting fired up; uhm, can you actually picture Dima and dad sitting on a couch and sort of insulting the referee for not accepting a goal from the Rangers? Well, dad of course didn’t curse and my boyfriend did it in Russian so, but uhm well, can you see it? I wished I could take a picture of it to send it to Nic and show it to Travis. Dad actually came to watch another game at school and it was the last of the season and of course our team won the championship. I giggled thinking about that because it reminded me of Travis; after the game was over he turned his head to me and winked, saying he was going to make a celebration-surprise for Alex and from the way he smirked, oh boy, I knew what he had in mind.

Uhm well, I guess this little surprise could be considered a celebration as well, but mostly it was to do something for Dima. Two weeks and half passed since that Saturday and it was clear he needed a break.

He had a lot in his mind recently, after all the things that happened with his brother and even if he said it wasn’t a big deal and it was fine, uhm, I knew he was still thinking about that and didn’t digest the whole situation completely. Boy, it sure wasn’t easy to do it and to be honest, whenever I went to their place I found my eyes observing Anatoly in the way he interacted with my tiger and I surprised myself in finding out I was terribly jealous. He had confessed of having feelings for his own twin brother and uhm well, sure that was something, but it did not shock me very much, because it wasn’t something impossible and uhm, it wasn’t a feeling he could control. He overreacted with the whole problem and instead of trusting the people he had around, Anatoly let fear had the best of him and the result had been a painful mess and disaster. When he told us about that teacher, oh boy, I felt such anger inside me, because I couldn’t believe someone that was supposed to be there and help could instead turn out in that horrible way. I wonder when and if he’ll ever say anything to Alex and River.

I shook my head and let go of everything, because it was pointless to over think about that; I had already digested everything and realized Anatoly didn’t scare me anymore, even though we still had a very bad and awkward relation. He kept calling me midget and chipmunk, and well, he had quite a hard and gruff personality and boy, he was completely different from Dima. But in the past days we managed to exchange few civil words, even if I think it was because that man was there. Uhm…I think Anatoly had a soft spot for that man, Oleg, but well, not sure about it. He didn’t show it, but it was there, in his behavior and way of looking at him. Anatoly however gave me the idea of someone that would never admit it or anyway that would never say it out aloud. As I said, quite a difficult and harsh personality.

Someone knocked at the door of my bedroom and when I said “come in”, my best friend surprised me.

“Hey cutie.” He smiled and I saw also Alex was there with him. Boy, they looked so good together and both were dressed perfectly.

“Travis, what a surprise!” I jumped up and we hugged each other giggling. “Hey Alex!” He winked and grinned and wondered what they were doing here. “Why are you here? I thought you had plans today.”

“We do, but you told me today that you needed to ask Alexi a couple of things and since I know it’s about Dima, I decided to come over now and see what’s about. I’m totally curious and I guess it’s about that surprise you have in mind, right?” I just stared at him blinking few times without saying anything. He was incredible. I then cracked a smile and nodded.

“Yep, Travis. It’s about Dima.”

“What about him, Jas? Everything ok?” Alex asked.

“Sure, sure.” We sat on my bed and I noticed how Travis sat between his boyfriend’s legs and how Alex closed his arms around. “Everything ok, thanks for asking.”

They were always quite the view together and I realized that after the news my best friend gave us about London, the two of them were now practically inseparable and spent every possible second together. I was going to miss him terribly, but I had no idea how much Alex would miss Travis…boy, I liked him even more, because he told Travis to pursue his dream and accept the offer to study in London. I knew that must have cost him terribly, but I also knew he loved Travis more than anything and anyone else.

“Hell cutie, spill the beans, I’m curious.” He brushed a strand of white hair aside and winked. “Do you have in mind something very peculiar and naughty?” Travis leaned forward and studied my blushing face. He was terrible.

Boy, I was really going to miss him. God bless Skype and internet!

“Travis love, I think Jasper’s mind doesn’t works exactly like yours, even though I totally love your dirty mind..” Oh boy, those two were really just meant to be together. Travis turned to look at him and he smirked in that cat-like way and quickly licked his lips. Alex sort of growled and I saw how he tightened the grip on him. “Hmm, I definitely love your dirty and crazy mind.”

“And I love your dirty and beasty mind, baby.”

I think every time they were together and had a moment of uhm well, of Alex and Travis, well, they really forgot about everything else; in that moment it was just them. It wasn’t bad or anything of the sort, it didn’t make you feel uncomfortable or left aside, because it was actually very sweet and beautiful to see, as you could see and feel the deep love and connection they had.

Travis turned his head back to look at me and smiled.

“Sorry Jas, Alexi just distracted me.” Alex chuckled and rested his chin on my friend’s shoulder.

“He’s right, sorry. What is it you wanted to ask about Dima?” He said staring at me with smiling but very intense ice-blue eyes. They had a different shade from Dima’, because Alex’s eyes were of a lighter blue and really gave you the idea of ice and they could be very hard and intimidating sometimes, while Dima’ aquamarines were always grinning and warm.

“Uhm well, I was thinking of camping somewhere outside New York, as around the area we have many parks, but uhm, I have no idea if he has ever done anything of the sort, because must confess I have no clue on how to set a tent and the like. I did a bit of camping with Nic, but it’s been years since last time and he was the one knowing what to do. And uhm well, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise by asking him directly.” I blushed a bit and chewed my lip and Travis jumped up clapping his hands. Oh boy, I think he liked the idea.

“Camping? Hell Jas, it’s going to be super and I’m sure blondie loves it!” He turned to his boyfriend grinning. “Baby, can we do it someday, too?”

“Anything you want, Travis.” He smiled tenderly and then looked at me. “Don’t worry Jas, Dima loves it and he actually did it many times with his family, even though I don’t remember last time they went all together, especially after Anatoly changed that much.” After what happened with him, Alex started to call him again with his name, but not Tolya yet. I knew it would take longer for him, but Travis told me how Alex was glad that Anatoly finally came back to his senses. “He sure knows everything on the matter and I remember we actually camped once in his garden, I think five years ago or so. Ask him about that.”

“Can’t believe it, you guys camped in a garden?” Travis asked quite surprised. “And who else was there?”

“It was Derek, me, Dima, River and Hayden. After we got to know Hayden, Dima decided it’d be cool to have a night camping in his garden, you know, to talk about girls and the like.” He winked at me and I widened my eyes.

“Talking about girls?” Travis asked and you couldn’t miss the note of jealousy in his voice. “What about them?”

“Hmm my love is jealous...” Alex teased my friend. “I love it, but you know I always found girls a pain in the neck and sex never really interested me and was boring, well, until I met you.” Oh boy, the way he smirked at Travis. They exchanged a deep look and uhm, sure, whatever plans they had I think they might skip part of them, if not all. “Well Jasper, I think you had a great idea and he’ll love it for sure.”

“Thanks Alex.”

“Hey cutie, have you already found the place?”

“Yep, I found a nice park that has also a beach and hope we can swim, since right now May is very warm.”

“Yeah, that’s true. This year is warmer than usual. But Jas, promise me to take some pictures and..” He leaned closer to me to whisper in my ear. “And I think that making love under the stars is very romantic. I’ll try with my Alexi when it’s warmer.”

I probably went thermonuclear, especially in seeing Alex chuckling in a very amused way guessing the reason of my blushing. Boy, why I still blushed over such things? Why couldn’t I get used to it? I mean, he was my best friend and we talked about everything.

“Jasper, just make sure to take care of the food; Dima isn’t the best at managing food while camping and I’m not joking. He managed to make a mess even in just grilling marshmallow, so have your idea.” Alex grinned and shook his head, and I blinked trying to picture it.

“But he made pizza for me and it was very good and he also cooked me breakfast.” I made myself blushing at realizing what I said and in seeing how they stared at me with an evident smug smile.

“Hmm, I guess it was when you guys needed to replenish your energies, right?” Travis winked and I just rolled my eyes.

“Well, he might be ok with that, but believe me Jas, he can be a disaster while managing barbeque, I mean, you know Dima very well, right?” I thought about Alex’s words and uhm well, sure, I think he was right. Last week we had dinner together at his place and he almost burned the steak and boy, I still had no idea how he almost did it. “I see you got what I mean. But aside that, don’t worry. He really enjoys camping and I think you had a great idea, since he needs a break from everything, although dad told me his parents have never been so happy like now, especially his mother.”

“Oh boy, I know, but must say that also Dima is very happy and uhm well, I think Anatoly too. He has changed a bit. Have you talked to him since that Sunday?”

“Only once last week, when Julie went to see his injuries.” I could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn’t ready to talk about this yet, and so I dropped the subject.

“How is he now?” Travis asked.

“Much better to be honest, but since his arm bone has a multiple fracture he has to keep the cast longer than usual. He’s been lucky though, ‘cause Julie said he risked surgery.” Travis nodded and Alex tightened the grip on him, as if guessing what his boyfriend was thinking about.

“Hope he will get better soon.” My best friend said with a genuine smile, while Alex studied my face. Dima told me that even if he might give the impression of not caring, it wasn’t right, because he asked how Anatoly was doing many times and for someone like Alex I think it was quite a lot. He wasn’t for fake display of interest and asking was already a lot for him; I came to like him very much, because he was an extremely sincere and caring person.

“Uhm, he told me he wants to speak to my friends too, but uhm well, not sure when.” He furrowed his brows.

“Anatoly said that?”


“I see, so he really wants to get even with everything. That’s good.”

“Will you go to see him soon?” Travis asked him.

“I think River wants to go next week, might tag along. Want to come as well?” My best friend just smiled and pecked his lips. I felt my lips smiling while looking at them, but then I remembered they had plans.

“Oh boy, I keep you guys talking, but you have something to do, right?”

Alex gave a quick look at his watch and nodded.

“Yeah, we better get going baby. If you still want to watch that movie, it’s going to begin soon.”

Uhm, so they weren’t going to skip their plans, but uhm well, you never knew with them and Travis sure would find the way to have a … boy, just thinking about that made me blush, but uhm, how he called it? Oh sure, quickie. Oh boy, what was I thinking about? Well…I think Dima and I had one right two days ago, when he drove me back from school and uhm well…we kissed and…well, we both were in the mood and given we had almost no time, well..yep, that sure was a quickie. Boy, quick but intense. I giggled and then blushed. What was I thinking about?

“Hell cutie, stop thinking about doing dirty things with Dima.”

“Boy Travis, you are the one to talk.”

He stuck out his pierced tongue and then chuckled.

“Well, sex can be fantastic and mind-blowing with the right person, don’t you agree?” I first widened my eyes in shock, but then recovered immediately and nodded. He was right.

“Yep, you’re right.”

“Well Jas, I’ll see you tomorrow in school, now we better get going. Remember what I told you about barbeque and everything will be good, and maybe next time we could organize something all together, before Travis leaves for London, I’m sure the guys would love that.”

“Thanks Alex and that would be great.”

“He’s right, we should definitely do it; it’d be fantastic, thanks love.” Travis flashed one of his most dazzling smile and boy, I was really going to miss him very, very, very much.

“Great, when exams are over we will organize something.” Alex decided.

Travis hugged me tightly and then kissed the tip of my nose.

“See you tomorrow cutie.”

I walked them to the main door and then ran back to my room, extremely excited about my idea for the weekend; I wrote down all the details and since I had dad’s permission, I called the park and booked the space for a couple of nights and after that, I made a list of what we needed. We already had the tents and stuff, so no problems about that and I really hoped we could swim, but not sure, they website didn’t say much about the swimming season. Uhm, guess we’ll find out once there. I was literally bouncing up and down with excitement and couldn’t keep still for more than two seconds and I went to call Dima, but uhm well, I eyed the key of my car and decided to make him a surprise.

When I rang the door bell I sure didn’t expect his brother to open the door. Anatoly stared at me with a strange expression and then smirked in that usual mocking way.

“Hey chipmunk, here to see that dofus of my brother?”

I rolled my eyes and sighed out. Someone called from inside the house and he snorted.

“I just opened the freaking door, mum.” He walked to the side and told me to get in. “C’mon midget, before she drives me even more nuts. I better get back to my room rest and rot in endless boredom.”

I chuckled at hearing that and at his face and realized that when he was slightly normal, his expressions were similar to Dima’, but uhm, not as funny as my tiger was.

“What are you laughing about? You should be in my shoes, with my mum fussing over you 24/7. You wouldn’t freaking giggle like a girl anymore.”

“Oh boy, you’re just so impossible and anyway, it was your choice.” I reminded him and he gave me a dark glare, but this time it didn’t scare me.

“Dima is in his room pretending to study, bet he’ll be happy to see you.” He winced evidently when he moved his arm and I studied his face. He was sure still feeling a lot a pain.

“Uhm, how is your arm?” I asked.

“Still broken, Einstein.” He answered smugly and I decided to ignore him and walked upstairs, but he seized my sleeve and stopped me. Uhm well, that sort of freaked me. I guess it would take time for all of us. He saw that and something crossed his face; I believe he was regretting what he did very much and I hope the regret would not eat him too much. “Wait, sorry about that. It hurts, but Sasha’s mother gave me some good painkiller in case of acute pain and they work fine.” His eyes studied mine and they had a question in them. “How are Sasha and the others?”

“They are all well and you know they won the scholastic championship of hockey.” He nodded and

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