a fic where nothing happens, they're just in bed

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"Why do you always curl up to me like this?" Trevor asked looking at Alucard who was snuggled up into his side. "Not that I mind." He added reassuringly.

"Your warmth, it's... comforting." Alucard said before burying his face deep into the crook of Trevor's neck. "And the sound of your heartbeat, it's calming. It's slow and steady, it relaxes me." He finished. Trevor just sighed in content and wrapped his arms around Alucard to hold him closer, to pull him deeper into the warmth he was so comforted by, closer to the heart he was calmed by.

"It's nice that you're not too warm, otherwise I'd get too hot and push you out of bed, I'm glad we can do this." Trevor smiled.

"As am I." Alucard mumbled into Trevor's skin.

"I like days like these." Trevor smiled starting to play with Alucard's hair.

"Thunderstorms?" Alucard asked as a well timed strike of lightning flashed through the window.

"No." Trevor smiled. "Days where we got to spend our time in bed. Days we know we're safe." He finished tightening his grip around Alucard for a second, just a comforting squeeze.

"I think you just like being lazy." Alucard mumbled against his skin. Trevor chuckled.

"Could be." He smiled as he started doing a small braid in Alucard's hair. "Or I might just like being with you." He added. Alucard met his eyes and they just looked at each other before he buried his face back in Trevor's neck. "Do you think Sypha's having fun?" He asked after a bit.

"You miss her." Alucard smiled, brushing a hair out of Trevor's face.

"Just wondering is all..." He looked away. "I'm glad she's coming home soon." He added.

"Me too." Alucard replied smiling up at him. Neither of them were very good at expressing themselves emotionally so this was nice for them, talking about Sypha and laying together with no other reason than being close to one another.

"Do you think tomorrow we should go to the market?" Trevor asked with a yawn causing Alucard to yawn as well.

"Why? Do we need anything?" Alucard asked not opening his eyes.

"Milk, honey, bread, almost everything really." Trevor laughed tiredly.

"Market it is." Alucard replied with another yawn making Trevor yawn.

"Hey." Trevor said kissing the top of Alucard's head.

"Mhmm?" Alucard hummed continuing to keep his eyes closed.

"I love you." Trevor said softly. Alucard cuddled closer.

"I love you too." Alucard hummed in response. Trevor wasn't holding his breath or clenching his jaw waiting for a response like he had for their first few i-love-yous, it was a comfortable statement he was used to now, something that didn't even need to be spoken any longer; they both knew.

"You know, I used to be afraid of thunderstorms." Trevor smiled and waited for what he knew was coming. Alucard lifted his head to meet Trevor's eyes and smiled.

"Did you really?" He asked, half laughing. "The Great Trevor Belmont, scared of thunderstorms?"

"I know it's hard to believe." Trevor smiled. "But I wasn't 'The Great Trevor Belmont' then." He used finger quotes and let out a chuckle. "I was just a kid, trying to seem much braver than I was and trying to do much more than I could." He ran his fingers through Alucard's hair. "I could pretend not to be scared of ghosts, monsters, or demons but thunder and lightning, I could never handle them." Just as he finished speaking the sound of the rain on the window pane was interrupted by a flash of lightning and the loud rumble of thunder which only caused Trevor to chuckle again, still running his fingers through Alucard's hair, not altering his slow and rhythmic pace.

"What do you think scared you about them?" Alucard asked softly, sighing in content as Trevor continued to play with his hair.

"This is going to sound stupid but I think- I think I was so scared because I couldn't kill them." Trevor stopped and waited for Alucard to laugh.

"Trevor, you've said a lot of stupid things." Then it was Trevor's turn to laugh. "But that, my love, was not one of them. You've been taught to fight and kill since you could walk. Encountering something frightening and, for the first time, not being able to defend yourself from it... must have been terrifying."

"Never thought of it like that." Trevor half mumbled.

"When did you stop being afraid?" Alucard asked after a moment of silence.

"To be completely honest I can't really remember. I was just out in the rain one day and I didn't feel scared anymore." Trevor looked down at Alucard who was watching him intently as he twisted and untwisted a lock of Alucard's hair around his finger. "Sorry there's no harrowing story."

"Not everything needs to be some astonishing adventure." Alucard laughed.

"You're right." Trevor said after a beat. "I think I like it better without the adventure, when it's just you and me."

"You're a sap, you know that?" Alucard laughed.

"That's on you, you made me soft." Trevor snuggled closer to him. "I used to be cold and brooding."

"I like things better this way."

"Me too."

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