Lets Talk (6)

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Luke sat down and gave me my coffee. I sipped it and looked at Luke.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Well. What'd you wanna talk about?" I trailed off. He sighed and looked down at his cup.

"Em, I love you. And I'm leaving Georgia. None of our families think it's good idea at the moment. I don't care what they think." He stopped. I smiled and thought he was going somewhere good with this. "But I want us to make the decision together. Will it be too hard to say goodbye when I have to leave?"

"It'll still be hard, whether we're dating or not." I pointed out. Luke nodded.
"Do you think we should break it off?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said softly.

"Maybe we should." I suggested. Luke nodded after a minute or so.

"Okay. If that's what you want." He sighed. We got up and left the coffee shop.

Luke drove back to the abandoned property between our houses. We sat in the empty field for awhile before parting our separate ways.

"See you tomorrow?" Luke asked. I nodded and hugged him.

"Thank you." I mumbled into his shirt.

"Love you." He whispered.

"Love you too." I laughed and walked back towards my house. Before I opened he door I turned around. Luke was standing in the same spot smiling at me. "Go home weirdo!" I shouted. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

I walked in my house as he started the walk back to his. Mama was sitting on the floor playing with our dog Jack.

"Hey mama." I greeted.

"Hey honey. I need you to take Maddie out to dinner tonight. Your father and I are going to a meeting with her teacher." Mama stated. I nodded and went in my room.

Luke's POV:

As soon as I walked in the door, Mama wanted to talk to me. I sat down on the couch and prepared for a lecture.

"Luke. You need to break up with Emilee. She's great. We all love her, but it's gonna break all our hearts to see you two leave each other." She started.

"Mama I-"

"No. You listen to me. This isn't the right time for y'all. You should wait until she's ready to come out to Nashville for you." Mama spoke miles per minute.

"Mama we broke it off!" I shouted, interrupting her. Mama looked shocked.

"O-okay then son. We're done here." She mumbled and wandered off through the house. I sighed and went to my room. My phone buzzed with a text from Emilee.

E- I have to take Maddie out tonight. Wanna come?
L- Yeah sure. I should let Mama blow off steam.
E- Why what happened?
L- I'll explain it later.
E- K. We'll be over in half an hour.
L- Alright.

I put my phone down and laid in bed until Em and Maddie got here.

"Hey butthead." Maddie laughed and walked in my room. I sat up.

"Hi brat." I joked. Emilee walked in. I smiled and hugged her before grabbing my phone and wallet off the table.

"Ready?" Emilee asked. I nodded.

"My truck?" I asked. Em smiled and we piled into my Chevrolet. I turned the radio and drove until we got to an appealing restaurant.

We sat down and ordered. I got a burger and Em and Maddie both got the homemade macaroni and cheese platters.

"So. What'd mama get on your tail about?" Em laughed.

"Good god. She lectured me as soon as I walked in about why I should break up with you. She wouldn't let me speak so I shouted over her and then walked to my room." I gave my explanation.

"Wait. Y'all were dating?" Maddie asked. Em and I nodded.

"For a day and a half or so." I laughed a little. Em smiled slightly. I could tell I hurt her by adding a laugh. I made her think that the whole thing was a joke.

"I'll be right back." Em said and got up. I went to get up after her, but Maddie stopped me.

"Don't. Just let her go. She'll be right back." Maddie scolded. I nodded and sat back down. "You know it's gonna be so hard on her to watch you leave."

"I know. It's gonna be hard for me too." I said sternly.

"No. Not as hard. You're going to go find your second love. She's staying here to search for something she's never found the years that we've been here. She's gonna be looking pointlessly for something to keep her busy. You are her go to Luke. She looks up to you. Depends on you." Maddie smiled a little bit.

"Really?" I asked. Kind of flattered. I never looked at it that way.

"All these years, I've just watched and observed your guys' relationship." Maddie said. I nodded and saw Em coming back out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look at her and Maddie stopped talking.

"What are y'all staring at?" Em asked nervously.

"You." I smirked. Em rolled her eyes and sat back down next to her sister. Our food came and we ate. I couldn't get Maddie's words out of my head. The whole time I was just staring at Emilee. I really had that effect on her?

"Luke. Snap out of it." Emilee demanded as the waiter walked off with our bill.

"Wait. Did you just pay?" I asked. Em nodded. "Emilee Marie Nelson! I was going to pay!" I said.

"Well, Mr. Daydream, too bad. You. We're too slow." Em rubbed it in. I rolled my eyes and we got up and left the restaurant. I drove Em and Maddie home. "Maddie go inside. I need to talk to Luke." Emilee said as I pulled up in their driveway.

Maddie got out and went inside.

"What?" I laughed.

"Luke, you were staring at me all night. What were you thinking about?" Em asked, concerned.

"You. That's it. I was thinking about you. That's all I ever think about anymore." I smiled slightly. Em's expression erupted into a smile.

"You're so cheesy." She smiled. I leaned in and kissed her. Right then and there. I kissed her passionately. Like there was no one else in the world. Until she pulled back. "See you tomorrow." She whispered and got out of my truck. I laughed and left as she walked in her house.

Em's POV:

That was the best dang kiss I've ever had. I put all my stuff down and greeted my parents in their bedroom.

"Thanks for taking Maddie out." Mom smiled.

"Night." I waved and went to my bedroom. I went to bed as soon as I hit my pillow and the covers wrapped me in a sweet embrace, I slept.


"Really? Are you sure you don't like like him?" The antagonizing voices of my "used to be best friends" teased.

I was walking home from school. The usual Tuesday afternoon. The one day a week that Luke wouldn't walk home with me due to baseball practice.

"Shut up Faith! He's not my boyfriend." I screamed. My 7 year old self unleashing it's anger. I was on the verge of crying. Not out of sadness, or backing down. No way would I surrender in this situation. I wanted to cry and let out all the humiliation and embarrassment. Luke was my best friend. Of course. But i was always teased that he was my boyfriend or that I had a crush on him.

"Why? You loveeeee him don't you?" Faith snickered. I glared at her and slowly bent down. I picked up the medium-sized rock at my feet. She had a look of confusion on her face. I picked the rock up and launched it at her as hard as I could. It hit her smack in the forehead. She yelped out in pain before running down the trail crying. I laughed and continued my walk home.

***end of flashback***

At 6:00 AM exactly, I put on my jeans, boots, and sweatshirt, and ran out of the house. Luke and I were meeting down by the river a mile from our houses, but I wanted a head start and a few minutes to myself.

I needed to think. My mind was clouded. For some reason I was having lots of dreams--more like nightmares-- of when I was bullied in elementary and middle school.

I flew past the short trees that were surrounding me and threw a path that Luke and I discovered. It led to an inlet of the river. No one really knew about it. I rushed down the path and took a sharp left turn and underneath the big rocks. I slowed down and sat on the edge of the smaller rock. My legs dangled over the roaring rapid water of the river. The water splashed a little and hit my boots. I laughed softly before collecting myself and recalling a time in middle school.

Ugh. I was teased so much. But the worst part was that it was all done by my "friends". They were constantly teasing me. Little things like names and snarky comments. It was like at times they were supportive and caring, but then other times they just picked on me.

"Hey." Luke's voice startled me. I jumped a little, but he stabled me by holding my shoulder and sitting next to me. "You're early." He said.

"You are too." I smirked. He smiled and kissed me softly. The kiss grew and grew. I wanted to pull away, but it was like Luke had me locked in the moment. He kissed me harder and harder. I pulled out slightly. Our foreheads were leaning against each other. We were both out of breath. I stared into his eyes and he looked down at my lips before kissing me once again.

*5 minutes later*

"Haha. You're stupid." I laughed at Luke. To my surprise, Luke threatened to push me in the water. I clutched onto his shoulders so that I wouldn't fall in.

"Don't call me stupid." Luke laughed, trying to be serious. I laughed.

"Okay. I'm sorry." I laughed. He pulled me back to stability and we stood up.

"Wanna go for breakfast at Mama's?" Luke smirked, knowing I love his mama's cooking.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. He laughed and piggybacked me all the way up to his house. I laughed the whole way up. Luke put me down in his porch steps and we walked in.

"Hey Emilee! Sit down and eat honey doll!!!" Mama shouted. I laughed and took a plate from her. Luke sat down next to me. I began to eat. Suddenly, two hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who!" A deep voice said.

"Hmmm. Chris?" I laughed and pulled his hands off of my face.

"Dammit." He growled under his breath.

"I ain't stupid." I laughed. He rolled his eyes.

"How you been sista?" He asked in a mock female voice.

"Shut up Christopher." I glared and continued eating.

"Yeah Christopher." Luke added, emphasizing his older brother's first name. I laughed.

"Shut up Luther." Chris shot back. Luke mock surrendered and laughed. I laughed along with them. I swear. These two were like older brothers to me.

A couple minutes later, Kelly walked in. I jumped up in excitement.

"Kelly!" I shouted and hugged her.

"Em! How are you?! Why are you so surprised to see me? I saw you like. Yesterday!" She laughed.

"Honestly. I don't even know. It just feels like so long since then. I laughed. Kelly nodded and sat next to Chris. I finished up breakfast and sat back down next to Luke. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

"Y'all wanna go muddin today?" Chris asked. I nodded vigorously and glanced at Luke. He was smiling in agreement.

"Good lord! It's been forever since I've done that!" Kelly said. I smiled and we all got ready to go out and get dirty.

A/N: what do you guys think about this story? Feedback please.

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