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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

"Ekáti!" Lailoken yells at me, trying to break through.

I can hear Taron's voice holding shock stating, "Why are her eyes purple?"

My body feels like it's encased in ice, though I feel a warmth breaking through at my forearm and my forehead. Everything is shifting back around me, clearing the haze of my senses before I finally stare into the eyes of Lailoken...

...though they are solid white.

My breathing is even as I blink my eyelids open, Rian's voice also slipping around as I glance and see Taron kneeling next to Lailoken, "Nevermind her eyes...look."

My gaze falls away from Lailoken's, though I know it's his gentle touch on my forehead that brings me back to the present. When I look down, I see that Rian has a gentle grip on my forearm...the one which I cut my palm. Wisps of dark and purple encircle around the open wound...though the blood drips and falls onto the fallen stars on the grass.

I exhale sharply, releasing the knife I still grasp in my other hand. The dullness of the fallen stars slowly begin to brighten, a radiance emitting from them. Lailoken's irises revert to a reddish-orange, standing to his feet while Rian helps me to mine. The wisps dissipate, Rian quickly biting into his wrist before offering me his blood to heal. I take it graciously because as the numbness leaves me, pain resonates where I'd sliced open my palm, a sharp ache lingering.

Taron furrows his brows, regarding the light glow from the fallen stars when he asks, "What just happened?"

Lailoken glances first to me before taking a quick sweep of the land. I lift my gaze and my eyes widen...

...it's the estate I was taken to, though there is nothing masking its appearance.

When Lailoken doesn't answer, Taron's curiosity gets the best of him as he reaches out and grasps one of the fallen stars. The second he comes in contact with it, I feel an instant connection to his being.

We're going to need strength to take down whatever is doing this...

A mere second later, Taron stands to his feet while the fallen star is clutched in his hand. He turns to the estate and states, "You'll need our strength...we'll bring them down."

The puncture marks on Rian's inner wrist close, healing as I stand there with a questioning gaze. Lailoken narrows his eyes at the estate and reminds everyone, "Observance until we know what we're dealing with-"

"It's quiet," Taron takes a step forward and retorts, "why wait? We have the surprise-"

"We will not engage-"

"We're stronger an-"

Taron is cut off by Lailoken turning to him and commanding, "Little wolf, be silent," though his voice trails off a moment when he regards Taron and warns, "I said not to touch those!"

Taron looks down for a moment at the fallen star, my heart skipping a beat before he shakes his head. Lailoken takes a few steps toward him before reaching to him.

Taron narrows his eyes and takes a few steps backward, snarling, "You're jealous and angry that I'll show my strength to be above your own."

"Taron..." Lailoken's demeanor shifts as his features reflect softness.

Why is he questioning his strength? We are all a match for each other's weakness and faults...

Rian's gaze flickers to Taron's band, watching as Lailoken moves closer, edging calmly to him. As Lailoken has his attention, Rian is quiet as he approaches Taron from behind and just as he lowers his hand, Rian reaches out and snatches his wrist.

Taron turns around, readying to punch Rian in the face before Lailoken grabs Taron's elbow quickly. My eyes widen, shaking my head before Lailoken completely restrains Taron. He calmly tells Taron, "Let go of the fallen star."


"Now!" Lailoken's alpha tone seeps into my muscles as I know it does everyone. A few seconds later, Taron releases it from his grasp and it falls to the grass. Taron is breathing hard, his eyes widening as he shakes his head with complete confusion.

"I..." his voice is caught in his throat as he tries again, "I'm so sorry...I...I don't know..."

Lailoken's voice is dangerous and enlightening as he says, "The power of suggestion is a manipulative force...simple, yet effective..." when his voice trails off, he releases Taron while Rian reaches out to comfort our wolfie. Lailoken looks to me and continues, "What was it you suggested?"

"Me?" I'm confused, looking at my mates as they turn their gazes on me. I shake my head and reply, "I didn't..."

"You may not have known what you were doing, but you did it nonetheless," Lailoken's voice is gentle and calming. He nods at the fallen stars and states, "These were tools once used to extend the manipulation the warlocks and witches held over the council members' covens. They were charged with the blood of alphas, what was considered the most powerful..." his words are foreboding as he concludes, "...though through your own spilled blood and the power you possess, you were enough to alter Taron's mindset."

I didn't mean to...

I glance to Taron, tears in my eyes as I say, "I'm sorry...I didn't..." I choke on my words as I try and steady my breathing, "...I'm just weak...my physical strength is nothing. I thought...we'll need strength to take them down and..."

Lailoken nods and replies, "It's in an alpha's nature to protect, using his strength for that of the pack. You suggested something already bred within his innate nature."

This is part of the darkness Lailoken spoke about...

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, wrapping my arms around my body.

Taron nods at Rian before pulling away, coming closer to me before he embraces me in warmth. He holds me close to him and replies, "Don't be."

"Now that we're on the grid," Lailoken's voice pulls Taron away from me as he withdraws a small, hard casing. He clicks a couple of buttons before it opens with a sliding screen. It reminds me of what he was using to search areas before...

"Loki, what's that?" Rian furrows his brows and edges over.

Lailoken clicks a few buttons before he looks over whatever is on the screen. He releases a sigh and lifts his gaze replying, "There is one life presence within that estate."

"How is that..." my voice trails off before I ask, "...what?"

"Mandy," Lailoken chuckles and states, "she's a tracker, her life source able to pinpoint and discern the location of souls. Her energy emits to this device so I can assist with hunting those we search for."

All of these hybrids...

...are they gifted?

Taron makes a move and Rian instantly latches his arms around him while asking, "What if it's a trap?" This halts Taron's movements while he releases a sigh.

Of course, it is.

What type of trap...

...that's the question.

Lailoken puts away the device after it closes as he nods at the estate. He tells us, "We proceed with caution, but the sole being might know where the others have gone."

As we come to an agreement, Lailoken leads us toward the estate, followed by me and then Rian and Taron following right behind me. The door to the estate opens with ease, memories flashing back like haunting nightmares.

Haunting music echoes off the halls, a shiver traveling down my spine at the way it plays with my soul.

It's quiet though as Lailoken leads us to the ballroom...

When we reach the ballroom doors standing wide open, my heart rate accelerates as I recognize Abigail standing in the very center of it. She's playing a violin, her eyelids closed as we walk into the room. She doesn't stop playing, Lailoken glancing around the room cautiously before we come to a halt.

Abigail draws the bow one final time across the strings before the haunting melody comes to a close. Her eyelids flutter open with a soft smile on her face. She tilts her head to the side as she pulls the violin away from her shoulder and chin, asking, "Do you like?"

Rian's eyes stay locked into her, but I see the way he edges back one step. Taron covers for him by taking one step forward and saying, "I've heard better."

"Pity..." her voice trails off as she sighs, "...it's true what they say..." her eyes reflect a glint of mischief before she taunts, "...wolfs truly are beasts who don't have a taste of what high society is."

Taron's hands clench into fists as she says this, Lailoken moving toward him.

Lailoken is the one to command with authority, "Abigail Ewing, your son is wanted for crimes against Acacia and Marcus Arin-Valentine."

"Only the strong survive," is all Abigail says in return.

"Your own charges are that of conspiring to enact an old era tying to that of the Code of Conduct," Lailoken continues speaking the charges against her. He then states, "Turn yourself over willingly and assist with apprehending others that defy the Hybrid Queen and the council's laws, and your sentence will be reduced."

Abigail arches a brow and releases a defeated sigh. She sets the violin down on the marble floor before saying, "I surrender."

This is too easy...

Lailoken reaches into his back pocket before he withdraws silver restraints with markings on them. I glance from Abigail and then to Lailoken before I tell him, "Wait."

He turns to me, edging closer as he says, "Acacia, I-"

"Those will weaken her?" I ask him, cutting him off mid-sentence.

Lailoken gives me a questioning look before he nods. I stare hard at Abigail before I turn to Rian and tell Lailoken, "Have Rian restrain her."

"Acacia, she's a stronger vampire..." Lailoken's voice holds a hint...a warning to it.

"Exactly..." my voice trails off. When my voice lowers, I tell him, "Rian shouldn't be able to hurt her..."

"What are you getting at?" Taron asks while he keeps his gaze on Abigail.

Lailoken is a true born hybrid...

...Taron is an alpha...

They both trump Abigail in sheer strength.

"Rian," I nod at Lailoken to hand over the restraints. As he does so, I say, "Before Abigail is restrained...cut her."

"Acacia..." Lailoken again warns me. He holds my gaze before he nods his head and replies, "Rian, do as she asks."

Rian nods his head, taking the restraints before we slow walk toward her. When we halt a few steps short, Rian moves forward and Abigail places her hands behind her back, resting them on her waist. Rian's eyes catching mine briefly over her shoulder...

...a second later, Abigail hisses with anger as pain distorts her features.

Rian cuts her forearm with his nail, watching as blood trickles down her arm. Abigail pulls her arms from behind her back, cradling her arm as she grimaces with pain. She glares at us angrily and snaps, "I said I surrender...what is the meaning of this?!"

"Heal yourself," I speak before anyone else can defend my command of Rian.

Abigail's eyes fall on me, narrowing them before she continues to stare. The wound never shuts and it just confirms what I'm starting to understand...

...something is off.

"Restrain her," I tell him and Abigail is easily forced to comply. She's weaker than Rian...

...she's already weakened.

We leave the estate, Lailoken coordinating as we bring Abigail to Castle Valentine. It's an interesting feeling that I hold as we approach its large stature. Breathing in and out calmly, the doors are opened and we are ushered toward the large ballroom where I see my parents standing.

"Abigail..." dad's voice trails off and I see the way mom eyes him.

"Cormac," Abigail retorts as she stands before the three. My parents regard me for a moment as they are about to figure out where the rest of this rebellion has gone. One way or another, they'll get the answers.

I'm standing off to the side with Lailoken behind me, Taron and Rian on either side of me. We watch carefully as mom is the one to command, "Where are those of you who go against our laws hiding?"

Abigail eyes mom up and down before giggling, "Your beloved is such a shame...Cormac."

Mom doesn't like it very much when dad is the one who's attention Abigail draws. She's angry as she continues, "Where are those who are charged with crimes against the royal children?"

"Royal? Please," Abigail shakes her head and states, "the only thing royal about you is your last name. A true royal wouldn't share the same ground on equal footing with those who are inferior."

Mom's eyes are ablaze as I see them shift to a reddish-orange while retorting, "By that definition alone, you are inferior. Vampires are not the most powerful beings any longer-"

"I agree with you in that," Abigail cuts her off and states, "though the hybrids are not loyal to their queen."

"Don't speak for us all," Lailoken's voice reverberates from behind me.

Abigail giggled and sighs, "True born...the only one we care to back the rest of us already does."

Her words...

I see the way her features shift as she turns back to mom and says, "If you want to find them, I'll never tell."

"Then we'll just search your blood memories," Dante retorts.

"I'm powerless to stop you," Abigail shrugs her shoulders. She eyes mom and says, "Be careful though...wouldn't want to see moments your beloved and I shared, now do you?"

Mom's hands are clenched into fists as she snarls, "I could kill you where you stand...for conspiring against the laws of the crown and council."

"Will that satisfy your jealousy? After all, Cypher is already stronger then both Acacia and Marcus combined..." her voice trails off as she agitates mom further, "...pity Cormac's bloodline is mixed with yours. You've weakened it."

Mom takes a few steps forward, but dad says, "Rose, control your-"

"The fuck you going to stand there and defend her?!" Mom is hurt and enraged as she turns to him, seeing the way dad is trying to figure out what I'm already piecing together. When he says nothing, mom turns back to Abigail and narrows her eyes, "I will search your blood memories."

Abigail tilts her head to the side and replies, "Tempt fate-"

Mom moves forward and grabs the front of Abigail's shirt. My eyes widen...

Tempt fate and search her blood memories...


It's the note.

"Mom, don't-"

When I call out, all she does is snap her eyes on and retort, "I'm trying to find those who have hurt you!"

"Rose, listen to Acacia!" Dad yells as he sees my eyes moving back and forth rapidly as the fear surfaces in my heart. Something isn't right and before anyone else can move, mom buries her fangs into the side of Abigail's neck...

...though she doesn't just bite to search her memories...

...she bites to kill.

Mom's eyes widen and she chokes on Abigail's blood, though the blood is blackened. When she tears her head back, she also tears out the front of Abigail's throat. Abigail has seconds as mom staggers a step back, dad and Dante rushing forward before Abigail kicks outward and catches mom's abdomen.

My eyes are wide open as I scream, moving forward, but only to find I can't move at all. Lailoken has an arm wrapped around me, holding me back as Abigail and mom collapse to the marble floor.

There is a concealed blade on the heel of Abigail's boot that is revealed, an orange color coating it as dad and Dante drop to their knees, catching mom in the process.

"Rose!" Dad cries out, watching as mom's eyelids are wide open, blood trickling from her eyes, her ears, her mouth and slowly...blood seeps through her pours.

She's coughing up so much blood, tears falling down my cheeks as I shake my head. I try to pull again against Lailoken, but he won't let me and I cry out, "Mom!"

Dante is screaming her name over and over again, both he and dad trying to save her with their blood...

...but it's too late and I can tell the moment her life ends...

💫--To Be Continued--💫
-Next Update: July 23rd-

I will be away on vacation to visit relatives in Canada and won't have time to write and update until I return.

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