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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

Another knock sounds from the outside of my bedroom door...

...in a couple of weeks, my eyes have remained swollen red, fresh tears daily to every other day. It hurts so much that no one will believe me, but why should they if even the truth is hidden from my blood memories?

Why though...?

Mom hates me...I know she does. She thinks I'm difficult and that everything I do and say is a lie.

"Acacia," dad's voice startles me when he slowly opens the door inward. I'm sitting on my bed with my back against the headboard, holding a pillow tight against my chest. My chin lifts from the softness of it, swallowing back down a creeping sob from escaping my lips.

I've been grounded before...

...but for something I'd done. I didn't do anything...this isn't fair at all.

Mom took all of my books from the room, leaving me indeed to my silent thoughts that have only been getting worse with each passing day.

Dad closes the door behind him, turning my face toward the window as he approaches my bed. When his footsteps come to a halt, he's quiet for a few moments. My heart begins to beat fast, unsure of who I am now...

"Little love," his voice is gentle, but I still refrain from glancing at him. Whether or not he means it, the way he looks at me...

...he's disappointed in me for my actions.

He's not mad...just disappointed in what he saw even if it isn't the truth...my arguing didn't get me anywhere.

What's the point any longer in fighting back or arguing when no one will believe me?

Not just with my parents...

"Can we talk?" He asks me as if I have a choice in the matter.

Shrugging my shoulders, a few fresh tears escape from the corners of my eyes, breathing out slowly while watching the clouds outside the window. The bed dips on the side, dad sitting on the edge of it, feeling him close to me.

"You don't have to look at me or talk to me...but I need you to listen," he begins, knowing very well how stubborn I can be, especially when I'm as hurt and as mad as I am from all of this. He inhales deeply before exhaling, starting with, "You're always going to be my little girl...no matter how old you are. I wasn't angry that you...and...Mercury...I was angry that you lied," when he pauses, it feels like a hand is clutching at my heart, that he does believe I lied After a few moments, he continues, "Whatever type of relationship the two of you have, I'm not going to be one to judge...otherwise I'd be a hypocrite however," it's when he says these next few words that remind me of Taron all over again, only I want not part of Mercury, "just like Taron...well, Mercury has a beloved out there and whatever relationship you have will end when the time comes, and I don't want to see you heartbroken again."


...I have no words for him because if I argue about this again, it's just going to end with me being in deeper trouble. I wish Mercury really would find his beloved because then I wouldn't be the center of his attention...

...wouldn't that be nice...

Instead of keeping this solely on me, I murmur out, "At least you've never had your heartbroken...you have mom and Dante."

Dad releases a sigh and states, "I've made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime...one of them left someone I did care about heartbroken."

Is he...opening up to me?

He can't be talking about Marc...

...he died.

Slowly, I draw my gaze away from the window, tears slightly blurring my vision. Dad's eyes search over my features as I breathe out, "Did you fall in love before mom and Dante?"

He chuckles and sighs, "Not exactly," he pauses a moment while I see he's trying to figure out exactly what to say. When he does speak, he tells me, "I had an agreement with another vampire who's beloved was killed."

"Mom knew and was okay with that?" Arching a brow, I observe him.

"This was before your mother's existence was hardly a blip on the radar," dad continues, reminding me exactly how old he is.


Must be nice.

There is silence between us before he says, "My mistake wasn't necessarily being with this vampire...it was the way I ended our mutual relationship."

He doesn't go any further into it, leaving me with more questions that I'm sure he won't answer. With how vague he is in describing his past before mom, I'm sure even if I did ask he'd lie in some way or shape.

"Mercury," dad starts again, and when that name is brought up, my skin crawls, "he's not the only thing I wanted to talk about with you."


Nodding slowly, I wait for whatever he wants to pry about further. Dad nods and states, "I don't know whether or not you can do what you claim you can do...but there's something that doesn't sit right with me..."

What is he talking about?

"Dad?" I question quietly.

He moves forward and says, "I want to apologize for not believing you have some gift from the warlocks and witches. However you've acquired it, that's not my main concern..." he pauses for a moment and sighs, "...I should have known, and it should have clicked with me sooner that nothing in regards to the warlocks and witches manipulation would have shown up in your blood memories."

I don't say anything, staring at him hard.

"I was marked by your mom, Dante and Marc...the thing is..." he is cautious when he states, "...when your mom and Dante saw my blood memories, they never saw a single interaction or anything to do with your Uncle Keveon or...Tresor."

Again, all I can do is remain silent and try to focus on what he's revealing to me...

...but anger brews within the pit of my stomach instead.

Dad continues and says, "Perhaps these beings know how to manipulate the fabrication of their existence, regardless of blood memories."

It's quiet again, dad furrowing his brows as he asks, "Acacia?"

I'm fuming quietly at this point...

...but it all let's loose in a matter of seconds.

"Wait...you're telling me that you believe I'm not lying about what I can do, just because it correlates to the warlocks and witches and you're own experiences..." my voice trails off as I hiss back, "...but you think I'm lying about Mercury?!"

Dad tries to remain calm as well, reminding me, "Acacia...I thought we were just past this."

"You honestly believe..." my voice trails off, anger continues to build. A thought strikes me, and just before I'm about to lash right back at my dad, I tell him, "Mercury...his blood memories."

"Acacia, blood memories don't vary from one individual to the next," I can see dad trying to remain calm, but this continues to set me off.

"YOU JUST SAI-" I'm cut right off there, dad rising to his feet and taking a few steps away from me.

Dad lets out a long exhale before he tells me, "I'm not about to see once again what I already have."

"Dad..." my voice is watery again, that same disappointing look crossing his features.

He stands there, rubbing his forehead in frustration. I can see that he's debating what I've asked of him, watching the way he glances at me out of the corner of his eye. He knows I'm not lying about the witches and warlocks...what do I have to gain from lying about Mercury?

"Fine," this one word makes my heart skip a beat, his eyes resting on mine as he says, "I'll call for him to settle this matter," when he tells me, "though, I can't force him," my heart stops in my chest.

Of course...

Dad withdraws his cellphone from his pant pocket, sliding open the screen before pressing a few times on it. Bringing the phone to his ear, it's silent in the room for a few seconds...though it shatters when he says, "Do you have a moment?"

I can't hear the other line, but my dad's features altering, I'm sure it isn't Mercury. A few moments later he says, "I understand, but I need you to ask your son if he'll voluntarily offer his blood memories to settle a difference of opinion."

More talking on Delaney's end makes my heart beat fast. My gaze falls away from my dad, glimpsing outside the window once again. Summer is coming to an end...

"He will?" Dad doesn't do an outstanding job of hiding his surprise, my gaze traveling back to him quickly when he says, "Thank you, we'll see him in a couple of hours."

The silence grows louder when the call ends, placing the cellphone back into his pant pocket. His eyes remain hard on the wall opposite him, a few more moments of silence passing between us before his gaze slowly finds mine once again. His voice is steady when he tells me, "If you're lying...there will be more severe consequences then just being grounded."

Nodding quietly, I brush away the tears from my eyes, clutching the pillow tighter to my chest.

Dad releases a sigh and says, "Take a few moments and relax. When you're ready, please come to our office."

Dad leaves, shutting the door on his way out. I blink back fresh tears, inhaling and exhaling slowly as I try to calm down. Pushing off my bed, I head into my bathroom...washing my face and trying to fix up my appearance, I take the time I need to prepare myself...

...everything feels off...

After a long shower, I'm back at the counter with a towel wrapped around my head and another around my body. Drying off and braiding my damp hair over my shoulder, I can't keep my thoughts from racing the way they are.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I question myself...

...why would Mercury agree to this?

After changing into a fresh bra and underwear, I throw on jeans and a navy blue tank top. Pulling on my sneakers, I lace them up all the while running through the scenarios that spark within my mind of what is about to happen. I keep quiet and to myself, leaving my room far behind and stepping down the staircase.

Heading to the kitchen, I figure having something on my stomach is going to be a lot easier to handle whatever's about to happen then an empty stomach. Just as I'm finishing up eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I hear the doorbell ring through the castle. My nerves are on edge, my hand shaking while I hold the glass of milk closer to my lips. Drinking half of it, I set the rest down, wiping my mouth with a napkin before heading back out into the hallway.

Approaching the bottom of the staircase, I see Ciarán talking to Mercury while they both stand in the entryway. I even catch some of their conversations when Ciarán apologizes, "I don't know what's going on with her, but she's acting like a lunatic with her claims."

Mercury's eyes catch mine, my muscles tensing momentarily when he replies, "There's no need to apologize...human tendencies...and their cravings for attention," I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying. Turning away from them, I begin to climb the staircase, Mercury saying to Ciarán, "Hopefully, we can put all of this speculation to rest."

Ciarán shakes his head and sighs, "If she likes you, I'm cool with it, but I don't like her lying about how you're treating her..."

Mercury is quick to fall into the lie when he sighs, "She was willing and offered...it's not my fault that she wasn't ready when she approached me."

I can't do this...

...I'm going to be sick.

"I get that," Ciarán continues while their voices soon fade when I reach the top landing, turning in the direction of my parents' office. The last thing I hear from my brother is, "Lying isn't going to solve anything."

I raise my hand while forming it into a fist, knocking on the office door before I hear from inside, "Come in."

Breathing out quietly, I open the door inward. My heart rate is somewhat even as I see my parents sitting in chairs throughout the office. Dante is closest to the door, rising from his seat when I enter to show me to a chair in front of where my mom sits.

Of course, she sits at the desk...

...she's the 'Hybrid Queen.'

She's forgotten what it's like to be human...

Dad leans against the side of the desk, seeing how he's in deep thought and hardly pays me a second glance. Lowering myself into the chair, Dante remains standing behind it while mom's eyes briefly flicker to meet with my own.

"At your request, we are looking at this once more," mom tells me, but her tone is much different than she's ever spoken to me before. She's very quiet for a few moments, her eyes looking me over before she explains to me, "The Covenant of the Code was not just put into effect to protect human rights, but those of all species. Those who transgress are judged, sentenced and either put to death for severe crimes or spend in Elysium."

Dante is the next to speak from behind me as he says, "A long time ago, blood memories were never necessary to know if a human was being abused because their life meant nothing...they were mere tools under the Code of Conduct..."

"The Covenant of the Code also protects those who are accused of such crimes," mom continues where Dante's voice trails off. I can feel that Dante is on edge and I'm even more frightened when my mom states, "We are in a day and age where we are all trying to live peacefully among one another. There are those who still are against these changes, but they are dealt with and pay for the crimes they commit."

There's a long pause of silence before dad is the one to finally say, "The reason your mother is telling you this, is because whether or not you like Mercury or perhaps based off the mistake you made...it doesn't give justification to accuse another of a severe crime. We all are not fond of Mercury ourselves...but like everyone else living in this world, we've had to offer second chances and form unbiased opinions."

Mom looks at me hard, her eyes staring into mine as she says, "If you are found guilty of lying...in order to make you see exactly what you would be placing an individual into...you'll spend one full day and night within a cell in Elysium," my eyes grow wide, fear striking me hard at how harsh she's when I know what I've said is the truth. I look to dad, but his features are like a stone...mom finishing up with, "This is the last time I'm going to ask you; are you sure you want this?"

Why are they making me feel like I'm second guessing myself now?

These are my parents when they're not my parents. Rulers of the world...judge, jury, and executioner...these are the people that stand before me...

Slowly, I nod my head, afraid my voice will betray me.

Mom lifts her gaze from me to look at Dante. She nods at him and says, "Bring Mercury in."

  💫--To Be Continued--💫
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