Chapter 35....

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Song Above is...With You by Tyler Shaw (totally fits Alex and Riley)

Happy Reading!!! 

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"So I was sitting on the swings when Max came up to me and gave me this!" Harper held up a slightly squished dandelion. The grin on her face so wide I could see all of her teeth, including the front missing one.

"It's beautiful." I smiled back.

"And then we played tag the entire recess." She dragged out the word 'entire' and bounce on her toes. I grinned at the 6 year old in front of me. Loving how just a simple dandelion and tag at recess with a boy made her so extremely happy.

"Is Max in your class?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"Yeah he sits on the other side of the room but Ms. Kim lets us be in groups."

"I better keep an eye on this boy." Alex suddenly spoke, coming into the kitchen. Harper giggled.

"Sounds like someone has a crush." I teased. My words got the response I wanted.

"Nope you aren't allowed to have a crush." Alex pointed his finger at his little sister.

"Yes!" My smile widened at Harper's giggle.

"No boyfriends until you are 80 missy."

I stood there watching as Alex and Harper argued about her having a boyfriend. It was entertaining to watch Harper tell her big brother no. I thought my heart may burst from my chest when Alex grabbed his sister and twirled her in the air causing her to giggle loudly.

Alex with his sister was a sight that could make any girls ovaries explode. He was so sweet with her and you can tell she was his world. And Harper stared at him like he hung the moon.

The sight of them together made my heart melt yet hurt at the same time. They've lost both of their parents and poor Harper was so young. Just knowing how much pain they have gone through makes my heart hurt. Neither of them deserved this. It just made my relationship issues with my parents seem stupid.

"Freckles?" Alex's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" Him and Harper had settled down and she was now seated at the bar looking at me, same as her brother.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I waved him off. "What were you guys saying?" Alex stared at me for a moment as if he didn't believe me but he thankfully let it go.

"We were wondering what you want for dinner."

"Pancakes!" Harper yelled.

"I don't think Riley is going to want pancakes for dinner Harp." Alex started to say but I stopped him by raising an eyebrow.

"Excuse me? Pancakes for dinner is the only way to eat pancakes."

"Oh is it?"

"Yep and you know what makes them even better?" I turned my attention to Harper, leaning over the counter. She eagerly awaited my answer. "Strawberries and whip cream." I tapped her nose with a grin.

"Pwease can we have pancakes Allie." Harper whined, instantly turning on the puppy dog eyes. Like how can you say no to that?

"Yeah Allie, please." I mimicked Harper. Alex looked between the two of us before sighing and shaking my head.

"The two of you are going to be the death of me." He muttered. "Yes we can have pancakes." Both Harper and I cheered.

"Then lets get to work." I clapped my hands. "Show me where the stuff is."

"I got this. You go play with Harper."

"And make you cook dinner by yourself? No, I'm helping." Alex went to argue but I sent him a look. It wasn't fair to make him slave away in here while I did nothing. It didn't feel right to me.

"Fine. You can go watch TV if you want Harp but only Disney or Nickelodeon." He gave Harper a firm look before she nodded and took off towards the living room. At my confused expression he elaborated. "She likes to flip through the channels without me knowing and sometimes I'll walk in and she's watching a murder documentary or a movie that isn't kid friendly."

"She's a fire cracker." I laughed.

"She really is. God help me when she gets older." He shook his head as he moved around the kitchen grabbing things for pancakes.

"You're doing a really good job with her though." I didn't miss the way he froze for a second at my words.

"I've had help along the way. Without Noah's parents I'm not sure what I would have done. Even the others have been a huge help." I could tell he was trying to shrug it off like it wasn't a big deal but it was.

He was an 18 year old kid taking care of his 6 year old sister. Most kids his age were out getting drunk and laid every weekend. But here he was on a Monday night making pancakes for dinner with Sofia the First playing in the background.

His back was facing me as I sauntered up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel him stiffen for a second before he relaxed, the sudden gesture surprising us both.

"Alex you are an amazing brother. You need to give yourself more credit." I said into his back.

"I've failed her a lot. The first few months I pawned her off on Noah's parents almost every weekend so I could go out. I...I did some things I'm not proud of." He spoke softly and with so much guilt. I squeezed his waist tighter already knowing the gist of how he took his parents death.

"A lot of the other parents have been sympathetic so they take her and let her sleep over. And instead of saying no to them and keeping Harper home I use that time to go fight or hang out with my friends." I could practically feel the guilt and self-hatred rolling off of him.

Gently but firmly I used my arms at his waist to turn him around for him to finally face me. I had to tilt my head back a bit to see his face from where I stood.

"Alex you don't have to feel bad for having a life, for doing things like a normal teenager. The other parents wouldn't offer to take her if they minded and same goes for Noah's parents. Its clear they love having Harper around.

"You are 18 Alex. You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to want a normal life, to go out and party and be with your friends. And it's not like you are purposely leaving Harper or leaving her home alone." Reaching up I placed my hands on his cheeks as I stared into his eyes.

"That little girl in the living room is so cared and loved for. She is probably the happiest 6 year old despite the tragedy you guys have gone through. It is clear as day that you love her so much and will do anything for her. So don't go thinking you aren't doing enough because you are. You being around is enough. You are enough."

Alex placed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. His hands were on my hips, his thumbs gently grazing the skin peeking out from my sweater.

"Thank you." His voice was hoarse and I knew without even having to see he was holding back tears.

"That little girl is going to grow up to be an amazing woman and it's all because of you."

I didn't expect a reply and he didn't give one. We stood there like that for what felt like ages but was only minutes. Alex slowly pulled away and gazed down at my face.

"How did I get so lucky?" Alex whispered so soft that if I wasn't pressed against him I wouldn't have heard it. There was a look in his eyes of wonderment as he gazed at me.

The look on his face was something I've never seen before and I didn't know what to say to that so I ended up standing there awkwardly.

"I'm hungry." I announced out of nowhere at the exact same time my stomach growled. I flushed with embarrassed as I ruined our perfect little moment.

"Only you freckles." Alex let out a loud laugh. "Lets make you some pancakes."

With that the two of us got to work on making the pancakes. With how easily Alex grabbed the stuff it was clear pancakes were a staple in the Kinley household. While I worked on the batter Alex got to work on the turkey bacon.

The two of us worked in unison around the kitchen. A few times I found myself looking over at him, somehow finding him cooking to be attractive. One time I stared at his muscular back in his t-shirt for a bit too long and almost burnt a pancake.

I was working on the last batch of pancakes when I felt eyes on me. Turning my head to the side I found Alex leaning casually back against the counter staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I wiped at my face to make sure I didn't get anything on it by chance.

"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too." We shared a grin. "If I wasn't you probably would have burned the house down." I added.

"I'm an excellent cook." Alex boasted.

"Yet I'm the only making the pancakes." I pointed out.

"Well next time I'll make you a whole meal."

"Oh next time?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep." With that he smirked and turned his back to grab some plates. With a stupid grin on my face I grabbed the last of the pancakes and brought the plate to the counter.

"Harper dinner!" I yelled. Almost instantly the sound of feet running towards us sounded. Harper ran into the room and immediately went to take a seat at the table. With the help of Alex we brought everything to the dining room table.

Harper wiggled in her seat as her brother made a plate for her, placing one pancake, some bacon and then some apple slices.

"Eat the apples first." He instructed which Harper made a noise at but she grabbed a slice and munched on it. "You too." Alex placed a few on my place as well.

Sending him a wink I grabbed one and took a bite. I purposely made sure to eat every piece of apple as Harper watched me. Once Harper was done she immediately reached for the syrup.

I just sat there and watched with a grin as she poured syrup all over her pancake. And when I mean poured I mean doused. I waited for her to stop but it just kept going. Finally Alex's hand reached out and grabbed the bottle.

"Okay there you little syrup maniac. I think that's good." I was pretty sure her pancake was going to be soggy. With wide eyes I looked over at Alex who just shook his head amused. I had a slight feeling we were going to regret this later.

As we sat there eating Alex and I asked each other about work. While it felt a bit weird eating dinner with someone other than myself, it was nice to have someone to talk to instead of pure silence or the tv.

It all felt so....domesticated but I found I really enjoyed it. I could easily see myself sitting here with Alex and Harper eating and laughing about everything. Even when Harper started talking about some princess tv show I knew nothing about, I found it enjoyable.

I hadn't realized just how much I missed interactions like this. After living alone for so long I had just gotten use to making my own food and eating it by myself in my room. It was sad how accustomed I had become to being alone.

By time we were done with dinner I was stuffed and my face hurt from smiling so much.

"Can we watch it pleaseeee!" Harper whined, getting up onto her knees on the chair and leaned forward. "Pwetty please."

Harper was currently trying to get Alex to let us watch The Princess and the Pauper after basically telling me the entire movie. At first Alex wasn't budging but Harper's puppy eyes were breaking him down. Hell just one look from those big grey eyes and I was on board.

With a loud sigh Alex nodded.

"Fine but you need to get in the bath and put your pajamas on first." We clearly knew who ran this house. Seeing that Harper was basically bouncing in her seat I spoke up.

"Why don't you get her all set up and I'll do the dishes?" I suggested.

"You don't have to." Alex started to say but I waved him off.

"I really don't mind and that way we can watch the movie faster." I grinned over at Harper who nodded animately. The two of us turned to Alex. I made a show of pouting, from the corner of my eye I noticed Harper do the same thing. I bit back a grin.

"Okay okay."

Letting my grin show I turned to Harper and held my hand out for a high five. Her little hand smacked mine.

"Come on then little nugget. Lets get you cleaned up and changed." Alex stood, coming around the table while holding his hand out. Once again my heart sputtered in my chest at the sight.

"We'll be back in a few minutes." Alex said over his shoulder.

"No rush." I waved them on as I stood up and started gathering the plates. Right when I think Alex couldn't get any cuter he does. And Harper...she was literally the cutest little thing on this planet.

I meant every word I said to Alex earlier. He was doing a great job at raising Harper. Yes he had help from Noah's parents, the neighbors, parents from the school, even our friends, but that wasn't a bad thing. He can't do it all on his own. No way.

Seeing him just right now with Harper just reinforced how great of a brother he is. I mean who makes sure their little sister eats her apples before dinner? He was doing everything right.

I made quick work of washing the dishes but it took me a bit to figure out where everything went back. By time I was done with that and wiping the counters I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Well she is all washed up." Alex announced as he came into the kitchen. "Took forever since she had syrup all over her face."

"I've never seen someone use so much syrup." I laughed. Ironically I was currently scrubbing the spot where Harper was sitting trying to get the syrup off the table.

"She goes a bit ham on it huh." Alex laughed along with me. Finishing up scrubbing the table I made my final round on the kitchen before heading to the sink.

I was in the middle of rinsing out the washcloth when a pair of arms wrapped around my middle. I've learned in the last two days that Alex was a very touchy feely guy. Any time he was near me he always had to be touching.

Like in class he either had his hand on my knee or was playing with my fingers on the table. And now here he was with his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

It was a bit cray how fast we've become comfortable around each other. Yes I still blushed like crazy and the feel of him touching me sent my stomach into a swarm of butterflies, but I didn't shy away from it. There was something about being in his arms that made me feel safe.

"You know you didn't have to do the dishes." He spoke softly, his breath fanned against the side of my face and I was instantly hit with the smell of maple syrup.

"I know but I wanted to help." Like I was going to sit back and let Alex do all the work.

"Well thank you."

"You don't have to thank me."

"Not just for this but for other things as well." There was something in his voice that let me know he was thanking me for something I had yet to know about. But I wasn't going to push on the subject quite yet.

"You're welcome." I leaned back in his arms as he kissed my cheek. I really could have spent forever standing here just like this. Nothing else mattering but the two of us. But like always we were interrupted.

"Ew!" Harper squealed which forced Alex to drop his arms from around me.

"Who are you calling ew?" Alex ran forward and picked Harper up, twirling her around before he started tickling her sides. I shook my head at the pair as I dried my hands.

"Come on you two hooligans lets go watch a movie."

Alex stopped tickling her but still held Harper up sideways like a football as he headed for the living room. Harper giggled the whole way there. He finally put her down so she could grab the right DVD for us to watch.

I slowly took a seat on the couch and watched the pair put the DVD in. The sight of Harper's pink nightgown with Rapunzal on the front made me smile. I remember having one similar when I was younger.

Harper hopped up on the couch next to me and scooted close.

"This one is perfect. You will like it." She said excitedly.

Alex appeared in front of us with a blanket in his hand. He gently draped it across the two of us before settling in on the other side of me. What I did next surprised us both.

I scooted closer to his side until I was practically on top of him and draped some of the blanket on his lap as well. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow in question but I turned my attention to the tv. Thankfully with the lights off he couldn't see my cheeks were pink.

He didn't say anything but brought his arm up and laid it across my shoulders, tugging me closer.

As the movie started we stayed like that. Harper made her way closer to my side until eventually she was basically in my lap. The three of us laid there together watching the Princess and the Pauper.

With how I was sitting I felt my eyelids start to droop. I was so cozy and warm I was seconds away from falling asleep. I wasn't the only one either. Harper was passed out in my lap.

I fought to keep my eyes open as the movie slowly came to an end. My head was laying on Alex's chest and I was more than tempted to just fall asleep.

"Hey." Alex's soft voice broke me from my slight haze of sleep. "I better get her to bed." He whispered.

Realizing he couldn't get up with me on top of him I slowly moved my head not wanting to wake Harper up. Alex stood and gently pulled her from my arms. She mumbled in her sleep and shifted into her brothers chest.

"I'll be right back."

As the pair disappeared upstairs I stood up, stretching. I let out a soft groan at having sat in the same position for awhile. My eyes caught the clock on the wall and noticed it was already 8:45. Time having flown by since I came over.

Knowing I better head home I folded the blanket and sat it on the couch. I was in the middle of grabbing my bag and phone when I heard Alex coming down the stairs.

"Are you leaving?" Turning to face him I nodded.

"I better head home and get ready for bed."

"But it's late. Why don't you just stay here."

"I can't." I shook my head. Even though I would love to stay and spent the night I knew it was best I didn't. This was all still too new.

"I promise to keep my hands to myself." Alex put his hand up. "Scouts honor." Grinning I shook my head.

"It's not that. I just...this is all still so new. I don't want to rush anything and with your sister."

"I don't want you driving this late."

"It's not even 9 and I live like a block away. I'll be fine."

Alex stepped towards me until he was able to put a hand against my cheek.

"Are you sure? I'll even take the couch." I didn't miss the sad tone to his voice.

"Another time." He sighed.

"I'll hold you to that. How about I drive you back."

"You can't leave your sister. Plus I have my car. I'll be fine I promise." I reached up and touched the hand that was on my cheek.

"Fine but you text me as soon as you get home okay?" His face was dead serious as he spoke.

"I will." Going up on my toes I pressed my lips against his. It started off as a small kiss and turned into something deeper.

His hand cupped my cheek as his lips moved in sync with mine. I had to grip onto his shirt to steady myself. When we finally pulled away I could have sworn the kiss kept going.

"I'm serious as soon as you get inside your house you text me."

"Scouts honor." I shot his words back. I was quite enjoying his mother hen vibe as I made my way towards the front door.

"Tell your sister I'll see her later okay?" I said as I opened the door.

"I will."

"I'll see you tomorrow." I

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