/|\Chapter 4/|\

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"I'll admit, I'm a bit disappointed" He said as he ushered you out, "when's it gonna be my turn to hide?" He added with a sad tone though still kept that cheeky smirk.

You blushed furiously, "I-I'm- I'm sorry hawks..." You said sadly. "You keep finding me hiding"

"Well, I'm happy again now, cause that's the longest sentence you've ever said to me." He said with a smile as he flicked his wings out then pulled them back in behind himself.

"How did you know I was in there?" You asked quietly though curiously.

"Easy, I sensed you were there." He said with a nonchalant shrug.

"How?" You asked, tilting your head.

"With my feathers" He replied with a smile, "They can sense objects and people, I could tell you were there. Same as the first day I met you hiding in the closet." He said with a chuckle. "I'll be honest, kid. I thought you were a spy at first."

"Me???" You squeaked in surprise.

"Yeah," He said with a chuckle to his voice, "I mean, why else would someone be hiding in the janitors closet." You pulled a face and looked down. Hawks laughed "Don't sweat it." He replied gently, "I did a background check on you, you're fine." He joked.

"You what?!" You squeaked again.

Hawks chuckled "Don't worry~ let's just get these reports to Mr. Ligma." He walked past you to the door and rolled his head back to look at you with those keen golden eyes, "Ya coming?" You followed after him and walked to the elevator.

It was a comfortably silent ride up to the next level, you both stepped out and headed down the corridor. "ya like chicken?" Hawks asked suddenly. You nodded and he looked at you, his face lit up " I love chicken!" He said excitedly, making the cutest face you had ever seen. You smiled softly, He's so cute! You thought before Hawks butted in, "I'm gonna call you chicken." He said. 

"Wait, what?"

"I like chicken, and I like you. So I'm gonna call you chicken." He said with an endearing smile. Sorry, come again? You thought. Hawks saw the surprised look on your face and laughed, "what, You don't like it?" He asked with a smirk.

"N-No... it's okay, I like it." You said softly with a nervous smile.

"Okay, good." He said, looking down the hall. "Well, here we are." He added as you both approached your boss's office door. "You planning on just heading home after this?" he asked casually, reaching up and scratching the back of his head as he everted his gaze.

"Yeah." You replied in your usual quiet voice.

"So, you don't have anything going on then?" he confirmed.

"No." You said, quirking an eyebrow at his question. What's he getting at? You wondered internally.

"Cool, come to dinner with me then."  He said calmly. You jumped in fright and blushed furiously. No! Hawks, don't do this to me!!! You screeched internally. When you didn't reply he looked at you with his piercing gaze. "Too much, huh?" He resigned with a chuckle, "That's cool, maybe another time?" You nodded, relieved that you hadn't had to say anything. "Alright then, have a good night chicken." He said with a smile and a smooth wink before turning and strolling off down the hall, his red feathers swaying slightly as he walked. You let out shaky sigh Oh man, imagine going to dinner with the number two hero.


That night your dad seemed troubled, he was jumpy and on edge. "You okay, dad?" You asked him after he had jumped violently when the toaster went off.

"Yeah, sweetie, I'm fine." He grunted, annoyed that such a small thing had startled him.

"What's wrong?" You pried, not believing his words. He let out a troubled sigh and looked over at you.

"I think they've found me." He said in a quietly distressed tone.

Your eyes widened, "The government?" You questioned apprehensively.

He nodded, "I've been laying low, but a man came into work the other day and asked some pretty pointed questions. Even knew some of my relatives." Your guts twisted.

"What are you gonna do?" You asked nervously.

"I'm not sure, Yin, but if they do come for me, we're gonna have to separate. You have your mother's last name, so they won't be able to track you down easily."

Your heart ached "But dad..."

"No 'But's sweetheart, I don't want them to get you. I can handle them myself" He said with a weak smile, "But remember, never use your quirk."


Your quirk, Lexical Translation, Was one of the most powerful quirks of it's kind. By merely thinking a word, then touching someone, you could evoke that emotion or feeling within them. There were endless possibilities with this quirk. Depending on the word that you used, you could bring someone up, or just as easily, tear someone down. But it all depended on what that person was thinking of when you applied your quirk. For example; If someone was thinking about how much they missed a loved one that had passed away. If you were to think of the word 'relief' or 'thankfulness' then touch them, they would feel those emotions towards that loved one, because that's what they were thinking of at the time. But. If you wanted someone to fall in love with you, they'd have to be thinking of you at the time that you touched them with that word. This is where it could get problematic. What if they were thinking about their dog, a particular, or someone else? Next thing you know, the person that you wanted to fall in love with you is deeply in love with someone, or something, else! How do you know your quirk worked? The person you used it on would say the word you had thought of when applying the quirk, so you had a sign. 

Despite not being able to use your quirk, you would occasionally study up on the meaning of words just encase you needed to use them one day. the words needed to be emotionally geared too. You couldn't use words like 'run', 'tree', or 'sleep'. Your quick wasn't a strait up brainwash quirk. These were some simple harmless applications for your quirk, but some of your relatives decided to get greedy. They used the quirk as means to gain power and money. When it was discovered that they had used their quirk to gain their wealth, they were interrogated and imprisoned, or forced to work for unsavory people. The quirk was tagged, and everyone with this quirk was put on a special registry, a silent registry, that the government to use for their own benefit. Your grandfather had managed to give the government the slip and changed his name, keeping your family from being under surveillance. Up until now, everything had been fine. As long as you didn't use your quirk you were fine.

Your mother was quirk less. Specifically chosen by your father, so that he could keep the quirk bloodlines pure. In a way, it was a quirk marriage, but they loved each other so it had worked out well. You were listed as being quirkless as well, so that you would be safe from the government. You'd had the quirk test when you were four and all the test said that you had a quirk, but your dad had used his own quirk on the officers to make sure they put you down as quirkless. And this is the reason you dad doesn't want you to use it. You understood all of this, but you still felt like you had been unfairly lumped in with your relatives who had done wrong in the past. All you wanted to do was help people, you'd done nothing wrong! Why were you being punished for the crimes of your extended family? It wasn't fair!


Being in hiding had worked perfectly up until now. "Will I have to run away, dad?" You asked in a shaky voice.

"I'm not sure, sweetheart. But don't worry," He said as he reached out and touched your hand. Peace washed over you, your worried expression fading. You knew that your dad had just used his quirk on you and you smiled, He means well. You thought.





god really said, "Let me sprinkle some... Family screw ups~" Smh ( U^U)




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