Chapter 8

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Damage control.

I'm in serious need of some.

To say that the idea of facing Jennie right now makes me want to vomit more than the alcohol I consumed last night would be a gigantic understatement.

The way I see it though, there's clearly two choices laid out before me.

One, stay in my room until Jennie gets the hint and leaves my apartment so I don't have look at her and remember all the cringe worthy things I did last night

Or two, gather up the last shred of dignity that I'm clinging to and show Jennie that even though I'm mortified beyond belief, being with her is worth confronting my own embarrassment.

Some people might say I should give up now before I do anything else stupid.

I would tell those people to take a long walk off a short pier.

My dad always tells me that I have gumption; it's time to prove him right.

I have a few different fires to put out but I also have a raging headache, not a good combination.

I decide to tackle that problem first. I make a beeline for my bathroom and scrounge around until I find the big bottle of Aspirin I keep for occasions just like this one.

Not that I drink like a lush a lot or anything.

After downing three pills and brushing my teeth, I do feel just a smidgen better. With my mind coming back into focus, I grab my phone so I can tackle issue number two.

That is until I get another flash of me giving Jennie a lap dance and the horrified expression on her face.

I swallow away my mortification as best I can as I press number three on my speed dial.

"Oh my god, where in the tarnation are you?" Tarnation? Rose isn't even from the south, I guess she's really taking the no swearing thing seriously. "And more importantly you so owe me for covering for you with your dad."

"Good morning to you too." I whisper in case Jennie can hear me.

"Why are you whispering?" Rose asks. I go to respond but my dear friend is too excited to let me get a word in edge wise. "Man, your dad was so pissed when you didn't show up for work today. He was ranting and raving about how irresponsible you are but thanks to my quick thinking I got you out of the doghouse. Aren't I the best?"

I roll my eyes even though Rose can't see me. "Yes, you are so incredibly amazing I thank god everyday for bringing you into my life."

"You are such a bi..." Damn almost had her! "Witch. After we hang up I'm going to march into your dad's office to tell him that you blew off work and that meeting I told him you were attending was just a big lie."

I so don't have the time or the patience to deal with Rose theatrics right now. "I'm sorry, very sorry." I tell her in my most sincere voice. "And I really appreciate you covering for me, you're a great friend."

"Darn tootin' I am." Rose replies, she's such a sucker for flattery. "So, can I assume your meeting with Jennie went well last night and that's why you're extremely late for work today?"

Oh, how very wrong she is.

Like on scale from one to ten, one being...gah, enough with the freaking rating of things Jisoo, focus!

"I don't have time to explain, I just wanted to call and see how much trouble I was in and thanks to you, I'm not in any." Fire number two has been put out, on to fire number three. "I'll call you back in a little while to explain what happened." Rose starts ranting and raving about how she needs details and how mean I am for not providing her with some. I can't listen to her incessant chatter anymore so I thank her a third time for lying for me and then I disconnect the call.

Not really the nicest thing I could have done, but it was necessary.

I know my friend well enough to know that she's dialing my number right this second to yell at me some more so I put my phone on vibrate and take my land line off the hook.

Whew, now onto more important things, Jennie and what to wear.

I rummage through my closet and after a few minutes decide just to throw on an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It really is best to look casual when you're about to face the firing squad.

I check myself out in the mirror before I exit my bedroom to ensure I don't have anything hanging from my nose or any hideous marks on me that would cause another round of embarrassment that I don't need.

Then, I open the door and take a few deep, cleansing breaths.

My stomach is buzzing with nerves but outwardly I try my best to appear calm so when Jennie sees me she won't notice what a wreck I really feel like.

My bare feet pad across my hardwood floors and even though I think I'm being all stealth, Jennie turns around and looks directly at me.

She's sitting on my couch not really doing anything but staring at what I hope is my smiling face.

That's ok though, the little pep talk I gave myself seems to be working and despite the fact that I have no right whatsoever to feel any sort of confidence, I do.

As I strut towards my brunette goddess I feel like John Travolta at the beginning of Saturday Night Fever and I can almost hear Stayin' Alive playing in my head. My hips swivel with each step I take and Jennie can't take her eyes off of me.

Sexy Jisoo is back and she's back with a vengeance.

I'm almost at the couch and that's when I decide to run my fingers through my hair to finish off my performance.

That's right Jennie, you have no hope in resisting me when I'm so...

Remember when Jennie tossed my very expensive Louis Vuitton purse on the floor last night and remember how I wanted to hurt her for it?

Well it's too bad I didn't because as I speak I'm tripping over said purse and heading straight for the ground.

My body hits the floor and the sound it makes echoes through my quiet apartment very loudly.

I let out a scream of agony after my forehead collides with floor but that's not really where I hurt the most, it's my pride that takes the biggest beating.

You know I probably could have dealt with the humiliation of last night by playing the drunk card and I'm sure that I could have put the whole mess behind me.

Not now though, this is worse, so much worse that I don't have the energy or the inclination to pursue Jennie any longer.

I mean really, how can I even entertain the prospect of there being something between us when I keep doing one asinine thing after the other? Maybe it was funny before but I'm not laughing right now and all I want to do is crawl back in bed and never leave.

I'm usually so sure of myself around girls and yet with Jennie every instinct I've had has been wrong, every move I've tried to put on her has backfired and somehow I keep ending up with my face planted on the floor with her watching me do it.

I officially give up.

Now all I need to do is not move and wait for Jennie to run out of my apartment so I can get on with the rest of my life.

Jennie does run, but not out the door, instead she runs over to me.

"Oh my god." She exclaims once her knees hit the floor. "Are you ok?"

No, I'm not. My head is throbbing, my ankle hurts and more than that I just want her to go.

Can you believe that after all my earlier bravado, I'm actually wishing for Jennie to leave?

Yeah, me either.

She violently shakes my shoulders and when she speaks I hear panic in her voice. "Jisoo, Jisoo, can you hear me?" Another shake of my shoulders yields her no response. "Shit, Jisoo, answer me." I don't. "Fuck, please be ok, Jisoo." She truly sounds concerned about my well being and I feel sort of bad that she thinks I'm passed out or knocked out.

"I'm fine." I tell her without moving.

"Don't you ever do that again." She shouts before she slaps me across the back. "I thought you were really hurt."

Normally, I'd make some sort of quip about how I like the rough side of Jennie but I feel so incredibly defeated and all I want is to be left alone.

"Sorry." I mumble. "You can go."

Oh god, I think I'm going to cry.

"Don't be ridiculous, I want to make sure you're ok." Jennie replies and she still sounds pissed at me.

Great, above everything else I've done, I've also gone and made Jennie angry.

If she doesn't get out of here soon I'm going to lose it completely.

"Seriously, I'm fine." I assure her.

"And seriously I'm not leaving until I can be the judge of that." She is being so forceful at a time when I wish she wouldn't be.

Jennie somehow manages to drag me over to my couch and I somehow manage to avoid making eye contact with her.

I study the floor like it's the most fascinating thing I have ever seen but it would seem Jennie will have none of that.

She kneels in front of me, between my legs and when her hand lands on my thigh I almost give in and look at her. "Come on Jis." Jis? That's new. "Don't feel bad." She whispers. For the second time since I met Jennie she puts two fingers under my chin and guides my head up so I can't do anything but meet her eyes with mine. Only this time I'm sober and when our eyes connect I search hers for any sign of pity but all I see is concern. "Christ, you're bleeding."

I slump my shoulders. I'm a clumsy, singing, proposing, stripping, lap dancing idiot who's now injured to boot.

Jennie's fingers graze my wound making me wince. "I'm sorry." She says and her eyes won't leave mine alone.

I still can't understand why she hasn't made a hasty exit. I know I would have if the roles were reversed.

That's a total lie, but that still doesn't explain Jennie's attitude when she hasn't shown even the slightest interest in me.

"It's no big deal." I attempt to move but Jennie won't let me. "Fine, it hurts a little but you don't have to stick around." I know I sound pathetic and that's exactly how I feel. "Really, I can take care of myself and I understand completely if you want to back out of our deal." I only have to be strong for a few more minutes and then I can wallow in my misery when I'm alone.

"What are you talking about?" Jennie asks as her eyes go from concerned to confused.

I sigh, "I'm trying to do the right thing here. I won't blame you or anything because you have every right to want someone else to represent you." There, I said it, now it's time for Jennie to vamoose.

Jennie grabs my thigh a bit tighter and I will myself not to react to her touch. "You must have really hit your head harder than I thought if that's what you think I want."

Oh no, my emotions are bubbling to the surface and I'm having difficulty controlling them. "Whatever, it's fine."

"It's not fine." Jennie snaps. "I meant what I said last night Jis," There she goes again, saying my name like that. Why does she have to do things that make it hard for me to walk away from her? "I do want you to represent me and I was hoping for more than just a business relationship with you."



My ears must have broken when I fell because there's no other rational explanation for what came out of Jennie's mouth.

Could it be possible that even after everything I did she wants...

"I really think we could be good friends." She finishes.


Jennie wants to be friends with me.

Friends, with benefits?

I don't ask her that though, thankfully.

Maybe being friends with her isn't such a bad thing...for now.

It will give me a chance to get to know her before I seduce her.

Ok, ok, I know I have no right to be having those thoughts but Jennie's hand is moving slowly up and down my thigh and her eyes have taken on a smoldering quality that sends my heart racing.

"You want to be friends with me?" I ask bashfully as I chew on my bottom lip.

"Yeah, I do." She replies almost breathlessly.

The intensity level between us has shot up considerably I might add.

"Why?" I probably should have censored myself but part of me needs to know the answer. "You don't think I'm some sort of freak?"

Jennie chuckles softly but she stops when she sees that I'm being serious. "Of course not." She moves the hand that isn't touching my thigh to my cheek and cups it.

Be still my beating heart.

"Really?" I want to kiss her so bad right now.

"Well, you certainly are entertaining to have around." Jennie teases but she's not being malicious about it and despite myself, I laugh along with her. "Seriously though, I think you're nice, sweet and very easy to talk to."

If I had any chance of not falling under Jennie's spell before, I certainly don't stand a chance now.

I'm still not a hundred percent convinced that she's not feeling sorry for me though, but I'm willing to let that issue go if she keeps touching me and gazing at me like she is.

"Even though I can't hold my liquor and even though I keep falling down?"

"Even though you can't hold your liquor and even though you keep falling down." Jennie clarifies.

I think I finally understand everything.

It's the moments where I was myself that Jennie likes, not the moments where I was trying to impress her, or woo her.

Quite the realization if I do say so myself.

"So, what do you say, friends?" Jennie asks. She is so cute and adorable, I almost can't stand it.

"Friends." I reply as I nod my head.

I do believe it's time to show Jennie more of who I really am versus the me who I think will amaze her.

"Good. And as your friend, I really think you should let me clean that cut of yours for you." Jennie smiles, nose crinkle included!

"Oh great," I roll my eyes, "you're going to be one of those demanding friends that always has to have their way."

"Pretty much." Jennie teases. "I'm pushy like that."

She's so sassy...I love it! "Fine." I groan over dramatically. "There's a first aid kit under the sink in my kitchen."

Jennie looks at me in triumph and I roll my eyes again. Our bantering is so light and devoid of any tension. She gets up and walks into the kitchen, which means of course that she's not touching me anymore but I'm not that upset.

Jennie doesn't think I'm a total spazz.

She still wants me to represent her.

She wants to be friends with me.

That means we'll get to spend a lot of time together.

Who knows what'll happen when we do?

Oh, the possibilities!

Jennie returns with the first aid kit and kneels in front of me again. "I don't think the cut is too deep that it needs stitches but I do think it's a good idea to clean it out."

"Ok." I would pretty much agree to anything she asks of me.

She pours some antiseptic on a gauze pad before she turns her attention back to me. "Now, this might sting a little."

"That's ok, I have a high tolerance for pain." I boast.

Jennie dabs my wound and it stings so bad I can't help but cry out in utter agony.

Damn, that hurts!

"Very high tolerance." She smirks.

I'm about to make a smart remark, because I can't really go two seconds without making one, when Jennie leans in and blows gently on my cut.

"That should help with the pain." Jennie whispers and then she lets out another gush of warm air.

I know there's nothing behind her gesture besides wanting to make me feel better.

Is it wrong though, that it turns me on just a bit?

Although to be fair, I think Jennie could sneeze and I'd find it sexy.

"Thanks." I say after she puts a band-aid on my forehead. She moves back and that's when my mouth runs away from me again. "Aren't you going to kiss it better?"

Stupid mouth!

Stupid, can't control, always says the wrong thing...

Jennie doesn't look down at me, but she does press her lips very gently over the band-aid.

My heart does a little dance.

It's amazing what an affect she can have on me by doing something so seemingly innocent.

Jennie moves back down so we're eye level. "How's that?"

"Much, much better." I gush.

So much for playing it cool.

We end up in a staring contest that I didn't know we had entered.

It gets broken when her phone beeps.

Jennie opens up her phone and sighs. "Sorry, that's Hanbin, he's outside waiting for me, I better go."

Oh, D.B., I almost forgot about you.

I guess she called him while I was getting dressed.

What I need to do now is not appear pissed off.

"I understand, not a problem at all." Hey, go me! I actually did something right.

Jennie puts everything in the first aid kit and I'm about to tell her not to worry, I'll take care of everything when she gets up and disappears back into the kitchen.

I do get a nice view of her ass when she goes.

Jisoo, so not the time!

"Let me walk you out." I say to Jennie as I stand up.

"You sure you can handle that Jisoo without getting injured?" Jennie jokes.

Jennie Kim that was just mean!

And a little funny.

I roll my eyes and then playfully nudge her with my shoulder. "Oh how very droll of you Jennie."

"Thanks, I thought so too." She nudges me back and we both start laughing.

"I can tell being friends with you is going to be very interesting." I say as I open my front door.

I manage to do that without knocking myself in the head...go me again!

Jennie winks at me, "I'd like to think so."

I'm not quite ready for her to leave just yet.

"You know," I start as Jennie enters the hallway. "I never did hear you sing last night, doesn't really seem fair considering that's your career choice."

Jennie whirls around so fast I hope she didn't get whiplash. "You remember what happened last night?"

"Only bits and pieces." I lie. I really don't want to lie but I also don't want things to get awkward again. "Not too much."

Jennie breathes a big sigh of relief, "Well I'm sure one day you'll get your memory back."

I tilt my head, "Yeah, one day."

"If you're not busy tomorrow I have a session in the studio, you can come by if you're free." Jennie says.

I don't care if I had plans tomorrow, which I don't, they would so be canceled.

"That's sounds great." I reply with a smile.

"Cool." She reaches into her back pocket, pulls out a card and hands it to me. "This is the address, come by around three o'clock."

"I'll be there." I assure her. "With bells on." I add for good measure.

Jennie chuckles, "Later Jisoo."

"Later Jen." I grin one more time and then she turns around and walks down the hall.

I lean against the door frame so I can watch her go.

She's at the elevator and just as she's about to press the down button she turns back around.

I jump because I've gotten caught staring at her but instead of freaking out I simply wave my hand as if to say there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing.

Jennie waves back and even though she's down the hall I see her smiling very widely.

I head back into my apartment and after I've closed the door, I lean back against it.

Ok, so that ended a lot better than it started.

I close my eyes and remember what it was like to have Jennie's hand on my cheek and her lips against my forehead.

As I slide down the door, with a goofy grin on my face, I know that tomorrow cannot come quick enough.

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