Book 8⌇27. I Forgive You

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Chapter 27 ∣  I Forgive You



It was quiet within my mind, the battle for control ceasing; if it were only for a moment, it was peaceful. There was no headache, nothing forcing my actions and when I finally breathed in, I almost felt renewed. I slowly became aware that my body was cold, trying to open my eyelids felt like when I was in a night of eternal sleep. This time though, with some effort, I slowly blinked them open, my heart speeding up when my surroundings finally fell into place.

It was dark and warm, the air thicker than I remembered. There was a numbness that flooded through my arms and when I tilted my chin up, I discovered the reason why. My wrists were bound in chains covered in that rubber material; my ankles secured to the stone floor. My breathing started to come a little faster now, remembering the events that had taken place.

She brought us here.

She tried to kill Harlan and failed.


I could hear something in the dark, my voice whispered out, "Hello?" I couldn't believe it...I was speaking for myself. That really was my voice that I heard, but what happened to the demon controlling me?

Footsteps echoed from the far wall across from me, the figure stepping out into the small amount of lighting that illuminated the room. Two gray orbs that reminded me so much of Keegan's broke through the darkness, his messy black hair somewhat tame as opposed to our first encounter...'s that boy, Scáth.

He glared at me with hatred and I didn't understand why, until I remembered that the demon's actions were speaking for my own. He thought that it was I who attacked and tried to go after him, that was until Harlan stepped in. I shook my head; I don't blame him for looking at me that way. I hardly recognize myself anymore. I'm a shell of who I once was...

"Just look at're a monster. No one attacks anyone else anymore unless they have a death wish," Scáth's words cut me deep. There really was harmony here and all this demon did was shatter what had been built. She'd taken everything into her hands and putting vengeance before any other emotion. Nothing good comes from revenge...we reap what we sow, and I knew that I'd probably end up dead because of her actions.

I wonder if this is how Maverick felt being a rogue...people looking at you with hate, anger, and fear...unsure of exactly what you will do next. If this was just a small taste of everything he had gone through emotionally, maybe I truly do understand him.

I'm so sorry Maverick.

"I'm sorry," it came out small and weak, my eyes casting down and away from his.

There was a shift in the air and my eyes glanced up, only for a scream to be ripped from my lungs. Two crystal blue eyes stared into my own, her long light brown hair now framing her face as she appeared in front of me. She had her hands on her hips, her eyes narrowing on me and when she did finally speak, I felt afraid, "You're sorry? You try to attack our home and when you lose you just say sorry?"

It was clear now...this woman, Adrasteia, was a vampire assassin and her son Scáth was a hybrid between her and an incubus. That incubus was Keegan. It hardly explained why a vampire was in the Dominion Plane, but I didn't even want to get into that.

"I'm so sorry..." again, my apology was just scoffed at and when she grabbed my wrists in the chains, I cried out again. The pain was intense from her crushing grip and I tried to move at least a little away from her, but that was a useless effort.

"Adrasteia, stop," Keegan's voice was calm.

"Ahh, but I'm enjoying how your love is intimidating her," Harlan chuckled, both of them coming from the far-left door to the dungeon. Adrasteia listened to Keegan, releasing her hold and the pressure on my fragile bones. There it was, was almost like the demon was gone...but where did it go? Harlan elbowed Scáth in the arm and grinned, "See, watch how scary your mother can be. She's killed sex demon assassins before and I'm curious to see what she's going to do to your father's old plaything...unless...he lets me handle her like I did the last assassin who tried to kill them."

"Plaything?" Adrasteia's eyes glanced away from mine, turning away from me, and asking Keegan, "This is the one you kept as a slave...well...your brother and then you?"

"I already apologized for that," Keegan was slightly frustrated, probably never thinking he'd ever see me again. The feeling was mutual.

Adrasteia calmed instantly and sighed, "It's fine, I just didn't think I'd ever get to meet" she turned to Harlan and then to Scáth, motioning for him to come with her, "I don't blame her for wanting to kill you in all honesty."

"Hey!" Keegan growled.

"I speak the truth," she kissed his cheek, Scáth and her nearing the dungeon door before reassuring him, "but of course, I'd never allow her to actually kill you...what kind of disarray would this world fall in without you to guide it?"

Mother and son left, leaving me with Keegan and Harlan, two faces that I never wanted to see in my life again. So much pain and torment were associated with them and inside, all I wanted to do is cower and fade away into nothingness.

Keegan was quiet for a moment, standing in front of me as though thinking through exactly what he was going to do. Harlan stood beside him, his purple irises narrowing on me when I met his gaze. I decided it would just be best to stare at the floor, at least it couldn't be mad at me.

"Your soul is dark, Eris," Keegan broke the silence, my eyes still transfixed on the ground, "your demon has taken full control over you."

"She's not mine..." I slowly lifted my eyes, meeting his and stated, "I have no control."

Harlan furrowed his brows and asked, "How is that even possible?"

Keegan nodded and asked, "Can you explain what happened?"

My eyes watered at the thought, my past and present mixing together and barely able to distinguish the difference. The only thing I was uncertain about, was my future. I started off quietly and then was able to reach my normal volume nearing the end, "I was killed...and then brought back, but as a mortal. This...thing must have come back with me or something, I don't know, and it won't leave me alone! I just want to live a normal life, but I feel like I'm losing myself...I-I just want it to stop."

Harlan remained silent, just watching me carefully. Keegan however, he stated, "I've never heard of this happening before."

"How did you make her...go away?" I wasn't exactly sure how to word it correctly.

Harlan grinned, "Oh, I put her to sleep. She'll be awake in a while though..." his words made me uneasy and the anxiety coursed through my body. Keegan waved Harlan away, Harlan rolling his eyes as he walked toward where Scáth must have been sitting.

Keegan breathed in slowly and then said gently, "Eris, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I can't apologize for my brother or for my father, but I want you to know that I'm truly sorry. We hurt you...and I can't take any of it back, but I do want you to know, that after seeing how much Maverick was willing to go to show his love for you, I wanted what you have. I found that and I'd do anything for my mate...I have Maverick and you to thank for showing me what could be attainable."

My eyes blinked wide open, my tears slowing as he brushed them away. He continued, "The only reason you are chained up is because of this uncontrollable demon. I don't want you to hurt anymore, but there is absolutely nothing I can do to help...this is beyond me. I've never seen a demonic side overtake and have absolute control over a bond..."

The tears welled up again, my chest heaving up and then falling when I released a shaky breath. No one could do anything for me, I'd be stuck with this demon making all the decisions for me. Even worse...when I eventually give up and she gets exactly what she wants.

"There is really only one thing we can do for you," Harlan was back, his arms crossed and looking regretful for even suggesting, "we can separate your soul from your body and end your life."

Again...maybe I am better off dead...

Keegan saw the look in my eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry Eris. I'm terribly sorry."

I was crying much harder now, my eyes blurry as I smiled gently, "It's alright," even Harlan's eyes softened and I could see they did care, that these two beings had evolved so much in the years here in the Dominion Plane, remembering time was much faster here.

I shook my head and said, "I forgive you. I'm glad you found happiness...everyone deserves it," my eyes shifted to Harlan's own coldness still hiding something that was unspoken. I drew in a sob and whispered, "You make a good King."

Harlan was rubbing his forehead and growled in frustration, "Damn it! I'm not killing her..."

Keegan asked, "The one who brought you back, is there any way he might be able to help?"

"He's a demonologist," the small hope of Rook possibly helping set a spark of hope in my heart, "If anyone, maybe he really can help."

"Harlan will take you back, but the moment he unchains you, that demon will slowly wake and take control again," Keegan motioned to Harlan, him walking around behind me and unhooking the chains from the ceiling. My arms felt like dead weight the way they fell in front of my body, my ankles freed next.

I nodded quietly, suddenly surprised when Keegan pulled me close to him, my eyes searching his as I stared up into those gray orbs. He gently kissed my forehead and I felt a reassuring warmth spread through my body, sighing as I relaxed. When his lips pulled away, he said, "I would say, you're always welcome here...but the moment that demon is dealt with, you'll never be able to come back. This world isn't made for mortals and you really would die the moment you set foot here."

To hear him say that lifted a weight off my shoulders, understanding that he held no ill will toward me...if only the demon could learn to forgive and move on. I'll never forget, as what happened to me makes me a stronger person, but I honestly could say, I forgive him and everyone who was a part of this ploy against my life when I was younger.

"Take this," Keegan released his hold of me, reaching into his pocket and bringing forth a black stone. The black stone held etchings, similar to ancient runic symbols. He placed it into my hands, the warmth almost like a heartbeat coming from it.

"What's this?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

Harlan's eyes sparked with amusement and he stated, "It's a beacon."

"Harlan's right," Keegan nodded and smiled, "when Harlan takes you back, you need to hide this stone where you will somehow remember where you put it. Afterward, he will extract that memory, as I don't want the demon to find it. You're going to be alright Eris, I know...bad things happen to good people, but I trust that you will be saved."

"What does this stone do?" I was still confused and how the hell would I even know where to look for it...or even what it is after Harlan removes that memory.

Keegan informed me, "If you ever need help and you find yourself up a creek without a paddle, I'm throwing you this lifeline. I owe you, and if you're ever in danger, Harlan will find you."

I held onto the stone tighter. Through all this chaos and self-doubt, I had inadvertently solidified a friendship with someone I never thought possible.

"Thank you," my tears had ceased, Harlan's arms wrapping around me and drawing my body close to his.

"Goodbye Eris, I think this is the only time I'll ever pray," Keegan sighed, turning away now that he could do nothing more. Slowly, the realization hit me, that I'd soon be fighting for control and my life again.

Harlan asked, "Shall we go?"

"The one time I wish I didn't have too..." my voice trailed off, thinking of exactly how I was going to get Maverick to ask Rook for help. Just once more, I need help once more.

In the next moment, I felt that rush through my body, gasping as the walls closed in around me. I glanced around, trying to figure out my surroundings everything returned the second I saw Maverick passed out on the bed.

"Well...looks like you both had a rather exciting time," Harlan wiggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes at him, pulling out of his arms and searching for a place to hide the stone. No one really looks under the bed anymore...

I went to one of the boxes that Maverick kept in his closet, reaching for it, and opening the container. Taking a black scarf, I wrapped the stone in the fabric, setting it carefully in the box and closing the lid shut. The key was still on the shelf, taking the brass key and locking it shut. The chain that the key hung on, I held between my fingers and I knelt down next to his bed, shoving the box up against the wall. It looked like no one had even looked down here in years...

When I stood to my feet, Harlan's eyes had followed me the entire time. I walked up to him and reached my chained hands out to him, his own hand letting the key fall into his palm. I asked him, "Leave it somewhere I'll find it when I need it."

Harlan nodded and said, "I'm sorry too..."

"I didn't expect you to be sorry. You never own up to your actions," I arched a brow, trying to steady my nerves. Time had barely passed here on Earth, and it made my mind slightly uneasy at the thought of Harlan unchaining me and letting this demon walk free, especially around Maverick, who was one of the ones she blamed.

"There's a lot about me you'll never understand," he chuckled, taking my wrists into his hands, and starting to fiddle with the chains. His eyes shifted to the bed and he said, "Your mate is waking...his heart rate just increased exponentially."

The moment my wrists were freed, my eyes locked with Harlan's and tears ran down my cheeks. He sighed a pained look on his face before saying, "This won't be the last time I see you. You may not know it and you won't know when, but I will check on you. of these days, I'm going to find my own mate."

"Thank you," I wrapped my freed arms around his neck, the tears staining his shirt.

His body relaxed, returning my embrace, and whispering, "Goodbye Eris."

I felt nothing.

My eyes opened and there was just empty space and air from where Harlan had once stood. I chocked back a sob and glanced at Maverick. He was waking and this might be the only chance I get to tell him. I neared the bed, walking to the edge and sitting down next to him, my fingertips reaching out and touching his cheek. He stirred in his sleep, his brows furrowing as his eyes moved rapidly beneath his lids.

"Maverick, please wake up," I asked him, shaking him slightly.

There was something starting to form at the base of my skull, darkness swirling, and trying to take control again.

I shook him hard, crying as I begged him, "Please...please, please wake up. I love you so much and all I want right now is for you to take all this pain away. Please wake up...please see me for who I am..."

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce a Mortal by K. A. Young and Laisha C. Gardner

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