Book 8⌇22. Who is in Control?

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Chapter 22 ∣  Who is in Control?


Why are you doing this? Get out of my head!

I couldn't do anything but watch, the hurt only coming through the surface when the grip faltered on my mind. It was like watching a horror movie and I was afraid Maverick would snap and kill me for the way he was being pushed. I'd never seen him that frustrated, and it was my fault...

...well not entirely all my fault.

I'm not just in your head. I'm apart of you. Without me guiding you to be stronger, you would have remained cowering in fear in Alpha Declan's dungeon until he decided to kill you.

I'm not a demon anymore...

Correct, but I am. You refused to listen to me when I told you to fly and leave the hunters behind...but you didn't. You distracted them to keep Maverick safe. You cost us our life and soul and I'm about to take it back.

I don't want that!

I watched as I moved through my bedroom, finding the bag still laying on the bed from the sex shop. Stopping, I reached down, opening it, and letting the contents fall onto the covers. The dark leather pants, maroon corset with light red trim, and knee-high boots came tumbling out.

You don't have a choice. This is no longer a harmonious bond.


It's called possession.

The power was strong, holding me back as my eyes glazed over the two other items that also fell away. A smirk played on my lips and a chuckled followed right after.

What's this?

I didn't want to respond, but the demon inside of me was quick to search the corners of my mind, my head aching with the pain.

Oh, so you didn't want it and Maverick was so generous to get it for you. Who doesn't adore a nice little rabbit butt plug and a massive cock you can suck off while he fucks you? Was that his plan? I'm sure we can...put it to good use.


I lifted Maverick's shirt over my head, tossing it onto the bed. My eyes darted to the drawer, sauntering over to it, and opening the top one. Reaching in, my fingertips ran over the different types of lingerie, stopping once I found a blood-red lacy thong. Finding the matching bra in the next drawer down, I slipped the thong up over my hips while I latched the bra into place. Taking a light purple camisole, I threw it over top of my bra, smoothing the fabric over my stomach.

What are you doing?

There was no response, turning away from the drawers and moving back towards the bed. It was a few moments later when I had adorned the skimpy outfit. Lacing up the boots and tying them off, I let out a happy sigh twirling around in my outfit.

It feels good to be back.

Speak for yourself...

You had your chance to be in control and we paid with our lives.

What are you going to do?

Taking my long black hair, I brushed it out before braiding it down and over my shoulder securely.

What we're going to do is:

Kill the one who murdered us.

Take back our soul fragment.

That would unbind Maverick and I...well my only connection to him, after all, he couldn't bond with me entirely, but I had with him before I was killed. The only reason I was brought back to life.

That's all? Will you leave me wh-

No. To both of those questions, no. We have unfinished business in the Dominion Plane. We still have Keegan to kill after everything he did to us, he doesn't deserve to live. I won't leave this body because I cannot exist in corporeal form without you.

My heart skipped a beat and I felt as though the pain were radiating deep from within it. She wasn't planning on letting me go, not even after she completed whatever revenge that was brewing deep in her mind. It made it harder because I wasn't sure Maverick could see the difference and if she wanted to, she could very well kill him. Maybe she'd blame him for our death in the first place, giving the small portion of our soul away...

No one will be able to save you from me because I live within you. They'd have to kill you to kill me, so get used to me taking the reigns now. As I said, you had your turn.

I jumped slightly, the sound of a knock on the door before it opened startled me. Every part of me fought as Maverick appeared in the doorway, sighing, and saying softly, "I'm sorry Eris."

"Don't be," I smiled at him.

His eyes roamed my body and he furrowed his brows before asking, "Are you going somewhere?"

"I thought it might be nice to enjoy the sun while its up," I was screaming inside, wanting desperately for Maverick to see that this wasn't me. "Just because you can't go outside do-"

"I can walk with you," he replied, interrupting me, and watching my jaw slack for a moment. Inside, we were both confused by his statement, until I remembered that he'd stormed out of Rook's coven when he found out...I...

I arched a brow and crossed my arms, "Sure about that? Don't want to have a crispy vampire by my side."

He smirked back at me, the door remained open as he said, "My blood magic has manipulated the way my body reacts to the sunlight. I'm the very first vampire to walk within its light and something the wolves don't know."


What are you planning?! Don't you hurt him!

I can't hurt him...not yet anyway.

You're insane!

Aren't all demons? Which reminds me, I'm going to kill the one who trapped us when our parents were killed...while we were trapped in Kalyn's room we hardly saw him, but he was there, he blocked any escape we could have made that night.


He'd never recognize us now.


She wouldn't tell me and the fact her bucket list of individuals to kill was growing made me even more nervous. What if she decided to kill humans who had affected our life before? She had complete control over my body and each second that passed seemed to slip me further and further away inside, locked back and out of sight.

Maverick...please can't you see?

"It really doesn't matter anyway," Maverick pointed to the clock next to my bed. The realization hit me when I saw that it read:

9:38 PM.

"Oh," was the only sound that left my lips.

Maverick's eyes flashed for a second and he reluctantly suggested, "Do you want to go to a club tonight? Just go have fun instead of having this tension between us sitting here?"

That was unexpected.

"Which one?" I curiously asked him.

"Let me get dressed and we can drop by one of the clubs closest to home here. No wolves venture near our coven, not yet anyway," he shook his head and chuckled, his eyes falling away from me and landing on the bed. "I see you're not too upset I decided to get a few things for you?"

"Why would I be?" I giggled, "Only, maybe we can have some fun later then...since you don't want to fuck me, maybe you can show me how to use those."

The fuck is your problem?!?!


He's going to lose control...that'll ruin everything for you if I die.

Maybe I could persuade the survival side of the demon. After all, no living body, no demon to possess it. Right?

He can't kill you. Not with me residing inside of you anyways. You're technically not entirely human at the moment. Stupid girl.

Don't call me stupid you ass-hat bitch!

Mouthy now?

It's not like you're going to listen to anything I say so fuck off! Nasty bitch...

Shame, it'll be funny when he eventually has sex with us, and you won't feel a damn thing. I'll make sure of that.

"If you stop asking me to fuck you," Maverick smirked, "I think we could work something out."

"Fine, I'll stop asking then," I smiled back, walking toward him, and pressing my hands against his bare chest before whispering, "You better get ready then."


It had been an awfully long time, so it felt since I'd been in a building with flashing lights among the darkness. The loud sound of a bass dropping hit my heart and body hard as it traveled through my bones and settled in my chest. Maverick was standing next to me, his right arm wrapped around my lower back and keeping me close to him. The crowd was large, people dancing and enjoying themselves, some getting a little too hot and heavy where others were already past that point and leaving to continue their night elsewhere.

This building had two tiers, the upper floor appearing as though it were a V.I.P. lounge while the tiling on the main floor lit up with multiple colors at once. Everything appeared to be synced though with the music, my eyes searching the room and noticing a bar on the left side of the room while a set of stairs were on the right that led up to the second floor.

Memories of Dv8 came crashing back to me hard and my muscles twitched, my heart beating fast.

Stop trying.

I won't.

You'll lose every time.

I won't.

I guess you have to have some kind of hope.

My hands clenched into fists but were immediately released of their tension, my control long gone when stepped forward into the club. Grinning, I turned around and met Maverick's eyes yelling over the music, "Are you going to dance with me?"

Maverick nodded his head and chuckled, his arm leaving my lower back as my hand found his. It was rather interesting; he wasn't wearing the hood up on his trench coat. Did he feel safe here? Did werewolves really not venture this far close to the coven?

With our fingers interlocked, I brought him through the crowd, eager to dance and spend time together with him...closer. Nearing the edge of the dance floor, I smiled turning around and staring into his hazel blue orbs. He held so much love and care for me, such adoration.

Too bad he was looking into the wrong eyes.

I couldn't say a single word, anything to warn him of what happened. To him, maybe I was just acting extra quirky and sarcastic, testing my boundaries with him. Maybe he was slightly enjoying it, but I couldn't be sure. There was just one thing I knew...he thought nothing was wrong. Not in the slightest and that is what continued to frighten me. If this demon could manipulate him into believing she was me, this couldn't bode well for the future.

The music swirled around us, Maverick pulling me closer to him, running his hands down my sides and over my hips. My eyelids slid shut, breathing and out slowly and something shocked me when I felt something just beneath my skin sparking. It wasn't like the heat that traveled through my body when Maverick touched me in a certain way. No, it felt like electricity sparking and flowing through me.

When I opened my eyes, Maverick had spun me around. My back was flush against his chest my breathing in sharply when I gazed out across the people dancing.


I saw different colors in a misty form enveloping those around me. I could feel them, a pulsation of life, love, lust, desire, want, and need each shining with a different vibrancy. Her control was constricting me, taking over my body further as her innate abilities were also taking up a residence within me.

The way he was touching me, holding me, brought out my own desires. But that all came to a screeching halt when Maverick whispered into my ear, "There is a vampire here and I need to feed sweetheart. Are you okay with that?"


"I'm perfectly okay with that," I returned, turning in his arms, and bringing my lips up to meet his. His lips moved with mine, his hands tightening on my waist and drawing me closer. When we pulled away from each other I whispered, "After all, we all have needs that need to be satisfied, and sometimes, we can't help what we need and who can give that to us."

You're going to take a soul...

It hit me in those words she spoke, and I struggled hard. I never took a soul, I never wanted to kill anyone. I wasn't in control though and she wanted revenge.

We need strength.

There are other ways...just take energy...please.


Fuck you!

It's quite funny how much you are fighting this. It was a life you lived far before Maverick and one you'll return to once everything has been rectified. You'll see, I'm doing this for us.

For you.

Does it make a difference anymore?

I was glaring and Maverick furrowed his brows asking, "Are you sure?"

I screamed inside, being pulled back and the glare turned into a sweet smile followed by, "I'll be alright, go do your vampire thing." He arched a brow, looking at me hard before nodding, leaving me near one of the couches next to the V.I.P. staircase. Sitting down, my hands resting on my knees, breathing in and out calmly. My fingers scraped against the fabric of my pants as I drew them into fists. She was letting me through, just enough to express my disdain otherwise it would boil over, and she may have a harder time controlling me when it mattered.

Like in front of Maverick.

Just like that though, it was gone. Pushed away again, I rose to my feet. My boots made soft thuds against the wooden floor as I moved away from the couch and to the bottom of the staircase. There was a rather large bouncer, an earpiece in his ear and pressing it lightly as I approached.

What are you doing?

Maverick needs his and we need ours.

No, you need yours...I don't need anything.

Sure, about that?

Shocked just like the bouncer, when I stopped just short of a foot away, I tilted my head to the side, reaching my hand out and touching his cheek. He instantly relaxed at my touch his body quivering for a second. I could feel everything she was doing, projecting images, everything that was hidden in his own mind brought forth.

I was about to say something when I felt a hand on my shoulder and a whisper at my ear. "Now, now, why don't we leave the nice man alone?"

My heart skipped a beat, the demon within taken off guard just like I was. My hand fell away from the bouncer's cheek, his demeanor shifting as he tried to recompose himself from the sudden rush of pleasure. The hand on my shoulder quickly fell down over my upper arm, to my elbow, and finally stopping at my wrist.

My hand was brought up, lips brushing the back of my knuckles sending a spark through my skin and it traveled down my arm until it reached my shoulder.

What's happening?

It's an incubus.

Can he te-


Exhaling, I was slowly turned around, one arm encircling around my waist as the other touched my cheek. The fingers trailed down my skin until they pressed under my chin, lifting my eyes to meet two vivid purple irises.

"Looks like we're both out hunting tonight love," his voice was smooth, the hair on my arms standing on end.


Not only was my control gone, but my subconscious came to the surface, the memory of my parent's death projected at that moment from the demon residing within me.

Voices continued to grow slightly louder, coming to another intersection, only this hallway spilled out into the main throne area. I could see it then, hiding behind the corner of the wall. I was shaking, fear numbing my senses and rooting me to the spot when I saw two incubi, standing in front of the crowned King Bram.

It was the white wisps that left their mouths and transferred to the demons that finally made everything click into place. I hadn't ever stolen a soul before. I was too young, and my parents offered their energy instead. Watching these two incubi steal my parents' souls, made me angry, knowing that they would be trapped forever in an abyss.

Their lips closed; the connection cut off. My parents' heads lowered, and their energy was untraceable. I couldn't feel any life coming from them...

Using their powerful tails, they each snapped the necks of my mother and father in a split second.

My breathing came short, almost stopping altogether.

The rebellion leader was right...that's why they had hidden away and kept their assassins for better use. This King was too strong and the ones guarding him were far superior to that of the average demon.

A quiet sob escaped my lips, the tears I thought I'd been fighting back were trailing down my cheeks, blurring my vision. I wasn't quiet enough because I was forcefully grabbed by another who appeared behind me.

Screaming at their touch, their powerful hands held my shoulders firmly, dragging me out into the open.

"Harlan?" King Bram questioned, my captor, revealed. He walked me further into the room, my heart picking up speed when both pairs of electric blue eyes locked onto me, the ones who had murdered my parents.

"She was hiding in the hallway," Harlan informed the King.

King Bram narrowed his eyes on me and stated, "She has their eyes."

I looked down at the ground, shaking in fear and trying to shrink away from everyone staring at me.

"Did you know them? I've never seen you before," King Bram asked me, and when I didn't answer he snapped and growled, "Answer the question!"

Harlan's nails dug into my skin and I cried out hastily, "Y-Yes! Th-They're m-my par-parents."

"Kill her," he ordered.

I screamed loudly, crying as I tried to escape Harlan.

Then a voice spoke, one of the murders, "If you don't mind...I'd rather keep her," his eyes were filled with darkness and the evil smirk that spread across his face made my heart stop. "She looks just like a porcelain doll. I think she'd make a rather amusing toy."

I'm not a toy...

"She's yours, Kalyn," the King motioned his hand in my direction. "Just make sure to take a portion of her soul so she can't faze from this world."

"With pleasure," his eyes burning into me at his words, watching for my reaction.

If that's him...that means the other...

Those are the princes...

...Prince Kalyn and Prince Keegan.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce a Mortal by K. A. Young and Laisha C. Gardner

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