42. Zetsu

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Taehyung's birthday (Yippee)~


"Taehyung~" I sang into his ears as he pulled the quilt over his head to block out my beautiful voice. I scoffed and jumped on him, resulting in a slight yelp from Taehyung who must have been crushed by me. Hehe...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled and ripped of the quilt from his hands as I exposed him to the cold morning air, "RISE AND SHINE, TAEHYUNG THE BIRTHDAY BOY!"

"Let me sleep, shtinky pervert!" he groaned and hugged his life-size Zeref pillow. I thought I hid it, then how the heck did he—Oh, that must have been Natsu.

"Taehyung!" I began to shake his arm and he groaned in annoyance, "It's your birthday so get up! It is the day a lovely angel was born!"

"I don't care!" he mumbled and turned to the other side. How annoying is he! I sighed and walked to the other side of bed to wake him up. When I was about to yell at him again, I saw the visible dark patches under his eyes. He must be tired from yesterday's late night work.

I sat beside him and listened to his soft snore. I wanted to badly wake him up and see the present I bought for him, but I guess, I can give it to him when he gets up.

I pushed away the brown bangs in front of his eyes and smiled at him, "Since it is your birthday, take a rest and don't come to the office."

I heard him let out a heavy breath and smiled as I planted a kiss on his forehead, "Happy birthday, my love."

I got up and walked out of his room, slowly locking his door and heading out of his apartment. Just as I turned the front door handle and opened it, Jimin jumped in with his arms spread wide open, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAE—Kookie? What are you doing here?"

"I came here to wish him, but he is really tired so I let him sleep," I sighed and Jimin patted my back.

"It's okay. Jin hyung and I will stay here and we will call you when he gets up, okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"Wait, did you say Jin-hyung?" Just as I asked, I heard Jin scream from outside.

"TAE, MY BABY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jin yelled from the ground floor and I slapped my forehead.

"Does he have to be loud?" I mumbled while Jimin simply laughed. We saw Jin running towards us with a huge number of bags in his hands. I saw Namjoon walk behind him with another load of bags. Why the hell are they so many bags in their hands?!

"Where is my baby?" Jin panted and tried to barge inside, but I put a hand on his chest and lightly pushed him back.

"Tae is sleeping, so don't disturb him. And plus, he is my baby, not yours," I said and Jimin snickered beside me. Jin sighed and placed the bags down as he took a deep breath to calm his racing heart.

"You all are my babies. So I can call any one of you as my baby. Not in the wifey or hubby way, but in a motherly way."

"Uhmm...okay," I said and looked at my watch, "I better get going. I have a meeting to attend now and plus, no disturbing Tae."

"Okay. We will call you when he wakes up," Jimin said and walked inside with Jin while I went out with Namjoon. They shut the door and we walked to the car.

"What was in all those bags? Did he buy an entire Gucci store?" I asked Namjoon and he shook his head.

"Some things even I don't know. I was just carrying all the stuff while he bought them all. I only noticed one item which he bought. It was a cute underwear."

"Pfft! Underwear!?" I asked Namjoon and he nodded, "What the heck is so cute about an underwear?"

"It had a soft, furry tail attached to it." 

"WHAT?!" I yelled and began to laugh like a mad man. Namjoon laughed along while trying to drive steadily. Taehyung...in that underwear. That is just...wow! I stopped laughing and began to imagine Taehyung wearing that. As I imagined it, I could feel my—

"JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon broke through my imagination and I glared at him.

"What is it?" I snarled at him and he sighed.

"He didn't buy it for Taehyung. Jin...Jin bought it for Jimin. Jimin said that he...he wanted to surprise Yoongi. That's what I heard from him. So don't get excited or something. And for god's sake we have like a meeting in an hour."

"Yeah yeah." I shook my head and looked outside the window as we pulled over K.T company. We got out and were soon escorted to the waiting room where other people were there too. I greeted all of them before sitting down with Namjoon by my side.

"By the way, what did you get him?" Namjoon asked me and I pulled out a small baby blue box from my pocket, "A box?"

"No!" I glared at him and put it back in my pocket, "Couple bracelets."

"I see. Don't show it to Jin," he said and I rolled my eyes. Why can't you just go and buy that poor guy one?!

I shook my head and waited for the meeting to start. Just as I was about to doze off, Taehyung's mother popped into the room and smiled brightly when she saw my face.

"Jungkook!" she cried out and hugged me without wasting a second, "How are you doing my dear? It has been so long since we have seen each other, right?" Uhmm...didn't we see each other just weeks ago?

"It's nice to meet you too and I am doing very well," I smiled as she pulled away. She looked at Namjoon and shook his hand.

"And you must be Kim Namjoon," she said and he nodded, "I have heard a lot about you from Taehyung and Seokjin."

"You are close to Jin hyung?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Of course! He used to come to my house once in a week to have like this cooking competition. At the starting it was rather annoying, but then later I started to like it. I defeated him all the time. His food can never beat mine," she smugly said and we chuckled. I bet if Jin hears this, he might just blast like a bomb and declare another competition.

"Today's Taehyung's birthday. Did you wish him?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"We thought of inviting him over for dinner tonight. Why don't you join us, Jungkook?" she asked and I politely shook my head. I would have actually gone if Taehyung was going, but then it is his birthday and I am pretty sure he needs some family time.

"It's okay. I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Aw! You should come. You are already like a family of ours," she said and before I could reject her invitation again, the meeting had already started and people were pooling inside the room.

"You are his husband. So I guess you can go to that dinner," Namjoon whispered and I elbowed his ribs.

"Shut up," I said and he chuckled, pleased on seeing a light hint of pink dusting my cheeks. Hyung and his annoying words.

The meeting went normal like usual, but I could feel people around me giving me weird looks. Even Namjoon could sense it, but I just couldn't make out why, until I hear one of them speak to the other who was sitting beside me.

"Rumors say that the Jeon company is going to fall soon. Someone has teamed up most of the big men in the business industry and made one joint."

"Oh my goodness! Really? How come I did not know that?"

"Small companies of yours won't know at all. We big men know what secrets lay underneath each and every company's lair."

"What about his son? Jeon Jungkook? Won't he go bankrupt?"

"Well, that poor boy is his father's puppet, so he probably won't have any clue when his company falls down."

"Poor boy!"

I sighed and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Namjoon smiling at me, reassuring me that nothing bad is going to happen. I gave him a weak smile before my eyes fell on the presentation.

It was true. Jeon company was slowly losing profits and there was this company which was secretly bringing all the big ones closer. I knew this from the very beginning.

Little does that person know that even I am in this war. I smirked to myself as I leaned against the chair. Even if my father's company falls down or gets ruined or taken, I already had made a plan before itself. All I got to do is wait for the company to fall and secretly find out who is the one who did it. When I do find out, I am going to make them my ally or just crush them when they don't accept our deal.

But who can possibly do all of this? Whoever did this has a lot of guts to go against my father. To get all the big companies to go against Jeon's is something very hard, but like I said, whoever did that must be a really smart guy or girl.

The meeting got over in an hour and we all departed from the place. I stood by the cafeteria's door and drank my banana milk while getting stared by a number of fangirls.

"OH MY GOD! JEON JUNGKOOK!" Shit! I turned around to run, but realized it was Kang Taehyun calling me. Oh, it's him. I thought it was some fangirl of mine.

"Taehyun, how are you doing?" I asked him and he smiled from ear to ear, his huge eyes sparkling with joy. He had like these huge eyes. I thought that one day his eyes might just suddenly pop out from their socket. But he looks really handsome with those pretty, big eyes of his. The only ones I love are Taehyung's. 

"I am fine. How is Taehyung? Today is his birthday, right?" he asked me and I nodded.

"He is doing well sleeping at his home during work hours," I looked behind his shoulder to see Namjoon waving at me to get in the car, "Looks like I have to go. See you later."

He nodded and waved good-bye. I did the same and walked towards the exist, when suddenly I bumped into someone.

"Oops! I am sorry," I apologized and looked to see who it was. My eyes grew wide with shock as I stared at the person in front of me. Impossible. Utterly impossible.

"Zetsu?" I pointed at the man in front of me who blankly stared at me, probably wondering how I knew his name or something like that.

"BEOMGYU!" I heard Taehyun scream from behind and suddenly he jumped on Zetsu. Hold on, Taehyun knows him?

"Uhmm...excuse me," I said to Zetsu who hugged back Taehyun, "Are you Zetsu?"

"No, I am—"

"This is my boyfriend, Beomgyu," Taehyun pecked this 'Beomgyu' guy on his lip while I was gaping at them. Huh?

"Aren't you Taehyung's boyfriend?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I am Taehyun's boyfriend," he said and I ran a hand through my hair. this doesn't make sense. Taehyung clearly showed me his picture telling me that it was Zetsu, then—

"Are you sure you are not Taehyung's boyfriend?" I asked Beomgyu who shook his head for my question.

"I am Choi Beomgyu who is Kang Taehyun's boyfriend." What the—

Hold on, what if Taehyung was bluffing? I mean...I got to call Jimin. I apologized to both of them who just shook their heads and said there was no problem for my confusion. I got into the car and called Jimin while Namjoon drove back to Taehyung's house.


"Jimin. I need to ask—"

"Forgot to tell you an hour ago. Taehyung is awake and we played and enjoyed and I am back home. The entire house is free for you since all of us wished him before itself. Except for Namjoon."

"Does Taehyung have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Why are you asking?"

"Jimin. Tell me the truth before I come to your place and rip your ass off before Yoongi does."

"Oooo...you are pissed. Okay, here is a hint: There is no guy named Zetsu. There? Now you try to solve the puzzle and—I JUST TOLD YOU THE TRUTH!"

"Thanks!" I cut the call and a ran a hand through my hair. All this time, he was single and I had every chance to...

"What's the matter?" Namjoon asked me and I smirked.

"Someone is going to get punished for lying."


Lalalalala....*flying around and throwing flowers* Jungkook got to know the truth and Taehyung is going to die. I mean, not die die, but die because of Jungkook.

Don't forget to vote and comment!! If you find any mistakes, feel free to correct them!! Have a nice day and I love you all!!!

(★ ω ★)

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