= Chapter 14 =

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"If God knows we're meant to be together, he'll  find a way to bring us closer."

-Jeremy Lockhart


"This is would be kidnapping!!" I slapped Jeremy's arm, but he didn't flinch the slightest bit.

"Not really cause I actually called your mom—I told her that  you needed to work with me for a school project" He gave me a confident grin which made my jaw drop.

How could my mom be that gullible?
Does she want to get rid of me? I guess I'm a burden after all.

Sighing in frustration, I knew there was no way to escape him. I found it suspicious how he took a sudden interest in me unless...

"Are you planning on killing me?! As a form of revenge?!" I gasped in shock while throwing my hands in the air.

"I was planning on doing that but I'm a kind, caring, honest, sweet, beauti-" I interrupted him from self praising himself any further.

"Okay I get it! You're so stuck up!" I rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

" Jealously is a disease. Get well soon bitch." he snickered. He did not just call me that...I'm honored.

" Well, being a bitch is a tough job but someone's got to do it." I wiped the imaginary sweat off my forehead, while he chuckled.

My eyes scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, it seemed like a remote place outside the city. Most shops along the road were closed down or sold, the windows of many houses were also fogged which gave the street an eerie vibe.

Where is he bringing me? Why is he doing this?

The car came to a sudden stop which caused me to jerk forward and hit my nose against the radio. The pain was indescribable but at least I didn't break my nose.

"Weren't you taught to always wear your seatbelt? That was a good hit though" he laughed so hard that he started tearing up. Jerk.

He stepped out of his car and so did I. My eyes came upon an old torn down cinema, it looked like it was closed down because of disrepair. It was a gorgeous disaster and somehow reminded me of myself.

I could imagine how it looked like in the past— glamorous, well-lit, buzzing with many joyful people. It told a story and ended out just like me.


"My favorite place." Jeremy breathed out with a small smile, something didn't seem right too.

He entered the isolated cinema, I followed behind. Pushing the doors wide open, his smile widened by the second. He glanced at me and grabbed my hand, running down the stairs with me.

I yelped in surprise and ran down the stairs, laughing loudly at how fast we ran.

When we reached the bottom row of seats, both of us were panting heavily while laughing. We glanced into each other's eyes, and it felt like everything around us stopped. We could only hear each other's unstable breathing and quite laughter. I swear we shared a moment before he cleared his throat.

"Erm...so..." he smiled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"So this is your favorite place?"

"My younger sister and I use to come here every Tuesday to watch a movie, but now this place is sold out so I use this as a place to clear my thoughts instead." He took a seat in the front row, placing his arms behind his had.

"You never told me you have a younger sister?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I had. " his eyes became cold and he clenched his fist tightly. I knew that by asking any further, he would become more frustrated but I got a clue what happened to his sister.

I decided to sit next to him, thinking that just maybe we could actually be friends. So far, he didn't seem so bad.

That's what I thought.

"So why did you bring me here all of a sudden?" I gave him a cheeky smile.

"Just to...you know...hang out" he shrugged nonchalantly.

"I think my lying thermometer broke." I said in a sing-song way.

Turning towards me, his eyes held seriousness. He took my hand into his, and took a deep breath.

"Skylar...why did you run out of literature class? Was it something in your past that caused you to react this way? I-I just d-don't understand." He looked deep into my emerald eyes, my reality came crashing down.

This was all just a trap to find out more about me. He just wanted to bring me here so he could find out about my past. Snatching my hand away from him, I glared at him in disgust.

"You don't need to understand anything!" I seethed in anger.

"Please, just let me help you...Skylar"

"WHAT part of NO don't you get? I don't need your help Jeremy!! I've been living in a hell hole for as long as I can remember, I'm so sure I continue living that way!"

I stomped up the stairs, tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt used and I couldn't believe the fact that I thought we could even be friends. I could hear his footsteps following me, so I ran faster.

"Skylar! Wait, just listen to me, I know how you feel." He shouted out.

I turned around, he was a few steps away from me. His eyes soften at the sight of my tears, I could sense his pity.

"I don't need your pity Jeremy. I don't need your help either because if doctors can't even help me then what can you even do?" I wanted to sound more firm but it came out more like a weak whisper.

"Doctors?" His eyes widen in shock. I realized that I had accidentally slipped out some of my past. I had to get away from him before I revealed any more.

"Just take me home." I begged, more tears threatening to stream down my cheeks.

He stood in front of me, dumbfounded.

"JUST TAKE ME HOME. NOW." A wave of futile rage swept over me.

Without any further delay, he got into the car with me and we drive off in silence. We sat in uncomfortable silence, neither of us sure of what to say.

He stopped his car outside my house, gazing into my eyes once more.

"I'll still see you around in school, right?" He whispered softly.

"I think it's best if we just avoid each other." It took all my strength to say that to him. His eyes clouded with immediate sadness, and he looked extremely heartbroken. I was too.

Without hesitation, I stepped out of his car and walked to the front of my door, never looking back. By the time I reached my front porch, he was gone.
Fiddling with my keys, I searched for the correct key, my vision became blurry due to the tears.

Out of a sudden, I was slammed hard against the pillar. My eyes came upon furious looking ones. Her nails dug into my arms which caused me to wince.

"Emily..." I gritted out.

She laughed evilly, never letting go of my arms. Her eyes held a murderous look as she looked into mine.

"Trying to get into my boyfriend's pants?" She gripped my arms harder.

"Yeah, I taught him a few things" I felt that sudden urge to make her more infuriated than she already is.

"Jeremy wouldn't ever date someone like you! You will never have a boyfriend. Never." I could not feel my arms any longer.

"Bitch please, my phone battery lasts longer than your relationships." I smirked while enjoying the sight of her expression.

The next thing I knew, her palm flew across my face. And let me tell you something—never underestimate the power of a jealous girl's hand.

She pinned my arms against the pillar once more, before smiling at me mischieviously.

"You know Skylar, I met someone that might make you realize who you're messing with." Her grin widened.


"Jonah Vane. Familiar?"

My jaw dropped. This can't be true, how did she find him? She started laughing manically.

"So if you want your secret to remain hidden, then stay away from my Jeremy. Clear?"

"Crystal." I gritted out in anger before she sashayed away with an evil smile.

Something felt so strange, how did she meet Jonah when he died 1 year ago?

😻//Hey Lovies!!//😻

How did you find this chapter?

And who do you think Jonah is?

Keep the comments coming, cause I really want to know what you feel or how you react for each line!! Hehe!!
I'll continue to try to make my chaps. more interesting!! And thank you all those people who have been active readers of my books!!🔥

You guys are amazing!
Many hugs and kisses,

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