Queen Bitch - 6

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Pic of Amanda ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿป

After home room the lessons just seemed to drag on I didn't really pay attention or really bother to learn anything.

So here I am on my way to double science hoping that this lesson would just be done with because after it is lunch and personally I need an escape from this hell hole.

As I entered my science class I went straight to the seat at the very back right corner next to the window, as I approached that seat everyone seemed to stair at me with shock. Like seriously it's just a seat.

"You can't sit there " a nerdy boy with thick black rimmed classes said in a low voice.

"Why?" Was my simple question.ย 

"That's were he sits " nerdy boy said scared.

"And he is ...?" I asked curiosity lacing my voice.

"Ryder Smith " replied nerdy I should really ask what his name is but he looks like a Tom so im going to call him Tom from now on.

"And I am supposed to know who he is ...?" I asked dumbly.

"You don't know who he is ..?" He said with a shocked expression I just nodded and raised an eyebrowย  "Him and his friends are the bad boys of the high school you don't want to be on his bad side "ย  he continued.

"Well I don't care because there's a new badass in town " and with that I sat down leaving Tom staring at me with shock written all over his face.

Soon after the teacher for this lesson Mr Walter came in and the lesson began I leaned back in my seat and put my legs on the desk then plugged in my headphones and stayed in the land of musicย  not giving a care to the world.

Ten minutes into my peaceful jamming season my headphones where ripped out of my ear rather rudely. I looked up to come face to face with Mr smirk but he wasn't wearing a smirk this time he looked rather annoyed.

"You're in my seat " he said with a monotone voice.

"Ohh you must be The Ryder Smith I've heard much about you " I said trying to sound interested.

"I am and I'm sure they told you to not get on my bad side since you'd regret it " he said with a smug look on his face.

" They did, but I don't care if you're the residence bad boy of this place " I said with a smirk on my face.

His smug face turned into one of irritation but I didn't give him the chance to say anything I just ripped my headphones out of his hands have him a small grin and went back to music land.

From the corner of my eye I saw Ryder force the dude sitting next to me to give him his place and you got it he did I guess people really are scared of these so called ' bad boys '.

It was near the end of the lesson where I couldn't wait to get out of here I could feel Ryder's steel gaze on me from a mile away
it seemed like he wanted to say something but said quiet I shrugged it off and acted as if I couldn't tell he was staring.

As soon as the lunch bell rang I sprinted out of class to my locker to get my lunch money. As I was taking out my lunch money I couldn't help but feel like there was a presence beside me and I stand corrected. When I closed to locker I turned around to come face to face with a cheery brunette.

" Hii! I'm Alexis but you can call me Alex, you must be the new girl oooo I heard a lot about you already your the so called new badass " she said rather excitedly.

" Yeah I'm Ella nice to meet you " I said with pure amusement.

" Ella nice name, come on let's go to the cafeteria your sitting with me " and with that she started dragging me into the cafeteria and into the lunch line .

After we both got our lunches which consisted of me getting a slice of pizza and water and her a salad we made our way to a table near the back where no one was sitting.

" So when did you move here" Alex asked.

"Yesterday" I said while giving her a small smile.

She was about to say something when the cafeteria doors banged open and everyone went silent watching who was coming in.
I noticed Ryder standing in the middle and three boys with him one with sandy blond hair the other two seemed like twins they both had brunette hair.

" Those are the bad boys Ryder is the one in the middle Alec is the brunette and the twins are Hunter and Blake" she said dreamily.

" What's so bad about them to make them the bad boys?" I asked.

" The usual you know? players, getting into fights, throwing killer parties, and all the cliche stuff but there really secretive and mysterious they only hang out together, no one usually sits with them unless there's Amanda and her minions " she said seems like she knows a lot about them.

"Amanda who?"

"Oo she's the queen bee of the school, she's head over heels for Ryder but he seems to not care but her and her minions stick to them a lot. She even once declared Ryder hers but the boys occasionally ignore them " okayy I'm guessing I should stay away from them if I don't want drama but with my luck dramas going to follow me anyways.

I turned my head to were Ryder and his gang are sitting only to find him already staring at me weird ... But he looked like he was deep in thought.

Just then a blonde with blue eyes and a tight red shirt and shorts that could fit a 6 year old strutted into the cafeteria with her five inch heels and headed straight to the bad boys table and I noticed two girls behind her wearing nearly the same skimpy outfits.

"So I'm guessing she's Amanda?" I asked Alex.

"Bingo "

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