Date -25

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It's been about a week since we came back from the beach house everything just seemed to be perfect .

Me and Ryder hang out a lot more frequently like at school if we have any lessons together or he'd walk me to class and all those cute stuff. We'd also hang out at each other's houses and do any home work together which was quite easy because we like exactly next to each other.

Also Alex and Alec were getting really close its weird how close there names sound but it's okay . Although Im pretty sure there gonna date soon I even made a bet with Blake about it  he says Alec won't have the balls to ask her where I think he's gonna ask her soon but he's just nervous .

Hunter though has been acting weird lately when ever anyone would bring up relationships and he'd also starting to be distant and texting a lot on his phone I found it weird I asked Ryder about it and he just said to leave him be .


and just like that I am brought out of my thoughts by the Friday school bell indicating school is over .

I quickly packed all my stuff into my school bag and got out of class .

As I was walking out of class a muscular arm was slung over my shoulder I didn't need to look up to know who because I think we all know it's the infamous Ryder Smith .

I smiley smiled and acknowledge him with a simple "hi" but what he did next surprised me and practically half the school population .

He pushed me so my back was on the nearest locker and his arms caged me and he leaned down and kissed me and in that moment everything around us seemed to disappear and as if it was just us . I moved my arms so they were around his neck and aloud my fingers to play with his hair . While he wrapped his arm around my waist holding me close to him as our lips moved in the same pace it was fast but not rushed and filled with an emotion dare I say passion .

But soon enough we both ran out of oxygen and had to pull away at moments like these I cursed myself for being human and not being able to hold my breath any longer .

When we pulled away he rested his forehead on mine while I was breathing heavily as if I just ran a marathon . As we both tried to steady our breathing we kept eye contact . I just couldn't stop myself from blushing I bet my face looked like a tomato that particular moment.

He let out a light chuckle and pecked my lips and pulled back grinning " I'll pick you up today at seven for our date " and with that he winked at me and walked off .

I stood there for a few seconds until I realised people were still staring at me well more like glaring mostly coming from the kindest person in the universe A nope I'm not talking about the Pll A nope I'm talking about Queen bitch A aka Amanda .

I flashed her a mean smile before shaking my head and going outside towards the school parking lot and made my way towards my bike .

I put on my helmet and got on my bike before speeding off towards my house I couldn't hold in my excitement today I had my official first date and its with RYDER SMITH Ik ik Ella keep your cool but what can I say I might seem bad ass but on the inside I'm freaking out I've never been on a date before so I don't know what I'm supposed to do or anything .

As soon as I got home I barely parked my bike Before I was running into the house and towards my room .

I quickly failed Alex number while passing around my room .

"Hello ?" Alex voice came through the phone .

"HEYY ALEX I NEED YOUR HELP ASAP" I practically screamed .

"is everything alright !?" She asked concern lacing her voice.

"Noo get to my house ASAP" I said and hanged up the phone and started looking through my closet for something to wear.

About fifteen minutes later Alex barged into my room .

"I'm here what's the matter !?" She screeched .

"I need you help I don't have anything to wear " I cried .

She gave me a blank look "you called me all the way here because you have nothing to wear !?" She said in a disbelief tone .

"well duh " I replied dumbly .

"Bye " she said about to leave but I grabbed her hand and stopped here z

"It's for a date " I said that seemed to catch her attention because her face instantly lit up .

"Oh why didn't you say so !?wait ugh now I owe Alec ten dollars " she muttered

Now it was my turn to stair at her in disbelief "wait what ?" I asked

"Your going out with Ryder right ?" I nodded " me and Alec betted on you guys "

I just groaned

"Help me !!" I screeched .

"Okay okay you go take a shower and I'll choose your outfit and help with your make up and hair " she said giving me orders before pushing me into the bathroom .


Three hours later here I am staring at myself in the mirror in disbelief my brown hair was curled my make up was done to perfection my Alex Which consisted of eye liner , foundation , consular ,highlight and blush and of course my signature red lipstick .

I was in a beautiful red crop top and skirt type of dress (pic below )

With some black heels .

"Omg ALEX THANKYOU " I squealed as I ran into her arms almost nocking is both down .

She chuckled " now come on your Prince Charming is almost here " she said as she gave me a black purse .

Speaking of perfect timing just then the door bell rang I almost went to go downstairs and open it but Alex stopped me .

"I'm gonna go downstairs and open the door and then your going to come down you know make a grand entrance like Cinderella at the ball " she said sheepishly I just simply nodded With a grin on my face .

With that she went down stairs I waited five minutes before stepping out of my room and slowly made my way down the stairs as I was walking down slowly trying my best not to fall down the stairs because God that would be embarrassing .

I looked up and I almost fainted by how hot Ryder looked he was in a black suit which fitted him perfectly and might I say he looks yummy and god the intensity of his stars I almost melted .

When I reached the last step he in un naturally fast speed wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me " God you look Stunning " he mumbled against my lips .

I let out a girly giggle which let me tell you was nothing like me and blushed " I can say the same about you " I replied before pulling away thankfully my mother was still at work so I would be spared of the embarrassment of my mum wanting pictures .

"Are you ready ?" Ryder asked me I simply nodded as he began to lead me outside I flashed Alex a quick smile and she gave me a thumbs up .

Once we were outside I was shocked to see Alec's car . "What happened to your motorcycle ?" I asked,

He scratched the back of his neck before answering " well I didn't think it'd be appropriate to take my beautiful date who might I add is in a dress on a motorcycle "

I simply let out a small chuckle before he opened the passenger side door for me I got in and flashed him a smile with a small thanks .

He then ran towards the driver side and got in we both put on our seat belts and he started the engine And drove to I don't know where.

"So where are we going?" I asked

"That princess is for me to know and you to find out

I simply poured before turning on the radio and humming the tune of a random song on the radio .

We spent most of the ride in comfortable silence until the car stopped I looked out of the window and frowned all I could see was trees I looked at Ryder in confusion he simply shrugged and got out of the car and came to my side and opened the car door for me .

I took the hand that he was holding out for me and made my way out of the car . He the closed the door and placed a hang on the middle of my back and started guiding me through the trees the ground started getting sandy and soon we stopped and my jaw practically fell off .

It was a secluded area of the beach there was a table set in the middle of the sand for two people and there were plated on it that were covered and candles and near the table was a mat that had some pillows on it and the view was just gorgeous .

I didn't now how to express myself I was just in shock I then let out a extremely girly squeal and launched myself at Ryder .

"I LOVE THIS Thankyou " I said giving him a kiss on the cheek .

"I'm glad you liked it " he said sheepishly .

I blushed and unwrapped myself from him as he then led me towards the table pulled out a seat for me I sat down then he sat facing me .

He uncovered the plates to reveal a steak and some mash potatoes and in the middle was a small chocolate cake .

" I know it's not much but I tried " he said nervously with a tiny hint of a blush appearing on his cheeks .

"I love it all " I said sincerely .

And that's how we spent most of our date chatting eating and just simply enjoying ourselves it was truly amazing how comfortable I felt around Ryder and how I feel around him it's just magical in a weird way .

Anyways right now we finished eating and everything we're just laying down on the mat with the pillows around us my head was on Ryder's chest as his arms were around me we were in comfortable silence as the night sky was on top of us with the Stars giving us light with the help of the candles .

"I've been meaning to ask you something " Ryder cut through the silence kind of nervously .

I looked up at him slowly " ask away " I said with a small question .

"Umm so we've known each other for like months now and I know you might think it's to early right now or something but I really like you and I was uh wondering if maybe ... You'd want to be my girlfriend ..?" He asked nervousness filling his voice and a blush covering his checks .

My confused face turned into a gigantic grin because truthfully I liked him too and my little crush kinda just turned into a huge one "YESS" I all but screamed I noticed my mistake and cleared my throat " uh yeah sure " I tried sounding a little more calm and collected .

His face lit up and a cute childish grin covered his face and he captured my lips in his .

We spent the rest of the night giving each other small kisses and smiles truthfully I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even if I tried.

But of course our beautiful evening had to come to an end because it was getting really late and we had to bed back so Ryder drove us both back home and of course when we got there we shared one of the best good night kisses iv ever had and then we both went into our own houses .


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