When You Get Kidnapped-Leo's GF

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The storm woke you up in the middle of the night, the thunder loud and crashing. You had never particularly liked storms that much, and you weren't allowed to crawl into bed with your parents anymore-they claimed you were too old.
But that's not what woke you up. You were mostly wet, your shirt soaking wet, and your blankets dripping with water. You window was wide open; you must've forgotten to close it again. Your dad always told you to close it because it didn't have a screen. And now all of your stuff was soaking wet, including you.
Grumbling about the unfairness that was your life, you got up to close it. As you reached it up to tug it down, your froze. You were absolutely positive that somebody else was in your room. You slowly reached into your pocket for your T-Phone, but a flat metal smacked your hand before you could press any buttons.
"I wouldn't do anything if I were you." A female said, her voice chilling you to the bone.

"Oh yeah? And who might be telling me what to do?" You challenged the mystery person.
"Why, surely Leo talks about me! I'm Karai, leader of the Foot clan, daughter of the Shredder! And you're coming with me." She said, grabbing your arm.
"Gerroff me!" You protested, thrashing around, trying to land a punch. How did Leo make this look so easy?
After a few punches, you landed a good one, which felt like it hit her in the eye.
"Restrain her!" Karai barked, as someone pulled you arms behind your back, and another held your feet down.
A rag was pressed against your nose, and you tried not to breathe in. Don't breathe! Don't do it y/n! Hold your breath! That's what you brain was screaming at you. But it was no use-eventually you had to take a breath, and then you passed out.

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