Chapter Six: Taking To Night

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《Note: The chapters which contain this note have been pre - written and uploaded from my account Mythology.Geek.Girl . They aren't my best but they get better. I'm not very good at updating stories but I update as much as possible. Enjoy!》

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If you stood outside the walls of the hut, deep in the undergrowth of the forest, you'd hear the soft patter of feet against wood. If you were to then enter the hut you'd see a fully grown man, pacing, pacing backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards.

The man ran his hand through his hair. He let out a long exaggerated sigh. Mummers left his mouth yet would fail to reach the ears of another. For he was alone. He lived far from his family with only an occasional visit from his brother. His twin.

Voices began to fill his head. Arguments between the only ones in which grant him company.

'Percy, Perce? Hellooooo are you in there?' The voice racked at the inside of his skull. The man - Percy - heard every word and yet he did not register a single one. For he was stuck within his own mind, trapped by the thoughts in which haunted him.

He continued to pace. Backwards and forwards. Backwards and forwards. Seconds, minutes, hours passed before he faltered. Only slightly. Yet it was there. He continued to pace.

The one person. One person who he looked up to was gone. Replaced by greed and pride in a shell of what once was his father. The once respectable man was now gone. Gone. No longer the kind father who taught him to use a sword, ruffled his hair when he did well. No. No this was a monster in his father's skin. An imposter who didn't belong.

Percy let out a long sigh. Almost as if it would just wash away his pain.

Silence. Silence fell when the pacing stopped. Silence is all he heard when he fell to the ground. Silence was there when he closed his eyes. Silence.

Another one of his strings were severed. Strings. The strings in which kept him rooted to the earth. The strings in which stopped him from leaving it all behind. From fading. From floating away. Kept insanity at bay. One by one, they were being cut, severed, broken. With each string that is broken made life a little less worth living. A little more pointless. Now though, now he was down to his final string. Then final reason worth being alive. Iapetus. His brother, his twin. Percy wouldn't be able to bare leaving him behind. His string held strong.

A wail of a baby is what awoke him. Percy shot into an upright position, of course. How could he forget? He took one of his new siblings, a hundred-handed one, in order to save it from a life of agony. Yet there was a problem. He knew nothing about children.

Percy got up and began to walk towards the room where he'd left the baby. The crying stopped. A soft singing voice filled the air. He looked desperately for his houndS only to find them asleep. He scoffed. Some guards they were.

Slowly he crept towards the room.

He pushed open the door.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he ran his hand through his hair. There in front of him stood a tall athletic looking women with long black hair which reached her waist. The woman wore a long black dress which seemed to draw all the light from the room. She sang a soft melody, lulling the baby back into its slumber.

'Watch the leaves on the willow sway,'
'Look out as night turns to day,'
'Hush and let the sounds surround you,'
'Hush and let natures music fuel you,'
'Before you know you begin to sway,'
'With the sun above you during the day,'
'Look above you as day turns to night,'
'Sounds die out, creatures lurk may give you a fright,'
'So lay down as the willow no longer sways,'
'Close your eyes and await for day,'
'Underneath the willow tree,'
'Where I await for thee,'
'Underneath the willow tree,' (*)

Percy found himself begin to sway to the enchanting melody. His eyes clouded over pushing him towards the welcoming arms of sleep. His eyelids began to drop.

A soft hand on his shoulder brought him back to his senses. The woman led him from the room, and sat him down. Percy potently broke down in her arms. Sobs racked his body as he said un-understandable words into her shoulder.

"Ymoo tooow." His words were slurred, un-understandable.

"Perseus you know I can't understand you when you talk to my shoulder." Her voice was soft, smooth, sympathetic.

"You... You knew d-didn't you?" Percy's voice cracked as the sobs continued to rack his body.

"Knew? Yes I knew that your father, my brother had changed. How Ouranus became ruled by pride and greed. Yet I didn't have heart to tell you. I knew that if I told you this," she gestured towards him with her hands, "would happen."

Percy nodded meekly. "I-I guess." He stuttered, a clear sign something inside had broken. She tried not wince. He took a deep breath. "W-what am I gunna do a-about him?"

The woman sighed, of course he didn't know how to look after a baby. Maybe she could? Yes, yes that'd work. "Perseus," she put her hand under his chin. Making her look at him. "I can offer you help but not me personally. How do you her feel about having some company?" An evil smirk lit up her face. "How do you feel about seeing Hemera again?"

Percy smiled. He hadn't seen her in years. Yes, yes he'd love to have the Primordial of day around. He nodded his head enthusiastically.

The woman got up with cat like grace and looked into the red rimmed eyes of her nephew. She smiled. "I'll let her know about you enthusiasm." She looked outside. "I must go dawn approaches," she looked back at Percy. "She should arrive mid-afternoon. You can last until then?" It was less of a question and more of a statement.

Percy stood and enveloped her in a hug, he was several inches taller than her. He bent down and whispered in her ear. "Thank you Nyx. It means a lot to me. The woman - Nyx - smiled warmly before disappearing in a swirl of darkness.

He didn't know it yet but a string had just been replaced.

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