Chapter 16, Lies

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I've been remembering last night slowly. Little moments leaking through. I remember some things Xavier said like the 'bending over' and him admitting everything was his fault. I remember being carried to a hotel and I remember Xavier sitting on me to remove my dress. The rest is a foggy blur.

"You, uh, remember last night?" Xavier asks.

"Some of it," I admit and glance out of the window. "I'm immune to obliviate spells," I add in a mumble.

"I'm liking the Harry Potter references you always have," Xavier suddenly says and I whip my head towards him to see a satisfied little smirk on his lips. He's still looking straight ahead, but I don't doubt he's feeling pretty smug right now.

"You've read Harry Potter?" I ask. It's not like people who read Harry Potter are an endangered species, but Xavier is a gang leader who murders people on a daily basis.

"In the Orphanage. It was the only good series, really," Xavier says and then looks at me with a glint in his eye that my father always had when my mother read him Harry Potter. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm a Potterhead," Xavier whispers.

I gasp so loud, I don't even want to think about what the others in the jet are imagining. "No way!" I exclaim.

"Keep it down. I don't want people knowing that," Xavier shushes.

I eye Xavier skeptically. There's a difference between being a Potterhead and just reading the series a mere 20 times.

"Why is Harry's scar in the shape of a random lighting bolt?" I question. Xavier raises his eyebrow and I feel a sense of victory, because only true Potterheads know the answer.

Then Xavier goes ahead and says: "What do you mean random? It's not random at all. It's the wand gesture used to cast Avada Kedavra."

My jaw drops while Xavier has the biggest smirk ever. Oh, this is not over.

Instead of acknowledging Xavier's point, I change the conversation and ask: "You're a gang leader. What would you do about Blake and Owen lying to me?"

I still can't exactly believe they would betray me - probably why I haven't freaked out yet, but then again, I'm not really a freaking out kinda gal. I'm sneakier than that. I'll make them stress. Worry. I'll make sure all their socks are wet the one day and the other, I'll strategically plant legos across their room. They have to go crazy right up until I finally confront them.

"Well," Xavier starts, "I'd tell them that if they try lying to me again, I'd lock them in a room and refuse to let them out until they manage to make Felix Felicis perfectly - using, may I add, the standard potions handbook only. Then, I'd go ahead and marry the Northern leader," Xavier explains.

I want to glare, because the marriage thing is annoying as hell, but I end up looking like a blowfish with squinting eyes, because he nailed the punishment method.

"Marigold, are you okay? You look like you're suffocating?" Xavier chuckles.


"I'm fine," I try saying and resort to looking away. I watch as we fly over a town. And then, I notice the docks and the weird shape the land has against the rocky beach.

"Oh, my God, we're at Tygerwell!" I exclaim and let out a breath I've been holding.

"Yes, we are," Xavier replies.

"Why does Tygerwell look like the head of a dog? Look, the open mouth is where the docks are. The forehead is the North, It's throat is the South and, and, It's jaw is like, the East?" I observe.

"Not a dog. It's a tiger's head. Hence the town name. People made this place a town, because it had this endless well," Xavier explains to me while we fly over to the Northern part of the tiger's head.

"A tiger's head, huh? Since everyone's always going on about this place being the 'gateway to the rest of the country's gang stuff', I guess it's appropriate. A prededor's head for a predator town," I say while leaning over like a little kid to see how we're getting closer and closer to the ground.

"Exactly," Xavier says.

We swoop down to a forest and with surprising smoothness, glide down the runway until we make a slowing stop at a small hanger in the gardens of what I can only assume is Isabella. Last year, we were attacking this place.

Now... Now I have no idea who the real enemy is...

Do I believe Xavier who's done nothing, but lie or do I trust Blake and Owen who swore themselves to me. To Sterling's heir.

We step out of the plane and I roll my eyes at Xavier thanking Raven like the jet has feelings. The large guy, who I've learned is called Paul, is carrying Mr Wessils out like a Gucci bag. Daniel and Nessa look at me like I'm their next meal. And Jack sends apologetic smiles whenever he manages to tear his eyes away from his phone.

Because standing too close to Xavier is intoxicating, I step next to Paul as we make our way to the grand mansion. "So, why did you join the Northern gang?" I ask the scary, dark-haired guy.

Paul just looks at me.

"Uh, did you join because you wanted to or..?"

Paul keeps staring.

"Sorry, but he doesn' talk. Ye're not gettin' an answer anytime soon. Him joinin' jus' happened," someone with wild red hair suddenly chirps next to me and hooks their arm into mine. If it isn't the hair giving the owner's identity away, it would be the Scottish accent.

"So, one could assume he didn't have a say in the matter," I grin, because I'm a sucker for bad puns.

My mood lifts when Nessa adds a: "Budum-tshhhh!"

I let out a chuckle while we head inside Isabella. A butler opens the door for us and I eye Xavier when he thanks the guy by name.

"Can I trust Xavier?" I suddenly ask Nessa, because I feel like she'd be honest.

"Of course not," Nessa replies, "He gives the wors' gifts and he'll lock the fridge when ye take even a speck of his Nutella. Can't even trust him to fire the bloom'n maids when they flat iron yer Prada skirt."

"You'd fire someone because they flat ironed a skirt?" I ask.

"Of course," Nessa scoffs and pulls her fur coat tighter around herself.

And I realize right here that Nessa is the first person I'm actively aware is not nice, to make it into my list of people I need to be best friends with. It's been lonely without Jessy...

We get inside and Nessa says she'll go force Jack and Daniel to make lunch. I mumble a warning for Nessa not to get drunk before it's at least 6 PM, because Jack Daniels is pretty potent.

She laughs.

"Well, look who the cat dragged in. Miss Marigold, I haven't seen you at school. You'll fail Visual Arts at this rate," Miss Sauvage says when she steps into the room.

It feels insanely nostalgic to see my Art teacher in Isabella. I never imagined her to be part of the Northern gang. And when I thought Mysterious Fucker was keeping Miss Sauvage 'captive', so Blake and Owen can manipulate Xavier last year, it was actually a prerecorded video Xavier made and the most 'stressful part' for him was keeping his laugh in during the recording.

Insert sigh, I think to myself when I literally don't even have the motivation to sigh.

"I see you're not being fed properly anymore. The poisonous cookie offer is still on the table," Miss Sauvage points out - referring to how she offered to poison Blake and Owen last year. Mischief is dancing around the old lady's pearly eyes.

Damn, I still like this lady.

"Can I swap the cookies for extra credits instead? I might actually still want to graduate -unlike the others," I say.

Miss Savage nods with a smile and I leave the matter there. I make the mistake of asking Paul where the bathroom is and he just stares at me for a full minute.

"Nessa, where's the bathroom?" I eventually ask after turning away from Paul.

"Down the hall," she replies with a flip of her wild red hair and I start walking.

It's weird being in Isabella without attacking her or being held hostage. It almost, actually feels nice walking amongst the grand furniture and old walls.

"Amber?" I hear someone whisper.

I stop in my tracks and slowly walk to the room where I heard my name coming from. It's Mr Wessils - tied to a bed and looking really desperate.

"What do you want?" I sneer.

I haven't forgotten how he admitted it was the South that killed my parents. Xavier was right about that part.

"I need your help. Xavier is going to kill me!" Mr Wessils pleads.

"Good," I answer and turn to leave Mr Wessils to die.

"BecausehesafraidI'lltellyouthetruth!" Mr Wessils adds and I freeze.

Slowly, I turn around and close the door. "What did you say?" I ask.

"Why do you think Xavier 'stole' me from you? For questioning? No. He's afraid I'll tell you the truth. The real reason why the South killed your father, Trebor," Mr Wessils explains.

"And what is the real reason, Mister Wessils?" I ask and cross my arms.

"Please, call me Jaaco," the Southener asks.

"Fine , Jaaco, what is the real reason?" I try again. It's not like I go to school in anyway so I might as well stop calling him Mr Wessils.

"Because the North hired us to do so," Jaaco explains. Everything suddenly feels cold. The idea of more lies, making me shudder and I feel like shutting everything out again. 

Maybe Jaaco is just saying this to get free, my voice of reason points out.

Then why does it make sense? Xavier pinning all his actions on the South so he can marry you, a cold, dead voice whispers from inside - sending chills scraping every part of me.


"Why would he do that? And, and why would the South accept? You were loyal to Sterling?" I ask.

Jaaco looks really nervous when he says: "Sterling wasn't the good gang you think. You were in charge of weapons. You supplied wars and even though we never actually saw Trebor, he loved giving us instructions trough messages. You never knew what to expect, but you always knew you had to do it or die. One week it would be fetching automatic guns. Next week it would be killing someone and their entire family so Sterling can get a contract... We thought the North might be a better bet... but after we saw their plans...

"We want nothing to do with them now and the only reason I went to your house yesterday, was because my leaders instructed me to fetch you. Bring you back to Tygerwell. We got news that Xavier was going to stop Sterling's meeting. He doesn't want you to know how strong you are, because he wants to make you believe you need him. He only wants to marry you, because it'll fund whatever crazy plan he has," Jaaco explains.

The room suddenly feels small. What do I believe? Who do I believe? Everything Jaaco said makes so much sense, but Xavier just seemed so honest... I'm usually great at spotting fakes.

Whatever Xavier is doing to you, it's working, Rebma whispers.

No, it's not, my voice of reason tries defending.

"Xavier was... Xavier showed me messages where he asked the West and East for help against the South..." I mumble.

"Right after he tipped them off and made them kill each other's leaders. Think about it. The previous leaders of the North mysteriously dies in a fire. Xavier wanted power. He killed them. And he made the West and East kill each other. When we, the South, wouldn't agree to help anymore, he asked the West and East for help to destroy us. He knows we know so he couldn't take care of us like he wanted. And then, he decided to use Sterling. To use you. Amber, the South wants to help," Jaaco pleads.

"He seemed so honest... he... he wasn't lying... his eyes were..." I try to reason, but Jaaco has full proof reasoning.

Let me take over, Remba coaxes. I can handle this. Amber needs to rest for a bit.

"The first step in fooling others, is fooling yourself," Jaaco says.

I look up and I understand so much of what Jaaco just said, because I was there. I fooled everyone into thinking I was fine after the death of my parents, because I fooled myself first. Even though I was never fine. I went blank, because it was my way of recharging. Recharging so I can smile and laugh and seem happy. And the worst part is that I looked alive. It made people assume. Assume I was golden. Assume I was what they needed. Assume I was perfect, because pretty girls aren't dead inside.

You didn't fall into darkness, Rebma whispers inside. You've always been here.

"Marigold, get your albino butt over here," I hear Xavier call from the kitchen, "I phoned the doctor in, but you need lunch before you take any meds."

"I'm coming," I reply.

Xavier is good. Sneaky. But I'm not stupid. And I refuse to be lied to. Does that monster really expect me to believe him after he killed so many?

"How can I get you out of here?" I ask Jaaco.

Inside, Amber is squirming uselessly.

Sleep, I order her.

Hey goldies!

What to believe, what to believe? Who do y'all think Amber should trust? Who is telling the truth and who isn't? Say 'trust' next to the person you think is telling the truth:



Y'all know how I loveeeee mind games and if you're confused and worried now, Honey, it's just getting started. This is nothing compared to what's coming.

~ Holly Shmit

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