(Ch-24) Donuts

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I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. 5:44 am. I've got 20 minutes till I usually wake up for school, mum and dad should be up by now.

I sit up on my bed and I stretch my arms and I get up and stretch my legs. It was now Tuesday just a few more days till Lilian leaves, just a few more days, I can do this.

I quickly brush my teeth and I decided that I'll take a shower after I come home today. I quickly get dressed into a light hoodie and some black skinny jeans. I tie my hair into a lazy ponytail, which looked exceptionally good. I grab my bag and place all my books into it and my laptop.

Today is the day we were going to get our grades. Oh gosh, what if Blake doesn't pass? It's all gonna be my fault! What if I don't pass? That's not important, what's important is that if Blake passes, but from his exit from class the other day, I wouldn't be so sure.

I sling my bag over my right shoulder and grabbed my phone from my charging port, I turn my phone on and look at the time, 6:09 am. I still have a long time before I have to actually wake up for school. I made my way downstairs.

"Morning." I said bluntly as I made my way into the kitchen, mum and dad were up.
"Morning. What are you doing up?" Mum asked.
"I-" I lifted my index finger up, indicating then to hold on while I let out a yawn. "-I don't know, it was strange." I scratched the back of my head.
"Strange that you woke up early for once by yourself, or strange that you didn't smash your alarm clock?" Mum asked as she took a sip of coffee.
"Ha ha, very funny mum." I said sarcastically.
"I see that you're ready for school." Dad said.
"Yup, bright and early." I nodded as I yawned again.

I looked around and saw the fruit basket, I reached over and grabbed a apple.
"It's so hot outside, why are you wearing a hoodie." Dad asked.
"Dad, you won't get it." I said as I tossed the apple in the air.
"What do you mean I won't get it?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"We girls have a superpower." I smirked, my gaze still on the apple.
"Superpower? What superpower?" He asked, confusion laced in his voice.
"Well you see, girls can wear the thickest of clothes in the hottest of weathers and still feel normal."
"It's true." Mum joined in as she nodded.
"Oh uh ok." He nodded but was still unsure causing me and mum to giggle.

"Oh and by the way, Bill contacted me." Dad took a sip of his coffee.
"Bill?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Axel's dad."
"So he is pre-poning his wedding."
"Why?" I groaned as I emphasized the word.
"I'm not sure, but it's something about his parents or such."
"So when is it?" I groaned.
"Um, in about five weeks or so." Dad nodded.

"Mum?" I called out.
"Hm?" She hummed as she looked up from her coffee.
"Where is your neice and her parents?" I asked.
"They're still sleeping and she's your cousin." She pointed at me.
"Mum yesterday she was so rude to me! She made me carry her up the stairs! She is really disrespectful!"
"Oh c'mon she loves you."
"Yeah, she loves me so much that she wants me dead." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

Mum opened her mouth to say something but then Lucas came down.
"Mum, I'm not going to school." He said as he walked down the stairs and stood infront of mum, his back facing me.
"Lucas, we've already had this discussion." Mum stated.
"But mum-"
Mum sighed and placed the back of her hand on Lucas's forehead. "You're fine, you don't have a temperature." Mum and Lucas looked at eachother for a minute before mum spoke up. "Give me one reason you don't want to go to school."
"I just don't want to." He grumbled.
"That's not a reason." Mum arched an eyebrow.
"I'm not feeling well."
"You're fine Lucas, go get dressed. Look at your sister, she's up bright and early."
Lucas groaned as he went past me, not before shoving me slightly and mumbling in my ear. "Goody Two shoes." I sighed.
"I'm gonna go after him." I pointed at the stairs awkwardly as I took a bite out of my apple and placed it on the counter.

I thought that I should check up on him? He's being more distant than usual, usually he doesn't talk to me but now, he doesn't even acknowledge me.

I went up and knocked on his door.
"Come in." Said a monotone voice.

I opened the door and slid in. Lucas's back was facing me."Hey."
He turned around and groaned.
"You ok buddy?" I asked with a soft voice as I closed the door behind me.
"First of all, I'm not your "buddy"." He sneered at me as he brought up quotation marks. "And second of all, what the fu*k do you want?" He spat.
"Geez I was just asking." I rolled my eyes.
He sighed "What do you want?".
"I was just wondering why you've been so distant these days." I mumbled slowly as I sat on his beanbag, my head facing down.

He stared at me but his eyes softened.

He sighed again as he took a seat on his bed. "I'm fine...thanks."

My head shot up, did he just talk to me nicely and did he say "thanks"?

I stood up. "Well I'm here for you, that is if you ever need me. Which you probably won't, but if you ever need to talk to anyone, I'm here for you." I sent him a small smile and nodded.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "Thanks..." He mumbled.

"So, did you need anything else?" He arched an eyebrow.
"Oh um no. No I uh, I'm gonna go." I pointed awkwardly at the door.

I made my way out of the room and downstairs. Well that went pretty well! I give myself a pat on the back.

I entered the kitchen and mum and dad were nowhere to be seen, instead a head full of blond hair that I knew to well was standing with his back facing me with a piece of clothing in his hands.


He turned around and faced me with a pair of gym shorts clutched in his hand and he was eating my apple with the other.
"Hey! That's my apple!" I exclaimed as he bit into it.
"Oh," He looked at the apple and tossed it to me. "Here."
"Ewww!" I dropped the apple immediately. "I don't want your slimy saliva all over my apple!" I sneered at him as he shrugged.

He looked down at the gym shorts in his hands. "Oh here." He tossed it to my face, quite literally. It hit my face and dropped down to the ground, I stared at it bluntly.
"Well go on!" He urged me.
"What do I do with it?" I raised my voice a bit as I furrowed my eyebrows.
"And I thought you couldn't get any stupider." He rolled his eyes as he sneered at me.

I picked the gym short up and threw it to his face. "It's yours!".
"No you stupid idiot its yours!" He yelled as he threw it back.
I stopped and looked at it, and it was indeed mine. "Oh...it is mine." I mumbled.
"Exactly dumba*s." He spat on my face.
I scrunched up my face in anger as I threw it back in the face. "What the hell do you want me to do with it, I don't have gym today! And thanks to you, no basketball either!" I yelled.

I heard a car horn outside the house in the middle of our argument but we ignored it.

"-Just take it!" He yelled as he threw it to me.

"Why?" I yelled back louder as I threw it back to him.

With each sentence we spoke we were throwing my gym shorts back and fourth to eachother.

"Is it so damn hard to stuff it in your fu*king bag?!"

"I don't need it for fu*ks sake!"

"You might!"

"How the hell do you you know?!"

"Stop being so stubborn and take it!"

"I don't need it! Why the hell would I even need it Ryan?!"

"You just do!"

"I don't!"

"Stop being a b*tch and take it!"

"Why? Does it bother you?" I hissed at him.

"I don't like your attitude!" He yelled.

"Well I don't like you in general." I spat.

"Feeling's mutual!" He spat back.

"I hate you!" I screamed.

"I wish you were never born!" He screamed at me.

I could see his veins popping out of his neck. He threw it to me and I didn't bother throw it back, instead I grabbed my back from my shoulder and stuffed it inside.

Ryan crossed the line. I was very hurt. I felt my eyes becoming a bit glossy.

It looked like Ryan finally understood what he said. "El I-" but I interrupted him.

"-Ryan save it! I thought I'd get used to you, Blake and Lucas hating me, but no. It still fu*king hurts! And it's Elainy for you!-" I felt all of anger turn into sadness, my voice started cracking just to prove it. "-Fu*k you, I can't believe you Ryan." I whispered towards the end.

I heard the car horn outside the door again, I gave him the finger and ran out.

I opened the door to see an all too familiar pick up truck.

I closed the door behind me and the car door slammed shut and out came my best friend.

"Oh my gosh Tyler!" I opened my arms as I ran towards him.
"El." He opened his arms as well.

I jumped up to him and wrapped my legs around his torso while my arms were around his neck. While he picked me up and spun me around.
"Oh my goodness I missed you so muchhhhh!" I sniffled against his shoulder.
He let out a small chuckle against my neck. "I missed you too but I met you a few days ago."
"Too long." I mumbled.
He once again let out a light chuckle.

I got down from his grasp and looked at him. "What are you doing here?".
"Came to drop you off." He shrugged.
"Off? Off where?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"To school of course!" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Wait! Does this mean you're starting school again!" I beamed with happiness.
"No, my mom urges that I stay home and take care of myself."
"Oh." A frown made onto my face as I looked down.
"Hey cheer up." He gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "It's still pretty early for school, so why don't you say we go get donuts? My treat." He smiled.
"Yay!" I jumped up like a little kid on a Christmas morning.

"Well c'mon then!" He urged me to get in his car.
"Donuts! Donuts! Donuts!" I chanted all the way till I sat down in the passenger seat.
He shook his head and chuckled as he sat down in the driver's seat. "You really are something aren't you?".
"And you love me for it!" I gave him a cheeky grin as he started the car.
"I do." He chuckled as he nodded.
"Do you mind turning on the radio?" I asked.
"Go ahead." He shrugged.

I turned the radio on and a song we knew too well started playing.

Me and Tyler looked at eachother with huge grind on our faces and yelled. "BOTTOMS UP!"

He started singing to the song. "-Bottoms up, bottoms up. Throw yo hands up, bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up, up up bottoms up!"

I cleared my thought and got comfortable in my seat, ready for my verse.
"Can I get that Tron, can I get that Remmy
Can I get that Coke, can I get that Henny
Can I get that margarita on the rock, rock, rock
Can I get salt all around that rim, rim, rim, rim
Trey, I was like yo Trey?"
Do you think you can buy me a bottle of Roseé?" I looked at him as he said.

"Okay let's get it now."

I continued. "I'm wit' a bad b*tch, he's wit' his friends
I don't say I hi, I say keys to the Benz
Keys to the Benz, keys to the Benz
Mu'fu*kin' rite yea V to the 10
If a b*tch try to get cute I'm a stomp her-" and then the radio stopped.

"Hey! Why did it stop! It was just getting good!" I huphed as I crossed my arms across my chest.
"Hmm." He looked at the radio, and pressed some buttons before he continued to drive. "It's busted. I knew I should've got it fixed."
"You really should've." I nodded in agreement.


The rest of the car ride went smoothly, we talked about goats to Minecraft. I can talk to Tyler about anything and everything.

"Well," He stopped the car and he took his seatbelt of and I did the same with mine. "We're here."
"Yay!" I exclaimed as I hopped out of the pick-up. "Well c'mon slow poke!" I giggled as I saw Tyler fumbling with the keys of his pick-up, trying to get it out of the ignition.
He finally got the key out and hopped out of the pick-up. "How impatient." He glared at me with a big smile on his face.
"Hey! You were taking wayyyyy toooooo longgggggggg." I emphasized the last three words.
"Who's paying for your donuts again?" He crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head.
That caused me to immediately shut up.
"That's what I thought." He smirked as he hung an arm around my shoulders.

We walked into the donut store, it was nice and cozy. The walls were made of red brick, the floor was carpeted with a nice dark green carpet, there was a huge window on the side of the store allowing sunlight to come in. It had black and white pictures of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. It was small but held a certain comforting warmth.

We walked in and the bell jingled. A girl our age or possibly was sitting behind the counter looking through her phone. She wore a pink apron with the words "Cherry's Donuts" and a pink cap with a huge donut logo on it. She had messy blond hair with blue eyes with olive skin.

When we entered she looked up at us with a big warm smile and stood up, we walked upto the counter with a smile on my face and a rather cute grin on Tyler's face. "Hello! Welcome to Cherry's, what can I get you couple today?".

I widened my eyes and my face went 50 shades of red, I looked like a really red and riped tomato. I looked over at Tyler and he was red too, but not as red as me.
"I-uh, w-we're not dating." I shrugged Tyler's shoulder off and scratched the back of my neck and looked down.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She looked at us with guilt.
"No its fine." Tyler smiled at her.
"But in my defense, you guys do look really cute together."
"I-uh, n-no we-we are just friends." I shuttered.
"Yup...just friends." Tyler put on a strained smile.
"My names Joanna, but call me Jojo." She smiled. "So what can I get you two today?".

I walked down the counter, looking down at all the donuts on display.
"Can I have a chocolate caramel glazed donut." I asked, pointing down at the delicious treat.
She flashed me a warm smile. "Sure you can." She then looked over at Tyler, who was already staring at her. "And what about you sir? What can I get you?"
"I-um." Tyler snapped out of his daze and walked beside me with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I-uh, I'll have a green mocha donut please."
"Anything else?" She asked.
"She'll have a medium Pumpkin Spiced latte." Tyler looked over at me and I flashed him a grateful smile. He always knew what I wanted without me telling him.
"Alright, the total's 14.99$."
"Alright." Tyler grabbed his wallet from the pocket in the back of his pants. "Hey El?" He looked at me before paying.
"Hm?" I hummed looking at him.
"Can you go grab us a seat while I pay?"
"Sure." I nodded.

I walked over to the corner of the store and sat on a little cozy chair, waiting for Tyler. I looked over at Tyler, seeing him and Jo talking and laughing. A knowing smirk made it's way onto my face.

A few minutes later, Tyler came back with out donuts and my drink. I leaned over to get my donut and my latte.
"So...." I arched an eyebrow at him as I smirked.
"So..." He said the same thing, biting out of his donut.
I took a sip out of my latte. "How's Jo?" I asked, my smirk still in my face.
"W-what d-d-do you me-mean?" He sputtered, basically confirming my theory.
"You like her." I leaned in and whispered, my facial expressions not changing.
"Wha-?! I-uh no! A-absolutly not! W-we just m-met!" He shook his head violently in denial.
"It's called love at first sight, love."
"What! N-no! I uh!-" He looked around and stuffed his donut in his mouth. "-Ey donz no wat or taking abot!" His voice came out muffled.
"Sure keep telling yourself that." I winked as I leaned back eating my donut.
He swallowed his donut. "I don't like-"
I started sipping on my drink very dramatically and loudly causing a huge slurping sound to come out, not allowing him to lie anymore. "Sorry what'd you say, I couldn't  hear you?" I batted my eyelashes innocently.
He groaned. "I said, I don't li-"
I slurped again. "Huh? Sorry I think I'm coming down with something, I can't hear properly." I slapped my ear with the palm of my hand.
"I don't like her!" He exclaimed all of a sudden. He widened his eyes when he realized what he did, and boy was he flustered.
I widened my eyes and my mouth was open wipe, I looked behind Tyler to see Jo staring.
"Sorry!" I gave her a guilty grin.
She smiled and shook her head, indicating it was ok.

"Tyler, Truth or Dare?" I asked.

Whenever Tyler was flustered or embarrassed his brain doesn't work for 2 minutes, so he would say whatever pops into his head.

"Uh Dare!" He exclaimed, which caused me to smirk.
"Go and ask for Jo's number." I smirked as I took another sip of my latte.
"What no?! Are you fu*king crazy?!" He hissed at me.
"A dare's a dare." I smirked again.
"What no! I'm not doing that!"
"Should've thought of that when you were picking."
"Oh geez," He placed his head in the palm of his hands and then turned to me with a glare. "Gosh I hate you." He mumbled.
"Well go on." I smirked as I ushered him away with my hand.

He took in a deep breath and stood up he looked at me and I grinned at him, giving him two big thumbs-up.
"It's ok, Tyler. You can do this." He whispered to himself as he walked off.

He's certainly going to thank me for this one day!

I watched with amazement as he walked over to Jo and I could see a friendly smile on Jo's face with slowly turned it a shock which turned into a smile with a light blush on her cheeks. Jo and Tyler were laughing as she reached out for her notepad and pen from the back pocket of her jeans. I watched as Jo's lips move as the formed shapes to form words. Tyler was scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

Jo wrote something something down on her mini notepad and ripped off the page and handed it to Tyler. They talked for a couple minutes with big smiles on thier faces until Tyler came back, with the biggest grin on his face.

"Oh my fu*king god! You're a fu*king genius El!" Tyler breath out gratefully as he sat down in front of me.
"Darling, tell me something I don't know." I smirked as I checked my nails.
"I love you so much!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly there was a weird feeling in my chest, a feeling I couldn't quite describe...

"Uh, love you too!" I gave him a small smile as I nodded.

"You ok?" He furrowed his eyebrows in concern.
I nodded.
"You sure?" He placed a hand on mine.
"Yeah." I smiled as I took his hand off of mine.
"Oh that reminds me, why was your eyes all glossy today? I'm the morning in mean, I didn't ask because it seemed like horrible timing."
"Oh me and Ryan got into a fight." I looked down.
"What'd he say?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter." I shook my head.
"El it does. What did he say?" He said a bit more sternly this time.
I looked up with my eyes all glossy again, but I looked up at the ceiling. "He said, he wished I was never born." I whispered, my voice cracking in the middle.
"Oh El." He brought his chair closer to mine and wrapped his arms all around me, I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Your brother's a douche, you know that?" He mumbled into my hair. I tear spilled out of my eyes.
I slowly chuckled as I pulled away. "Yeah he really is."
Tyler grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes. "Thanks." I mumbled and he returned it with a smile.

He scooted his chair back to his place and stood up, lending me a hand. "Let's go, it's almost

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