Chapter 5

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I sprung up after a bell was blasting next to my ear. I shook, I hate that stupid clock. I stoped the clock and picked out some clothes. I slowly walked sloped the bathroom, to brush my teeth. I finshed up, and countinued to get ready. I stared in the mirror and something didn't seem right. I looked closer my eyes were shut in the mirror but I could see. I passed out seconds later.

I opened my eyes to tile. I got up, and realized I was curled into a ball on the bathroom floor. I looked in the mirror again. my eyes were open this time but my lip was bleeding. I decided to forget about it and finshed getting ready. When I was all good I walked downstairs. As i was going down the power blacked out. I got to the kitchen know one was hear. It was super dark. I blinked opening my eyes to blood everywhere, and the house on fire. I fell on me knees and held my head. Was I going insane. I shut my eyes and passed out again.

I opened my eyes to my sister Pastry Shaking me. She was saying something so I tried to listen. "Mom! Mom! Foxy passed out on the floor! He wont wake up!" She sniffed whaile calling for mom. Cassie came down stairs and said something, I didn't hear. My eyes were still shut but I cod hear and fell pain. I was set on something soft probably the couch. I opened my eyes to Pastry. "Brother are you ok?" She frowned. I nodded my head and got up. My bones hurt, I wanted to forget about what just happened.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, spoon, and cereal to eat. When I was done I cleaned up my mess. By this time it was just me and Pastry. My sister Cassie left and my mom was leaving when o passed out. I don't know what happened in didn't make sense. I said goodbye to Pastry, and got everything ready to go. When I stepped out the door I wasn't in my front yard. I was silent I was in a intersection. I was standing in front of my dad dead completely covered in blood and metal. I turned around to see no door. I fell to the ground and cupped my face. I came to the conclusion I was going insane. I thought life was gonna be different, but I'm losing my mind. What is up with me this morning.

I stood up to see my front door. I turned around and walked to my car. I had a year role down my face. I could fell it. I hopped in and started the car. I didn't leave, instead I slammed my head on my horn. I had so much confusion in my mind I was losing it. I did pull myself to pull out and head twords the school. But when I got there I saw something unnatural. I legit think I am dreaming.

I see Mangle on one of the steps going inside crying. I hop out of my car and run up to her. I say down beside her and asked. "Hey Mangle what ya crying for?" She looked up at me she scutted away first, then scooted back noticing it was me. She laid her head on my shoulder and cried. Something was not write today I could tell.

"Tangle, and Blinkle are moving away and I won't be able to see them again." She stopped crying and stood up. I knew she had to go. I didn't know what to say, I have only known Blinkle and Tangle for a little bit why would they move away without telling anyone. I'm guessing they texted mangle or she wouldn't know. "I got to get to class cya later Foxy." She walked away and I stood there stairing in space.

I snapped out of it and walked in. It was library I am happy I can relax. I walked in and pulled out my book. When I went to the corner I was in last time, Freddy was sitting there. I walked over and sat down next to him. He looked at me and then back at his book. I asked him anything. "Hey Freddy how ya doing? What's up?" He stared up and closed his book.

"I don't know, my dad hasn't been the best." He told me. He looked up at my confusion and answered what I was thinking. "My girlfriend Chica broke up with me." He stared at the ground and then pulled out his book to read. I could tell he didn't wanna talk any more.

I read my book to the end of class. I couldn't get the thought off my mind....... Today was not a normal day.

-- Time Skip The Gym --

I walked in, in my gym clothes. Today I wasn't feeling it. I sat in the stands and Ash and Smoke came over. Ash asked me a question I didn't wanna answer. "Hey Foxy you ok you look down." I looked up Smoke looked fine but Ash didn't. Ash looked like he had no sleep. Smoke then gave me a confusion face.

"I don't know nothing is wrong just people haven't been the best." I lied partly. Ash looked at me then became more questioned.

"I get it dude. My day hasn't been the best either. I got kicked off the football team." He looked down. I could clairfiy that today something is off or everyone is not haveing a good day. Class started and it was boring. It's normally not boring but it was today. Eventually it was time for lunch and I headed off. I don't know how this could get worse.

Oh foxy it can get worse ;)
Thx you all for reading plz rember to like and vote and I hope u enjoy the next chapter will be out soon! 😎😯😝🤑😬🤓😇🤠🙃

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