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After a few days of training 

Johnny: What's the second rule of the 'Way of the Fist'? 

Y/N / Miguel: Strike hard!  

Johnny: That's right. There's only one reason to hit someone. To inflict pain. Striking hard is about giving your all. 

The door opens and you see a student from school. 

Johnny: No yoga till five. No matter how bad you need it. 

Aisha: I-I'm actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today. 

Johnny: I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai. 

Aisha: Why not? 

Johnny: Same reason there aren't women in the Army. Doesn't make sense. 

Miguel: Sensei, I need to show you something in the office. 

Miguel and Sensei Lawrence head over to the office. 

Y/N: If Sensei Lawrence does let you train here, make sure you call him Sensei. 

Aisha: Okay. 

You and Aisha just stand there in silence for a while until Miguel and Sensei Lawrence come back. 

Johnny: Okay, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat. Okay, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you want to be in Cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl. 

Aisha: What do you mean? How do girls act? 

Johnny: Oh, don't give me that. You know, all emotional, loud, complainy, never letting you finish a sentence. 

Aisha: Well, I know a few guys who act just... 

Johnny: Quiet!

She jumps.

Johnny: My student tells me you've been harassed at school.

Aisha: Yeah. Mostly online. I get mean texts and emails sent to me. Makes me not want to go.

Johnny: And who sends you these messages?

Aisha: Well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts, and they tell me things like I'm ugly and that I should kill myself.

Johnny: Oh, my God. What a bunch of pussies. Back in my day, if you wanted to tease someone, you did it to their face. There was honor, respect. These geeks hiding behind their computers, what a bunch of spineless losers. You're not afraid of these losers, are you?

Aisha: No.

Johnny: Are you gonna take shit from these losers?

Aisha: No.

Johnny: Good, because when I'm done with you, you're gonna be sending a message back, only it's not gonna be with your keyboard. It's gonna be with your fists.

He looks at you.

Johnny: Off the mat. Ms. Robinson, stand in front of, Mr. Diaz.

She takes off her glasses and does so.

Johnny: Okay, let's see what you've got, Ms. Robinson. Face me. Bow.

Miguel and Aisha bow to Sensei Lawrence.

Johnny: Face each other. Bow.

They do so.

Johnny: Mr. Diaz, show her everything you've learned.

Miguel: Uh, whoa, wait, I don't think this is right, Sensei.

Johnny: You don't think what's right?

Miguel: She's a girl, I'm not gonna...

Johnny: And? I thought you said women were equal to men.

Miguel: I did say that. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that she...

Johnny: All right, show her women are equal. Give her everything you got.

Aisha: Wait. I just want to remind everyone this is my first day.

Johnny: Your enemies don't care what day it is. They prey on weakness. If you want to beat them, you gotta conquer your fears and jump face-first into the fire. Now, are you ready, Ms. Robinson?

Aisha: I guess.

Johnny: Mr. Diaz.

Miguel: I-I...

Johnny: Fight!

No one moves.

Johnny: Don't just stand there. Fight!

Miguel gets into a fighting stance.

Miguel: I'm so sorry.

He kicks her down.

Miguel: Oh, my God, Aisha, are you okay? I'm so sorry. Come on.

Aisha gets up and slams Miguel to the floor.

Y/N: Oh, shit.

She then jumps and knees him in the gut.

Johnny: Girl's a natural Cobra.

???: You can't do this!

Johnny: All right. Students, wait here. Diaz, you're in charge.

The next day in the school cafeteria 

You, Eli, Miguel, and Demetri are getting your lunch.  

Demetri: I still can't believe you're doing karate Y/N. 

Y/N: It's been helping me with a lot of stuff. Mostly confidence, I think I might ask out Nicole. 

Demetri: Yeah, sure. 

Eli: I've been thinking about joining. 

Y/N: If you do and people hear that you're in a karate dojo they might stop messing with you. 

Suddenly Kyler speaks. 

Kyler: Hey, guys! You know that billboard with a big ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad. 

Miguel: Hey, Kyler! Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole? 

Kyler: Want another beatdown, 'Rhea? I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time. 

Miguel: It's not 'lame-ass karate'.

Kyler throws a punch but Miguel grabs it.

Miguel: It's Cobra Kai. 

Miguel strikes first but Kyler reacts by slamming him on a table. You set down your tray and run over to kick Kyler off of Miguel. It's an all-out brawl.

(I'm just going to call the bullies goons, besides Kyler and Brucks)

One of Kyler's goons charges at you with a left hook, but you duck, punch him, and knee him in the face. He stumbles back and starts to throw more strikes, you block them all and hit him with a vicious uppercut causing him to crash to the ground.

You look away from your fight and see Kyler and Miguel fighting. You go and help but Brucks gets in your way.

He charges but you kick him back and notice another goon behind you.

You turn around and block a punch and repeatedly punch him in the gut. Brucks then grabs you from behind and holds you. The goon kicks you in the stomach and punches you in the face.

The goon started to go for a big kick but you leap up and dropkick him. You then thrust your leg back and kick Brucks in the balls.

You lunge a kick toward the goon, but he moves out of the way, you punch him in the face, and bring his head to your knee with a lot of force.

Brucks gets back up after you kicked him in the family jewels.

You notice and quickly elbow him in the face, you perform a right roundhouse, but Brucks ducks it, you use that momentum though to do a hook kick with your left leg.

The first goon you encountered returns and charges at you. You step to the side and kick his gut. You then step back and charge at him with a Superman punch.

He falls to the ground, but you pick him up by his hair, knee him in the chest, and slam him on the table. Leaving the two goons and Brucks struggling on the ground.

You see Miguel head-but Kyler and give you and signal to be prepared. Miguel sweeps his leg and you hook-kick his face, leaving Kyler joining everyone else on the ground.

The crowd cheers around and you look up to see Nicole staring at you with a smile.

You smiled back lost for words until Counselor Blatt walked in and took you and Miguel into the principal's office.  

Later that day at the dojo 

Johnny: All four of them? 

Y/N / Miguel: Yeah.  

Johnny: Even that big dumb one? 

Y/N: Oh yeah.

Miguel: It all happened so fast. Everything just came together. We were blocking, we anticipated, we slithered.

Johnny: Your mom, Miguel. She's gonna be so mad at us.

Miguel: She would if she knew. When my school called, my ya-ya answered. Never seen her so proud. She won't talk.

Johnny: All right, so let me get this straight. You both took all the lessons I taught you, and you two used them to straight-up beat the shit out of those punks? 

Y/N: Well, yeah. 

Johnny: Follow me. 

Sensei Lawrence takes you both to his car and opens the trunk to reveal two Cobra Kai Karate gis. 

Johnny: I wore these when I was training for my first two tournaments. I want you guys to have it. 

Y/N: Are you sure? 

Johnny: Hell, yeah. You both earned it. That's it. It's the best thing I've got. 

Miguel: Thank you so much, Sensei.

Y/N: Thank you. It means a lot.

He holds out his hand.

Miguel shakes it, then you.

Sensei Lawrence hugs you both.

The next day

You and Miguel arrive at the dojo to see a whole bunch of students from the high school watching a video of you and Miguel beating up Kyler and his goons.

Sensei Lawrence approaches the dojo.

Johnny: Looks like we're in business.

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