Dodgy Dial 10

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"What? Who proposed?"

"Oh Jake, sorry didn't mean to yell at you. But apparently Selene's boyfriend proposed to her."

"Oh wow, congrats for them."

"Yeah, but they've only been dating for like a year. I mean I know they love each other, but they're so young."

"Hey when you know, you know."

"Awe, that's romantic."

"Hey, I'm not just a pretty face."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Uh, once."

"Oh, I sense a story. Please do tell."

"Well it was third grade and Allie Gregory's parents had just bought her a puppy. She wasn't allowed to bring it to school but luckily I lived across the road from her so we would walk home together and I would stay there until dark playing with the puppy with her."

"So you have a thing for girls with dogs, aye?"

"I like dogs,"

"Hmm that's quite convenient for me,"

"What was that?"

"Nothing, I have a dog. He's so cute. I'd send you a picture but this stupid phone doesn't let me send picture messages."

"Ugh, first world problems."

"Tell me about it."

"So she was you first love aye?"

"Nah I was just kidding; I think that's the closest thing I've had to it. I mean I dated a bit in high school but nothing ever felt, serious. If you know what I mean."

"Fair enough,"

"Have you? Ever been in love that is?"

"Not yet,"

"Well we're both still young, plenty of time to find someone,"

"That's true, I suppose I should actually call Selene now and find out if Brenner really did propose,"

"You do that, catch ya' later!"



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