Chapter 10 - Y/N vs The Twin Maids

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*Dusk - Somewhere in the forest*

Y/N looks at Rem, who is enraged. He then used his ken haki to peer into the trees behind him, where he noticed a figure hiding deep in the darkness. He can tell that this one is Ram. He then turns his focus to Rem.

Y/N: "Sorry, Subaru... Is a friend of mine."

Y/N points his Kogatana at Rem. Rem is becoming increasingly enraged by his decision. While being a servant of the mansion was a lot of work, Y/N was diligent and competent, and for that she has respect. He was demonstrated to be trustworthy.

Rem: "Please. I don't want to hurt you, so walk aside and let me deal with him!"

Y/N only gazes at her in silence. Subaru is terrified as he watches the entire scene..

Rem: "This'll be my last warning before you can be forgiven!"

Y/N only stares at her before responding.

Y/N: "Sorry. I cannot allow you to do that."

After hearing this, Rem made her decision. As she looks down, her hair is obscuring her eyes. She returned her focus to Y/N before drawing her Spiked flail and flinging it at him.

Y/N immediately positioned his Kogatana, fortified it with haki, making it black, and deflected the incoming spiky flail.

As soon as Y/N turned to look at Rem again, a hail of ice spears were launched directly at his face, but he easily parried each one.

Rem: "Tch. That didn't work. Sister, let's combine our attacks."

Rem then dashed at Y/N, swinging her spiky flail at him. Y/N dodged her strike before vanishing. Rem was stunned as she searched for Y/N.

Y/N: "Right behind you."

Hearing this, Rem swiftly turns around and starts to swing her flail back, but she notices the small blade Y/N was carrying was going to strike Rem in the stomach. It was too fast for her to respond, and she was unable to cast Huma in time. Y/N then senses a flanking attack and quickly pulls Kogatana back, deflecting a wind blade aimed at him.

Y/N glances around the trees as he detects Ram gathering mana on her hand, after which she fires volleys of wind blades at him. Y/N, who was prepared, then positioned Kogatana to await the assault before detecting Rem and swinging her flail behind him. He vanished instantly as Rem and Ram both missed their strikes.

Rem: "This again. Sister, please share me your sight!"

Immediately Rem sees Ram's clairvoyance, which she shared with Rem. Suddenly she notices Y/N, who is rushing full speed towards Ram.

Rem: "SISTER!"

Meanwhile, Subaru, who was observing the entire scenario, decided to flee. Rem was too preoccupied with Y/N to see Subaru, who was able to flee and hide behind a tree. He then looks to the side to see Y/N's battle.

Y/N quickly arrived at Ram's location as Ram was too stunned and unable to defend herself after using clairvoyance.

Y/N: "You are a nuisance."

When Y/N was ready to stab her, he backs up as a flail swings by between them.

Rem: "Don't touch my sister!"

Ram who was able to recover from using clairvoyance then shoots another wave of wind blade at Y/N.

Ram: "Fura!"

As Y/N notices this, he immediately deflects the wind blade targeted at him before a barrage of Ice spears is fired behind him.

Rem: "El Huma!"

Y/N then deflects them once again. Tired of this endless barrage at him he then went a bit serious.

Y/N: "This is getting long."

Y/N then abruptly vanished again. The twin maids hurriedly surveyed their surroundings in search of Y/N, when suddenly Y/N comes behind Rem and neatly slices the tendons of her legs. Rem then collapses on the ground, unable to feel anything painful when Y/N slashes her leg before the pain appears.

Rem: "GAAAHHHH! My legs!"

Ram was shocked. The speed Y/N shown was too quick for them to follow. But then Y/N appeared in-front of her.

Y/N: "I didn't want to hurt you two. But it is unfortunate."

Ram was too angry to respond to Y/N's comment.

Ram: "El Fura!"

Her hand began to produce tremendous winds as she launched at Y/N at their highest speed. Y/N, who was able to anticipate this using Ken haki's future sight, was able to sidestep and avoid the attack. Ram was struck with fear when he saw this since avoiding such an attack at point blank range is impossible.

Ram: "N-No way."

Ram then gathers all of her mana into a last attack, and Y/N is slightly pushed back by the powerful winds that has gathered around her. Ram then raises her arm at Y/N, unleashing her most powerful attack.

Ram: "UL FURA!"

Ram unleashes extremely numerous torrent of wind blades around her to Y/N, although shot sporadically.

Y/N predicting the future that he won't be able to dodge this one then swiftly grabbed Yoru with one hand and then unleashes a very strong downward slash. Y/N generated a huge slash wave of compressed air in-front rivalling the power that Ram just unleashed.

When the two huge attacks hit each other, the huge slash by Y/N was able to pierce through the fierce torrents of wind blades and clashed with the winds surrounding Ram. Ram used all her mana to hold out, even using her Oni form to further increase her power. But in the end she was able to hold out against the strong compressed-air slash wave of Y/N but she ran out of mana and the recoil of her oni form hit her as blood bursts out from her forehead. Then she feints on the ground. Rem who was at the sidelines healing her injured leg, she screamed.


Y/N stood where he was before putting back Yoru on his back. Then suddenly he felt extreme bloodlust from the direction of Rem. He turns his gaze at Rem who began to stand up as a horn protruded on her forehead while tears falling on her eyes.

Rem: "H-How dare you... HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SISTER!"

But then Rem flips in the air as she directs a kick to Y/N, as Y/N sees this he then lets go of the chain and grabs her foot. Rem quickly turns her flail to strike Y/N from behind. Y/N was surprised at this as he then let's go of her and vanished and appeared from a distance.

Y/N: "You seem to be losing yourself."

Y/N observes Rem who seems to have lost her mind, only wanting to kill Y/N. As she giggles in madness.

Y/N: "This'll be your downfall."

Y/N grabs Yoru from his back with one hand once again and positions himself into a stance.

Rem, not caring, swiftly dashed to Y/N while laughing maniacally. 

Meanwhile Y/N pulled back his blade as he awaits for Rem to attack. 

Predicting her swing, he dodged her flail with minimal movement and waits for Rem to be close. Once Rem was in the right distance he slashed her at incredible speed, cutting off her left arm holding the flail.

Despite losing her arm, she didn't care as she still tries to punch Y/N with incredible force. Y/N blocked her punch with Yoru and counter attacked with a slash to her torso creating a clean slice from her chest. Despite that she still tried to hit Y/N with everything she got with punches and kicks while Y/N blocks and does a counter-attack for each hit.

In the end the damage done to Rem was too much as she begins to pant in exhaustion. Numerous slashes around her body can be seen as she profusely bleeds all around her body. The blood loss is only helping to that she would lose strength every second. She cries as her limbs are refusing to move.

Rem: "S-Sister... I... I can't lose like this."

Rem struggles to stand as her horn begins to disappear. Losing strength every second she would then kneel down and proceed to fall to the ground. Y/N approached her unconscious body as he scans her.

Y/N: "She will bleed to death like this. It can't be helped, she fought to the death. It is truly unfortunate."

Y/N then shifts his gaze to Subaru who was hiding in the bushes. He followed their fight and watched everything. Although Subaru felt deep grief that the friends he used to be with have wanted to kill him and are now at their deathbed, he suddenly begins to contemplate all his actions. He felt deep regrets if what he was doing was right or his existence should be removed to make everything better. Should he really even live in this world?

As Y/N was about to approach Subaru, he felt a sudden pressure and voice from behind.

???: "I came over here to see what the commotion was, but to see that my servants are almost dead... I cannot ignore this."

Y/N turns back his gaze as he sees Roswaal floating in the air with a face fueled by anger and rage.

Roswaal: "Y/N... To hurt my servants. I cannot forgive such actions... No matter what reasons you give me. I will kill you myself."

Roswaal releases an intense pressure of Mana around him as he conjures multiple colorful mana orbs, making Y/N see him as the biggest threat he has ever seen after Reinhardt.

Y/N: 'What a strong pressure.'

Y/N then shifts his gaze at Subaru.

Y/N: "Subaru, I believe you should know what you need to do."

Subaru staring at Y/N after hearing his statement then visibly shook from fear. He then stares at the knife he's holding, knowing what he has to do.

Roswaal: "Finished talking? Well, I'll do the the first move then."

Roswaal shot the multiple colorful mana orbs on his hand at Y/N. Y/N, with Yoru at one hand, swung upwards as a slash wave of compressed air was launched that devoured the mana orbs that Roswaal shot. Impressing Roswaal, he released another magic.

Roswaal: "Threefold Magic."

Roswaal uses his mouth and both hands to cast three powerful fireballs with differing color. As it collided with Y/N's slash wave, it was powerful enough to overpower Y/N's slash wave as it made way to Y/N's location. Y/N who was surprised of this then used both hands to hold Yoru and slashed through the magic as it generated huge waves of fire going sideways of him.

Subaru who was watching the fight was now in awestruck. Watching two powerful individuals fight. He knows he should kill himself now to return everything back. But he's hesitating. The fear of death still lingers within him. He stares at his hands holding the knife shaking heavily as another huge blast occurred at the fight and made Subaru flinch.

He steels himself up and remembers all his deeds within this world. Remembering all the good things he must do to save everyone he loves. To create a happy end. Subaru screams and slices his neck as he bleeds profusely and ends his life turning the world black once more.

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