Chapter 2 - Dorian Gray Part 2

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Lady Helena could tell that he was considering her words carefully. His hands moved in an absent-minded way in response to the furious, tiny wolf as it tumbled and chewed on anything within reach. A full two minutes passed in near-silence, save for the scrape of Sage's painting knife and the sandpapery-slide of her brush strokes.

Lady Helena spoke up again in silvery tones that made her flirtation clear. "You really do have a wonderful and classic profile Mr. Gray. I hope you endeavor to shade yourself from the sun."

Dorian gave a cheeky smile. "What does it matter, a little sun can't hurt."

"It should matter to you. Your youth is a treasure, the one treasure worth having."

"Isn't there so much more to life than youth, Lady Helena?"

"Ah, NOW you are inundated with an endless stream of senses to feed the soul. But one day, you will be old and wrinkled and ugly, with your forehead creased with lines, your lips cracked and scarred, and you will feel the weight of age in your very bones. Then you will understand my point. For now, a face such as yours could change the world, but will it always be that way?"

Lady Helena stood and boldly extended her hand, stopping just short of caressing his cheek. "Remember Mr. Gray, a flower dies when first it begins to bud. There are only a few years left for you to truly live fully and in the moment. Every day, your youth fades a little more and you come closer to death's door. So, cherish your youth while you have it and do not squander a single moment. Even love is merely a mixture of pheromones and physiology. Most young men can't help themselves, nor control their actions when it comes to a willing and suited partner. Why limit yourself to experiencing love only once—or only a few times? Live your life and seek out new sensations while fearing nothing! For there is nothing you could not do. The world is your oyster for but a few seasons more. Do not waste that time, for you can never have it back."

As she spoke, Dorian's eyes grew larger—not only with a little fear, but also with a certain determination.

Sage noisily put down her palette and brush. "There! I have finally finished!"

Lady Helena rushed over to examine the picture. She gave an appreciative murmur and her eyes seemed glued to the finished work. It was an amazing likeness and an astounding work of art. Lady Helena touched her hand to her heart and spoke in a hushed tone. "Sage, well done. This is the finest portrait I have ever seen. Mr. Gray, come take a look for yourself."

As Dorian gazed upon his own visage his lips slowly curled upward in a smile of pleasure. A look of admiration and joy came to his eyes as he stared raptly at the image before him, completely motionless. Something stirred deep inside for the first time. A comprehension of the real artistic qualities of his own face as others must see it. He saw his face now with all its beauty and attractiveness but, in his mind's eye, he also saw an image of how that same face would one day look. He imagined the skin wrinkled and grey, the eyes dimmer and faded of color, the strong figure bent and broken, and the life of his soul—gone from that body. He would one day be hideous and disgusting. Pain like a knife struck his heart and he felt a hand of ice squeeze his lungs like a vise.

Dorian closed his eyes and whispered in a low voice. "How sad that one day I will grow old, but the man in this picture will always remain young. He will never age even a single day. Even this young pup has years to grow into a majestic wolf, but I will soon grow old and look horrible as time ravages me. It isn't fair that we have only a few short years. If only I could remain young forever, I would give anything!"

Sage approached him and reached out for his hand. "Dorian, it isn't as bad as all that."

But Dorian drew his hand away. "No! If I could be young eternally, I would give my very soul!" He turned away, his cheeks burning and face hot.

Sage fixed Lady Helena with an angry look and crossed her arms. "This is your doing."

Lady Helena merely shrugged and went back to her cigarette. "This is just the real Dorian Gray. But enough of this painting, let us all go to the theatre tonight!"

At that suggestion Dorian seemed to regain his composure. He loved the artistry and music of the theatre above all else. His mood lightened and he relaxed his shoulders from their rigid position. "That is a wonderful idea. I would love to go to the theatre with you Lady Helena. Sage you should come with us."

"I can't really. I have too much work to do here. Why don't you stay here with me instead? Or if you must go, then promise me you will come visit tomorrow."

Dorian nodded his head. "You have my word Sage."

Lady Helena smiled at him meaningfully. "Well then Mr. Gray, it seems I must reschedule with my business associate. You and I shall have to go it alone."

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