Chapter Four

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It was strange. In her slumber, Victoria was dreaming of her father once again. But something changed. She dreamt a dreamless sleep.

She felt someone carrying her body, causing her to jerk awake. Her eyes shot open, and she found herself looking up at Geralt.

"Didn't think you'd wake so soon." He said, placing her on her feet. He released her from his hold, and she looked around.

"Did we move?" She asked him.

He nodded slowly. "But we're stopping again."

They reached a steep in the forest, where Roach came to a stop. Victoria took the opportunity to stretch her limbs.

"Would you put me on a leash if I said I wanted a bit of privacy?" She asked him. His eyes flickered to hers as he pulled the throw from Roach's back.

"Take a piss, smell the dying flowers, at your own will." He said, folding the throw.

Victoria weaved through the trees, and examined the forest that seemed to glow, despite the gloominess. She could smell the rich soil and the tree bark, filling her nostrils.

Once she was a distance away, she lifted her dress and held it within her hands as she quickly did her business.

She noticed a small rabbit sitting beside a bush as she kept walking. Victoria knelt to the ground, staring at the grey rabbit as it wrinkled its nose.

"I wish I had a carrot for you." Victoria said, scooting closer to the rabbit. It stayed still, not threatened by her presence. "But unfortunately, for the both of us, I have nothing."

Victoria reached for the rabbit, and managed to pick it up. She held the small animal to her chest, stroking his ears.

"This world is dangerous for a tiny creature like you." Victoria whispered. She inhaled as she tightened her grip on the rabbit.

The woman closed her eyes and twisted until the sound of shattering bones echoed through her ears. The rabbit laid still in her hands, no longer living.

"Forgive me," she whispered.

By the time she made it back to Geralt, she could see the witcher laying on the ground, seeming as if he was at peace. His hand was clasped around the medallion around his neck that rested against his chest.

Victoria sat down on the log above his head, placing the dead rabbit beside her as she tried to start a fire. She would probably fail again.

She moved the sticks together to create a friction, keeping her focus on the smoke that began to linger from the wood.

"C'mon." She whispered through her teeth. She continued to scrape the sticks together, and after a mere moment, flame bursted from them.

Victoria stared in surprise, glancing over at the unconscious witcher as a victory squeal escaped her lips. He was still motionless, and she crawled forward.

She tore off the rabbit's skin, and impaled the meat with a stick. She held it over the fire, watching as the meat turned dark as it burned.

A few minutes passed, and she broke off a piece before eating it. She exhaled contently as her tastebuds consumed the taste of the meat. She had been starving for days.

Victoria jumped as Geralt jerked awake beside her. The witcher's eyes were wide, and he looked around them cautiously.

"Geralt?" She asked him. "What's wrong?"

Geralt clenched his jaw. "The market."

As he climbed to his feet, Victoria did the same.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?"

"Renfri." He said as he gathered their things. Victoria rose a brow as she followed him.

"The woman from Blaviken?" She asked him. "What about her?"

Geralt didn't answer. He climbed onto Roach.

"I can't go back." She told him as he tried to grab her arm. The witcher stared at her for a long moment, and she swallowed.

"There was a drawing of me inside of the bathrooms. They know that I'm close." She explained. "If I go back, they'll find me and kill me."

"I can't protect you here." Geralt snapped. She felt her heart sting inside of her chest.

"You have enough on your plate, witcher." She said. "And if you care so much, I'll still be here if you decide to come back."

Victoria knelt down beside the fire and placed the leftover meat in a small satchel. She tossed it to the witcher, who continued staring at her furiously.

"Fuck." He said, smacking the side of Roach's backside. The horse took off, and Geralt disappeared within the darkening forest.

She sank down to the ground and quickly smothered the fire into the dry leaves. She blew at the smoke, disposing of it all.

Her breath fogged the air as she listened to the torturing silence. She hugged her knees to her chest, trying desperately to fight the sleep that threatened to consume her.

"Found you."

The sound of her father's voice pierced her mind, pulling her from her slumber. The brunette sat up, noticing the movement in the darkness around the nearby trees.

Her breathing became quiet pants as she tried to keep her eyes on them as they moved. She could see the glistening of their swords within the moonlight.

Victoria staggered to her feet slowly, watching as they descended from the trees. There were six of them.

"No more runnin' for you, Princess." The one said as he twisted his sword. "No more."

Her heart felt like it would have tore out of her chest at any moment, by how fast and loud it was beating. She felt her stomach churn violently, threatening her to puke.

"It's time to come back home." He said to her. "Your father's waitin'."

Victoria shook her head, despite the tears that were blurring her vision.

"I would rather die than go back!" She screamed at him.

She gasped as another man descended, aiming a bow at her.

"Than I believe it's our lucky day,"

She was given a warning. The arrow hissed against the bow, forcing her to duck as it swept through the air and into her direction. Victoria looked up, watching him draw another arrow.

The brunette hurried back to her feet, and darted the opposite way. They shouted as they chased after her.

"Fire at will!" One told the archer. Victoria tried her best to move in different locations to set him off, giving him an unclear shot.

"Fucking down her already!"

Victoria panted breathlessly as she maneuvered through the trees. She made it difficult for the archer to get a clear shot from the trees.

She was thrown off guard as an arrow whipped through the air.

She was struck in the leg by the arrow, causing her to fall to the ground as she released an ear piercing scream. Victoria looked down at her leg as she stared at the arrow, noticing the flow of blood.

Victoria gripped the arrow in her hand, yanking it out quickly. She fell backwards and screamed.

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