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After getting dressed for today Naomi decided to go out and do a little grocery shopping since she didn't realize how low they were on everything until she made breakfast this morning.

Once getting to the market she grabbed the cart starting to push it down the isles. Humming softly to herself she started to pick up things for them. "Hmm maybe I could invite the kids and Gojo over and we could have hotpot." She says softly looking at all the soup bases.

After picking out a couple she decides to keep going. Once she gets to the isle with the feminine products she stops again. "Let's see I think it should be coming on soon. Let's get some just in case." Naomi states to herself before throwing them into the cart.

As she's walking out of the market that's when she gets a call from Triston. "Hello?" Naomi starts putting the groceries in the car "Where are you. I'm coming yo pick you up where going to go crystal shopping." Naomi let's put a giggle as she finishes. "Triston I just got done grocery shopping so you know that means I have yo go home and put all these away and then clean the house."

"Girl let him clean you ain't his momma." Naomi starts the car. "Triston you know that's my routine. Plus you know how mad Ken got at me when I spent almost $150 in the crystal shop." She says to him starting to drive home "Girl that's your money why you worried about him." She laughs again. "How about you come over and I'll make lunch while we hang out okay? We can go to the crystal shop another time."

"Fine. I'm giving up crystal time for you so it better be a good lunch." She laughs again. "It will be I'll see you when you get over here. Drive safe." She hangs up.

Once he gets over there Naomi is back in her comfortable clothes and almost done with lunch when there's a knock at the door. "It's open!" She yells before getting two wine glasses.

"Girl I swear it's hot as hell out that door." He says coming in crashing at the table. "I know why do you think I wanted to stay in." Naomi laughs joining him at the table. "I've got soba coming soon." Naomi gets a side eye from Triston "You know that's my favorite." "Yeah I do Todoroki." They laugh before enjoying their wine.

"Girl look at you did you get attacked by mosquitoes?" He asked examining her neck making her laugh. "Chile no. Me and Ken had a good time last night." Naomi says the last part a bit quieter as she drinks more of the wine. "That's gross." Is all he says making her laugh again "What you asked." They both laugh

Naomi finally gets up walking to the kitchen getting the food for the both of them and bringing it back to the table. Naomi missed this time with her friend. Between work, and trying to be a good wife she sort of slipped up in the friend department, but nothing can't be resolved.

(Sorry for the short chapter. School and work has been kicking my ass but enjoy. Comment you guys favorite chapter so far so I can get some interaction from you beauties.)

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