2. New Family

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4 days later I fly into LaGuardia airport and rent myself a car driving out to the estate my mother was now calling home.
I frown as I reach the gate house and give my name, this one must have some serious money, her biggest catch ever no wonder she married him rather than just dating him.
"Miss, you can proceed up to the house, there will be someone to meet you at the door"
I smiled at the man "thank you" and drove through the now open gates.
The closer I got the more nervous, she knew I was coming but I had refused a ride from the airport, I needed to be able to escape if I It got too much.
I parked in front of the entrance and ask I got out the door opened and two people came out. I froze looking at Michael in fear.
"Jersey, your mother is in the study, come with me, give him your keys he will deal with your bag" he spat at me.
I handed my keys over and straightened my back following Him into the house til he stopped and knocked at a door.
"Come in" my mothers voice sounded serene.
Michael turned to me "don't screw this up" he said before opening the door and pushing me in.
My mother rose moving forward smiling to grasp my hands, dragging me forward to meet the man who has risen from his seat.
"Jersey, meet Henry my husband and your new father"
I felt the warning pinch from her hands before she released me to stand next to the man.
"Stepfather you mean" I said without thinking.
A scowl crossed her face, making me step back in fear.
"Sorry, long flight and that was rude of me" I held my hand out to Henry "it's nice to meet you Henry, thank you for inviting me" I smiled at him, praying it would be enough to cool her down.

Henry smiled back and taking my hand used it to pull me close for a hug, I tensed unused to being hugged.
"Hey Jersey, its great to meet you, come sit and join us, tell me about yourself"
We returned to the sofa and Henry pours me a cup of coffee and settles back asking me questions about myself, I keep the conversation light, knowing my mother would not be happy otherwise, eventually the evenings party is mentioned.
"I have arranged a selection of dresses to be delivered for you for tonight" my mother tells me.
"I want you looking your best when I introduce you to the rest of the family and our friends" my mother explains.
"Rest of the family?"
"You'll get to meet my sons, they are at work at the moment but will be here tonight, Monica has met them a couple of times but this will be the first time we are all under one roof, I can't wait" he smiled
"Sons?" I ask glancing between him and my mother.
"Yes Sebastian, Tristan and Kristian"
"Oh, how nice" I say weakly, looking at my mother, how is she going to cope with three adult step sons.
"Right now, lets show you to your room, then feel free to wander and explore, make yourself at home" Henry said jumping up.
My mother follow us till we get to the stairs "I going to check everything's in hand for tonight, Jersey be good"
"Yes ma'am" I reply automatically following Henry upstairs.
The room I've been given is stunning with a beautiful view over the grounds, Henry explains it will be me and his boys in this wing and my mother and he are over the other side, he shows me around and indicates the phone in the room.
My cases had already been unpacked and were put away in the closet next to the rail of dresses my mother had mentioned.
"If you need anything just let me know or call housekeeping they can help too" he tells me once he's sure I'm settled.
"Thank you Henry" I say touching his arm.
"You're welcome honey, I've always wanted a daughter and I think we will get on very well." He says giving me a quick hug.
I blush and smile back "thank you" I whisper as he disappears back into the house.
Four hours later I'm stood at the top of a curved staircase looking down on the people below, I recognise a couple of my mothers crowd, all dressed to the nines with jewels glistening under the lights.
I was late, she had sent a maid up to chivvy me along so I had stopped worrying about the dresses she had supplied and grabbed one I had packed of my own, simple flowing sage silk gown and a simple string if pearls my fathers mother had left for me.
As I descended I could see eyes starting to turn my way and gritted my teeth, keeping my head up, these people would not judge me, I could get through this week then be gone, not having to see anyone again.
"Jersey, you look beautiful" Henry praised coming forward with my mother to greet me, I could see her anger in her eyes but she couldn't react here.
"Henry, thank you, Mother, you look good" and she did, the gold and red dress she was wearing played off all her assets.
"Jersey...." she started but was interrupted as three figures appeared by our group.
"Dad" they all said and one by one reached in to hug him before turning to my mother "Monica, congratulations, you've made quite a catch" the tallest one says smiling tightly at her. Her doesn't like her, my eyes widen and
I snort quietly but it's enough to draw attention my way
"And you are?"
"Boys, this is Jersey, Monica's daughter and your new sister" Henry introduces us, not having picked up the tension between his children and the new members of the family.
"Jersey this is Sebastian" he says hugging his son, "Tristan" he hugs him and "Kristian"
"Hello" I reply quietly.
"Not our sister Dad, thank god" Kristian says looking me up and down and grinning at his brothers.
My mother huffs and takes Henrys arm, "come on darling lets leave the children to get acquainted, I see Senator Green over there"
"Be good" Henry says chuckling as he walks away with her.
I watch them go with a sigh, Henry seems like a nice chap, I'm sorry my mother has got her claws in him, I wonder how long it will be before she shows her true colours.
I feel my new brothers close in around me, "well little sister, shall we get to know you, are you after a rich husband too"
"Tristan, play nice" Sebastian chuckles.
"Of course she wants a rich husband, like mother like daughter" Tristan replies.
I turn on him "you know nothing about me, I am nothing like her" I growl.
He steps closer towering over me "I don't believe you" before stepping away knocking my shoulder as he moves.
We skirt around each other for the rest of the evening and I count down to when I can escape back to my room, the opportunity comes when my mother corners me.
"How dare you wear that dress" she starts pinching my arm.
"Ouch mother, sorry, please" I plead.
"Then you embarrassed me with the boys, you need to be nice to them, I need them onside, you will make friends, do you understand me or shall I ask Michael to remind you" she sneers.
I bow my head "no mother, I will do as you ask, may I go"
"Yes get out of my sight" he snaps before smiling and moving back out into the crowd.
I look around the room as I leave and catch Michael watching me from the other side a sly look on his face, rushing back up to my room, I lock the door and slump down on the bed, it was going to be a difficult week.

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