People were buzzing around when I reached the garden where the tea party took place. It would be better if I stayed away from Rachelle. I decided to find my group of acquaintances or just a quiet corner. The truth was after so many lives, I had became even more introverted. I was never an outgoing person to start with.
I was walking towards a group of people when someone patted me on my shoulder. I tensed and gripped the protective charm I made.
"Odette, I was wondering where you are!" I turned around to find Rachelle smiling angelically at me.
"I was just held back by something not important."
"I was so worried you might miss the party." She blinked her huge misty lavender eyes.
"Of course not." Best to stay away from her, but first... "Rachelle, where did your quest take you? You look thinner!"
"To the fire temple, but it's all very successful! I met a new friend, he's also in this party. Let me introduce you to him." Rachelle's face blushed at the mention of Fire Priest Kevin. I tried very hard not to roll my eyes.
"It's alright, it's alright. We have plenty of time after the party. Where do you plan to go next?" I asked innocently, like I was truly caring about her.
"The shards are calling me to the east where the water temple is situated," she said with her eyes closed.
"Rachelle, I wish you the best of luck. Now you have lots of guests to attend to. Don't let me hold you back." I waved and then escaped Rachelle as quickly as I could.
That fire priest was here, who knew if his sweetheart was still fixated at him? I didn't want to die again. As for Rachelle, even though I was not there as a shield, all those suitors surrounding her would protect her. I did not worry about her even for one second.
The party seemed to pass by peacefully. It was dusk, the sun was setting. It was getting closer to the time I was killed in my previous life. I remembered gazing at the sinking sun when I slowly bled to death. I hid myself in the shadows of the trees. I would have gone back to my room, if Father hadn't stationed servants at every entrance and exit. No doubt reporting to him if I sneaked back in.
"You seem very tense." Cold air blew over my right ear. I screamed when I realized I lost my voice.
"Do you want everyone to know I have come over to bless your stepmother. I doubt she'd be happy." The high priest of darkness walked out of the shadow he was hiding in and gave me a wave coldly.
"You..." I realized my voice was back and continued to say, "you nearly scared me to death!"
"As I said you seemed very tense."
"And then you had to scare me?"
"It seemed fun."
I glared at him. He's intolerable. I humphed, I didn't want to talk to him.
"Why are you here?" I looked at him with the corner of my eyes. I was still angry.
He had not sneaked out this often in my second life. If his personality was any different, I would have suspected something. But he was still exactly the same as the one I had met in my second life. Selfish, easily bored, lazy and difficult to understand.
"Do you want to sneak out?"
"Yes, of course. If I could I would have. My Father's spies are everywhere. I would have bet he even set up a ward to prevent me from escaping. This huge act to show others we're one big family." I rolled my eyes.
"Then if you'd excuse me." He placed his hand over my waist and after a blink of my eyes, we're in a place with black marble columns. He immediately released his hand around my waist after that.
We're in the temple of darkness. I tried to check out every crooks and corners of the temple except him. I hope he did not notice my mildly red face. I would not admit some memories I'd rather stay hidden enter my mind just now.
"Is this your temple?"
"Yup." He took off his cloak as he walked towards the back of the temple. The cloak dragging behind him.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"You said you wanted to sneak out of that party," he stated with confusion in his eyes.
I grinned. "Thank you, your Grace, for rescuing me from boredom." I gave him a curtsy."We could have a picnic here but unfortunately I didn't steal any food with me."
"Ah now that you mentioned it, I want to have tea and cake. Let me show you to the kitchen. Where's the kitchen?"
I shouldn't have mentioned that. Now I had to bake for this lazy priest?
"Ah here." He pushed open the door of a room around the corner. It's a sitting room.
He chuckled as he saw my confused face. "Just kidding." He poked at my face.
With a snap of his finger, a tray with two tea cups and two slices of cakes appeared on the low coffee table. Isobel standing next to the tray, meowing.
"Isobel? Aren't you in my room?" I patted Isobel's fur. Isobel licked my fingers and then jumped off the table. Isobel ran out of the room and disappeared into the corridor.
"Isobel knows where to go. Probably finding Blake to play with her." Blake was his crow. The high priest had already occupied a chair with his cloak scattered on the floor. He was looking at the two slices of cake, probably deciding which to eat.
"I'll take the one on the right, your Grace, if you don't mind." Without waiting for his reply, I took the plate holding the cake I knew he preferred. I beamed at him as I took the first bite.
Author's note
The story hit 10k!!! Thank you so much my readers! Hope you like the story so far!
As celebration, I post this chapter in advance xd Do tell me what you think!
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