Chapter 10

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The high priest created an illusion, all my guards and coachman believed that the black carriage drove by as we greeted him like it's supposed to. All the better. It's best not to alert Father. I told them I found Isobel by the side of the street and was going to keep it. Without Sarah here to reject the idea, they all accepted it. Another whim of Lady Odette, what's new? 

The journey went on smoothly after that. I arrived at the temple just before sun set. When I got out of my carriage, I saw Henri getting on his horse. When he saw me, he stopped and rushed towards me and cried, "Rachelle was kidnapped!"

"How did that happen?" I asked anxiously. "Do you know who did it? I should have accompanied her. How could I tell my Father about this? It's all my fault," I cried in horror.

"It's Chris and his merry band."

"Chris and his merry band? Who are they?  Did they leave any sort of letter demanding money?" It seemed like Sarah succeeded in escaping just as I had predicted. 

"No, they didn't even leave a note! We wouldn't even know who did it if it's not for your maid and Rachelle's maid! They both escaped when their guards were low to call for our help." 

"They left Rachelle there alone with the thieves?" I shrieked angrily. 

"They made the correct choice. It seems like Rachelle and the maids were kept in separate places. Their guards were low when compared to Rachelle. That's the only chance they had of sneaking out and calling for help. Luckily, Sarah knew the way to the temple." 

"Then do you know where their nest is? I have to save Rachelle!" 

"We have already located her. We're setting out to rescue her now. The priests and I. We all think it best you stay here. We can't look after you when we're rescuing someone."

So was that a subtle way of saying I'd be in their way?

"Alright," I said in slight dejection. "Please bring back Rachelle. Thank you, Henri." 

Henri gave me a nod and then rode on his horse to join the others in the rescue team.

As expected Sarah successfully escaped. As I said their security was lax on people other than Rachelle, if my maid fought her way back to the temple to call for help. And gave them the location to save Rachelle as soon as possible. The suspicions on me might lessen a bit. 

It had become a huge news when Rachelle went missing for more than three days in my first life. No one could locate her. People began to suspect everyone. Especially me. Now it's different, with the help of Sarah, they could very well rescue her by today. But then now there wasn't enough time for Rachelle and Chris to develop their romance. I hope I didn't mess things up. It'd be my fault if Chris really turned out to be her one true love.  

I returned to my bedroom in the temple. I laid on my bed, exhausted. It's been a long day. Isobel snuggled down on my pillow just like how it would in the past. I started running my hand on her sleek fur.

"I don't understand, Isobel. Why did you come under his care in this life? You should be a stray kitten in the village down the hill from the temple of god of darkness. He would never have set foot in that village. And why did he know my name? Maybe I'm just overthinking it, maybe he just has the power to know others' name, maybe he eavesdrop, maybe he just knows. But that tone, that... that gesture... Argh... I must be overthinking..." I buried myself deep in the pillow to hide my burning cheeks and ears. 

A few hours after dinner, Sarah came knocking. "They have brought back Lady Rachelle!" 

"Really? Bring me to her!" Let's finish the last scene of this drama. 

When I reached Rachelle's room, Henri was comforting her. He had his arm around her shoulders and speaking softly to her. Luckily I had the audacity to peek before barging in. I rolled my eyes. I had my fair share of barging into romantic moments in my previous lives. It's embarrassing and I really wanted to wash my eyes after viewing those lovey dovey moments firsthand. 

I retreated back to the corridor and stomped on the ground a few times to pretend to be rushing to her room. Before opening the door I was already crying out, "Rachelle! Poor Rachelle! How are you? Are you alright?" 

When I rushed into the room, Rachelle came over to give me a huge hug. She cried, "Odette, you must be really worried!"

"Rachelle, it's all my fault. If I accompanied you, you wouldn't have to experience this." I sobbed into my handkerchief. I should have soaked my handkerchief in mint so that I could cry whenever I wanted. " Those trashy kidnappers! Oh my poor Rachelle, did you get hurt?"

"Of course not! Odette, you have no idea, they are actually heroes! You see the lord overseeing this land is overbearing and strict. The villagers have to pay high taxes and they have nothing to eat! Chris and his men were actually planning to kidnap the lord's daughter so that they could negotiate with the lord and help the villagers! They are heroes!"

You sure they are heroes, Rachelle? They kidnapped people! They were planning to threaten the lord with his daughter! 

I lost all hope in talking sense to Rachelle a long time ago, so I just sat there with my usual elegant smile and nodded. 

Rachelle continued on with her great adventure when at last Henri got her attention and I was finally able to sneak away. 

That night, I was falling asleep when I realized, if I had to report Rachelle's progress of collecting the shards to him, did that mean I had to follow her around? I could not deal with talkative Rachelle nor her suitors any more. Maybe I could just follow her from afar? That's definitely a better plan. 


Author's note

The story reached a new milestone! Now that Odette is working under the high priest, what will happen next? Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading! The story hit 2.4k!

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