Ep.2 - Demise[Origins]

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(Everyone hero has an origin story. This is mine.)

Donovan and I were dying laughing, walking through the hallway. I told him about the fight Unc took me to see last week. He was so mad, I know he would've killed to see it. I had to stop by my locker to grab my science book for third period.

"Mo, I can't believe your uncle took you to see that fight, and you didn't take me." Don said. I couldn't help but smile. "Bruh, I thought we were brothers, man."

"We are, but I didn't know. It was a supri-" I had to stop because out of nowhere I felt a punch on my shoulder. "Hey! What the-" I stopped to see it was Alex.

"What you two knuckleheads talking about?" She walked up to us, wearing her favorite snapback backwards, her school uniform shirt and baggy khaki pants.

"Jake's uncle took him to the UFC fight last week."

"And you didn't take me?!" she said looking at me. She punched me in my shoulder again.

"Hey, chill, it was a surprise. I didn't even know we were going." I said, explaining myself. "So both of y'all chill."

"Alright. What's up Beetlejuice?" Don said to Alex.

"How you are, Heady Murphy?!" she replied, snapping back. They started to bicker, going back-and-forth.

"Yo! Both of y'all chill, not today alright." they both stopped, but kept mugging each other. "Come on. We gotta get to class." I closed my locker.

"I heard Mr. Clayton isn't gonna be here today." Alex said, as we all started walking.

"I hope so, he's so annoying. And his glasses give me a headache, looking like a fat Steve Urkel." Don said. Alex and I bust out laughing.

The final bells rings. We all walk out the front together. I stop when I see my uncle standing by his car, looking at me.

"Unc what you doing here?" I said excited, walking over to him.

"I got off work early, wanted to know if you wanted to go see Super Spy 3." he said.

"Yeah, I can-" I felt a slight nudge on my right side. I looked over and I could tell Don wanted to go. I huffed and then asked my uncle.

"Is it cool if Don and Alex go with us?"

"It's cool with me, as long as your parents are ok with it-" he said.

"My mom's outta town, so let's go!" Don said cutting Unc off. He hopped right in my uncle's truck.

"Alex?" I turned to look at her.

"I really want to go, but I gotta help my mom at the shop today." she said sadly, pointing behind her.

"Ok, I'll text you later." I replied.

"Ok, bye Mr.Donald!" she said, waving goodbye to Unc and all of us.

She took off running down the block. I got in the front passenger seat, and we headed to the theatre.

Super Spy 3 was amazing. Action-packed, thrilling, and a whole lot of explosions. Agent Stone goes one-on-one with Dr. Galobagus as he tried to release a dangerous toxin, turning everyone into zombies. Agent Stone must stop him at all cost to save the world. I love action movies, they're so fun and exhilarating. Watching guys like Agent Stone, "The Nightwatcher", even my uncle, makes me sometimes want to be a superhero. Be the hero. Save the day. Save the world.

After we left the theatre, Unc treated Don & I to some lunch. It was getting late so we sat down inside Five Guys. Don wouldn't stop talking about the movie.

"I mean come on, if you gonna destroy the world, at least bring a gun with you." Donovan said.

"That's what they have henchmen for." Jake replied. I sat there and watched them go back-and-forth, it was pretty entertaining.

"What do you think Unc?" Jake asked me.

"Well I don't like guns in the first place, but I have to agree with Donovan. Henchmen or not, you should have some type of protection." I said, sharing my personal opinion.

"Ha!" Don said, celebrating like he won the debate.

"He said you should have some type of protection, he didn't say you needed a gun." Jake said, showing this debate wasn't over. They started back up again. Suddenly, the news report on the TV behind me caught my ear. I turned around to look at it, and what do you know, it was about The Nightwatcher.

"Ever since The Nightwatcher's first sighting two years ago, The Nightwatcher has done nothing but help this city." the man on the television screen said.

"I agree, but let's think about this for a second, he's a vigilante! He doesn't report to anyone, he acts alone, he follows no federal laws. Who can tell what he can or will do!?!?" the lady on the television replied.

"He has done nothing but help, and no blood has been shed."

"You're right and your wrong Bill. Several officers have been hospitalized, and even died, in the crossfire of The Nightwacther's chaos. Now, there have been no confirmed kills by 'The Nightwatcher' himself, but how do you know that? How do you know hasn't killed anyone? Nobody can tell us that, which makes him unpredictably dangerous. Dangerous to our officers, and dangerous to the citizens of Liberty City."

She's right. I am unpredictable, unhinged. I work alone, or at least they think I do. I may have saved thousands of lives, but hundreds have still died.  Thousands could die tomorrow. I never meant for those officers to get hurt, I mourn for them and their families. Sometimes I wish I could more, do better.

"Unc, Unc!" Jake yells, trying to get my attention. 

"Yeah, yes Jake. What's up." I said, regaining my focus. 

"What were you thinking about?" Jake asked. 

"Um, the TV, The Nightwatcher. They were just talking about him."

"Duuuude! The Nightwatcher is awesome! He's like a real-life comic book superhero. I think he's the shit." Donovan said. Jake agreed, but asked me what I thought.

"Well, I like what he does. Helping this city, saving lives, and stopping crime. He's a bit unorthodox though." I had to play along.

"What do you mean?" they asked.

"Well he works alone. He doesn't report to anyone, and that makes him dangerous."

"I don't think so. If he's doing good, acting solely on his own beliefs and values, that means he is perfectly capable of protecting us. It means his morals are right. Truthfully, you really don't know who you can trust, so if have to work alone, then so be it." I payed very close attention to his words, even smirked a little.

"Could you do it?" I asked Jake.

"Oh, definitely not!" Jake replied.

"I don't know, you are like a little Blackie Chan." Donovan said, sarcastically. We all laughed.

Out the corner of my eye, I can see through the restaurant window a white lady walking down the street. She quickly gets grabbed by these two thugs, a block down from us. I watched as they dragged her into the alley, she lost her shoe in the process. My fist clenched under the table. It was time for action.

"Hey guys, we're gonna leave in a little bit, but I gotta go to the bathroom first. Don't go anywhere." I got up, heading for the bathroom. I took one last look at them before I left. I didn't want to leave them alone but I had to. I snuck out the back, and hurried to my car to grab my gear. Time to suit up.

Her cries for help weren't heard. She screamed at the top of her lungs, begged them to stop.

"It's ok baby, everything's gonna be fine." the thug held her arms behind her while his friend dropped his pants. I couldn't let that happen. I sprung into action.

Something struck the thug in the back of his head. He immediately fell to the ground, letting go of the girl. She looked behind her at the thug on the ground, but she didn't move. The thug quickly pulled up his pants, looking around. He turned, and right in front of him stood The Nightwatcher. I grabbed him and threw him into the wall. I beat him down with my baton. Lashing out, left and right. I struck the thug in the head, knocking him out. I stopped to blow off steam. I turned and there the girl stood terrified. I held out my hand said "It's ok". She immediately ran over to me, squeezing me as tight as she could. "Thank you." she whispered, as tears ran from her eyes down her cheeks. I returned her shoe to her. "Go home." I said. Wiping the tears from her face, she nodded and then grabbed her purse behind her. By the time she turned around, The Nightwatcher was gone.

I walked back into the restaurant, trying to act normal.

"Where were you?" Jake & Donovan both asked.

"I was in the bathroom." I replied.

"That milkshake must have went right through you." Donovan said, joking. I giggled, and we all left.

Unc dropped Don off first, then dropped me off. I had a great day, I thought. I got to see a dope movie, eat some bomb ass burgers, and hang out with two of the best people I know. Now that I was finally home, I figured my day was over. I was very wrong. I walked into the house, and let's just say, what happens next...isn't pretty.

I opened the door and the living room was a mess. The TV screen lit up the room, but I could feel the darkness. The couch cushions were missing, the table was flipped over. Magazines, empty liquor bottles, and broken glass covered the floor. I was so puzzled. I tiptoed my way through the living room, looking down at the floor, placing every step carefully. Mom came stumbling out of the bathroom, nearly falling. Her hair was everywhere, and her shirt has dirty. I could see the tears raining down her eyes. She tried to sip her bottle, but nothing came out. Frustrated, she threw the bottle at the wall, shattering it to a million pieces. I immediately ducked. "Mom, wha-what are you doing?" I asked, confused. She went into the kitchen, using the wall for help. She grabbed another bottle out of the fridge. She walked out and looked at me with her droopy eyes. "It's the thirteenth." she said. She opened her bottle and took a gag. She flopped down onto the couch. I watched her, hesitating to do anything I just stood there. She picked up a picture frame of the floor, I watched as she gazed deeply at the picture and more tears rain down her face. It hit me then. It was dad. Years ago today he died. I really missed him, and apparently she did too. I just couldn't stand to see her like this. "Come on ma, time for bed." I tried to help her get up, but she refused. I kept trying to get her up, but she refused. She started to get angry. Furious, enraged, she lashed out on me. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!!!" she yelled. I couldn't believe it. She never hit me. She was once a lovely and caring mother: I don't see that woman anymore. "Get out JJ." she said, vaguely pointing at the door. I tried to get a word out but she yelled even louder this time. "GET OUT!!!" She threw her bottle at me. I quickly ducked, as it shattered against the wall. I quickly got up and headed to the door. I was mad this time. I was so sick of this. People pretending that she will get better, but I'm the one who has to live through this every night. My hand touches the door handle when I hear a bang and some glass break. I turn back to see her on the floor. Blood dripping down her arms, her arms shook. I stormed out.

(Worst. Day. Ever. I wish my dad was here, but it's strange. Every time I think about him, I-It's not that I don't remember him it's just...he was never there. I went to my uncle's apartment downtown, I knew I would be fine there. But what happened next, I will never forget.)

   My uncle trusted me with the key to his place. He told me I could come there anytime, and more than ever did I needed to. I walked into his place, still mad about my mom. The apartment was quiet. "Unc" I called for him, but I heard nothing in return. He was nowhere to be found. I started looking around, calling for him. I saw his bedroom door was cracked open and his light was on. I walked in to only find him bleeding out on the floor.

"Jake..." he said vaguely, trying to get up. I was frozen. I stood there for a second, stunned, my mind was racing. Finally I came to my senses, and quickly came to his aid.

"Unc, what's going on?! What are you-what are you wearing??!" I was so confused. I stopped and noticed what he was wearing. The coat, the hat, the mask on the floor, the all-black. I couldn't believe it at the time, but it was too much to comprehend.

"Jake, help me up." I put his arm around my neck, trying lift his 240lb. mass up with all the strength I could muster. I helped him up onto the bed. He pulled open his jacket, revealing his vest and the bloody mess that covered where his heart is. It was so overwhelming I didn't know what to do.

"Help me take this off." he said. I unlatched the straps on the back and removed his vest. The moment I took the vest off, I saw them. The scars, the bruises, the blood that covered his chest and left shoulder.

"Oh my God. Oh my God." I started to panic.

"Calm down Jake, it's gonna be alright." he said, covering his wound.

"I'm calling 911." He quickly grabbed my wrist before I could get my phone. I looked down at him, shaking his head no at me.

"Look Jake, there's so much I need to tell you, and I have very little time to do it." he said. I tried to tell him to keep his strength, but he kept going.

"I'm not the man you think I am. I never was." I tried to understand, but it was all too much.

"People will say things about me, very ugly things. But I need you to promise me something...promise me you won't believe them." I didn't understand, but I still answered him. 

"...I won't." A tear drew down my eye, because I knew what this meant.

"Promise me something else, that you will never stop helping people. No matter what." I didn't quite understand, but I accepted. He started to fade. "Unc, Uncle Don! No-no-no-no-no! Stay with me-stay with me!" I started shaking his head, trying to keep him awake. He tried to whisper something to me.

"vigilante..." he mumbled.

"what" I didn't understand him.

"vigila-" he lost his grip on me. He was gone.

"Uncle Don. Uncle Don!" I kept shaking him, trying to wake him up. I started pumping his chest. I kept pumping, pumping, and pumping, but nothing. His heart gave out. I cried over his body.

My uncle, my mentor, my hero was gone.

                                                                             To Be Continued...

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