*Chapter 4: Family Ties*

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*The Salvatore Boarding House- Stefan's Room- Morning/The Gilbert's House- The Living Room- Nighttime*

Stefan is asleep under the covers and is having a nightmare bout Damon killing Elena. He sits up and gasps, taking deep breathes. Damon is sitting at his desk and comments with a smile, "Do you know, how easy, it was, to get in, your head, right now?" Stefan glares at him upset as he continues and he remarks, "You really, need some human blood, to even the playing field? Football reference, to soon?" He smiles. Stefan says nothing and sees a knife laying on the table and flashes over to the table, grabs it and throws it at him upset and it hits his chest and Damon looks at him shocked and stands, pulls the knife out and retorts with a smile, "Alright, I deserved that." He glares at him as he continues and reveals with a smile, "I just wanted, you to know? They caught the culprit. The animal that attacked all those people and Tanner." Stefan looks at him shocked and retorts confused, "What are you talking about?" Damon responds and continues, "A mountain lion. A really big one." Stefan stills looks at him confused as he continues and admits, "It attacked, a hunter this morning. It's all over the news! 'Deadly Beast Captured, All's Well in Mystic Falls.'" He nods and retorts in shock and curious now, "Why did you, cover your tracks?" Damon walks over to the window, near his bed and retorts with a smile, "I've decided to stay awhile. I'm having, way too much fun with you and Elena?" Stefan nods and retorts with a smile, "Can't touch her, now? Damon responds and admits with a smile, "Well, the vervain, keeps me out of her head. Maybe, that's not my target." He smiles and Stefan glares at him upset as he continues, "Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls, don't need my persuasion." Damon walks over to him and continues, "Some girls, just can't resist my good looks, my style, my charm, and my unflinching ability, to listen to Taylor Swift." He stabs him in the chest with the knife and Stefan groans in pain and falls on his knees, grasping the handle. Damon looks at his shirt and retorts upset, "This was John Varvatos, dude? Bad move!" He leaves to change his shirt. Stefan pulls the knife out and sees his wound is healed.

*A Few Minutes Later*

Stefan is sitting at his desk and he's listening to the news, by Sheriff Forbes and Logan Fell. He sighs and writes in journal bout Damon, 'The real animal is still out there. Waiting for me. Challenging me, to fight back, to stop him. But how do I stop him, without becoming a monster, myself?'

*The Gilbert's House- The Kitchen/Elena's Bedroom*

Jenna is wearing a purple blouse and navy-blue jeans. She's looking at the news and says upset about Logan Fell, "Scum ball." Elena walks in, wearing a purple tank top and navy-blue jeans and tennis shoes. She stands near her and retorts with a smile, "Who are you talking to?" Jenna responds and retorts to him, "Him?" Elena looks at him and comments, "The news guy?" She nods and retorts with a smile, "Also known, as Logan scum Fell. Did your mom, ever tell you, why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Elena laughs and retorts in shock and says surprised, "Oh, no way. You and him?" She looks back at him and retorts with a smile, "I mean, he's a little cute?" She sits at the table and lays a gold antique box down and Jenna scoffs and retorts to her upset, "He is not cute. There is nothing cute about him." She turns the television off and then, walks over to her and asks sternly, "What are you doing, with that?" She opens it and starts cleaning off the objects inside with a rag. She responds and admits, "I went yesterday, to the cities deposit box." Jenna leans forward and nods as she continues, "Mom had told Ms. Lockwood, that she'd loan it to the Founders Council, for heritage display." Jenna nods and then, grabs a gold ring out and comments in shock and remarks, "Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Elena nods and admits to her with a smile, "Yes. But originally, it was Great-Great Grandma Mary's ring." Jeremy walks in, wearing a brown t-shirt and navy-blue jeans and he grabs a gold pocket watch out and comments with a smile, "How much, do you think, this stuff is worth on E-bay?" Elena snatches it from him annoyed and retorts sternly, "You're not going to find out!" Jenna glares at him and retorts in agreement, "Seriously, Jeremy, that's just disrespectful!" Jenna lays the ring back down on the cloth and Elena cleans the watch and he retorts upset to Elena, "That stuff is Mom and Dad's. You can't just give it away." She shakes her head and retorts with a smile, "I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." He smiles and then, the doorbell rings and she puts the watch back inside the chest and then, goes over to the door and opens it and sees its Stefan. Stefan, is wearing an orange and brown plaid shirt and black jeans. He says with a smile to her, "Hi." She pulls him inside, happy and closes the door and then, leans forward and kisses him and he responds to the kiss. She breaks it and says with a smile, "Hi." He smiles.

Elena and Stefan are sitting on her bed and they continue kissing and making out and she lays down and he gets on top off her and she cups his face with her hands and responds to the kiss and then, he starts kissing her neck and she sighs happy and runs her fingers through his brown hair and then, his vampires features start to show and he notices from in the mirror and he gets off of her and controls it and she laughs, and retorts with a smile, "Are you, k?" He nods and retorts with a smile, "I'm good. "Sorry." She nods and retorts with a smile, "Maybe, we should take a break?" He looks over to her and admits with a smile, "Yea, you're probably rite? That was getting intense and intimate." She nods and says with a smile, "Yea." He gets off the bed and sits in the windowsill and she sits up on the edge of her bed. She asks with a smile, curious, "How do you look, in a suit?" He nods, smiles and retorts, "I can pull one off." He puts his boots back on as she continues and retorts with a smile, "How about tomorrow, night? Will you, be my date, to the Founders Party?" He smiles and retorts surprised, "They still do that?" She nods and retorts with a smile, "Have you been, before?" He shakes his head and retorts sternly, "No. The Salvatores don't get invited, anymore." He smiles and she nods and retorts, "Well, this year, there's this heritage project, that means a lot, to my mom. She was really involved, with the Founders Council and it was her favorite party." He smiles as she continues and says, "I know, it sounds, really boring, but..." He cuts her off and retorts with a smile, now, "I will, be honored to accompany you, Ms. Gilbert." She responds and retorts with a smile, "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Salvatore." He smiles.

*The Forbes House- Caroline's Bedroom*

Caroline is wearing a yellow dress with a black belt and black boots and she's looking at herself in the mirror and smiles. Then, she turns to Damon, whose laying on her bed, wearing all black clothes. Hes holding a Twilight book in his hand and reading it. He looks over to her and retorts, "No yellow. Its too inaugural. Wear the light blue one?" She responds and retorts sternly, "I don't like the blue one." He cuts her off and retorts with a smile, "Well, I do and if I'm going to be your date..." She shakes her head and retorts sternly, "You cannot be my date." She looks at herself in the mirror again and she continues, "My mother is going to be there and she's very proud gun owner." He responds and retorts serious, "I went through a lot of trouble, to make sure this party, wasn't cancelled. Its very important, I be there!" She turns to him and he looks over to her and compels her, 'Please take me?' She responds and retorts with a smile, "You should come to the Founders party with me?" He smiles and remarks, "Not, if you're wearing that dress?" He smiles as she changes out of it and walks over to her closet and grabs the blue one with a pink belt to it." He asks her with a smile about the book, "What's so special about this, Bella girl? Edward is so ripped." She puts it on the blue one and goes over to the mirror and looks at herself and retorts with a smile, "You have to read, the first book, first? You won't understand it, if you don't." He nods and sighs. "Now, Ms. Anne Rice, I understood." She nods, responds and asks curious, "How come, you don't sparkle, in the sunlight?" He responds and reveals with a smile, "Because, I live in the real world, where vampires, get burnt in the sun." She responds and retorts, "But, you do go out in the sun?" He puts his hand out and retorts to his silver and black family crest ring like Stefan's, "I have a daylight ring. It protects me. Long story." He starts reading again and she looks at the bite marks on her back, and neck and retorts in wonderment, "Will these bites, turn me into a vampire?" He looks over to her, closes the book and admits with a smile, "No. Its more complicated than that." She walks over to him as he continues sternly, "You have to feed on my blood and then die and then feed on a human. Its a whole ordeal." She nods in understanding as he continues, "This book by the way, has it all wrong." He lays the book on the dresser and then, grabs her by the arms and flips her on the bed and she laughs and he gets on top of her and holds her wrist down playfully and kisses her and she responds to the kiss and then he starts kissing her neck and she comments with a smile, "You can be very gentle and sweet, when you want to be?" He nods and he retorts with a smile, "I can be. Yes." He cups her face with his hand, and she responds and asks scared, "Are you going to kill me?" He nods and retorts with a smile, "Yes. But not now?" She responds and retorts confused, "Why not?" He responds and admits with a smile, "I need you, do something for me?" She smiles and retorts, "Anything." He nods, continues and asks with a clever smile, "How good, are you, getting this little nose, where it doesn't belong?" She responds and retorts with a smile, "Oh, I'm excellent." He smiles and retorts, "Bad girl." She smiles and they kiss again.

*The Mystic Grill*

Carol Lockwood and Richard Lockwood are sitting near at each other at a booth and Tyler is sitting across from them. Richard speaks and asks sternly to Tyler, "So what happens this season, one big forfeit? Are they looking for a new coach?" He responds and retorts sternly, "Idk dad, I don't think, anybody cares about that, right now." Carol speaks and says to Richard, "Richard, the Founders Party, focus?" He nods and Tyler smiles and then, Vicki is wearing a blue blouse and black jeggings with black boots. She's their waitress and she walks over to them and asks sternly, "How are ya'll doing, here?" Tyler looks away from her and she notices upset and so does his mom and his dad speaks and retorts with a smile, "We're good, sweetheart". She nods and refills Tyler's cup and retorts with a smile, "Is there anything else, I can get you?" Tyler retorts not in the mood, "No. We're fine thanks." Richard responds and says with a smile, "Just the check?" She nods and gives it to him, "Here you go, Mayor Lockwood?" He says with a smile, "Thanks." She grabs the check back and then, leaves upset.

Bonnie is wearing a white-shirt, white and black vest and a grey skirt with black boots. Caroline is wearing a black and white plaid scarf, a black t-shirt and a black, white and pink plaid skirt with black boots on. They walk in and Bonnie says surprised and comments upset, "You're taking Damon, to the Founders Party? What about me?" Caroline responds and retorts, "Go with Elena?" They sit at a table across from each other and Bonnie retorts with a smile, "She's taking Stefan. Caroline nods and remarks with a smile, "K then, go by yourself." Bonnie laughs and retorts with a smile, "K. Geesh, thanks. What about your mom? Is she k, with you bringing, Damon?" Caroline looks at her unfazed and remarks with a smile in disbelief, "I'm supposed to care, why?" Bonnie responds and says sternly, "Well, he's older, sexy, danger guy?" Caroline responds and retorts upset with a smile, "Older, sexy, danger guy? What? Is that another one, of your favorite witch tweets?" Bonnie shakes her head and says serious, "No more witch jokes. K, that whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing, has me freaked." Caroline nods and retorts sternly, "K." Bonnie says nothing as she continues and admits bout Damon, "Damon's not dangerous. You know, he's just... Has a lot of baggage with his brother. I mean, major deep related drama." Bonnie looks at her shocked and retorts worried now, "Like what?" Caroline shakes her head, sighs and admits, "I'm not really, supposed to say anything." Bonnie laughs and retorts with a smile, "Caroline Forbes, when, have you ever kept, a damn secret, in your life?" Caroline nods and retorts with a smile, "K, but you can't tell Elena?" Bonnie nods.

Tyler's parents have left, and he walks over to Vicki and asks with a smile, "So, what are you going to buy me?" She walks away from him and goes behind the counter and shuts it, retorts upset with him, "Some Class! Oh look, your parents are gone. I guess, we can be close now?" Jeremy is sitting at the counter and he overhears their conversation as Tyler retorts upset now, "What the hell, does that mean?" She responds and says tired and done, "You treat me like crap and I'm sick of it!" He shakes his head and retorts with a smile, I don't think of you as crap, k?" She nods and then, retorts in disbelief with a smile, "Really, then, who are you, taking to The Founders Party?" He responds and retorts with a smile shocked, "Vicki Donavon, do you want me, to ask you, to the Founders Party?" She shakes her head and remarks with a smile, "Nah, itd be stupid and lame." He smiles and retorts, "True. It'd be less stupid and lame, if your there." Jeremy sighs upset by this as he leaves. She smiles and Jeremy comments and retorts with a smile, "You do realize, you had to ask him first, to ask you, right?" She looks over to him as he continues and remarks, "You think, if you dress up, like respectable young lady, hell finally treat you, like one?" She looks at him hurt and retorts upset, "Screw you, Jeremy!" She scoffs and starts cleaning off the table and he continues tired, "You know, its the wrong choice, and yet you make it, anyway?" She says nothing and finishes cleaning off the counter and she glares at him and he continues and retorts, "Its sad, Vik." She says nothing else to him and leaves and he sighs.

*Back at The Salvatore Boarding House- The Living Room- An Ambush/A Meeting*

Damon is sitting in the red couch with his feet up and he's reading one of Stefan's textbooks and Zach is wearing a grey shirt and navy-blue jeans. He sees him and says sternly, "I didn't know, that you were here?" Damon nods and retorts sternly, "Just going through Stefan's homework. Boy, this country has dumbed down since the last hundred years." Zach looks at him shocked as he continues retorts in disbelief, "Why, he wants to go to high school? Is beyond me? I mean, in the 70s, it was the Ivy League. Now Harvard, I understood." He continues flipping through the pages and continues and retorts with a smile, "Actually, no. I didn't get that either." Zach glares at him and opens his mouth to say something, but doesn't and Damon comments with a smile, "Go ahead, purge? Get it out, what's on your mind?" He walks over to him and retorts tired and asks sternly, "Why are you here, Damon? Damon looks over to him, with a smile and retorts, "To spend time with you, Zach." He shuts the book and lays it on the table behind him and continues, "Family is important." Zach nods and remarks with a smile, "I know you, you always have a motive." Damon smiles and leans back getting comfy as he continues and asks sternly, "So, what's it this time?!" Damon sighs, flashes over to him and grabs him by throat and retorts pissed off and informs him, "You're in no position to question me!" Zach nods, chokes a little and retorts apologizing, "I didn't mean to upset you, Damon?" Damon smiles and he remarks, "This isn't me upset, Zach?" Stefan walks in and sees and asks serious, "What's going on in here?" Damon releases him and he falls on the ground, trying to catch his breath as Damon turns to Stefan and retorts with a smile, "Nothing, just having a family moment, Stefan." He leaves and Stefan rushes over to Zach and asks concerned, "Are you k?" He puts his hand out to help him up, but Zach smacks it away and retorts upset and comments in disbelief, "No. I'm not and neither are you! How many more people, have to die, before you see that?!" Stefan nods and retorts sternly, "I see that, Zach. I do." He yells, retorts upset and confused now, "Then why, arent you doing anything, bout it?!" Stefan responds and yells serious, "I can't Zach!" He calms down a little and admits, "It would only take human blood, for me to stop him. I can't do that!" Zach looks at him shocked, stands, looks behind himself to make sure theyre not being overheard and reveals to him sternly, "Vervain, will weaken him, if he ingests it." Stefan nods in understanding as he continues, "Then and only then, it'll give you an upper hand." Stefan shakes his head and admits sadly, "Vervain hasn't grown here, since 1865. Damon sought to that! All I had, I gave it to Elena, to protect her." Zach looks behind himself again, to make sure Damon's not listening and then, says to him sternly, "Come with me?!" Stefan follows after him as he opens a secret passageway, hidden on the wall and they go downstairs to the cells and garden and Stefan sees the garden is full of Vervain plants and comments in shock and says surprised, "You've been growing it?" Zach nods and admits, "Its just been something that's just been passed down by generations of my ancestors." Stefan looks at him shocked as he continues and admits with a smile, "If Damon, knew I had it, he'd kill me!" Stefan nods and retorts confused, "But you're telling me, why?" Zach responds and retorts sternly, "I trust you and you're going to need it, if you want to get rid of him?!" Stefan nods.

*Back at The Gilbert's House- The Kitchen- Evening*

The doorbell rings and Jeremy comes down the steps and goes over to it and opens it and its Tyler and he sighs and closes the door back, but Tyler stops him and retorts sternly, "I'm here, for my mom? I'm supposed to, pick up a box of stuff?" Elena walks over to them with the chest in her hands and says, "Yes. Here, please be careful?" He nods and takes it and says, "Thanks." Elena notices the tension between him and Jeremy and retorts sternly, "Tyler, maybe you should go, but tell your mom, I'll see her tonight. He nods and she goes in the kitchen. Jeremy tries to shut the door again, but Tyler holds it open again and retorts with a smile, "Hey, would it, make a difference, if I actually told you, that I like Victoria?" Jeremy shakes his head and retorts in disbelief and remarks with a smile, "Not even, if you meant it!" He closes the door and goes upstairs to his room. Back in The Kitchen, Bonnie is sitting at the table and looking at what nail polish for her and Elena to put on and asks with a smile, "Delicate flower vs, Naughty Vixen?" Elena grabs a bowl and then turns the sink on and fills it up with water and retorts with a smile, "That's a tough call, can we mix them?" Bonnie nods, taking out, some lip gloss, makeup, eyeliner, and nail polish remover out of her purse, "Well, look at you, getting all pretty for your date?" Elena smiles and lays a napkin down on the table and then the bowl of water down and sits near her. "You seem happyish?" Elena nods and retorts with a smile, "I am. Tonight is gonna to be a good night. But don't let

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