Twenty-eight - Obstacles

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Alex's POV

I gulped my shot feeling slightly frustrated as I explained to Taylor for the tenth time that I could not love her after what she did to my family. The wedding would take place one day from today and Taylor and I decided to meet for the last time before then. I thought it would be just a guy's night out but Taylor decided to try to convince me to stop the plan again.

He really wants to convince me that I love her and while a large part of me agrees with him I would never say that out loud. I could not let him know that or we would be much more persistent and keep me from finishing my revenge.

"Bro for the last time! I don't love her, I couldn't after what she did" I said exasperated.

"Alex I've known you since we were kids man, I can see you're lying to yourself right now" he pleaded.

I was slightly drunk which is why I did what I did next, "I'll prove to you I don't love her."

He looked worried and said, "how?"

"Watch me," I said as I headed over to a beautiful girl dancing in the middle of the floor with a group of girls.

"Hey beautiful, care to dance with me?" I said smoothly.

She looked excited and impressed, "I would love to."

After that we danced a few songs, moving our bodies closer against each other as time moved on. I could tell she was a little tipsy too when we began kissing and I had to remind myself I was proving a point to Taylor. I did feel slightly repulsed as I kissed her because her lips were not sweet or soft like Mia's. I was frustrated with myself for thinking of Mia right now when I'm trying to show myself I don't love her like I think I do.

The girl wrapped her arms around my neck and tried making out with me which I only complied with because Taylor was watching. I guess we had been dancing for a while because the girl's friends asked her if she wanted to leave yet since they were leaving. She looked undecided so I offered to take her home.

"Uh yeah I'll stay a bit longer with him," she giggled as she talked to her friends.

We made out while dancing for a bit longer but all I could think of was how Mia would play with my hair as we danced and how her body fit perfectly against mine.

Taylor looked annoyed as he walked up to me, "can we talk for a minute?"

I nodded and told her I would be back in a second then followed Taylor, "convinced yet?"

"Yeah I am convinced, now can we go? I'm tired of seeing you suck face," he said obviously annoyed with me. I could tell he was really drunk and was only annoyed because he cared about my happiness.

"I can't, I'm taking her home with me. We can catch up later though?" As the words came out I felt guilty but I really wanted to convince him.

"Whatever man" he slurred as he left.

I went back to the girl whose name I still didn't know and headed outside with her as soon as I saw Taylor leave.

"Gosh so eager," she said giggling.

I tried to smile seductively and got in the car with her. As I headed to my place I could not help but wish that it was Mia with me. Her intoxicating smell was still lingering in my car but was being overpowered by this girl's overly sweet perfume. I kept comparing how Mia would glance at me sideways and how her laugh was the most adorable. As I got closer to my place I realized I was being a complete idiot. I did not want this girl and I would not use her like this just to prove a point. It was completely wrong to act like this and it just did not feel right.

"What's your address?" I asked.

"My place instead of yours? It's 501 Quintard Road."

I put the address into the GPS and headed there. As I opened her door for her to get off she tried to kiss me again and this time I held her back.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't, I just can't do this... I have feelings for someone else and it's wrong to use you to make myself feel better."

She looked a little disappointed but nodded and headed inside. I drove back to Mia's place wanting to see her. I was going to wake her up when I got back but figured she would not be happy seeing me drunk so I opened up with the spare key and went in quietly.

I was too tired to even change so I just laid down in bed and kissed her cheek lightly. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, I cuddled with her and went to sleep.

Mia's POV

For some reason I woke up extremely early today. I had a dream that my phone kept vibrating and I could not answer. I looked around confused and realized my phone was actually vibrating so I picked up. As I answered the phone I could not help but smile when I saw Alex sleeping next to me. He had gone out with Taylor yesterday which made me happy because I knew he missed him. He was probably so tired last night that he didn't even change his clothes.


"Mia? It's Addison, good morning."

"Hey what's up? Everything alright?"

"Sort of, can we talk?"

"Yeah of course, what is it?" I said as I headed to the kitchen not wanting to wake up Alex since I saw him slightly move.

"I think it's best if I do it in person... Can we meet now?"

"What is it about? You know I get so worried when I have to wait to hear bad news.."

"It's about Alex, I think it is best if I tell you in person."

I was totally confused, he was here safe with me so what could be wrong with him?

"Adds please just tell me now? We can meet up to talk more about it later but you can't not tell me..." I said as my heart beat faster. Addison knows that I cannot ever wait when people say they have to talk to me. It just makes me so worried and I overreact and think it is something worse than it really is.

"Fine Mia... When Taylor got home yesterday he was drunk and when we were cuddling in bed he said he was worried... I asked him why and he said because Alex stayed at the bar. I asked him why he stayed and Taylor said he couldn't tell me so I prodded a little bit and since he was really drunk he said Alex had been making out with some girl and took her home last night..."

My heart dropped to my knees as I heard her say that and the blood completely left my body making me feel cold and empty. I was too shocked at what she said to even talk or say anything.

"Mia? Mia? I'll be in your apartment in fifteen minutes alright?"

I wanted to say alright but I couldn't I was too shocked. I always thought the person I fell in love with would never cheat on me. I never thought he would cheat on me like this. Betray my trust and my love. The fact that he just came home last night after all that to cuddle with me was completely over the top. I wanted to ask him, hear his side of the story. I wanted to know what happened but my body was lot reacting to anything.

"Mia?" he said in his I just woke up voice.

His voice melted the ice and filled the emptiness. I turned around slowly and held back the tears threatening to abandon my eyes. I looked into his eyes with the raw pain visible in mine. He looked like had had a rough night. He was still wearing his clothes from last night and his hair was disheveled. The dark circles under his eyes were very noticeable.

"Is everything alright?"

"I don't know, is it?"

"I thought it was..." He said as he took two cautious steps towards me.

"What happened last night?" I went straight to the point.

He looked taken by surprise then looked at me with a straight face, "I went out to the bar with Taylor, you knew that..."

"Yeah, tell me what I don't know." I said in a calm tone despite the fact that my nerves were haywire.

"Nothing happened, tell me what's wrong?" He said a little dubious as if testing me.

"Did you say hi to the girl for me?"

He opened his mouth as if to defend himself but closed it because nothing would come out.

"You thought I would not find out?"


"Get out of my house." My voice was assertive despite the fact that everything inside me was slowly breaking.

"Baby please let me explain."

I walked out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom then closed the door behind me because I could not let him see me break down. Once I was in the safety of my bedroom walls I could not help but let go of the traitor tears.

"Mia listen to me, nothing happened. Look I was drunk and she was throwing myself on me and yeah I was dancing with her but she started making out with me. I was an idiot and kissed her back and I regretted that as soon as it happened because it felt completely wrong that it wasn't you."

I tried to tune him out not wanting to hear his excuses as the tears kept falling down my cheeks. It's crazy that my relationship with him would end like this. After everything we have been through and the promises we made to each other.

"Her friends had already left and she asked me if I could drive her to her place and she was really drunk so I just wanted her to get back safe. I promise you nothing happened. I dropped her off and that was it. I promise." He said and I could hear both fear and pain in his voice.

The doorbell started ringing and I heard Addison's voice. I wanted to open the door but that would mean facing Alex. I heard the doorbell ring again and decided I had to open this time. As I opened the door and headed into the living room expecting to see Alex walking towards me and trying to make it up to me, I was shocked to see Addison punching the right side of his face. Most girls slapped but not her. She had been a boxer when she was younger and had definitely learned how to throw a good punch. Alex staggered back a little shocked and definitely in pain as his hand flew up to his face.


As soon as she looked up at me I saw the worry take over the anger and she immediately came to hug me. I held onto her as Alex stood straight up and said, "Mia please, I'm not lying. It was only a kiss that was it." He removed his hand from his face and his right lip was bleeding a little. It was already slightly swollen but it would definitely be worse.

"Leave her alone and just get out of here you ass!" Addison yelled at him.

"I won't leave, not until she hears me out. I did not do anything with that girl. It was a kiss and I regret it deeply. Please baby girl... I love you only you." He looked at me as he took a step closer making Addison get defensive again.

I wanted to say something but my voice seemed to have left to a far away land.

"Look ask Taylor, he saw! It was only a kiss."

Addison laughed annoyed, "he was the one that told me what happened."

He looked confused and angry because he felt betrayed like I did now. "Fine then ask her, the girl! She will tell we did nothing! Her address is still in my GPS. 501 Quintard Road. Go find her and ask her if you don't believe me."

I looked at him wanting to believe him with everything I had but the pain was too powerful for me to think of anything else. Addison replied for me, "great! We will do that!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out with her. I let myself be dragged because it felt like I was on automatic. I heard Addison talking about him and comforting me but nothing made sense. It wasn't until I was in front of some random girl who looked like she had a very rough night was standing in front of me.

"I know this is weird but I have a question for you which I hope you can answer. Yesterday were you at a bar?"

She looked apprehensive but nodded, "yeah, I was at Beating."

"Don't take this the wrong way but the man that you were with... The one that brought you home, did he you know sleep with you?"

Recognition flitted across her face and she smiled, "he just brought me home, I thought we would but he said he was in love with somebody else and did not want to so we didn't... Now if you'll excuse me I have a horrible hangover and it's too freaking early."

I nodded and she closed the door. Addison looked at me a little sheepish and we headed back to the car. By the time we got back to my place I was feeling slightly better but still confused. He had still kissed someone else...

When I got to my door I heard yelling and something breaking. Addison's reaction was faster than mine and she opened the door to see Alex and Taylor shoving each other. Something that looked like a vase was broken on the floor.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Addison got in between the both of them but I could tell Alexander was still angry trying to get around her. 

Taylor was the first to answer, "Addi I was drunk last night, I didn't know what I was saying." He said to Addison while looking only into Alex's eyes as if saying it to him but he didn't actually look sorry.

"Taylor you said he made out with someone and was going to sleep with her."

"Yeah but I did not see them actually leave together. He could have not slept with her... Or he could have." At that last part Alex anger raised again and I saw him about to try to get to Taylor again so I stepped in between as well and held my hands against Alex's chest, "stop" I whispered.

He immediately seemed to calm down. I said, "I spoke to her, she said you kissed but did not sleep with her only took her home. Don't be angry at Taylor for only speaking the truth."

He looked down at me then he looked away and I could tell something I said he did not like.

Taylor held Addison's hand and said "we're leaving. If you need anything please let us know Mia."

I nodded and watched them walk out as I felt Alexander standing completely still next to me.

I did not really know what to say. I was hurt that he kissed someone else but he had not lied to me. What he said about what happened was true and he did not sleep with someone else even though he could have. I wanted to forgive him but at the same time I felt hurt. I looked up to him and he was looking at me with so many emotions in his eyes that I could not understand what he was feeling.

He looked into my eyes then his face looked defeated. He let my gaze go and walked into my bedroom. Once he came out he was wearing his jacket and shoes.

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah. I think it's for the best."

"What do you mean?"

"If you can't trust me then we should not be together. You had to hear the same thing from two different people in order to believe what I told you."

I would not let him guilt trip me, "but you did kiss someone else? That is a form of betrayal."

"Yeah I did, and I apologize. I regretted it the instant I did but there's nothing more I can do about that now."

He walked over to the door but I moved in front of him as he got closer, "Don't leave."

"Mia... I love you. I'm sorry I messed up I know that but it won't happen again... I just need you to trust me."

All the pain that I had been feeling this morning overwhelmed me which was why I broke down crying as I nodded. He looked at me then held me against him trying to comfort me. This was our first serious fight and we were not even married yet.

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