Episode 11

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Taehyung walks into the night club dressed in a suit,he was extremely handsome with his flawless skin and dark eyes that makes everyone weak on their kness,his eyes scanned the crowd and stop on the familiar male waving at him.

He made his way towards the bartender ignoring the stare he was used to and plopped down beside the male who smirk at him.

"you are seriously too handsome for my liking"hoseok snickered making the younger rolled his eyes at him.

"are you coming here straight from work"he added but lifted a brow when the younger let out a tired sigh.

"you know taehyung you have to loosen yourself a bit enjoying your life with no regrets don't live for your father and brother,you deserve to be happy too tae,you can't keep this up"

"I can't hyung,my brother has already hate me i can't risk him despising me more when he found out i'm crushing on park jimin"

"but what about you,you have known that kid too since childhood you even came back from America just because of him,you can't just let your brother take everything away from you tae and Jungkook hated you,he has been treating you like shit despite all the things you've done for him"

"I'm sure he have his reason"

"what reason,to me he was just behaving like immature brat"he said with a scoff while taehyung snap a glare at him.

"well thanks for your advice but i can't tolerate you insulting my brother"he spat out while hoseok sneered out.

"Chill bro"he said raising his hands in surrender.

"then how about i find you someone before you go crazy"he added with a cunning smile.

"no thank you"taehyung snort scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Come on i heard you can find many hookup in this place"he added with a michevious grin.

"You really are so shameless"taehyung  sneered and rolled his eyes.

"Come on just to catch fun,how about that one"hoseok pointed to one male in the club and taehyung eyes widened when he saw the familiar male dancing and grinding on someone in the dance floor.

Taehyung doesn't know why or how but his legs raced to the dance floor in a flash and yanked the smaller male from the man who hissed at him and went away to find another victim.

"What the hell are you doing"jinim shout glaring at him trying to break himself free from the older grasp.

"you are not in your right mind and I'm taking you out from here"taehyung mentioned and drag the younger away from the club ignoring the protests he is getting from the male,he look towards hoseok and the older give him a smirks with a winks.

Taehyung let out a sneer at the pervert behavior of the elder before taking the smaller male away from there.

On reaching outside jinim yanked his hands away from taehyung and send him a glare.

"What the hell was that"he barked making the taller let out a sigh.

"you are drunk jinim and that man was taking advantage of you"

"And so why is that your business"he muttered glaring at the male.

"stay away from me"he warned pointing accusing fingers at the male.

He turned back staggering away from the elder who let out a sigh when he saw jinim stepping on his shoelaces making tripped over and fall flat on the floor while he quickly comes to the rescue as he help the younger back on his feets.

"Let get you home"taehyung whispered softly while the younger frown and shakes his head.

"i don't want to"he mumbled and taehyung lift a brow at him."and why is that"

"because i have nothing like that"he whispered and let out a sad sigh.

taehyung helps him to one empty seat and let out a gasp when jinim suddenly put his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

"let me stay like this for a while"jinim mumbled and he can heard a sadness in his voice.

taehyung smile softly as he examined the beautiful but pale face of the male looking so vulnerable and peaceful.

he suddenly started to wonder and curious about the younger what he meant by earlier and how they never met before and what's he doing before he came back to his twinie.

taehyung just wanted to know the small male and understand him just like his twins park jimin.

his phone buzzed waking jinim up in the process as he removed his head from him,

taehyun eyes widened when the caller read park jimin and quickly take the call.

He stand up and glance at jinim who stare at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry jinim but i have to go to park jimin"he said and his heart tugs in discomfort as he see some sadness crossing the younger feature which he decided to ignored since what matters right now is the second male,who have his heart.

He quickly turned away from jinim since his heart is acting wierd around the male.

"taehyung"jinim called making the elder stop and glance back at him.

Jinim let out a pain smile."be careful and thanks for being here with me tonight"he said making taehyung nodded and smiled back before hurried to the car and drove off.

Jinim let out a sad sigh and brush his hair from his face.

"it's okay jinim you are used to this"he whispered softly and blinks the tears threatened to fall from his eyes.


taehyung quickly rushed into the house and stopped.a sharp pain tugs in his heart as he watched jimin on the floor hugging himself with face soaked in tears.

taehyung slowly walked to him and kneel in front of him and cupped his face lifting his eyes to meet his.

"please don't cry"he whispered softly and wipe the younger tears away.he brings their face together as their eyes dance together creating a spark between them.

Jimin quickly pull away from the elder before they get too emotional attached making the taller let out a sad sigh and look at the floor,he slowly rise to his feets and reach out his hand for the younger.

"Let get out of here"he says while the younger wrap his arm around himself and he shake his head.

"please jimin give me the chance to make you happy tonight"taehyung added desperately,his word are deep just like an ocean as he stared at his soul.

Hesitantly,jimin nod and slowly took the elder hand letting him on his heart just for tonight.

Jimin stare softly at the night light,he can't deny it the place was extremely stunning,he felt a jacket hulled around him and look back finding the taller smiling at him.

"it's cold tonight"taehyung mentioned and plopped beside the younger.

"But this is your jacket"jimin frown making taehyung chuckled and assure him he was not really cold.

"hyung why did you come back without letting me know"jimin asked and look at the older."do you hate me too"

Taehyung quickly shakes his head.

"you know i can never hate you jiminie"he said and jimin heart welled at the nicknames he have been dying to hear forever,the name he missed so much from the older.

"hyung do you want to drink with me"jimin asked while taehyung raise a brow at him.

jimin slowly turned back staring at the amazing view in front of him but deep down he knew this was not the causes of his racing heart.

"I really want to get drunk right now"


Jungkook walk and walk with no destination,he halt when he heard the sound of glass breaking,he glance at the restaurant and saw the familiar male.

mistakenly Jungkook smiled and walked into the restaurant catching the male attention who stare at him with wide eyes.

"still clumsy as ever"Jungkook chuckled and crossed his arms while jinim huffed in annoyance he just have to be interrupted by two annoying brothers in a day.

"What are you doing here Jungkook"

"Well i was passing by and i just realized i'm hungry"he said with a shrugged while jinim eyeing suspiciously.

"This late at night"

"Wae are you scared of me"Jungkook smirked as he walk closer while jinim slowly back off.

jungkook halt and glance at jinim's leg.

"don't move you are standing on a glasses"Jungkook confessed making jinim look at legs and let out a huffed.

he let out a yelp when jungkook scooped him up bridal style and carry him to the chair.

"What the hell is that i have legs you know"jinim snort giving a hard look while jungkook give him a side shrugged and squatted close to his legs to have a look.

jinim held his hand up stopping him as he moved to help.

"you don't want to let the wound get infected don't you"Jungkook scoffed and take the wine on the counter and pour it on the younger foot.

jinim closed his eyes tightly shut try to hide the pain on his foot.

he heard Jungkook chuckled and slowly opened his eyes only to see the taller was staring at him.

"What is it"jinim asked with a glare at the younger who shakes his head and chuckled.

"you can cry if you want and i won't judge"he assured and chuckled.

"and your point is"jinim mentioned with a glare while the younger laughed.

"My point is you don't have to act so tough all the time"

he said and jinim went mute his glare slowly changes from anger to sadness and he was staring at the younger looking so vulnerable and worn out.

"so what are you doing here and you can't say it's your shift hour since it's already midnight"

Jungkook added trying to change the conversation as soon as possible when he studies the older facial expressions.

jinim hesitate a little as he stare back at already staring eyes of Jungkook.

He let out a sigh and brush his hair back."today is my parents anniversary so i just needed a moment for myself"

he whispered,his voice were tired as they leave his mouth,he draws in a long breath and runs a hand through his pink hair.

Jungkook sigh,his shoulder dropping and a sigh escaping his lips.

"me too i need a moment too"

He said and look back at jinim and the two stare at each other and at that moment every miserable thought in their heart disappear as their eyes drown on each other,something flickered in their heart something peculiar holding many emotions but to Jungkook it's was merely a distraction which passed by them in a flurry whisper because his mind was filled with memories of the older male.

"Wanna have drinks with me"jinim asked breaking the least moment between them and jungkook agreed.

but unknown to them the unfavoured night will end up changing the fate of the four.

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