Ch. 8: The Battle Between the Three Saiyans! (Goku and Vegeta vs Xyro)

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On the Bulma's place, Everyone is celebrate for the victory for defeating Frieza from Xyro, and now he's eating so much of a meal like he hasn't been eaten for a long time, including Goku, Goten and Trunks all together like barbarians.

Bulma: And that's how Xyro betray his master when he was a little boy.

Videl: Oh my god, so Xyro has been suffer everything because from that monster, guess it must been so hard for him on the past.

Android 18: Such a very sad story. I feel so sorry about him. This Frieza guy only wants to kill all the Saiyans.

Chi-Chi: Oh poor dear Xyro, I really wish I could just use the dragon balls to bring his parents back to life so he'll be very happy.

Bulma: Yeah me too, but at least he avenge his parents and everyone of all different planets.

The ladies look at Xyro enjoying the meal with Goku and the kids.

Android 18: *small smile* Hm, he sure did.

The ladies are still having a conversation for Xyro finding a perfect girl for him to get married while Beerus is angry at Whis for sneaking around by eating a delicious meal without him telling and keeping a secret. Gohan had something on his mind about the battle so he goes to Piccolo.

Gohan: Piccolo, I know I gave everything I get but it still not enough to catch up with Xyro, and that's the problem. Will you train me back when I was a kid? I have a growing family that I need to protect and that makes me want to fight alongside with you and Xyro as much as I can.

Piccolo: .....I understand, but it won't be easy to train, you let yourself very soft so you need to brace yourself for some hard work, kid.

Gohan: I look forward it, thanks.

Goten: So Xyro, how does it feel like becoming a Super Saiyan 5?

Trunks: Yeah I wanna know too.

Xyro: It feel like utilizing by overwhelming strength and power, it looks resemblance like the version of a Super Saiyan 3 but a different similar power type.

Trunks: Woah, that is so cool!

Goku: Hehehe! I'm actually in shock to see your new heights of your transformation Xyro. I mean, this looks so strong. I can feel that energy, it's amazing.

Xyro: Thanks Kakarot, that's why I have to get stronger and stronger so we can work this together, or perhaps I need to do this on my own when I'm going away with my life.

Then Xyro look at Vegeta looking the sky and still thinks if he's angry. So he decide to go up and talk to Vegeta.

Xyro: Vegeta.

Vegeta turns around and face at Xyro.

Xyro: Listen, I know you're mad at me for not keeping my pride of a saiyan myself, because I didn't have a—

Xyro cut off his sentence when Vegeta raise his hand to stop talking to explain.

Vegeta: I understand what you're about to say and you got yourself a shame. Believe me, I feel the same thing when I serve on that bastard Frieza.

Xyro(surprised look): What? You too?

Vegeta: That was a long time ago, I notice when Frieza destroy our planet and I didn't care about but to follow his commands. When I land on the planet Namek, I decided to get this Dragons Balls to get a wish by achieved into a Super Saiyan, but I was wrong, I gave everything he ask of us for the request mission but it still not enough. He killed my father, your parents, even all of the Saiyans, I betray Frieza cuz he's a fool who never understands about the power of Saiyans.

Xyro: Vegeta....

Vegeta: Listen up Xyro, don't you ever and I mean EVER give away your pride and never forget about the meaning of Saiyan's power, and if you did then I'll have to beat the shit out of you to make you snap out of it, got it?!

Xyro was stunned by Vegeta's words and never take a joke but serious, he smile.

Xyro: Yes sir! I'll try not to disappoint you, Kakarot and including my friends. And that goes to you too Vegeta, *smirk* if you're giving up very easy like the last time you did then I'll kick your ass for good lesson.

Vegeta: *smirk* Hmph, we'll see.

Everyone hear both of them from their conversation and they smile then Goku stand up and walk to them and place his hand on Xyro's shoulder.

Goku: Hehehehe! That's the way what I like to hear it, Xyro. Say, let's have a spar a little and see if you can handle, it's you against the two of us.

Vegeta: *smirk* I won't go easy on you, Young Warrior Boy.

Xyro: *smirk* Then it's on, boys.

The three Saiyans flys up in the sky very high so they won't damage the area of Bulma's capsule house to keep away the area while everyone look up in the sky.

Piccolo: Looks like those three are going to fight each other with no ease.

Beerus: Three Saiyans. I wonder if Goku and Vegeta can hold on long enough with this Young Saiyan Boy.

Whis: Only one way to find out.

The three of them stop flying at the distance and turns around each other by Goku and Vegeta vs Xyro.

Xyro: I hope you boys had a new heights like I did.

Goku: You bet we do, and it shock us that we feel different somehow.

Vegeta: Let's get this over with and go all out!

Both Goku and Vegeta started charging their energy as their new hair color very slowly, pushing their new heights of transformation. Goku and Vegeta's hair turned to a blue as they reveal their new form to show Xyro.

They both finished transformed into a version of a super saiyan color blue.

Xyro(shock look): *thought* Woah! That's also new but I don't sense their energy, does that mean...... they've become a Super Saiyan God?

Krillin: I don't sense Goku nor Vegeta's energy at all anymore, it's like their energy is vanished.

Gohan: That happened when Xyro turn into a Super Saiyan God, did they know how to do that like Xyro did?

Krillin: No, it's something different take a look at them. Both of their hair and aura, it's blue.

Tien: That's a good point, I remember when Xyro fought against Lord Beerus back on 6 months, his hair color is red.

Goku: Well, what do you think?

Xyro: It's like the version of a super saiyan, but it's blue dye hair.

Vegeta: That's right, since you're the first one who become the power of a god. And now, we too have the power of a god.

Goten: Awesome! So our Dads has become a Super Saiyan God?! That's so cool!

Trunks: Yeah! Looks like they're the ones who's going to win the fight!

Piccolo: ....Maybe.... If it's possible.

Gohan: Yeah I agree with Piccolo.

Xyro: Yeah....No. I don't think we'll call this a Super Saiyan God because it's already taken the name.

Goku/Vegeta: ...?

Xyro: We need to come up with the new name instead calling a Super Saiyan God. Hmmm......*mutter* let's see, Super Saiyan with the dye hair blue.....*gasp* Got it! We'll call this..... Super Saiyan Blue.

Vegeta: Super Saiyan Blue, huh?

Goku: Hey! That's not too bad, I like it.

Vegeta: Yeah, not so bad after all. Hmph! Well then, I hope you're ready for this cuz we're not going easy on you.

Xyro: Oh I agree more, get ready!

Xyro charge the basic power while the Z-Fighters feel the wind pressure of his energy.

Xyro: Haaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!

Krillin: Is he gonna...?

Piccolo: Yes, he'll go Super Saiyan 5 again.


Then the light brights from his body and it shines the entire world and everyone cover themselves, when the light dies, they all see Xyro's transformation of a Super Saiyan 5 for a second time.

Goku: *smirk* Heh! Heh! Heh!

Vegeta: *smirk* Hmhmhmhm!

Videl: Woah! What happen to him? He looks different than he was before.

Gohan: That's a Super Saiyan 5.

Android 18: So that's how he defeat Frieza with this form. *small smile* Hm, it look really badass.

Marron: Oh Wow! Big brother Xyro is the strongest of the world!

Goku: I'm still shock to see this form again, you really are amazing.

Vegeta: But I'm curious, how did you find a way to transform beyond than a Super Saiyan 4?

Xyro: I use the power ball to turn me into the great ape in the Hyperbolic Time-Chamber and I lost myself again and begin rampage, but when I'm finally back myself, I feel something sorrowful and angry for losing my parents. So I push myself to surpass my own limits. That's how I manage to boost my power to turn into Super Saiyan 5.

Vegeta: I see, I'll keep that in mind. Now Xyro, *stance* let's see which one of transformations are the strongest, Super Saiyan Blue or Super Saiyan 5.

Goku: *stance* I like to see if you're up against it.

Xyro: Hmph, *stance* guess we'll have to find out!

Goku and Vegeta are staring into Xyro's eyes waiting on him to move without focusing them while Xyro do the same thing. He glare at Vegeta and then glare back to Goku. They both flash their speed and throws their punch but Xyro counter back to the both sides with his forearms.

Xyro: *smirk* Hmph!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Xyro use the energy pulse to push them back and goes to Vegeta to take a first attack but Vegeta counter it by grabbing his fist, Vegeta throws a punch to Xyro but he also counter it by grabbing his fist and they both use their Headbutt and glare at each other with their smirk.

Vegeta: You're getting better now! But you're gonna have to do better than that if you can beat me!

Xyro: Oh I'm just getting started Vegeta!

Goku: Don't forget about me Xyro!

Goku charge at them but Xyro do the quick to activate the Multi-Form technique to counter on Goku's attack and start clashing them the punches and kicks at the same time to their different opponents. Goku leans back to dodge on Xyro's punches and kick on the bottom of his chin but it disappear like it's not real Xyro as for Vegeta grab Xyro's wrist and swings him around and throws him towards to Goku and just then Goku throws a punch at Xyro's cheek, but Xyro turn his head to look at Goku with his serious look.

Goku: *smirk* Heh! Heh! Heh! Not bad, you surprise me there.

Xyro: Don't ever think this will be enough to defeat me!

Xyro's tail caught on Goku's wrist and punch at his face and send it to Vegeta but he force to stop.

Vegeta: He got your ass kick, Kakarot.

Goku: Yup! He really got me that time.

Xyro: Don't want you to wait that long enough, boys!

Goku and Vegeta look up and see Xyro prepare to firing the energy wave.

Goku: Oh crap! Let's do this Vegeta!

Vegeta: Don't order me, Kakarot! I know that!

Both of them is ready to give the distance to Xyro and give everything they've got to charge their attacks.

Vegeta: Galick....!

Goku: Kamehame....!

Goku/Vegeta: HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Goku and Vegeta's Galick Kamehameha wave goes towards to Xyro is ready to fire the energy wave as well.

Xyro: Alright then, if you insist! Big Bang Kamehame.......HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Both of Galick Kamehameha and the Big Bang Kamehameha waves are begins to struggle their beam attacks while everyone is watching them.

Krillin: I never imagine how Xyro can fight against the Super Saiyan God by Goku and Vegeta, that's crazy!

Gohan: Yeah, that's a bizarre.

Beerus: Ohh, looks like the Saiyan Boy can handle these two.

Whis: Indeed my lord.

Goku, Vegeta and Xyro are still struggle their attacks to see if one of them pushing it back to another but without them noticing, Xyro use the instant transmission while the Big Bang Kamehameha wave is distracted from them and took a hard punch and a hard kick on their stomach.

Vegeta: Aurgh!!!

Goku: Ourgh!!!

Xyro use the Telekinesis for them not to move a muscle and send them to the ground hardly create the crater and Xyro land on near the crater. But Goku and Vegeta are recover quickly and charge at Xyro and clashing to their punches and kicks.

Goten: Whoa! Xyro is getting really serious.

Trunks: Yeah but our dads are still fighting back and they'll gonna win the fight.

Beerus: I wouldn't be so sure about this.

Goten/Trunks: Huh?

Whis: I believe Lord Beerus has a point, Vegeta came here to ask me to teach him to become a Super Saiyan God like Xyro does in order to achieve the power of a god, but he's clearly was very extraordinary fighter on his own and his nerves would too tight this tension. And for Goku on the other hand, he's being so relaxable from any weakness issues with his overconfidence no matter how strong he is physically. If Goku let his focus waver he'll set up to fail and I've noticed how many times where he was so sure of himself he'll let his guard down in battle.

Goten: What?! You're saying our dads going to lose?!

Trunks: Man, that's not fair!

Bulma: I'm afraid it's true boys, Vegeta doesn't take a break or to relax when I tried but all he care is training and fighting.

Chi-Chi: I hear you sister, even I told Goku to get a job and start farming on vegetables but yet again, he's still think about is fighting and he never listen to me.

Bulma and Chi-Chi sigh of disappointment.

Trunks: What about Xyro?

Whis: Xyro on the other hand, his movements are getting a quicker learner on the battle in order to master his ability, his body can only think and move independently of the other parts but it's possible if he can exceedingly difficult of the fact.

Beerus: Which means he can overcome the learning curve to avoid any danger in severe. In other words, his body can reacts anything without him having to think, am I right?

Whis: That's exactly right, Lord Beerus.

Bulma: Wait! You mean Xyro is even more stronger than our husbands?! Even he's a very young age?!

Whis: Yes, I believe he is.

They hear hitting on the ground by Goku and Vegeta when Xyro is still standing. They both pant and standing up again.

Vegeta: Damn it! I've got admit, you're very lucky bastard to fight against us.

Goku: Oh man! You really are strong, looks like I underestimate you again, Xyro.

Xyro: Thanks. Like I said, I have to keep stronger for my Father and I'll be the one who will surpass all of the Saiyans, just like I promise to my Mother.

Vegeta: Then let's put it end to this!

Goku: For everything we've got!

Both Goku and Vegeta power up their God Ki to take a final and charge at the same time while Xyro is still standing and smirk at them what he'll do what's next. Goku and Vegeta throws a massive punch and the shockwave blows the dust of dirt while Whis activate the barrier with his staff.

Bulma: I hope they didn't take the damage to my house.

Chi-Chi: Knowing our husbands, they do take the damage any places.

When the dust of dirt clears out, Xyro grab their fists by his strength to stop and it surprises them even the Z-Fighters.

Music End

Beerus: Seems the Saiyan Boy is even more powerful than those two, I'm impressed.

Whis: Looks like the sparring fight is over and we have a winner.

Vegeta(shock look): *thought* No way! He manage to caught our fist with his bare hands at the same time?!

Xyro smirk and push them away on the same direction at the same time and flash his speed to get on top of them and sledgehammer them both to the ground on the same spot and Xyro floats back to the ground. When the dust of dirt clear it out, everyone sees that Goku and Vegeta are knocked out.

Xyro: Hmph, looks like I win.


It's now on evening, Goku and Vegeta are eating with Xyro again.

Goku: You didn't just boost your power but you've increase your speed and strength, I'm actually amazed.

Vegeta: I hate to say this, you gotten stronger on your own. I still can't admit that you surpass me once again.

Xyro: Thanks guys, and I learned my lesson about the Saiyan's power Vegeta, if I didn't met you all there's nothing that I've come this and how you train with me, but you all did for me, so thank you.

Xyro held his hand to give a handshake to Vegeta if he'll accept it, Vegeta look at Xyro's hand and glare at him......Vegeta smirk a little and took a handshake when Goku was surprised.

Vegeta: Don't only thanking me Xyro, that includes your Mother and your Father, these two should be a very proud warriors and helping you to train. Even without them but you have all of us too.

Goku: Yeah, I agree with him.

Xyro: Thanks, that's what I like to hear it.

Beerus: Hey, Young

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