Chapter 13

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Edward came into the garage with Bella. I stayed in Jaspers arms. Carlisle told Edward that I could protect Bella if hes asks not because I care for Edward or Bella. But because I cared for the other Cullens. Edward was happy that I would do it if Carlisle asked. Edward approached me while the other were discussing the plan. Jasper's arms tightened around me. Edward said "Emerald, I want to apologize for the way that I have been acting lately and it would mean the world to me if you did the spell and I will try to get Bella to back off with the way shes been acting." I looked up at Jasper and said "Fine, but this is the only time I will give you a second chance." Carlisle came over and said "Em we will need that spell and you are to go with Alice, Melody and Bella to make sure that it stays working until the tracker is gone. We will lead the tracker away from Forks." I nodded and thought no way was I going to be in the same care as bella after I collapsed with the spell. I said "Jasper I will need my book for my library. It's an old leather book." He nodded and went to get the book. Rose came up to me and said "Don't worry we will be here and Jasper will keep in contact with you. Melody will make sure that you recover on the way." I nodded. I am not sure that I like the idea of not having Jasper around after the spell is done. Jasper handed me the book and my cell phone that he had given me. I opened the book to the correct page. I said "I need a candle and I need salt. Esme handed me the salt and candles I drew a circle around me and Jasper he was there to help afterward. I lit the candle. Jasper offered me a hand I took it to help keep concentrated. I drew appon the the earths energy and started the spell. As I was casting the spell I started to feel the affects of the spell. Once the spell was complete I collapsed into Jaspers arms feeling completely drained. Jasper picked me up and held me close. Carlisle came over and check everything. Jasper set me in the back of the car. The last thing I remember before the darkness took me was Jasper kissing my forehead and saying "I love you Darlin."

When I woke up again I was laying in a bed with different cloths on. Melody was sitting by me and said "oh good you are awake. you had us all worried." I said "I'm sorry Mel, it took more than I expected it to."Melody said "you need to call Jasper to let him know you are ok. We are in a hotel in Phoenix. but you are to rest until we here from the Guys." Melody handed me the phone and I dialed Jaspers number. He answered after the first ring "Darlin are you ok?" I said "I'm fine major, that spell took more energy than expected. But I'm ok, nothing a little sleep can take care of." Jasper said "I was worried and we will be together again soon, Carlisle thinks that it worked to a point." I said "good. This is the last time I will use that spell for them." Jasper said "I understand darlin. you need to rest and I will talk to you soon. I will also tell the others that you are awake. Goodbye darlin." I said "Goodbye my love." I got up and went into the living room where Alice was sitting with Melody. I sat on the couch across from Alice. Alice got up and came over and hugged me. Alice said "I ordered you and Bella some room service to eat." I said "thank you Ally for taking care of me." Alice said "It's what family is for." We were sitting there in silence when Alice got a look on her face and I knew she was having a vision. Bella came out of the bed room and said "Edward said that her vision were subjective." I rolled my eyes and said "her visions are based on what people decide. if someones path changes so does the vision." Bella said "so the place that was decided was a ballet studio?" I asked "you know this place?" Bella said "I use to take ballet lessons in a studio that has those similar arches." Melody asked "is that studio here in Pheniox." She nodded. I had a really bad feeling this was going to end badly. I looked at Alice with the concerned look when my phone started ringing. I looked at the phone and noticed that Jasper was calling. I answered the phone "Jasper are you all ok." Jasper said "yes Darlin we are all fine the tracker figured out that we tricked him and is heading to where you all are. I'm coming to get you and bringing you home." I said "Be safe." Jasper said "I will my love. see you soon, I love you." I said "I love you too." I hung up the phone. While Alice and Melody was packing the bags that they had packed for them and Bella I heard Bella's phone ring. She was talking to someone and I knew right then that James had gotten to her. I knew that she was planning on ditching us to go face the tracker on her own. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Jasper.

Emerald- Hey Jas bella just got a call from James and is planning on facing him alone at her old ballet studio.

Jasper- Darlin I need you to follow her and wait for us outside of the studio. We will be there soon.

Emerald- I really don't want to but I will because you asked me too. I have a really bad feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Jasper-Don't worry Darlin, everything will be ok.

After getting off the phone with Jasper, Alice and Melody went to check out of the hotel. While we were in the lobby I saw Bella sneaking out. I followed her and we ended up and at the ballet studio. I sent a message to Alice and Jasper letting them know where I was at and what Bella was up to. I got a message back from Jasper saying "stay outside we are almost there darlin." The message that I got from Alice said "I was so worried about you. I know Jasper told you to do it. I also know that you had a bad feeling." I stood outside waiting for everyone to show up. I wrapped my jacket around me as the sun was going down. I leaned up against the wall feeling tired from the spell that I had done. As I was leaning up against the wall I felt arms around my waist. I looked behind me and saw Jasper. I leaned into him feeling the wave of calmness that he sent my way. Carlisle came up to us and said "Jasper why don't you take Emerald home and we will keep you up to date. Make sure that she gets some sleep." Jasper said "yes sir." Jasper then picked me up and took me to his car. I got into the car and we started driving. We got to the airport and boarded a flight home. Once on the plane I leaned my head on Jasper's shoulder and slowly started to drift to sleep. When we landed some hours later Jasper gently woke me up and we got off the plane. We got into Rose's car and started to drive home. While we were driving Jasper took my hand and said "sleep Darling." I nodded and leaned my head against the window. I drifted into a peaceful sleep. I woke up on my bed at home with Jasper laying next to me with his arms wrapped around me. I cuddled into Jasper's arms feeling safe. Jasper said "Good morning Darlin. how did you sleep, my love." I said "I slept fine major It feels good to be back home." Jasper said "I'm glad that you are alright and I'm taking you to prom in a few weeks." I said "sounds fun." We laid there a little while longer. Then we got up and headed to the kitchen. I started to put the kettle on the stove. Jasper came up behind me and said in his Texan accent "Darlin, let me take care of you. You have done so much for my family, I want you to relax today." I knew it was unwise to argue with Jasper. I sat down at the island in the kitchen and let Jasper take care of me. It still felt weird to have someone who wants to take care of me around. Jasper made my tea and made some breakfast. Jasper sat the tea and breakfast in front of me and sat down next to me. I said "Thank you for everything Jasper.." Jasper said "you don't need to thank me darlin. you have brought me back to being myself. Would you do me the honor of being my date for prom in a few weeks?" I said "of course Jasper I would love to be your date." Jasper pulled me in for a kiss. It was gentle and passionate. The rest of the day was nice and relaxing. 

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