Chapter 17- Karin's Secret

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My weekend was to say an eventful one. From volunteering at the homeless shelter, to running into Axial, from the kiss. Leading later on to the other kiss with Camila in a very public setting, to Fionas favor. Fiona offered me a ride after that scene with Camila but I refused and took a bus home instead.

When did my life become that of a rom-com?

Monday finally rolled in which I hated. I could never hardly get motivated to get out of bed.
Hence the screaming eight year old jumping on my stomach currently.

"Eve! Time to get up!" My cute little sister says getting off me. Her short black hair was still disheveled from sleep.

"Just leave me here to become one with my bed." I mumbled pulling the covers back on top of me. Which was a mistake because back up arrived for little Maverick.

"Get up." My mother comes over and yanks the covers from me. Woah rude much.

"Okay, I'm getting up." I say defeated. Maverick and mom high five each other in victory leaving me by myself.

Making my way to the bathroom I brush my teeth then try tame my brunette hair. I get some clothes from closet which consist of a black t shirt sported with some ripped up deniem jeans.

Aroma of pancakes filled my nose motivating me to rush downstairs. I was correct dads pancakes were already plated at the dining room table.

"Sit next to me!" Maverick excitingly says patting the empty sit next to her. Not being able say no to her I sit down in the chair.

Dad hands me one of the pancakes while mom stares at me.

"What?" I ask knowing she wasn't going to let me off the hook anyways for what ever I did.

"Did you take a bus home last night?" Mom asks slightly worried.

"It wasn't really night time yet, and yes I did." I say wondering where she was heading with this.

"Why didn't Camila drop you off?" Mom asks intrusively. She always had a knack for trying meddle in my business. I guess that was parents for you.

"She had somewhere to be." I state coldly trying hint to my mom to drop it.

Of course I developed my cluelessness from my mother because she asks; "She takes you out on a date then leaves?"

Dad scoffs. Dad was mostly a silent type of guy he balanced out my mother well. My mother on the other hand was always letting me know her opinions all the time.

"It wasn't a date." I clarify. I didn't think it was a date anyways I rarely been on them besides for that weird double date with Camila and Axial.

"All I'm saying is if a girl is going take you out I expect said girl to drop you back off." Mom scoffs taking a bite out of her pancake.

I just nod my head because one mom was right and for two it was too early to try argue with her.

Parking my Ford truck in the school parking lot I crack open my Red Bull. If I was going to survive today I needed my caffeine.

I almost completely forgot that tonight was the night of the musical. I was ready and excited for it. Anything to keep my mind off of recent events.

Finishing up my Red Bull, I hear a motorcycle off to the distance.

Axial Greyson making her own grand entrance. She turns off her motorcycle and locks her oceanic blue eyes with my own.

Taking of her helmet her raven hair falls effortlessly down pass her shoulders. Noticing me still staring at her she sends me a wink.

Crushing my Red Bull with my hand I toss it in a nearby garbage can and turn to enter McKnight High. Avoidance was key here.

I didn't want to see Axial, Camila or Fiona. I didn't know what to say after the kiss with Axial or the surprise kiss with Camila. If I talked to Fiona then the other ones would know something was up.

They were the queen bees of course they would figure it out. Who was I kidding? I couldn't avoid them forever especially since two of them are in the play.

"Hey, you in a rush?" Axial asks at the door way. Wait how did she manage to get here before me? Curse my non athletic genes.

"You must have sprinted in order to get here before me." I state taking her in. She was slightly breathing heavily. Of course she had her leather jacket on with a red shirt and black cut off jeans. Why must she be so hot?

Silence passed between us for a few moments. Her icy blue eyes were scanning my face, like she wanted say something about my disheveled state.

Now here was my options I could stand here gawking at her like a complete imbecile, or two I could actually conversate with her like a human being. Conversation meant talking, and talking usually ended in me blurting things out I shouldn't.

Finally making a decision, Axial asks; "Is something wrong?" What a loaded question. Was something wrong? Yes. How could I trust her though? I know we swapped salvia, but how well did I really know Axial.

I felt a little more closer to Axial than Camila or Fiona.

I didn't want her thinking our kiss was a mistake. I was so confused with everything that had transpired in my life in the last couple weeks.

"Everything is fine." I lie through my teeth hopefully selling it as I do.

Axial slightly frowns, eyebrows furrowed almost like she knew I was lying.

"If you say so." Axial says in disbelief. Either way I was thankful she was dropping it.

"You ready for the play?" She adds and I become grateful that she changed the topic.

"Oh, I'm ready. The real question is are you?" I ask knowing how nervous she actually was deep down to sing in front of people.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Axial says giving me a knowing smirk.

I make my way into English class and immediately spot Camila sitting towards the front of the class.

Her blonde hair hung loosely today, barely grazing pass her shoulders. She was sporting a denim jacket with a pink t-shirt and light jeans.

Camila's hands were gently rested on her face as she looked deep in thought about something.

"Ms. Winters, care to have a seat?" Mr. Locke says interrupting my thoughts.

Mumbling a sorry, I make my way more towards the back only to be stopped by Mr. Locke.

"Ms.Winters I think you would benefit more if you sat near the front." Mr.Locke points to the desk right next to Camila.

Why out of all the seats available did he have to choose that one? Mumbling some cuss words under my breathe, I make my to my new assigned seat.

Camila who was deep in her own thoughts, spared a glance my way. Her stone like blue eyes trailed up to my legs and rested on my face.

Instead of her usual smile she gave her mouth was set in a frown and her eye brows were furrowed.

Raising my eye brow at her she glances back towards the front completely ignoring me. Ouch that hurt a little. To be fair though I did run away from her.

"Okay class today we are presenting poems." Mr. Locke states eyes beaming in anticipation. I didn't know who he was referring because it surely was not me.

Public speaking was my enemy. Every time I had to get up in front of more than three people I felt clammy and shaky. It was like I forgot how to breathe.

"Now who will be my first victim, oh I mean volunteer." Mr.Locke sly says scanning the classroom only to be met by empty hands not being raised.

His eyes scans the classroom one more time before settling on me. Oh no.

"Evelyn what about-." Mr.Locke doesn't get to finish his sentence because Camila cuts him off.

"I'll go." Camila says with ease not even batting an eye lash.

Mr.Locke smiles and gives Camila a nod. Standing up Camila walks to the front of the classroom.

Now our English class granted wasn't that big of a class. It populated only twenty two students. The whole McNight High only populated between freshmen through seniors four hundred and seventh six people. We were a small school.

With a brief smile on her face Camila begins to speak; "My name is Camila Steele which you guys already knew that and my poem is titled "You."

Finally remaining eye contact with me Camila begins to read:

'Burning my skin
Your lips on mine
Arms wrapped
Completely intertwined

Sending soft caresses
Skin on skin
Don't have the strength to resist
Your kiss.'

My mouth was opened so wide I could catch flies. Not only was that an intimate poem, but it was my very own. How did she manage to gain possession of it?

*mentions of panic attacks*

Camila winks at me and it's like time stood still for me. I felt my lungs operating inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. They were getting more and more shortened though. The room felt like it was slowly starting to smaller and smaller. The room and my lungs were going to crush me.

I wanted to get up and leave. I wanted to yell at Camila and slap her for what she had done. Did I do any of those things? No. I just sat there like a frozen statue.

"You ok, Ms.Winters?" Mr.Locke asks finally concerned with the state that I was in. No I wasn't okay I was far from it.

Camila had the audacity to smirk at me before taking her seat. That smirk once sent my very being on fire, now sent a ice cold chill down my spine.

I should've known I was being played.

Somehow my feet managed to move from my chair to the class door. I started off running down the hallways until I come across the stairs that lead to the rooftop.

After the incident with Karin I figured the school board would close the doors that led to the roof, guess not.

Opening up the door to the roof top I try to calm myself down Inhale, exhale, inhale—

"Uh, are you like ok?" A soft voice asks slightly startling me. How I managed to live for sixteen years without noticing my surroundings astonished me.

Pushing up my glasses because they kept sliding down to my nose I adjust them and look at the person off in

Blonde hair was tousled, He was crouched with his knees in his hands and had a worry look in his swollen green eyes.
Scrawny wasn't the right word to describe this guy, but he wasn't exactly buff either.

Loose blue-shirt hung off his arms and stomach. I see that I wasn't the only one who liked baggy clothing.

"Can you please stop staring at me?" The blonde hair boy shyly mumbles shifting his legs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone came up here besides Karin and myself." I instantly cringe saying my best friend name. It wasn't like I was afraid to say his name, but it still left a wound on me.

The blonde shrugs staring off into the distance. I didn't notice that he was sitting awfully close to the edge of the roof.

"It's ok. How's Karin doing?" The blonde boy shocked me by asking about Karin. After a week of gossiping about him people went back to pretending he didn't exist.

My face begins to warm up from embarrassment because the truth was I didn't even send Karin a letter or anything. I'm like the worse friend in the world. Wait how did this blonde know Karin?

Yeah he was the more outgoing one out of the two of us, but I'm pretty sure I never seen this guy before.

"Your wondering how I know Karin, aren't you?" He asks almost like he was reading my mind. Thankful I was about the slight topic switch.

"Sort of." I lean up against the roof's wall patiently waiting for this mysterious guy to tell me how he knew my best friend.

Maybe I should've sat down for what this guy was about to say next because it almost knocked me off my feet.

"I use to date him." He says nonchalant like it was no secret or anything. It was though it was a secret Karin even kept from me. I always embraced him for who he was. I mean hello I'm a gay unicorn too.

Unless this dude was lying, which I don't see how he would benefit from lying at all. He looked like a lost honest boy.

"You don't believe me, that's okay. I didn't believe it myself when it happened." The boy smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

The sadness was still there and all I could ask was, "Who are you?"

"I'm Bennet Crane." He offers me a slight smile.


"Evelyn Winters, age 16 year old had a crush on my cousin Camila since kindergarten." It was like someone flipped a stalker switch on Bennet. How did he know so many personal facts about me? Then a light bulb went off in my head, of course Karin.

Let's back it up a moment did he say Camila was his cousin? Take another glance at him I did notice some features that matched up with Canila's from his nose to his high cheek bones.

"Sorry, I tend to just blurt out things when I'm talking to new people." Bennet says shyly messing with his hands out of nervousness.

"It's ok. What are you doing on this roof?" I cautiously ask still noticing how close the edge he was.

Bennet swings his dangled feet and looks down. "Sometimes I come up here when things get overwhelming."

"Like what?" I ask even though I didn't want to pry too much.

"You up here too. You tell me?" He asks evading my question. I narrow my eyes at him. He reminded me of Karin in some aspects like his sarcasm.

Instead of talking him away from the ledge i prop myself down beside him. Not too close just enough to put an extra person between us.

What can I say? I liked my personal space.

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