Chapter 8 - Piercings

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It has been a day since that strange dream. I haven’t told anyone, I definitely don’t plan on it. No one would believe me anyway. I still don’t understand it though. Calum was my boyfriend? He got shot and died? What’s even going on? Is this going to come true then? I hope not. Even though he’s super annoying, and I barely know him, I still don’t want him to die. I have to stop this from becoming true. I have to save him.



My whole way to work I was thinking about the dream and wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on around me. Thankfully, I got to there without dying.


“Hey Addie!” Raiven practically screams as I walk through the front door.


“Whoa, calm down there Raiven,” I said annoyed.


“Whoa what’s wrong with you diva?” she said laughing.


“Sorry just got a lot on my mind,” I said shrugging.


“Oh, do you want to talk about it?”


“No. I’ll be fine.”


“Okay whatever you say.” There was an awkward silence until she spoke up again. “Well you don’t have many appointments today, but someone is coming in to get a piercing. Griffin is going to take that appointment, but you should probably watch him so you will know how to do it.”


“Okay sounds good,” I said walking to the break room.


“Your first appointment is in 10 minutes so you should probably get your station ready,” she said going back to working on her computer.


Ugh. I really didn’t want to tattoo anyone today. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to focus on it to get it to actually look nice. I started arranging some of the equipment that I would have to use, but I must have spaced off or something because after what felt like 2 minutes, Raiven was telling me that the client was here.




I had tried my best focus and try to make conversation with the woman that was getting the tattoo, but my mind kept wandering back to the dream I had. Surprisingly I didn't mess up, and the lady liked it a lot.


I was back in the break room watching tv. Griffin was in the middle of an appointment , and Raiven was at the front desk answering phone calls so I was by myself.


For the gajillionth time that day I was reminded of the dream. Should I tell Calum? Ildri? No definitely not. I can’t tell anyone.


After an episode of Dance Moms I decided to go out to the front to see if Griffin had finished with his customer, and right as I walked out I heard a familiar Australian accent. After a second I realized who it was..CALUM.


I panicked and quickly turned around to go to my hiding spot. I had almost made it but was interrupted by Raiven.


“Hey Addie! The people are here for the piercing appointment!” Raiven yelled across the room. I groaned quietly and walked up to the front desk.


“Hey do you wanna just bring them back to the piercing room?” (a/n idk if this is a real thing or not lol) I could see Luke nudging Calum, and they were giggling.


I just started walking to the piercing room and hoped that they were going to follow me since I just wanted to talk as little as possible. I never have actually been in here before except for my first day when they gave me a tour.


When I got in there I turned around and saw them standing by the door. So they actually did follow me. There was a really awkward silence, and no one was trying to make conversation which made it even worse. I was pretending to look for something to make myself look busy, but mostly because I didn’t want to look at Calum right now. And I didn’t know where anything was.


“So Griffin should be here in a like five minutes. He’s just finishing up a tattoo,” I said still not looking at them.


“Okay,” Luke said. They were both still standing by the door awkwardly.


“You guys can like sit down or something,” I said finally looking at them. I accidentally made eye contact with Calum for a second, but I quickly looked away.


I heard them shuffling around so I assumed they had sat down finally. It looked like Calum was about to say something, but right as he opened his mouth to speak, Griffin walked into the room.


“Hey. Sorry that took longer than I expected it too,” Griffin said.


“It’s cool mate,” Luke said.


“Hi I’m Griffin. Which one of you is getting the piercing?”


“I am. My name’s Luke, and this is Calum.”


“So what do you want to get pierced?”


“Um my lip on the left side.”


“Okay,” Griffin said getting the stuff out.


I was just awkwardly standing there not knowing what to do. I couldn’t sit down because there were only two chairs, and Luke and Calum were currently occupying them. The room wasn’t even very big. It was like the size of a doctor’s office.


“Alright Luke, you can just sit here, and we’ll get started. Luke stood up and sat down on the examination table thingy looking really nervous. He looked over at Calum, who gave him a thumbs up.


I was forced to sit down in the empty chair next to Calum since I was just standing in the way of everything. We didn’t say anything to each other as we watched Griffin clean area where Luke wanted the piercing.


“Hey,” Calum said quietly to me smiling a little bit.


“Hey,” I said back not looking at him. I was still pretty paranoid about the dream.


“How have you been?” he asked.


“Kinda busy actually,” I said. Luke flinched a little when Griffin stuck the needle through his lip.


“Same. We’ve had about three shows in the past month, but we’re constantly in the studio writing and recording,” he said.


“Sounds like a lot of work,” I said.


“Yeah. It doesn’t seem like work though. It’s actually quite fun.”


“That’s cool,” I said. I really wasn’t wanting to continue this conversation. I wish he would stop talking and just watch Griffin. There was about a minute of silence before he started talking again.


“So our last show is on Friday, and after that we have a two month break.” I nodded to show that I was listening. “Well we were- I was wondering if you wanted to come watch?” I finally looked at him. His face was starting to turn red. “Ildri’s gonna be there too. Mikey said you two have been hanging out a lot lately.”


I thought about it for a second. It would be kinda cool to watch them play, and Ildri would be there. Then again it would probably be really long, and Ildri performs before Calum’s band so she wouldn’t be there in the beginning. I was about to tell him my answer when Griffin spoke up.


“Okay Luke! You’re done,” he said. When Griffin turned away, it looked like Luke was starting to tear up.


“Mate that looks sick!!” Calum said staring it in awe.


“Thanks,” LUke said. Griffin brought over a mirror for Luke to look in. A smile instantly spread across his face.


“Bro thanks it looks boss.”


“Yeah no prob dude. Raiven can ring ya up,” Griffin said starting to clean up.


I just followed them out the door and to the front desk. I still hadn’t told Calum my response. I just figured that he had forgotten or something.


Once we got to the front of the store, Luke walked up to the desk to pay. I started walking to the break room again, but Calum stopped me.


“I mean you don’t have to come, but there’s an after party at this bar place. I think it would be fun, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me,” he said looking down at his feet.


“Yeah, okay,” I said.


“Really?” he said looking up and smiling at me.


“Sure sounds fun,” I said smiling back.


“Awesome!” he said. I just laughed a little.


“Calum,” Luke said walking over to us. “let’s go.”


“Okay just wait,” he said to Luke. “Yeah, you could sit in the audience if you wanted or you can hang backstage-”


“Calum. Lets gooo,” Luke said starting to get annoyed. Calum just ignored him.


“You know what. I’ll just text you,” he said starting to walk away.


“Wait! Do you even have my number?” I asked.


“Um... No actually I don’t,” he said sheepishly. I laughed handing him my phone. He put his number in quickly and walks away quickly without saying anything.


Well that whole situation was really awkward, but it was actually kinda cute he was so nervous. Ugh no I CAN NOT start liking him.



DOOOOOOODES this past like week or 2 we have been getting sooooooooooo many reads this is pure awesomenesssssss like ahhhhhh gracias gracias so yah tomorrow is my last day of the tri and I have been jammed up with finals and stuff so yayayayayy it’s almost over so yah I think we r gonna write like Thursday afterschool or something idek but yah the next chapter should b up this weekend this is getttttting s’cute ahhhhh okay bye guys



HEYYY GUYSSS so we wrote this chapter last weekend so we would be able to update this week woop woop the next chapter should be up this weekend or something anyway guess what i went skiing on Saturday for the first time and i didnt die so thats good lollololl o yeah and dont forget to comment because the dedication goes to someone who commented and thats pretty much all i needed to tell ya so byeeeeeeee btw the external link is a video of ashton telling michael to stop yelling we figured you would want to see that haha okay im done now byee

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